Fatal Fiction (Harbour Bay Book 5)

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Fatal Fiction (Harbour Bay Book 5) Page 10

by Camille Taylor

  Now they were thrown together, victims of circumstance. Riley knew she should’ve asked for another ‘bodyguard’ but the rest of the team were all married and/or had children and she couldn’t risk endangering them, even if it was to get away from Nick and for some reason Nick didn’t trust her safety with any other officer employed by the LAC. She guessed it had something to do with the fact that her best friend was married to his partner.

  Riley glanced uneasily at the door. It was now or never. She could stay in here, pretend to be asleep and toss and turn all night or she could go and see what was bothering the man she was half certain she was in love with.

  Don’t think that way.

  That was all she needed. Not that she needed to worry. Nothing will ever come of it. Nick had made it very clear she wasn’t anything more than a job and no matter how much she wants him to throw her down on the floor and make love to her all night, it wasn’t going to happen. Her body clenched and unclenched, her body aching with a need only Nick could relieve and she squeezed her thighs together in an effort to appease the desire coursing through her.

  She stood, her knees almost buckling and on shaky legs opened her door, making her way toward Nick who like she guessed was sitting in his recliner staring off into space, a glass of what smelled like Scotch in his hand and a bottle of yep she right—Wild Turkey sat on the table beside him. He’d turned off the main light that Vanessa had switched on and instead turned on the small corner light, casting a dull illumination across the room. He glanced up when she drew near. His face a mask of contemplation and hopelessness.

  “I didn’t wake you, did I?” A look of apology graced his handsome his face.

  Riley shook her head, her wild ringlets flying left and right around her head. “No. I’ve been awake for a while, you know thinking about my mystery writer and all, what’s your excuse?” She looked pointedly at his glass.

  Nick ran stiff, angry fingers through his dark uncombed hair. “Everything. Nothing.”

  “I assume this has something to do with the blonde.” When his face hardened she stepped back. “It’s none of my business. If you want me to butt out just say so.”


  Nick shook his head. He had kept Vanessa a secret for so long that maybe telling someone about her would lessen the way he felt, the shame weighing heavily on him. He looked up at Riley, his Riley even if he could never really have her. Her long red hair rested just above the swell of her breasts and her short pale legs peeked out from beneath her oversized shirt. God how he wanted her. Day and night, week after week, for as long as they both shall live. He had to stop thinking of Riley like that. He couldn’t allow himself one moment of weakness, lest he take what he wanted and say to hell with the rest. He couldn’t do that to Riley or to himself or to the dozens of other people who would undeniably be a part of any relationship they might have.

  He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly and his gaze locked with Riley’s. She didn’t break contact, just stepped closer. Her expression never changed, thankfully clear of pity or disgust as he told her all about his relationship with Vanessa, from the moment they’d met to the morning after and the pain he’d felt at thinking he’d taken her and possibly without her consent. To his decision to see where a possible relationship would lead and his many months of misery as he tried to make things work between himself and Vanessa, but no matter what he did they weren’t meant to be.

  Riley remained quiet, simply listening as he purged himself.

  The only sound breaking through the silence of the apartment was his harsh breaths, each a bone-shattering shudder.

  His worry lifted, the unbearable pain easing as he confessed to the one thing no one else in the world knew, the secret he’d kept locked away inside, gnawing away at him. The reason why he had walked away from Vanessa, his pride in shreds, his anger burning a hole in his gut.

  “Vanessa drugged me the night we met. I woke up naked beside her and had no clue what had happened.” His voice shook as he ran an unsteady hand over his face. “Of all the people to pick, she chose me, the man who prides himself on making sure women could look after themselves.”

  To be able to knock down any attacker that might come their way.

  Taken advantage of by a mere slip of a woman.

  It stung.

  She’d certainly taught him a lesson. One he still struggled with.

  He hadn’t known until almost a year later after finding the damning evidence in her purse one day by accident. All the questions he’d had about why he couldn’t remember that night answered.

  “I didn’t sleep with her. Yet, she made me believe I had.”

  From what he could piece together and her own confession when confronted with the pill, she had driven him home, undressed him and helped him to bed. Then as if that hadn’t been bad enough, discarded her own clothes and climbed in beside him. Guilt had eaten at him, making him unable to concentrate on his work. “All throughout our relationship I worried about what happened that night, what I’d done.”

  Vanessa had never dispelled any of his fears, never once coming clean and gradually over time had become more demanding, more jealous and insecure.

  He’d been enraged at being manipulated. Angry that she’d done such a horrendous thing and allowed him to believed he’d acted wrongly. Embarrassed that he’d allowed it to happen and somewhere along the way had become weary and no longer the jovial man he had once been.

  For a time, he’d believed his trust had been forever severed. He’d skirted the darkness, depression clawing at him until he never wanted to be with another woman but all that changed the night he had met Riley. Now she dominated his every sleeping hour and more than the occasional waking one but, of course, he didn’t tell her that.

  “She refuses to move on. Haunting me. A memory I’d rather forget.”

  He swallowed, his throat tight. His heart thumped too loudly. He twisted one corner of his mouth upwards.

  “You’re not the only one embarrassed by the past.”

  Which was precisely the reason he hadn’t told a soul…until her.

  Not that he’d been judged by his mistake, though his pride would certainly take a beating and he had a big enough ego not to want what Vanessa had down common knowledge.

  Still, Riley didn’t speak. What he wouldn’t give to know what ran through her mind. Her gaze flittered around, almost searchingly, before boldly planting herself in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. Startled, Nick froze as his whole body went on alert as Riley snuggled against him. Fighting back the urge to push her away, fear at where their current position might lead, he drew her closer, savouring the feel of her in his arms.

  His chest ached, grateful for Riley knowing exactly what he needed. He didn’t want kind words or even outrage on his behalf. He simply wanted to know he wasn’t alone. He took the comfort she freely offered, squeezing her within the enclosure of his arms. He rested his chin on her shoulder and buried his nose in her mop of curls.

  Something inside him shifted. Melted. Relinquished. He closed his eyes and allowed himself a few moments. Too soon, his body reacted to her apple and cinnamon scented shampoo and her lush curves. Suddenly he was on his feet. His arms secured her to his chest and Riley’s eyes widened at the sudden change of position, her feet dangling in empty space and she sucked in a startled breath.

  Her nipples hardened, poking him through the thin material of her shirt and he became painfully aware only one layer of fabric kept them from being skin to skin.

  Choking back the growl rising in his throat, the need to conquer just one of the animalistic urges coursing heavily through his veins. He shook, tethered too close to the edge, desire to learn if she wore anything else beneath the oversized shirt filling his vision with a lusty haze and overriding his good sense.

  Outside a horn tooted and somewhere inside the building, a neighbour slammed a door.

  “It’s time to go to bed.” He couldn’t help t
he husky tone. Riley did that to him. Among other things. The least of which pressed hot and hard against her thigh. No way she couldn’t tell what it was. She swallowed, her gaze steady on his. The blue of her eyes held him captive. Her body became unnaturally still, as though she held her breath.

  Heat infused his belly, his muscles tensing and he forced himself to lay her gently back on her feet, instead of dragging her caveman style to his bedroom. He had to get away from her before he broke all the promises he made to himself.

  Even now he had a hard time trying to recall why they were so damn important.

  Turning her so she was facing her bedroom door, he gave her a gentle push. “Off you go.”

  Hands on hips, so not to do anything foolish like stop her, Nick watched as Riley stumbled then righted. She crossed the small space to and closed the door to the spare room behind her, but not before he caught the raw, honest desire and confusion on her face.

  If he kissed her, there’d be no stopping. He wanted her too much. If only he could promise they’d always be together. He’d take that plunge he so desperately wanted.

  Chapter 17

  Riley rode the elevator in silence, ignoring Nick the best she could, still pissy at him for his insistence she join him at the LAC. Actually, it was more the order that annoyed her, not the destination and the first time she’d minded him throwing his weight around.

  Sometime during their time together she’d forgotten he was a detective sergeant and used to having his word obeyed.

  Did he regret spilling his troubles to her? It wasn’t like she’d taken advantage of his semi-drunken state. He’d needed to get his worries off his chest and she’d merely been convenient. It was possible he saw the night differently.

  A shame. Riley had thought they’d moved past their squabbles, but it appeared they’d merely been put on hold.

  She resented the hell out of him, making her leave the comfort of his home to sit at the LAC all because he’d deemed her careless. He’d practically accused her of having no regard for her safety as though Michelle was secretly in cahoots with her killer writer and planned to sell her out.


  Not since that first hour together had he annoyed her so much and after last night it stung. She was still confused over what had happened…or what hadn’t happened.

  She’d barely slept a wink, frustration and arousal had warred. How had she read the situation so wrong?

  The elevator came to a stop on the second floor of the building where the detective unit was located. She hesitated.

  “I suggest you get your arse moving.”

  Riley glared at Nick, he was seriously annoying her. “Such language, Detective Doyle. How is that you got a reputation of being a lady’s man?”

  “I’m perfectly rational and polite with all other members of your sex. It appears only you Riley O’Neill can send my manners and good intentions out the window.”

  She followed Nick out, speeding up so she didn’t fall behind and he made good on one of the many threats he’d issued this morning. Most of the desks were empty except one where James Hawke sat, his gaze firmly attached to his computer monitor.

  At least one good thing came from leaving Nick’s apartment. People. People, other than Nick. She’d missed the social aspect of interacting with others.

  She liked James. He seemed solid, caring and devoted to his wife, Aimee. He also didn’t boss her around.

  As they neared the bank of desks which were lined two by five Riley decided to remove her winter jacket, the LAC not skimping on heat this quarter. Struggling to hold onto her purse and extradite her arm from the sleeve without tripping in her heels she didn’t pay attention and ran into the back of Nick when he stopped.

  “Oomph!” The air left her lungs.

  Nick turned quickly, grabbing hold of her arms so she didn’t end up arse on the floor. Some of her annoyance melted, grateful that though he was angry with her still took care of her. She smiled back at him as he helped remove her coat before hanging it over the back of his chair.

  “Riley.” James smiled fondly as he rose from his seat and gave her a welcoming hug, one she reciprocated. No ‘Cop Mode’ this morning she was thankful to discover. “How you holding up?”

  “I’m fine. Nick’s been taking care of me.” Not exactly in the way she wanted. Last night popped into her head, the desire she felt and how her heart had thumped until the bubble had burst when she finally understood he’d said you not we should go to bed. She still wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed.

  James cast a quick look in Nick’s direction.

  Not bothering to try and decipher the meaning behind the glance, she asked, “How’s Aimee?”

  James beamed at the mention of his wife. What would it be like having a man so in love with her that her name made him smile?

  “She’s enjoying being a freelancer but lately, she’s has been a little low.”

  Riley’s heart squeezed tight. She forgot all about her own problems in light of someone else’s. “Why what’s wrong?”

  She wouldn’t say she was Aimee’s best friend but they were more than just acquaintances and the thought that she might be hurting hit Riley hard. Living for so long with little family she had embraced the makeshift family she had found herself a part of wholeheartedly. With her brother so many hours away in another state and their schedules so busy, she never got to see him she had jumped at the chance to be a part of something special. Her social calendar had skyrocketed with birthdays and holidays, even spending the Australia Day holiday before last on a boat on the open seas with Dean, Megan, Nick, James and Aimee, that was, of course, pre-Heather. Now the boat was much too dangerous for a baby.

  James shrugged. “I have no idea, every time I ask she just says nothing’s wrong, that she’s fine.”

  “But you know she isn’t. I’ll give her a call and have her meet me for coffee or something to talk okay? I’ll see if I can wheedle it out of her, you know woman to woman.”

  “Thanks, Riley, I’d really appreciate it. I know she talks to Natalie about things but I don’t think she’s discussed what’s troubling her with Nat. Besides, I doubt Doctor Murphy will tell me if she knew, doctor-patient confidentiality and all.”

  Natalie Murphy was Matt’s wife and a psychologist.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing,” she soothed and patted his arm before she caught sight of Darryl Hill and Matt coming towards her. She was on familiar terms with them all having known them all for over a year and as they had welcomed Megan into the family so had they with her by association.

  She gave them a huge smile as she rushed towards them and hugged each of them in turn. Darryl wrapped an arm around Riley’s waist as he walked her back to where Nick and James waited, telling her all about his son Cam’s latest development. His wife, Kellie was pregnant with their second child.

  “How is Kellie, ready to pop yet?”

  “Yes, and blaming me for every ounce of discomfort.” Darryl laughed, unperturbed.


  Nick growled deep in his throat as Riley hugged his teammates. James’ eyebrow rose as he eyed him curiously as though an animal he’d never seen before and Nick tried to stamp down on the surge of jealousy that shot through him.

  To his surprise, he found Riley had kept up with the group. But then women talked and he had no idea how often Riley talked with the other women, not a lot since she was asking health questions and all, he assumed.

  She appeared generally interested when Darryl brought her up to speed on his wife’s pregnancy. He knew it wasn’t an act. Riley had the biggest heart.

  She laughed, full-bodied and unchecked as Matt regaled her with a story about his mischievous four-year-old daughter, Maddie. She swiped away her tears as he stepped forward, stopping beside her.

  Her fragrance curled into his lungs. He would never be able to breathe in an apple pie without thinking of Riley. She had gotten under his skin and settled there and he knew nothing
short of an exorcism would remove her.

  Last night had been close. He had kept his distance as much as humanly possible these past few days but it was getting harder—in every sense of the word. Damn Vanessa and her showing up, putting him in a melancholy mood and worse yet that Riley had known and sought to comfort him. What he wouldn’t give to have her comfort him—truly comfort him. For a time, he’d wanted to forget everything that stood between them and lose himself within her. No matter the consequences.

  He had to stop thinking of Riley and how it would feel kissing her.

  And to make matters worse Riley didn’t seem to realise just how close to danger she really was, not just from the psycho out there but from him as well.

  They—he couldn’t keep going on like this. He had no idea where Riley stood. If she was just as tortured as him. He knew his body pleased her but beyond that, she had never given any indication that she would like to share his bed and he didn’t dare ask her. He wasn’t sure if he could live with either response.

  “Sorry to break this up but we have a meeting.” He nodded to James, then turned his focus to Matt and Darryl. “And you guys have work to do. I need those interviews. Riley, don’t distract them.”

  Taking her arm, he practically dragged her along beside him as he walked back to his desk. She dug her heels in—literally—and he stopped and glared at her. He knew he was being possessive and jealous but hell he couldn’t help it any more than he could stop breathing.

  Riley shook off his hand. “I can walk you know. I’m sorry if you’re on a tight schedule but I’m not. You brought me here, remember? So, if I’m an inconvenience that’s your fault.”

  She stomped past him, quite the feat considering she was in three-inch white heels.


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