The Diva's Ruby

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by F. Marion Crawford



  _In decorated cloth covers, each, $1.50_

  =A Roman Singer=

  "One of the earliest and best works of this famous novelist.... None but a genuine artist could have made so true a picture of human life, crossed by human passions and interwoven with human weakness. It is a perfect specimen of literary art."--_The Newark Advertiser._

  =Marzio's Crucifix=

  "We have repeatedly had occasion to say that Mr. Crawford possesses in an extraordinary degree the art of constructing a story. It is as if it could not have been written otherwise, so naturally does the story unfold itself, and so logical and consistent is the sequence of incident after incident. As a story, _Marzio's Crucifix_ is perfectly constructed."--_New York Commercial Advertiser._

  =Heart of Rome.= A Tale of the Lost Water

  "Mr. Crawford has written a story of absorbing interest, a story with a genuine thrill in it; he has drawn his characters with a sure and brilliant touch, and he has said many things surpassingly well."--_New York Times Saturday Review._

  =Cecilia.= A Story of Modern Rome

  "That F. Marion Crawford is a master of mystery needs no new telling.... His latest novel, _Cecilia_, is as weird as anything he has done since the memorable _Mr. Isaacs_.... A strong, interesting, dramatic story, with the picturesque Roman setting beautifully handled as only a master's touch could do it."--_Philadelphia Evening Telegraph._

  =Whosoever Shall Offend=

  "It is a story sustained from beginning to end by an ever increasing dramatic quality."--_New York Evening Post._

  =Pietro Ghisleri=

  "The imaginative richness, the marvellous ingenuity of plot, the power and subtlety of the portrayal of character, the charm of the romantic environment,--the entire atmosphere, indeed,--rank this novel at once among the great creations."--_The Boston Budget._

  =To Leeward=

  "The four characters with whose fortunes this novel deals are, perhaps, the most brilliantly executed portraits in the whole of Mr. Crawford's long picture gallery, while for subtle insight into the springs of human passion and for swift dramatic action none of the novels surpasses this one."--_The News and Courier._

  =A Lady of Rome=



  _In the binding of the Uniform Edition_

  =A Tale of a Lonely Parish=

  "It is a pleasure to have anything so perfect of its kind as this brief and vivid story.... It is doubly a success, being full of human sympathy, as well as thoroughly artistic in its nice balancing of the unusual with the commonplace, the clever juxtaposition of innocence and guilt, comedy and tragedy, simplicity and intrigue."--_Critic._

  =Dr. Claudius.= A True Story

  The scene changes from Heidelberg to New York, and much of the story develops during the ocean voyage.

  "There is a satisfying quality in Mr. Crawford's strong, vital, forceful stories."--_Boston Herald._

  =An American Politician.= The scenes are laid in Boston

  "It need scarcely be said that the story is skilfully and picturesquely written, portraying sharply individual characters in well-defined surroundings."--_New York Commercial Advertiser._

  =The Three Fates=

  "Mr. Crawford has manifestly brought his best qualities as a student of human nature and his finest resources as a master of an original and picturesque style to bear upon this story. Taken for all in all, it is one of the most pleasing of all his productions in fiction, and it affords a view of certain phases of American, or perhaps we should say of New York, life that have not hitherto been treated with anything like the same adequacy and felicity."--_Boston Beacon._

  =Marion Darche=

  "Full enough of incident to have furnished material for three or four stories.... A most interesting and engrossing book. Every page unfolds new possibilities, and the incidents multiply rapidly."--_Detroit Free Press._

  "We are disposed to rank _Marion Darche_ as the best of Mr. Crawford's American stories."--_The Literary World._

  =Katharine Lauderdale=

  =The Ralstons.= A Sequel to "Katharine Lauderdale"

  "Mr. Crawford at his best is a great novelist, and in _Katharine Lauderdale_ we have him at his best."--_Boston Daily Advertiser._

  "A most admirable novel, excellent in style, flashing with humor, and full of the ripest and wisest reflections upon men and women."--_The Westminster Gazette._

  "It is the first time, we think, in American fiction that any such breadth of view has shown itself in the study of our social framework."--_Life._



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