Ironside & Aegis- Origins

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Ironside & Aegis- Origins Page 10

by David Bruno

  “Like father, like son, I see. Human debris. May I suggest that you do us all a favor and move out of this town?” The principal sneered at JB. JB leaned over the desk, gritted his teeth, and stared down the principal. He wanted more than anything to knock him out like Benny had done to Jimmy. Instead, reason won over and he turned to walk out of the room. His focus shifted to his son and his future. Oh, Benny, what’s happening to you? What are we going to do?


  At the hospital, Jimmy rested in bed, his parents seated on either side of him. His midsection was tightly bandaged and his jaw was wired shut. A tube ran into his mouth for water and food. Into the room walked Max Hastings after a quick knock.

  “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Schultz. My name is Max Hastings. Sorry to bother you. I’m here representing the Brown family.” He held out his hand. Poor Benny, he thought as he looked at the horrific state Jimmy was in. Seems like you have powers after all. Your life will never be the same.

  Mr. Schultz glared, refusing to shake Max’s hand. “We have nothing to say to you or them. You will be hearing from our lawyer. Now get out!”

  “I understand your position, Mr. Schultz. I would probably do the same if I were you. But some new information came to light and I think you need to reconsider.”

  “Do you mean that Jimmy hit that boy first? He defended himself. It doesn’t matter anyway. Benny is a freak and will pay for it. His kind needs to be in jail or sent to an island away from us normal people. We plan to sue and drain the Brown family and their company—the school as well for letting him mix with regular kids.”

  “I have something here that I want to show you, and it may be best to go somewhere private, just us guys,” suggested Max calmly with a wink.

  “Whatever you have, you can show it here, with my wife and my poor Jimmy.” Mr. Schultz stood up confidently and faced Max eye to eye.

  “Suit yourself.” Max placed his briefcase on the table and retrieved a manila folder. “Let’s see what we have here.” He pulled out a stack of pictures and telephone records.

  Walking over to look, Mr. Schultz glimpsed pictures of himself scantily clad with the seventeen-year-old neighbor girl they hired to babysit their younger daughter when they went out for the evening.

  “Where the hell did you get that?” Mr. Schultz hissed as he tried to cover the evidence.

  Mrs. Schultz stood up and peered over. “What is it, Sam?”

  Max turned and spoke to Mrs. Schultz. “Looks like your husband has been spending time with your underage babysitter. Did you know that?” He passed the pictures and phone records to Jimmy’s mortified mother, Janet, who scanned them in disbelief.

  Turning to Mr. Schultz, Max gave a rueful smile. “Looks like you could be getting some jail time. I could drag your name through the mud and ruin you and that poor underage girl.” He paused to look at the devastation on Janet’s face and the fear on Sam’s. “You keep the pictures and phone records. I have plenty of copies. This girl isn’t the only one, by the way. In fact, she’s not the youngest, either.”

  Janet burst into tears, crossed the room, and smacked Sam in the face without saying a word.

  “I guess the lawsuit is off, then?” Max asked with a grin. Checkmate! Benny 1, World 0. “I can keep this information private and let you handle it yourselves if you want. I will say, though, that these things have a way of leaking out anyway.”

  Sam gently nodded. Janet frantically stormed out of the room, bumping into Max along the way.

  Max left the hospital with a sense of accomplishment at having protected Benny from his first superpower altercation, the first of many to come, no doubt. He came to a mailbox and opened his briefcase on top, pulling out a sealed envelope addressed to the local police department. The enclosed evidence was sure to put Sam Schultz away for quite some time.

  Although he risked defeating his blackmail, there was no way he could hold onto this information because children were involved. It was simply a matter of doing the right thing by bringing a predator to justice. How has my life come to this? Is it my calling to be a protector—to save children? Perhaps he was called to save all three: Vanessa, Victor, and Benny. For the first time in years, he could walk with his head high as he channeled Charles Dickens by shedding the first link of the metaphorical chain he had been forging around his soul.

  CH 09



  At a secluded field near the woods in their hometown, fifteen-year-old Victor and Vanessa practiced shooting their slingshots at stacks of aluminum cans. Stack after stack, Vanessa knocked them down. Dented cans littered the grassy field. She seemed to never miss. Victor didn’t have his sister’s steady hands. It didn’t matter though. It was much better than doing homework.

  “Remember when Dad told us the story of King David and what he did to Goliath with a slingshot? Do you think you’re him?” Victor asked as he tightened his lips and put his hands on his hips.

  Vanessa grinned and pulled the bands back to her chin, taking aim at the cans. She turned her gaze to the right toward Victor. Locking eyes with her brother, she launched the stones at a stack of cans off to the left. Bull’s-eye.

  Victor rolled his eyes. “Now you’re just showing off. Jerk.”

  Vanessa drew in a breath through her teeth and rubbed her forearm. “I think I need to wear long sleeves. This slingshot rubs my arm raw.” She showed her brother her red, irritated forearm.

  Victor covered his eyes and wailed in pain. “AHHHH!”

  “What’s going on?” Vanessa asked frantically as she rushed to help him.

  “My eyes! Ahhhh, they’re on fire!” He fell to his knees with his head in his hands.

  Vanessa crouched down next to him and put her arm around his shoulders. “It’ll be okay. Dad said we could expect some changes.”

  “Not like this. I’m on fire,” whimpered Victor. He looked up and moved his hands from his closed eyes. His eyelids glowed an eerie, opaque white. He turned his head toward the woods and opened his eyes. Immediately, a beam of intense energy shot out from each eye directly at the trees. Foliage burst to splinters at the onslaught.

  Victor screamed in pain. Moments later, he fell unconscious.

  Vanessa picked up her cell phone. “Dad. Come quick. It’s Victor. He’s changing.”


  Max’s deepest fear became real. His children were starting to exhibit superpowers. Victor was first. While their genetics guaranteed the potential, Max had known there was a chance they would be normal, without powers. Normal was now out of the question. Worse, Max was beholden to the Agency. As he sat listening to Vanessa, he placed his head in his hand. How can I protect you now? Think, Max. Can I just not tell them? What if they’re monitoring me? It’s possible and probable. Then I’m dead and the kids have to cope without me. No, I need to be smart and play the long game.

  Max hopped into his car and sped to the meadow to rescue his son. On the way, he begrudgingly called Dr. Doe.

  “Jeff, it’s starting. Vanessa just called—Victor shot some kind of laser out of his eyes. He’s in terrible distress.”

  “Excellent news, Max. Are you with him?”

  Max held his phone away from his face and curled his nose. Dr. Doe couldn’t see the humanity beyond the powers. His focus was only on the mission, not Victor’s distress. “I’m on my way to see them now. Vanessa said Victor’s unconscious.”

  “Should I send Dr. Fine?”

  “Not yet. I think I can handle this. If that changes, I’ll call.”

  Max arrived at the scene to find that Victor had regained consciousness. He sat on the ground with his hands over his eyes.

  Vanessa ran to her dad’s car. “Dad, he’s in a lot of pain. Every time he opens his eyes, beams shoot out. He can’t stop it. He’s totally blind.”

  “What were you doing before this happened?”

  “Just shooting our slingshots, like always. Nothing special.
He just started to change!” Tears formed in her eyes. “I’m scared, Daddy.”

  “Don’t worry, Vanessa. The Agency can help him.” Max went to his son. “It’s okay. Stand up, big guy. You aren’t the first. We suspected you would grow into your powers. You’ll learn to control it. Vanessa, try to prepare yourself. We aren’t totally sure what you’ll get.”

  Victor began to cry, feeling overwhelmed. At least he wasn’t on his own. With his eyes closed and covered, he trusted his father and sister to walk him to the car. Vanessa’s lip quivered as she helped him along, wondering what she would have to deal with when her time came.

  Max loaded the kids into the car and drove away, dialing Dr. Doe. Victor writhed in pain with his hands over his eyes and moaned in agony. The situation was dire, more than Max had expected. He had no choice; he needed help. He had to call the Agency.

  “Jeff. We’re going to Willow Street. Can you arrange for Dr. Fine and the team to be there? Victor can’t seem to open his eyes without the beams shooting out.”

  “Alright,” Dr. Doe agreed. “I’ll have her meet you at the safe house. Let’s hope his powers can be controlled. They usually don’t manifest this swiftly or wildly. If we can’t fix this quickly, Victor may need to be mothballed.”

  Max clutched the phone closer to his ear, mortified at the thought. He loved both of his kids. But he knew they were effectively slaves of the Agency, even if they didn’t know it yet. He went through his options. If Victor was uncontrollable, can we run? No, Victor is too unstable right now. They’ll find us and likely kill us all—at least me. Plus, they’re the only ones remotely capable of helping Victor. But can I actually trust the Agency? That was laughable and he knew it. The only other chance was for Victor to figure out his powers on his own—and do it fast. “Yes, I know.”


  Upon arrival at the Willow Street safe house, Max gently walked Victor indoors to an old brick warehouse space that, a hundred years ago, had housed tobacco.

  Vanessa observed the scenery and frowned in confusion. “Dad, what are we doing here?” The dust of a century of abandonment kicked up with each step as they went inside.

  “It’s okay, honey. These people will help. The Agency, my company, will help Victor to control his new ability.”

  Vanessa smiled, trusting her dad. After all, he had been honest with her for her whole life. She knew that her parents had had a difficult time having children and that her dad had been in a position to get help from his employer—and that the help they’d received could also create special abilities in the children. She was actually looking forward to having powers someday. She wanted to help people—protect them—regardless of what normal people thought of the superpowered.

  Vanessa and Max sat in as Dr. Fine examined Victor. In front of them was a series of wide rubber belts hanging from a steel structure.

  “Okay, Victor, I’m going to turn your head this way.” Dr. Fine gently turned Victor’s head to face the hanging belts. “When I say so, you can open your eyes. But as you do, I want you to try to hold back the beams, okay?”

  “I’ll try,” replied Victor. He began to shake and sweat. He gently opened his eyes, and the beams shot out; there was no holding them back. Instantly, they blasted through the six rubber belts and onto a steel sheet mounted behind.

  Some of the energy reflected back in the direction of Vanessa, who squealed and covered her face. At the speed of a synapse, a blueish energy disk appeared in front of each of her forearms. The energy from Victor’s beams struck the disks and was reflected upward toward the ceiling and safely dispersed. Victor closed his eyes again.

  The observers’ eyes widened. Unable to speak, they divided their focus between the two teenagers. They had just witnessed the first manifestation of Vanessa’s abilities.

  Victor, on the other hand, grew more terrified. “I’m never going to be able to open my eyes again, am I?” he cried out as he covered his eyes with his hands.

  Vanessa recoiled and drew her arms inward. “What have I done?” She examined her hands. There was no pain, no burns, nothing. It wasn’t fair. She had manifested swiftly and easily while her brother experienced only anguish and agony.

  Her dad reacted with a smile and clapped his hands for his daughter. “You protected yourself. It looks like you can create energy shields. Very impressive, Vanessa! I’m so proud of you.”

  Vanessa gave a reluctant smile. Her concern once again switched over to poor Victor.

  Dr. Fine whispered to Max that she needed some one-on-one time to help train Victor to control his powers.

  Max nodded and walked over to Vanessa. “Let’s go to the car. They’re going to work with Victor for a while.”

  Giving Victor a quick hug, Vanessa walked outside to the car.

  Before following her out, Max had a quick word with Victor. He put his hands on Victor’s shoulders and spoke tenderly. “It’s okay, buddy. Dr. Fine is going to help you. You just need some practice. I’ll be back soon. I love you.”


  On the forty-five minute ride home, Max told Vanessa how proud he was of her. “I wonder what you can do with those shields. You just might be invincible, young lady.” He thought of Victor. Had he done the right thing leaving him alone with the Agency? It was true that they had been able to help people adjust before. But Victor was different. Victor was his son. As they arrived home, they saw an unfamiliar car in the driveway. “Hmm, who’s here? That looks like a rental.”

  Upon entering the house, they saw Dr. Doe in the living room typing on his laptop. Smoke filled the room as he worked. “What’re you doing here?” asked Max, fanning his face.

  Dr. Doe put his computer down and adjusted his reading glasses. “I was nearby and wanted to visit my favorite people.”

  Vanessa knew Dr. Doe well, though it wasn’t often that he came to Pennsylvania. She had few family members and he was like an uncle to her—someone she trusted. After all, he’d helped her parents bring her and her brother into the world.

  “Good to see you, Uncle Jeff.” Vanessa hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Wonderful to see you too. I hear you’re changing, young lady. Would you mind going to your room for a few minutes? I need to talk to your dad. Boring work stuff.”

  “Sure.” She bounded away upstairs to her room, leaving Dr. Doe and Max to discuss the day’s events.

  “Atta girl.” He watched Vanessa leave, making sure she was out of earshot. “Sit down, Max.” Dr. Doe paused for a moment, looking again at the stairs to make sure Vanessa was gone before delivering the news. “Victor didn’t make it.”

  Max blinked. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

  “I mean he could not be controlled and we had to put him down. Don’t worry, we harvested genetic material for the next batch.”

  “What!” an incensed Max exclaimed as he jumped to his feet. “What do you mean you had to put my boy down? You murdered him!”

  “Careful now,” Dr. Doe cautioned, his face hardening. “He’s our boy, not yours. Like I said, he couldn’t be controlled. The good news is that it looks like your daughter can be useful.”

  Max sat back down on the sofa, put his head in his hands, and wept. “My boy… My boy. He didn’t deserve this. Surely, you could have done something!”

  “Maybe. But we didn’t have the time or resources at Willow Street. He became distressed and highly agitated. I thought it would be better to end it now before things got destroyed and outsiders caught a glimpse and became suspicious. I gave the order. Two to the head.”

  Max’s mind wandered. That psychotic monster just murdered my son. All I have in this world now is Vanessa… I’m done… No more! He began to shake. “I’m out, Jeff. Out of the Agency. No more. Let Vanessa and me go. We’ll blend into society and you won’t hear from us again.”

  “Tsk. You can’t leave, Max. You know that. We have too much invested.” Dr. Doe stood up next to Max. This was not the first time Max had question
ed his direction and wanted to leave. He needed correction. Dr. Doe raised his leg and smashed his foot into the knee of Max’s extended leg. The knee snapped and bent backward.

  “MWAHHHH!” Max grabbed his bent leg and let out an enormous yowl as he fell from the chair onto the floor.

  Vanessa heard the scream and ran downstairs to find her dad on the floor with Dr. Doe next to him holding his head, comforting him. “What happened!?”

  “Your dad slipped and fell. Looks like his knee is broken. I think he needs a hospital,” Dr. Doe said matter-of-factly.

  “How did that happen?” Vanessa gasped as she saw the unnatural bend in her dad’s leg.

  “Sit down, Vanessa. Your dad received some bad news and lost his balance. Your brother passed away. His powers were too much for him to contain. It’s good you left when you did. His last words were how much he loved you and your dad.”

  Dr. Doe tenderly hugged Vanessa. “I am so sorry for your loss. Right now, you need to be strong and take care of your old man here. Do you understand?” He put his hand under her chin in a familial manner.

  Vanessa burst into tears. With a lump in her throat, barely able to get the words out, she said, “Yes, I understand.”

  “Good girl.” Dr. Doe hugged her again. “I want to help you, but I need to get back to the doctors right away. Are you able to take care of your dad?”

  Vanessa shook her head, overwhelmed. “I’m not old enough to drive. I guess I’ll call 911.”

  “Atta girl. He’ll be okay. I’ll see you both later.” Dr. Doe lit a fresh cigarette, left the house, and drove away. His departure seemed cold and calculated, certainly not with the feeling that an uncle would have for lost and injured family members. This was not lost on Vanessa.


  Max sat in his recliner with his leg propped up in a cast. It had been a long eight weeks. He was to see the doctor later in the day to have the cast removed. He was anxious to walk again, but he knew his knee would be weak. Doctors had warned him that his injuries were severe and he would likely walk with a limp. In any case, he wasn’t destined to run any marathons.


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