The Sexy Jerk World

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The Sexy Jerk World Page 31

by Kim Karr

  Ethan had come around and latched on to my other breast, and he sloppily licked it and sucked. He only increased the intensity of his ministrations when he took my outburst as something he had caused.

  Jace slid a hand inside the top of my panties and palmed my ass. It felt so good. Ethan ran his fingers along my side and allowed his fingertips to skate over my pussy. “She’s wet, man. So wet. Touch her,” Ethan announced in a guttural voice I had never heard.

  Before I could fully adjust to the feel of Jace’s rough fingers on my skin, he went to his knees and was kneeling in front of me. His head was at my waist and his hands were still in my panties.

  Butterflies swarmed my chest and tickled my throat.

  Ethan unlatched his mouth from my breast and moved around to the back of me again. At first he did nothing.

  When Jace’s mouth moved over my panties, wet heat from his breath filtered though the fabric, and those butterflies took flight.

  I glanced down to find gray eyes staring at me. I gave him a nod, and after I did, he tugged my panties down.

  The groan Ethan made told me he was turned on. Soon he was kissing my neck, and then he placed his feet in-between mine to spread my legs wider. He pressed his cock against my back and took my breasts in his palms and started with the thrusting motion again.

  Perhaps on purpose, perhaps not, Jace put his hands back on my ass, which forced Ethan to take a step back.

  There was no doubt the men did not want to touch each other.

  As soon as Jace pulled my body to his mouth, heat infused me head to toe. When his hot mouth pressed against my clit, I found myself arching and worried I might lose my balance, I threaded my fingers in Jace’s soft hair.

  With light flutters of his tongue, Jace started a rhythm. Up. Down. Around. Up. Down. Around.

  Ethan stopped palming my breasts, and I assumed by the shuffling of his feet that he had moved away. Somewhere off in the distance, I heard the mattress dip, and knew he had taken a seat to watch. “She tastes good, doesn’t she?” he said out loud.

  If it was a question, Jace didn’t answer. Instead he sucked on my clit. It was rough and wild, and I tugged on his hair to keep my sanity.

  “Fuck, she looks so hot,” Ethan said from where he sat.

  I didn’t look. I didn’t want to.

  Just as there was no doubt the guys were not going to touch each other, there was no doubt Ethan hadn’t only done this for me. Clearly he had. And clearly he got off on the visual of sex. If it hadn’t been evident from the magazines he looked at, the websites he visited, and the movies he watched, it was now. And I was sure he was going to pleasure himself to Jace eating me out, if not to that, then something else. I’d caught him jerking off a few times, so I knew it was something he enjoyed. Not that most guys didn’t.

  Closing my eyes, I rocked into Jace’s mouth and focused on him, on his tongue, on the things he was doing to me. I couldn’t believe it when I started to come. It was the fastest I’d ever come, and I allowed myself to collapse onto the carpet to ride it out.

  Jace stayed on his knees, his fingers replacing his tongue to stroke my orgasm to completion. He could have finger fucked me all night long, that’s how good it felt.

  Too bad we didn’t have all night. As soon as the aftershocks rippled through me, I opened my eyes and smiled up at Jace. That serious face he wore had a yearning on it that I knew I would never forget. After a beat, he glanced over at Ethan, and so did I.

  A bottle of lube was on the bedspread and he was sitting on the corner of the bed with his legs spread wide and his cock in his hands. “Do it,” Ethan said bluntly. “Fuck her, man.”

  Normally he wasn’t so crude, but I knew he, like me, and like Jace had no idea how exactly this should go. Watching a million movies wouldn’t make sharing one woman with another guy any easier, no matter how many times he might have done it.

  Coordination was going to be a struggle.

  All we could do was try.

  Jace glanced at me again, and at the same time that I licked my lips, I ran my hands down my naked body. His eyes gleamed as he got the message, and he stood to get undressed.

  Unable to stop myself, I watched as he took his clothes off. I grew hotter at the sight of him. His strong shoulders, muscled biceps, and hard, sculpted six-pack. There was no denying how much I yearned to smooth my hands over every ripple and hard muscle.

  Naked, he lowered himself on top of me. Bending his head, he skimmed his mouth down my jawline, and brushed his lips over the skin of my neck. Then he nipped at my earlobe and whispered, “Are you okay?”

  “Y-yes,” I whispered back.

  With a look of excitement crossing his features, his breath blew over my face, hot and rapid, as he spoke. “Grab my shoulders.”

  Once I did, he lifted me off the carpet and laid me on the bed about two feet from where Ethan sat.

  Worried Ethan might not want to go through with this, I glanced over at him. He was staring at me, and he was in a lustful haze. With his fingers still wrapped around his cock, I could tell he was more than willing to go through with it.

  Hands grasped my thighs and pulled me roughly to the edge of the bed. It was Jace and he looked so hot standing between my legs with his straining erection jutting straight out. The sight caused me to feel dizzy with exhilaration.

  “I’m not going to go easy,” Jace said, his voice straining as he rolled on a condom.

  “I’m okay with that,” I breathed out, my own voice a husky whisper as I stared into his intense gray eyes.

  I was closer to Ethan than before, and I knew he could see everything, especially when Jace hauled me to him and pushed his heat inside me.

  Jace shivered at first contact, and I knew Ethan saw that too.

  Having someone watching me have sex wasn’t something I would have asked for. I wanted to enjoy it, but it was hard under Ethan’s watchful stare.

  Jace started to move, and then he was thrusting fast, and it wasn’t long before the sensation of having him deep inside me became overwhelming.

  Closing my eyes, I wanted to block out everything except the way Jace filled me, and I couldn’t believe it when I did. But then a shadow loomed over me and forced my eyes open.

  Ethan had shifted, and was then hovering over my head. “Grab my cock,” he told me, already reaching for my fingers and bringing my hands where he wanted them.

  Having someone thrusting his cock inside me while I jerked someone else off was wrong. It was the first time I felt dirty about what we were doing, but it wouldn’t be the last.

  The position Ethan was in was awkward for me, and not planned out well, but with my arms over my head, I was able to stroke him.

  I felt like the two men were at odds.

  Ethan urged me on, to move faster, while Jace’s fingers dug into my hips and he slammed into me with a greater intensity.

  “That’s it, that’s it,” Ethan hissed as my palms worked up and down his shaft. “Oh, yeah, that’s it,” he said again, his hands now on my breasts.

  From experience, I knew he was close. Knowing what he needed, I tugged on his balls, and like always, he came. His sperm spurt out and it landed in my hair, on my body, and on the bedding beside me.

  Was he marking me?

  Ethan collapsed somewhere on the bed, and with my hands free, I clutched the sheets and gave Jace my full attention.

  His eyes were narrowed and brooding, not looking at me at all, and I could tell he wasn’t at all happy with what had just occurred. As if wanting to mop Ethan’s sperm from my body, he slid his hands up my belly and to my breasts, where he palmed them and tugged on my nipples.

  My hands moved to his, and when I covered them, he finally looked at me. His gaze seared into mine, and it was so intense I shivered.

  Grabbing my legs, he pushed them upwards and started to fuck me harder and faster. His thighs slapped against my ass and I felt myself go wild against his cock. He was deep. Impossibly deep, and I swore I cou
ld feel his hardness pulsing inside me.

  I let out a sharp cry as my orgasm flashed then exploded into tiny particles all around me. Quickly, I slapped a hand over my mouth to tone it down. I had never felt the earth shift beneath me when I was with Ethan, and didn’t want my screams of passion to alert him to that fact.

  The truth was Ethan didn’t fuck like Jace. He wasn’t raw or intense or possessive. He was kind and sweet, which considering his vices seemed to be at odds with themselves.

  Maybe that was where the kink came from?

  As my earth orbited the galaxy, Jace pressed his palms onto the mattress and continued to thrust into me, hard and deep. When he closed his eyes and he pressed his lips together, I knew he was coming. Soon after he collapsed on top of me. After placing a kiss on my lips, though, he quickly rolled to my side.

  Breathless, I looked to my left to see Ethan staring at me, and I gave him a smile. When I did, he took my hand.

  Then I looked to my right. Jace was staring at the ceiling and his chest was heaving. When I reached over to take his hand in mine, he let me.

  “That was fucking hot, but I think we need to work on the coordination,” Ethan said, still breathing heavy himself. “I’ve seen a bunch of movies, and there are a lot of different combinations—”

  While Ethan continued to talk, I glanced back over at Jace, who finally turned his head in my direction. Deep gray eyes, normally unreadable, told a different story right then. He had hardly said anything in terms of words, but his eyes said what words never could.

  The shivery, sexy look he gave me took the breath I had managed to force back into my lungs away. That was all it took. I knew then that although I didn’t want to, I’d do what we just did again.

  Not just once…but over and over if it meant I got to be with Jace.

  And I knew he would too.


  Present Day

  Jace Bennett

  Sex wasn’t on the menu.

  Besides, it wasn’t like I was about to let my re-awakened sex drive rule my life. Banging everything in a skirt was a thing of my past. I had a daughter now and I couldn’t be doing things like that.

  Not that I would, anyway.

  Yet, while at lunch with my friends, sex was exactly what was on my mind. Even as Ethan snapped his fingers to snag my attention, I didn’t stop staring at Amanda, who had just walked in the restaurant.

  The place was the same one I had met her at earlier in the week. Good food. Fast. And close to the office. The same held true for her too, I supposed.

  Ethan snapped his fingers again, and I jerked my head in his direction. “Hey, earth to Jace. Did you hear me?”

  “What?” I asked.

  He shook head. “Fiona asked me if I’d be interested in another threesome, this time with a girl.”

  My eyes opened wide. “And you said…?”

  The shrug he gave was more than casual. “I told her, sure, if that was what she wanted. You know me, I’m up for anything.”

  Now I was the one who shook my head. He had gotten that right.

  Nick had a smart-ass comment about the whole thing, and as the two bickered, I zoned back out.

  It wasn’t like I was trying to be rude. I got the gist of what the next topic of conversation was. Nick was telling us about Lucas, who was his younger brother. Things were looking good that the star quarterback of Notre Dame was going to get drafted in the spring.

  But damn, Amanda had sat down and instantly captured my attention. I wasn’t certain why. It wasn’t like I was into her, but I could really use the distraction.

  Today she was with a younger man. I didn’t have a clue who he was. Not that she seemed very interested in him at the current time. Whoever he was, she wasn’t paying much attention to him because she was flirting with me. Taking her seat, she crossed her long legs and gave me a wink and a wave.

  By the look of things, all was forgotten from our business meeting gone bad. And it would be so easy to take her up on her open offer. In a warped kind of way, I was even thinking it might ease my guilt. The fucked up thing about that was there was a very real chance I’d feel guilty for a different reason.

  Still, Amanda was a woman who wasn’t in my life before. I wasn’t attached to her in any way. It would be a random fuck, and maybe help ease my fucked up confusion over Hannah.

  Would it though?

  “Jace, man, what the fuck is going on?” Nick demanded.

  Nick wasn’t as subtle as Ethan, if you could call snapping your fingers subtle. Whereas I was the quiet brooding one, and Ethan was the dependable one, Nick was the easy-going glue that held us together.

  The three of us were having lunch. It was something we did on the off weeks when we weren’t hanging out on Friday nights.

  The every Friday night thing started after Tricia died. Ethan and Nick would occupy me for that one night a week while Fiona watched Max and Scarlett. Without those nights, I might have really lost my fucking mind.

  The ritual had evolved over the years though, and with the addition of Nick’s two kids, Nicky and Sophie, to the mix, it became once a month for the guys and once a month for the girls.

  All was fair, I supposed.

  The vodka tonic I was drinking was extra strong, and would have to serve as my lunch as I shoved my plate of uneaten food to the side and wiped my mouth with my napkin. My eyes were still on Amanda. She had lifted her glass of water and was running her tongue around her lips and then licking them. The act was for my benefit, I could assure you.

  Nick turned his head in her direction and caught it too. “You know her?”

  “Yeah, she’s a business associate,” I offered casually.

  “And?” Ethan said, one corner of his mouth twitching upward.

  The eye roll I gave him was on purpose. “And nothing. I know her, that’s it.”

  “She looks like she wants to suck your dick,” Nick snorted.

  “She does,” I offered matter of factly.

  Ethan’s eyebrows popped. “Are you hitting that and keeping it a secret?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not hitting that,” I sneered, and then went back to staring. I was however, thinking about hitting that. That I kept to myself.

  It was better than reliving last night with Hannah. How good it felt to sink into her, to feel her under my skin, to come inside her. And there I went again, losing myself in that feeling, which was of course, followed by an onslaught of guilt.

  The fork in Nick’s hand stopped halfway to his mouth. “Okay, Jace, what the fuck is going on with you?”

  Leaning back in my chair, I forced a bored look on my face. “I had sex with someone last night.”

  This time Ethan’s brows nearly hit the ceiling. As three college guys who once drank, chased tail, and fucked what we could, when we could, we had all changed, but fucking was fucking and curious minds and all that.

  It was my near celibacy though that had been concerning my friends. And it was always a topic of conversation, whether it was a Friday, or a random phone call. Their concern was genuine. They adored Tricia, but they also didn’t want me to put her in saint status, which according to them, I had already done.

  I got it.

  She was gone.

  Fuck, I lived it everyday.

  That didn’t change how I felt though. I wasn’t looking for anyone. Didn’t want to get attached. Everyone I had ever loved in my life died. There was no way I was going through that again.

  The person I was focusing on was my daughter.

  “And,” Nick drawled.

  I made a show of checking my watch. Crap, I still had thirty minutes left before I had to leave. Fuck me. “And what?”

  Wisely shutting up, he tilted his head to the side as if contemplating what to say next.

  Ethan, however, did not take his cue. As soon as he finished chewing his food, he leaned forward on the table. “Who was she? That hot new secretary of yours?”

  I shook my head.

  “Someone else from the office?” he guessed.

  Again, I shook my head, no.

  “A door to door saleswoman?”

  “Who?” I mocked.

  He shrugged, and then asked, “Mrs. Sherman?”

  Nick and I both blew out a breath in horror and then assaulted him with our gazes. “What the hell?” I said. “She takes care of my daughter.”

  Ethan held his hands up in surrender. “I’m out of options here. You don’t go anywhere to meet anyone unless you’re with us, and last I checked there were no hot women at the sports bar we go to.”

  At first I wasn’t going to tell them anything about the Scarlett/Jonah situation, but what the hell, I had time. And besides, it might help them understand how I ended up fucking Hannah over my kitchen table in the house I once shared with Tricia.

  Crossing a leg over my knee, I started with, “Monday was Scarlett’s first day of kindergarten—”

  “Miss Eastling,” Ethan surmised, pumping his fist in the air like he’d scored.

  I shook my head.

  Nick glowered at him. “Shut the fuck up, will you?”

  Covertly, Ethan shot him the bird.

  That made me chuckle, but then I got serious and started talking. I went on to tell them everything from Scarlett coming home from school crying, to what was said to her, to me seeking out the parent of the then thought to be bully, to it being Hannah Michaels who opened the door.

  “Oh shit,” Nick murmured.

  “Hannah Michaels,” Ethan echoed in shock.

  “Well, it’s Hannah Crestfall now, but yeah.”

  Nick set his napkin on the table. “Are you okay?”

  “I fucked her over my kitchen table last night, how do you think I am?” It was crass, but it was the truth.

  “Wait! What? How the hell did a run-in over a kids disagreement lead to that?” Nick asked.

  “Hannah Michaels?” Ethan said again, this time as a question.

  “Yes,” Nick assured him so I wouldn’t have to.

  After all it was Ethan and I that shared that part of our past. Her.

  Staying on course, and answering Nick’s question, I told them the rest of what had happened, and how I felt afterward.


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