Through Love's Eyes

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Through Love's Eyes Page 8

by C. A. Popovich

  “About twenty horses stay on the island year-round. They mostly pull taxis. I drive them occasionally, work for a CPA, and help some of the local businesses with their taxes. Many people have snowmobiles to get around and cross the water if it’s frozen. It’s much quieter than in the summer.” Brit parked the carriage under a cedar tree. “Here we are.”

  It sounded idyllic, and Erika couldn’t fathom what a winter spent in such quiet routine would be like. She followed the photographer up a hill to a striking view overlooking main street on one side and the water on the other. She turned in circles admiring the view until she was called to the area they wanted for the photo. “This is fantastic. I see why you wanted a photo shoot up here.” She spoke to the magazine crew, always aware that being someone people liked to work with could mean a better reputation and more work down the line. The rest of the shoot took all afternoon and she was happy to be done for the day. She hoped Brit would have dinner with her again. She took her seat behind her and leaned close to speak. “Have dinner with me tonight?”

  Brit answered without hesitation. “I’d love to. What time?”

  She checked her watch. “About six thirty. I’ll order room service again from their fantastic menu.” She settled back in her seat and used the time it took to get back to the hotel to unwind.

  She waved to the crew and Brit as she exited the carriage and headed to her room.

  Erika expected to have a message from Peter waiting for her when she returned from the day’s shoot, but she didn’t find a note. She checked her cell phone for a text, but the screen was blank. It could be he was somewhere without service. She undressed, careful to hang her designer outfit on the rack in the bedroom, and then stepped into the shower. She leaned her forehead against the tiled wall while the warm water poured over her shoulders. What would she do if Peter couldn’t find her more work? Who would she be? She remembered Brit’s suggestion to contact a fellow model. She reaffirmed her decision to wait until she was back home with good cell reception and her computer. She shook off her distress and stepped out of the shower to dry off and dress.

  She dismissed the idea that she was being obsessive and sent a text to Peter before she ordered dinner. She set the food and plates on the end table when they arrived, poured a glass of wine, and relaxed into a parlor chair to peruse a magazine and wait for Brit. Destiny had brought them back together as adults. She didn’t know why or where it would take them, but it was a nice distraction from the uncertainty in the rest of her life right now.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “It smells good in here. What’s the dinner menu today?” Brittany hung her jacket on the back of a chair and walked directly to the food on the end table.

  “Hello to you, too.” Erika grinned and stood with her hands on her hips.

  She looked adorable and sexy in her tight jeans and T-shirt, and she gave in to her desire to wrap her in her arms. The intensity of her feelings surprised and startled her. She took a step back and searched Erika’s eyes for explanation. She couldn’t locate words for whatever she was feeling. Maybe she didn’t need any. Erika blinked but didn’t move. It made her wonder if she’d felt whatever had passed between them, too. She spoke and the spell was broken. “Hello.” It sounded like a gurgle.

  “The dinner of the day is veal cutlets. I suppose we should eat while it’s still warm.” Erika squeezed her hands then began loading food onto the plates.

  Dinner conversation was sparse as they concentrated on the meal. “They sure have good food here.” Brittany sat back in her chair and sipped from a water bottle.

  “They do. I’ve eaten all over the world, and the cuisine here is as good as anywhere I’ve been.” Erika finished the last of the food on her plate and set it on the table.

  “No word on more work yet?” Brittany hesitated to ask, but she hoped to hear Erika would be on the island longer.

  “Nothing from Peter yet. I sent him a text earlier. I’m cautiously optimistic.” Erika shrugged.

  “I don’t know a thing about what you do other than what I’ve seen since you’ve been here, but you’re so good at it I wondered if you could just go directly to the magazines yourself?”

  “There are freelance models out there, especially since there’s the internet, which makes searching for work fairly easy. But I’ve been with Peter and my agency since I started modeling, and the one big thing I can’t change is that I’m thirty-eight. The competition is fierce, and as Peter keeps telling me, ‘young and fresh’ is what sells. So, I’m not sure what I’m going to do.”

  Brittany remained quiet, unsure what to say and certain she had nothing to offer. She hoped Erika would decide to stay longer on the island to see if they could rekindle their friendship, but she supposed that wouldn’t happen. Where would it leave her was another unanswered question.

  “Oh, I checked tomorrow’s menu. Baked swordfish. You interested?” Erika rose and moved their empty plates aside.

  “Sounds great. Would you be up for a picnic? It’s supposed to be a warm evening, and I know a perfect spot by the water where we can spread out a blanket.” Brittany held her breath while she waited for an answer.

  “It’s a date.” Erika flashed a smile.

  Brittany settled on one end of the couch and took a drink of water. “Tell me about New York City.”

  “Well.” Erika poured herself a glass of wine and relaxed next to her. “There’s always something to do. Broadway plays and movies and plenty of shopping.” Erika grinned. “I do love shopping.” She sipped her wine. “There are skyscrapers and smaller, older buildings, and lots of traffic. Most of it is taxis. Not too many people own cars there. I can’t imagine myself trying to navigate through the city. There’s a great rail system that people use to get around, too. My apartment, condo really, is on the tenth floor with a spectacular view.” Erika shifted so their arms touched.

  “It sounds very different from here, that’s for sure. The biggest city I’ve been to is Detroit. They have tall buildings and lots of traffic, too.” She considered her quiet, serene life, so different from Erika’s globetrotting and busy city existence. A part of her thought it might be fun to visit, but living there sounded overwhelming.

  “I’ve lived there most of my adult life, so I’m used to the hustle and bustle. And it’s where the work is.” Erika stood and stretched.

  Brittany tossed her empty water bottle in the bin. “I better head home. Thanks for dinner, again. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Brittany mulled over Erika’s words regarding a date as she walked home. Were they dating? She had no frame of reference since she’d never dated anyone before. She’d gone out to dinner with her friend Barb, and a couple of times with Joanne from the burn unit, but she hadn’t been compelled to kiss them. The feelings it evoked threw her off balance, but she knew she enjoyed being with Erika. Even so, she’d have to decide soon if it was a good idea to spend so much time together, since she’d be leaving to go back to her big city life.

  She unlocked her door and stepped into her apartment. Her motion-sensing nightlight flashed on as she entered, and she smiled at the memory of her parents’ housewarming gift. They hadn’t wanted her to walk into an empty, dark apartment. It reminded her once again that she needed to plan a visit. She missed her parents and looked forward to seeing them, but the magazine photos were almost finished. Even though they’d extended the schedule for three extra days, it meant her time with Erika was limited, and taking a day away from the island seemed like a way to miss precious time. She pushed away images of standing on the dock to wave good-bye as Erika returned to her home in New York. She got ready for bed, eager for dreams of Erika’s sweet kisses.

  * * *

  Brittany woke at her usual time despite not setting her alarm. She set her coffee to brew, then showered and dressed. Erika’s group didn’t need her until late morning, so she planned to walk toward town where she could get good cell phone reception and call her parents. It wouldn’t be the same as a v
isit, but it would be better than nothing. She took her coffee outside to her small patio and sat to watch the birds for a few minutes. She considered how much she wanted to tell her parents about Erika. They might’ve seen the newscast about her being on Mackinac Island, and she mentally rehearsed what she’d tell them about their reunion after so many years. She knew her mother would worry. She was aware of the heartache after the high school torment, more so than her father. Her warm hugs and whispered prayers at the time were a huge consolation for her wounded soul.

  She went inside and rinsed her coffee cup before heading toward town to make her call. A few early risers walked their dogs or were out for a morning jog, and she found the spot she was looking for. Her mother answered on the second ring.

  “Good morning.”

  “Hi, Mom.” Brittany relaxed at the sound of her voice. “How’re you and Dad doing?”

  “Your dad’s arthritis is getting worse, but we’re managing. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine and things are good here on the island. I’ve missed you but wasn’t sure when I’d be able to visit, so I called. Have you seen anything on the news about Mackinac Island?”

  “We did. Erika James is there posing for a magazine. Have you seen her?”

  “I have. In fact, I’ve been assigned as her carriage driver, so I’ve been transporting her and her crew to their photo shoots.” Brittany didn’t feel the need to tell her mom about all the kissing she and Erika had been doing.

  “Has it been hard for you, dear? I remember what Amy did to you.” Her mother sounded hesitant, as if she was afraid to ask.

  Brittany sighed, glad to be able to share her feelings with her mom. “It was at first, but we talked, and she apologized, and I believe she’s genuinely sorry.”

  Her mother was quiet for a long moment. “I’m glad she apologized. Did she…I mean…why do you believe her?”

  Brittany appreciated her mother’s concern and her attempt to protect her. “We’re adults now, Mom, and I can see the young Amy, the Amy I knew as a friend, in her. She was pretty broken at the time, and she did what teenagers do. It wasn’t right, but at least she’s sorry for it now.” Why did it sound like she was making excuses? It was true, wasn’t it?

  “You know best. Just be careful, dear. I don’t want to see you hurt again.”

  “I promise I’ll be careful. Give Dad a hug for me. I’m hoping to make it for a visit soon. I think Erika’s magazine shoot will be over shortly.” Brittany disconnected the call and smiled. She could always count on her mother’s support. Truth was, she realized her mother had cause to worry. Erika was no longer a teenager driven by her need to fit in, but she was a world famous model driven by image and the need to look perfect. She could be sent halfway around the world when she left Mackinac Island, and Brittany might get a few phone calls or texts once in a while. She needed to protect herself and keep her budding feelings for Erika under control. She took a deep breath for resolve and headed home for breakfast before going to work.

  * * *

  Brittany hitched the horses to the carriage and parked to wait for Erika and the crew. Her thoughts strayed to her evening with Erika and the intensity of the feelings it had generated. She greeted the group as they boarded a few minutes later but didn’t see Erika. She was about to ask about her when Peter exited the hotel with Erika close behind. He shook his head as he walked away from her, but what bothered her was Erika’s obvious agitation. She looked near tears as she approached the carriage. Brittany bristled. Peter had done or said something to upset her, but she held herself back from intervening. It wasn’t her place. “Ready to head out?” she asked.

  “We’re ready.” The photographer spoke from the seat next to Erika, who not only didn’t say anything, but didn’t even look at her.

  She steered the horses up a hill toward the destination of the day but kept an eye on Erika as they got closer. Her transformation from upset to smiling and engaged with the camera showed her professionalism. How much effort did it take her to bury her feelings for the sake of work? And at what cost? She told herself she needn’t worry about Erika. She’d been a professional her whole life. She could take care of herself. Brittany needed to worry about protecting her own feelings.

  Chapter Twenty

  The hot water swirled around her, and Erika leaned her head back against the side of the hot tub. She closed her eyes and tried to settle her nerves before she met Brit for dinner. She had decisions to make, and she couldn’t let her growing feelings for Brit factor into them. She’d be leaving the island soon, and whatever was happening between them would have to be put on hold. She had to go where the work was. Back to New York. She processed the information Peter had given her as she scissored her legs underwater.

  Unless this park thing came through, there were no magazines waiting in line for her or even new designers eager for her to showcase their creations. The only thing waiting for her in New York was her condominium filled with stuff. Stuff she’d collected from traveling the world. She turned over, held the side of the tub, and kicked her feet. She still had time to accept Naturalé’s offer, and Peter had pushed her to agree to it. She’d been adamant from the beginning, when she first signed with the agency, that she would absolutely not do nude scenes. She felt it to be sleazy and unprofessional. She was good enough to be a respected model sought after by top fashion designers.

  The few models she’d heard about who had taken their clothes off were never taken seriously by top magazines again. He advised her it was her only option, but she couldn’t allow herself to believe it. She was nothing if she wasn’t modeling. It was all she knew. What was she if people didn’t recognize her face, if she just blended into the mass of nobodies? She squelched the fear bubbling in her chest threatening to choke her. She’d figure out something. She had to. She exited the hot tub and wrapped herself in one of the hotel’s plush towels before going to her room.

  She dressed and checked herself in the mirror several times before going to order their meal. She picked up the swordfish and decided to add bread pudding to her order. She took the food to her room to wait for Brit. She pulled out two bottles of water from the wet bar and a bottle of white wine, just in case. By the time Brit arrived a short time later, she had everything organized. “Hey there. You look beautiful.” Brit kissed her softly, grinned, and looked at the food. “That’s a lot of food. I brought this.” Brit held out a large insulated bag. “We’ll pack it in here and set the blanket on top.” She held out the bag toward her as if it were a prize.

  Erika packed their dinner in the bag and took Brit’s hand. “Thank you. Let’s go eat.” She followed Brit along a path to an open area among the trees with an idyllic view of the water.

  “Here it is.” Brit spread the blanket on the ground. “We’ll be able to see the sunset from here, too, if you want to stay long enough.” She sat and reached out her hand.

  Erika set the bag on the blanket next to her, took her hand, and sat. A warm breeze floated across the water, rustled her hair, and brought a welcomed sense of peace. “This is a lovely place.” She leaned back on her hands, stretched out her legs, and watched the late day sun sparkle on the water.

  Brit retrieved the food from the bag, filled a plate, and handed it to her. “Wine or water?” she asked.

  “Whatever you’re having.” She set the plate on her lap and took a forkful of fish. Brit surprised her when she poured two glasses of wine and handed her one. It was the first time she had seen Brit drink alcohol. There were probably many more things she didn’t know about her and she hoped she had time to learn more.

  “I come to this place whenever I need to unwind. I feel safe here.” Brit looked far away for a moment, and then turned toward her. “I’m glad you like it. I’ve never brought anyone here before.” She took a sip of wine and picked up her plate. “You’re spoiling me with this food.”

  Erika smiled. She liked being the one to spoil Brit. Her fears of the future didn’t go awa
y when she was with her, but they felt more manageable somehow. She picked up her plate and finished eating, determined to enjoy the tranquility of the moment. “Was everything okay today? You looked upset with Peter earlier.” Brit sipped water and shifted to sit next to her. Their legs touched.

  Erika refilled her wine glass and rested against Brit’s side. She snuggled closer when Brit put her arm around her. “He told me he hasn’t been able to find any work for me. All the magazines want younger models.” She sipped her wine and watched golden streaks traverse the blue sky as the sun sank toward the horizon. “I’ve been offered a spread in another magazine, though.” She hesitated, unsure if she wanted to disclose she was willing to do a nude spread.

  “Yeah? Great. Is it here in Michigan?” Brit pulled her closer.

  “No, it’s in New York. It’s for Naturalé Mag. It’s the only offer I’ve got.” She tensed and waited for Brit’s response.

  Brit moved away and turned to face her but held her hands in hers. “You don’t have to do it, Erika. You’re beautiful and intelligent and in great shape. You can do whatever you want to.”

  “I’m aging out of my profession, Brit. The cameras want young and beautiful. I’m tired of trying to keep up, but I’m also not willing to let go. Peter’s doing his best to find me something, but every time he thinks he’s got an offer, they cancel when they find someone younger.” She sighed deeply and finished her wine.

  “It’s your decision, but I hope you’ll reconsider. You told me you were a rich fashion model. It sounds like you don’t need the money. Why would you compromise yourself? I guess I should shut up. You’re the one who knows about this stuff. I only know what I’ve overheard from some men ogling the nudes in their magazines. It didn’t sound very respectful.” Brit refilled both their glasses with wine.


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