Skeletons In My Closet

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Skeletons In My Closet Page 26

by Dynah Zale

  “I am nothing without you.” Garrett wept. “I’ve lost everything and I beg for your forgiveness. The first time I really didn’t believe, but I believe now.”

  Reverend Tomlin was surprised to see Garrett, but glad he was there. He went to him. “Are you ready to really turn your life over to Christ?” Reverend Tomlin whispered in his ear. “It’s your choice.”

  A deacon from the church stood up and yelled. “Don’t help him. He’s not worthy to be saved. Look at everything he’s done.”

  The pastor guided Garrett closer to him, “Nobody here is worthy, but God didn’t turn none of us away.”

  The deacon was angry. “Reverend, if you help him receive salvation knowing everything he’s done I’ll leave this church.” He turned around to look at a group of people behind him. “We’ll all leave this church. I refuse to worship with Satan.”

  “Brother, do what you see fit, but I’m not going to turn a soul away from Christ.”

  The deacon stepped away, “May God curse your steps for the remainder of your days.” Then the deacon followed out an angry mob.

  Reverend Tomlin asked Garrett to kneel and repeat after him.

  “Jesus, I believe in you and the blood you shed on the cross for not only my sins but the sins of many. I invite you into my heart, my life and my all.” The moment those words left Garrett’s lips, life also left his body.

  Garrett and the pastor collapsed and their lifeless bodies lay upon the altar.

  Chapter 69

  Garrett bowed down low in front of God.

  “Do you understand why I did what I did? Do you understand why I had you go through all of this?” God flung his arms open. “I needed you to seek Me out with a genuine thirst for Me. I had to get you to a point where you were sick and tired of what the world had to offer. Then you would willingly kneel at My feet.”

  “I understand and now I can proudly say I’m happy for the way things turned out.” Garrett released a huge sigh. “Now what?”

  Kiel took a step back, “You must stand for judgment alone.”

  Garrett was left standing before the Lord of the universe with nothing to hide him. He was fully exposed. His life had been an open book and now the time had come to hear His final verdict.

  God grabbed the book of life that sat on a mantle right next to his throne.

  Garrett’s could feel his heart beat rapidly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He hoped for the best but prepared for the worst; with trembling eyes he looked into the face of God.

  “Garrett Dunn, it gives Me pleasure to inform you that your name is written in the Book of Life and you will live eternity in heaven.”

  Garrett fell to his knees. He cried and couldn’t stop. He couldn’t believe God was going to allow him to live with Him in paradise. He felt so undeserving, but at the same time thankful.Instantly, the remaining parts of Garrett’s body that were still in its earthly form shattered and left a beautiful translucent soul in its place. Garrett twisted and turned to look at himself, he jumped for joy with glee.

  “Thank you Father! Thank You for giving me a second chance. You never gave up on me, I acted like a fool in front of the church trying to be somebody I wasn’t, but I could never fool You. Your mercy is everlasting.”

  Garrett turned and instantly all the skeletons that stood before him were gone.

  “Garrett, every wrong act you committed has been wiped out and is now gone. You are forgiven; and it is forgotten.” God smiled back at Garrett.

  Kiel tapped Garrett on the shoulder. “The time has come for me to escort you out.” Kiel helped Garrett to his feet and led him to a set of golden elevators. “This is where I leave you my friend.”

  “You’re not going with me?”

  Kiel shook his head no.

  Our time together seems so short lived. This is my first time meeting you and now I have to go.

  “We’ve been together an entire lifetime; you just didn’t know it.” Kiel pushed the elevator button up. When the elevator doors opened the sight of Blair standing before him took his breath away. He couldn’t move he was frozen and speechless. This was the last person he expected to meet in heaven.

  “Hey dad” When he heard Blair sound so casual he knew he had been forgiven for all past transgressions against him. Garrett ran into the elevator and hugged his son so tight that he never wanted to let go. Once Garrett let him go Blair said. “I’ve been waiting for you.” Tears flowed from Garrett’s eyes, like water rapids that couldn’t stop. “Why are you crying?”

  “I thought I had ruined it for you, by the way I acted on earth I was sure you had not been saved.

  “Remember that Sunday when we were in church and you told me I couldn’t get saved because God didn’t like sissies.” Garrett regretfully nodded his head yes. “Well you may not have seen me go up front, but from my seat I silently bowed my head and asked God for salvation. I was surprised when I ended up here. I didn’t know being saved was so easy. I didn’t even need to pray with the pastor.

  “He’s a smart kid.” Kiel noted.

  “Yes, he is.” Garrett agreed.

  “Dad, you have to stop all this crying, they don’t allow tears in heaven.” Blair said.

  “I love you son.” That was the first time Blair had ever heard Garrett tell him he loved him.

  “I love you, too.” Blair pulled away from his dad. “I have a surprise waiting for you upstairs.” Garrett gave him an unknowing look. “Mecca, my mom and the kids are all upstairs waiting for us.

  “Well son let’s not keep them waiting any longer.” The elevator doors closed and the two entered the pearly gates together.

  Kiel smiled to himself.

  “What are you smiling at?” God asked.

  “Father,” Kiel began. “I love to see happy endings and fortunately this was a happy ending. Things don’t always turn out this good.”

  “No, they don’t. It’s not too often we get to send an entire family on to paradise.” Harps played announcing the arrival of more souls ready for judgment. “Don’t get comfortable! We have a lot more work to do.”




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