Fatal Fiction (Harbour Bay Book 5)

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Fatal Fiction (Harbour Bay Book 5) Page 14

by Camille Taylor

  Nick growled and rolled over, pinning Riley beneath him. She sucked in her breath and blinked owlishly up at him, desire and surprise warring in her blue eyes. He blanked his mind, resisting the urge to grind his hips into the apex of her thighs.

  “I’m not at all the playboy I seem you know Ms. O’Neill. In my entire life, I’ve only slept with eight women.” He’d promised himself it didn’t matter but it did. He needed her to understand. If only he could tell her just how much he wanted her, how he burned for her and only her but wariness as to where that might lead stopped him.

  “Eight?” Her voice revealed her scepticism.

  “Sure. Most of those relationships lasted over a year. I don’t like playing the field. If things were different, you would never be just a notch on my bedpost—not if I had anything to do with it.”

  He saw a question form on her lips and cursed himself for allowing her to push him into revealing too much.

  His lips hovered over hers, her breath fanning warmly over his skin. Her pulse beat furiously beneath his gaze. Her pupils dilated as he moved closer, her gaze shifting from his eyes to his lips, drinking him in as he wanted to do to her. Her breathing stuttered and caught. Her pink lips parted expectantly and as if he had no mind of his own—and he admitted he didn’t in her company—he leaned closer until they were barely a hairsbreadth from touching. His pulse raced and his heart knocked in his chest. His breaths came in quicker as his adrenaline surged. He was about to break his self-imposed rule and dammit he didn’t care. He swallowed to bring moisture to his mouth right before…

  A knock at the bedroom door had him and Riley snapping back to reality and he silently thanked the interruption. Riley pushed at his chest until his back was against the mattress and she sat tailor-fashion beside him, only just managing to cover his morning member with the blanket before his mother stood in the open doorway, looking somewhat uneasy, as if afraid she might be interrupting something or would see something she’d rather not.

  “Yeah, Mum?” He noted the relief on his mother’s face, most likely because they were both dressed. Riley was still wearing her shirt and jeans and he was, unable to sleep in his pants, was stripped down to his blue silk boxer shorts. He lifted his leg up slightly just in case the blanket wasn’t enough to hide his condition.

  “I thought I heard talking. Just wanted to know if you’ll be having breakfast here?” His mother’s gaze flicked from him to Riley. In response to her question, Riley’s stomach growled loudly.

  Nick smiled at her. “I guess that would be a yes, Mum, thanks.”

  “No worries, what’ll be? Pancakes? Eggs and bacon? Both?”

  Riley licked her lips and Nick shifted slightly. Damn Riley was sexy. Especially first thing in the morning, when her hair was still mussed and her cheeks still rosy from sleep. His heart thumped in recollection at how close he’d been to kissing her. How easily he could’ve turned it into something more. Something he’d wanted from the first moment they’d met. He swallowed hard, the urge to take her, consequences be damned still coursing through his veins.

  “Yes please, Mrs. Doyle.”

  “Jackie please, Riley, after all, you’re my son’s—”

  “Thank you, Mum, we’ll be right out.”

  A few seconds later, Jackie was gone and the sounds of pans banging lightly in the kitchen filled the silence.

  Nick let out a deep breath. “Thanks.”

  Riley smiled. “Looks like you needed help.”

  When he stared into her pretty eyes, as bright as a summer’s day, he was tempted to tell Riley the truth about how he felt, but as soon as that thought crossed his mind, a torrent of protests followed.

  Hell, yes, he needed help. Help to keep his hands off of her.

  What would’ve happened had his mother not interrupted?

  His head fell back against the headboard with a loud thud. His mind was pure chaos. Each thought warring with another. Desire. Promise. Honour. He had to remain strong, lest he hurt them all.

  “I’m sorry. That shouldn’t have happened—can’t happen.”

  Her gaze dropped to the sheets, her mouth tightening.

  Couldn’t she see how hard this was for him? If he could, he’d have her in a heartbeat. But there were so many factors keeping him from pursuing her.

  Was he even capable of being the man he once was? The one who’d craved a committed relationship with the right woman? And dammit Riley felt so right.

  Her chin rose. “Unlike you, I can control my hormones. Now if you threatened to take your mother away from me we’d have a problem. I love that woman. I’m considering adopting her. She smells like cookies.”

  Again, he saw the hurt he so often put on her face despite her attempts to cover it. It appeared, the one woman he wanted above all others would be the one he’d continually hurt.

  Would it be so bad to try? He clearly couldn’t get her out of his mind. He was beginning to feel more like himself. Riley probably had something to do about that. Still, what if the feelings they had fizzled out? Nothing but sexual attraction after a few bouts of sex cured. Could they go back? He didn’t think so. None of the women he’d seen remained friends. It wasn’t possible. At least in his mind.

  She stood on the bed, the sheets falling from her waist and pooling at her feet. She stepped over his prone body and jumped lightly to the floor. “Fix yourself up, Nick and don’t worry about me. I’m perfectly fine with how everything is.”

  Riley let herself out and he banged his head repeatedly against the headboard. He’d messed up…again. A constant state around her.

  Once he was presentable, he joined his mother and Riley in the kitchen. Riley played sous chef and hustled around the kitchen at his mother’s commands. She wore a luminescent smile that lit up her face as she performed the simple tasks and his heart thudded in his chest.

  They stayed long enough to eat and help clean up, then they’d said their goodbyes, his mother promising Riley to stay in touch. He’d been right about his parents’ loving Riley.

  At home, he used his brand-new keys and then showed Riley how to work the system. She glanced around blindly at the new additions which included high tech locks on all the windows.

  Her shoulders slumped. “I hate you’ve had to turn your home into a fortress.”

  “It had to be done.” He came up behind her and rubbed her shoulders. He didn’t like the defeat he saw on her face. “It’ll be all right. No one is getting in here.”

  Riley nodded. Regret filled him as he pulled away. As much as he wanted to stay here with Riley he had work and a sadistic killer to find.

  “I’m going to take a shower and get ready.”

  She twisted her head to peer back at him. “What no run today?”

  “Unfortunately, I have several interviews lined up and don’t have the time. Not that you’re complaining I see. I don’t see how you can possibly only live on coffee and no exercise.”

  Riley cocked an eyebrow. “Says the man who’d only had cheese.”

  “An odd occurrence.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got to get going.”

  “Don’t let me hold you up.” She moved to the kitchen and started the coffee maker. By the time he’d showered, shaved and dressed, she had a to-go cup ready.

  He winked at her, his fingers grazing hers as he took it from her. His heart thudded in his chest at her closeness. Would he ever get over his reaction to Riley?


  She shrugged. “Sure. No problem.”

  “I shouldn’t be home too late. Call me if you need anything.”

  “I will.”

  He hesitated, then nodded and headed for the door, closing it behind him. A little distance between them should do the world of good.

  Chapter 22

  Aimee Hawke appeared at Nick’s door around two brandishing a paper bag filled with two blueberry muffins and two steaming hot café coffees. Riley almost passed out from sheer aromatic pleasure. She’d called Aimee as she ha
d promised James, but the moment Riley had heard the pain and sorrow in Aimee’s voice she knew something was wrong, even though the other woman had said there wasn’t.

  The next words out of her mouth had been an order. “Get your butt over to Nick’s right now so we can talk face to face. I don’t like having heart to hearts over the phone. It’s much too easy to lie.”

  Twenty minutes later. Here they were.

  She ushered Aimee in and settled her on the couch.

  Tucking her feet beneath her, Riley studied Aimee’s wane face. “So?”

  Aimee bit down hard on her trembling bottom lip, tears swimming in her eyes. “I’m not pregnant.”

  Riley hesitated. “I take it you’d like to be?”

  “Yes. That damn little white stick is tormenting me with my failure.” She sniffled. “I really thought this time would be it. But it was just my body teasing me, getting my hopes up.”

  “How long have you been trying?”

  “Six months.” Tearing off a piece of muffin, Aimee stuffed it into her mouth. “Four tests and four negative results. So what if in time I’ve known Kellie, the woman has been pregnant twice, right? These things sometimes take time. Doesn’t mean anything’s wrong.”

  Riley’s heart ached. It sounded more like Aimee was trying to convince herself.

  “Have you specifically tried when you’re ovulating?”

  “We’ve been trying all the time.”

  Aimee’s exasperation was clear and despite her frustration, Riley’s lips curled.

  “Yeah, I know, how horrible for us right?” Aimee smiled when she caught Riley’s attempt to cover her own amusement.

  “There are worse things. What does James think about all this?”

  Aimee shrugged, the motion causing her long side braid to fall over her shoulder. “He’s a man so he’s happy with all the sex. As for the pregnancy, we decided that it’ll happen when it happens.”

  “But you’d rather it earlier rather than later? Have you told James what’s been bothering you? I’d think this was the kind of issue married couples tackled together—not that I’d have any idea about married couples of course.” Not an expert on the matter, she felt obliged to point that fact out. She could hardly tackle her own life and should hardly be one for handing out advice.

  “No. I’m scared that it’s all my fault. Maybe I’m not meant to be a mum, god knows mine was no example. What kind of mother would I be?”

  “You’ll be a fantastic mum, Aimee.”

  “I’m not so sure. I fear turning out like my own. It’s not fair on James. I love him so much and he’ll be a great father. He doesn’t deserve to be punished just because he fell in love with me, a woman with loose morals, a less than stellar past and apparently as barren as a desert.”

  Riley blinked.

  “Aimee, everybody has things in their past that they’d rather forget never happened.” Riley leaned forward in her seat, closer to Aimee. “And let me tell you if that was true—if so-called ‘bad’ people were being punished, the population would be in a serious decline because there’s not one person—myself included that could say they lived their lives completely innocent and guilt-free.”

  Tears rained down Aimee’s cheeks. “Thank you, Riley, you’re a good friend.”

  “Which you deserve, don’t you ever think otherwise. You and James will have a child I know it and I’m going to spoil it rotten I promise you.”

  Aimee laughed somewhat shakily. “Of that, I have no doubt. Between you and Nick, Heather isn’t going to want for anything. How is it going with you and Nick anyway? I know you two don’t always get along.”

  Closing her eyes, Riley leaned back into the soft cushion. “I guess you can say we’re doing okay. Touch and go sometimes but we’re making it work.”

  They were the poster couple for dysfunctional. They gravitated between friendly and hostile.

  “It’s got to be hard for Nick, in more ways than one having you around twenty-four seven,” Aimee commented. “He’s a healthy man and he’s attracted to you.”

  Riley gave Aimee a look that said she didn’t believe her. “Well, he’s being the perfect gentleman about it.”

  “Maybe you need to make the first move.”

  Riley blinked. “Come again?”

  “Men can be wary too, afraid of getting hurt maybe that’s Nick’s issue. I seduced James you know, dropped down to my bra and undies and had an orgasm right in front of him.”

  Riley blushed and cursed her pale skin when Aimee laughed. “In my experience, once you get naked in front of them, they stop thinking with their brain and start thinking with their little head.”

  The sound of a key in the lock made Riley jump. Before she could do or think anything the door opened and Nick, his shirt and trousers wrinkled, stepped through the open doorway. He smiled when he saw Riley and then registered that they weren’t alone.

  He nodded to her guest. “Aimee.”


  Standing, Aimee turned to Riley. “I’m going to go. Thanks for the chat.”

  “Any time. Thanks for keeping me company.”

  Aimee dismissed Riley with a wave of her hands. “No worries. I’m only a phone call and a car ride away.”

  Riley walked Aimee to the door, moving past Nick. “Don’t stress, Aimee. Talk to James. Even deserts produce cactus.”

  Aimee’s eyes welled up. “Thank you.” She opened the door. “Remember what I told you.”

  Riley smiled. “I will.”

  Winking at her, Aimee waved at Nick. Riley closed the door behind her and turned around, gasping when she realised how close Nick had come. She hadn’t heard him move and now only a scant few inches separated them.

  “What did she tell you?”

  Riley hoped she didn’t blush again. Clearing her throat, she lied. “Not to let it get to me. You look beat. How was your day?”

  Nick ran his fingers through his hair and huffed out a heavy sigh. “We’re still chasing our tails, but I do have some good news.”

  Hope blossomed. “You know who the murderer is?”

  Nick leaned against the wall as though his legs could no longer hold him upright. Her heart ached for him. “No, that would be great news, I’ve only got good news.”

  Riley chewed on her lower lip. “Okay, what’s the good news?”

  “We may have found the next victim.”

  “That was quick.”

  Nick shrugged, his broad shoulders moving up and down. “Some might say not quickly enough.”

  She took tentative steps towards him. “Let me come with you.”


  “Because no matter how charming you can be, telling a woman she’s a target of a serial killer will still be a quite a blow.”

  He raised a dark eyebrow. “And what can you do about that?”


  Nick pushed away from the wall in one swift move. “No, not going to happen. You’re staying here end of discussion.”

  Placing her hands on her hips, Riley glared at him. “What discussion. You simply decided. Come on, don’t make me do the chick thing.”

  Nick paused. “What chick thing?”

  “The one where I pout and bat my eyelashes to get what I want.”

  “Honey, that isn’t going to work with me. I know women who have perfected that and use it as part of their arsenal. You’re no way near their league and I haven’t been taken as a fool yet by it.”

  She pressed her lips into a thin line. “Well, then I’d say you’re due then.”

  “Not going to happen. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’ll be home late—real late.” As though the matter was settled, he made his way to his bedroom.

  Riley huffed loudly. “I won’t be here.”


  Nick swung around, his body filled with rage. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. He would never have believed Riley was the kind of woman that when she didn’t get her own way chucked a tantrum.
“What do you mean you won’t be here?” His voice vibrated a deadly calm as he held onto the last strain of control.

  Riley stepped back, wary of him and he cursed his sudden outburst.

  “I mean just that.” She straightened her spine, anger glinting in her eyes. “It’s my night to go to dinner at Megan’s. I do it every week. I’m not going to cancel.”

  Hands on hips, she gave him a look that said simply: ‘I’ve made up my mind and there’s no changing it’.

  He was getting used to that look—and to losing to it each time. Riley could out-stubborn a mule. Nick closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. He was a fool. He knew Riley better than to believe she’d endanger herself just to infuriate him.

  “I’m sorry I thought—”

  “You thought what? That I was being stubborn and decided to make life difficult for you because you wouldn’t take me with you?”

  Her anger washed over him. He deserved it.

  Nick shrugged. He had thought that so there was no point lying. “If the shoe fits.”

  “It doesn’t,” she snapped. “I’m not two, although I can’t say the same for you.”

  The look of contempt she shot him hurt more than he wanted to admit.

  “You’re right. I was an idiot. I’m sorry.”

  “Apology accepted. Now, is my going to Megan’s going to be a problem for you?” Her tone held a hint of challenge.

  “No, I’ll take you. I may run a little late, but please stay here so I can drive you over,” he pleaded, feeling like a jackass. He had hurt Riley by misjudging her and she hadn’t deserved it. If it took him the rest of his life, he was going to make it up to her. He couldn’t stand the thought of her mad at him.

  Chapter 23

  Nick moved up the cracked path to the front door of the small townhouse. Constable Cade Watson two steps behind him. They had already visited two other women in the past three hours and it was already dark, the winter’s night chilling, promising a frosty morning. The identification search they had run on the potential victim had yielded three possible results and Nick hoped that the third time would be the charm. He knocked briefly and waited. The door opened to reveal a pretty twenty-something with dark, almost black hair cut into a bob. She eyed Nick and Cade warily.


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