The Siberian's Queen

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The Siberian's Queen Page 8

by A. J. Wynter

  “Slow down, Tigress. I don’t want to come yet,” Sergei gasped.

  “Are you comfortable, sweetheart?” Daman asked.

  “I wouldn’t mind lying down.”

  Kat took both men by their hands and led them to a large velvet couch.

  “Relax, my beautiful Queen,” Sergei said, as he pushed her gently down onto her back. He began to kiss up and down her taut abs, finally pulling off her panties. Kat felt his warm breath between her legs, and this time, she was ready for the intense pleasure. He placed his whole mouth over her, and sucked slowly on each lip before delving into a light, flickering licking rhythm, breaking the pattern to suck hard on her clit.

  Meanwhile, Daman gently straddled Kat’s face, and she kissed his balls before taking them into her mouth and sucking on them hard. She felt him shiver. She reached up to guide his throbbing cock into her mouth. The three of them stayed that way, writhing and sucking and moaning, until the sensations overcame Kat. She arched her back and moaned and screamed around Daman’s cock as the warmth from her body shot to her clit, sending her into a shuddering orgasm.

  Sergei kissed her tummy and smiled up at her, his face covered in her wetness. He crawled up her body, slipping his hard cock into her wet slit. Daman turned and kissed Sergei, as Kat adjusted her angle so that she could continue sucking on Daman. To any onlooker, they would have looked like a writhing triangle of pleasure. Daman carefully lifted his body off Kat’s face, and pulled his cock out of her mouth. Wordlessly, he pushed Kat onto her side, pausing to spread her wetness over his cock, before gently sliding it into her ass. Kat had never experienced such a strong sensation. She didn’t feel dirty like she’d thought she would—she felt exhilarated and full. She loved the sensation and kissed Sergei hard on the mouth, as both Daman and Sergei slowly took turns thrusting into her. It felt extremely sensual, and waves of pleasure began to travel up and down her body. Sergei started pumping into her faster and faster, before suddenly grabbing onto Daman’s ass as he bucked and filled her with his seed. This seemed to set Daman off, and he in turn grabbed Sergei’s ass so that Kat was solidly sandwiched between the two of them. Daman grunted and seemed to growl as she felt him come inside her ass.

  Afterwards, they lay there on the couch, panting, tangled in their post-orgasmic haze.

  The three of them fell asleep on the couch, tucked under a fur blanket in the light of the crackling fire—Daman in the back and Sergei in the front. Kat felt as though a powerful demon of lust had taken over her body and there was no going back. She had given herself fully to both Daman and Sergei, finally admitting to herself that she’d fallen for both men equally. It was easy to forgive Sergei, he’d been acting out of jealousy and nothing more. If she were in his position, she knew she would have done the same.

  And it was also hard to stay mad at someone who was tickling you and biting your back.


  The three were roused abruptly by bright flashlights.

  “Oh, my lord,” exclaimed Natalia. She placed one hand on her forehead before falling backwards and fainting in her husband’s arms.

  “Mother!” shouted Kat, while clutching at the fur blanket. Daman and Sergei jumped behind the couch, desperately trying to find their discarded suits.

  “Quickly, Katerina, help me get your mother onto the couch. We need to get her a glass of cold water for when she wakes up.”

  “I’ll get it,” Daman offered kindly. He’d located his pants and dress shirt and was now running out of the room and up the stairs, barefoot.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Kat said. “Is she going to be okay? I feel so badly that she had to find out this way. Papa, what do I do?”

  “It’s going to be alright. Your mother just had a fainting spell. I suppose it surprised her to see you, um, well, see you the way, well…” He sputtered, unable to form a complete sentence.

  “Father,” Kat pleaded, as tears streamed down her face.

  “It’s okay, child, your mother will make sense of everything in time. For now, we need to be there for her when she wakes up. Where is Daman with the water?”

  “How did you know his name?” Kat asked, puzzled.

  Her father said nothing, so Kat continued, “I’m in love with him.”

  Sergei cleared his throat behind her. Now was as good a time as any, she realized, before bravely continuing. “Actually, I’m in love with Sergei too.”

  “Kat, this doesn’t surprise me at all. Both of these boys are special, I know them both.”

  “But how?”

  Her father sighed, “I have been dreading this day. The day that I have to reveal my secret life to my daughter.”

  “Dominic, Daman is taking way too long to come back” Sergei said, worriedly.

  “Dominic?” Kat said, confused. “Dominic?”

  Then all the puzzle pieces seemed to fall into place. Her father was a shifter!

  “Yes, child.” Your mother and I have learned that you have the gene that attracts shifters to you. Sergei was the only royal tiger shifter we could find that would satisfy your subconscious desire for a shifter, and satisfy our families’ obligation to continue a strong blood-line. Your mother is starting to stir, and she will be fine. Come back when you’ve found Daman and that water. You go too, Sergei.”

  Sergei nodded and bowed to her father before darting through the passageway, following Kat. They ran into the now deserted hallway and, deciding it was better to stick together, headed towards the ballroom. If Daman had come looking for water, he would have surely tried the buffet table. At least, they hoped that’s where he would be.

  As they entered the ballroom, Sergei reached out and laced his fingers through hers. “We’re going to find him,” he said. “I’m sure everything’s fine and he’s just hiding somewhere, nervous to face your mother.”

  “Do you really think he’s hiding right now?” she asked. “It’s been almost an hour. Something is definitely wrong.”

  “Do you think he would have gone out to the courtyard or the garden to, you know, clear his mind?”

  “Oh no,” she said, her hand flying up to her mouth. “There’s new guards on duty tonight—a group that I don’t know very well.”

  “And I’m guessing they wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a Siberian tiger on sight,” he said, a look of concern coming over his face.

  In the distance, they heard a single gunshot. A few of the party guests turned, but most of them just ignored it. They knew they were safe, every last one of them.

  “You guessed right,” she said, her hand flying to her mouth. “Come, before it’s too late!” She grabbed him by the wrist and ran out of the ballroom.

  They leapt down staircase after staircase until they were on the first floor. The pair burst through a pair of double glass doors, practically shattering the panes from the force of their bodies.

  “Stop!” she shrieked when she saw a guard aiming at a dark figure, clearly wounded and limping to the edge of the forest. “Stop! He’s my pet!”

  “Your pet?” Sergei smirked.

  Kat shot him the dirtiest look.

  The guards lowered their guns, but kept them cocked. Kat ran towards the lump, which was moaning in pain. As they got closer, their worst fears were confirmed. It was Daman alright, and he’d been shot. Kat patted his fur all over, trying to feel for a bullet hole. She found nothing on his flanks or neck, which was a good sign.

  “I found it,” Sergei said. “It’s in his leg. Can you change back, boy? I know it hurts, but it might ease the pain a bit.”

  Daman just growled and tried to bite Sergei.

  “Okay, I was only asking. Listen Kat, we need to get him inside.”

  Sergei let out two sharp yelps, calling for her father.

  “But how do we move him?” cried Kat.

  They didn’t need to worry long, as not even ten seconds later, Kat’s father was by their side. He’d started running towards the treeline the minute he heard the gunshot.

had a medical kit on him at all times, strapped around his waist in a leather pouch. With a pair of enormous tweezers, he proceeded to search for the bullet in the wound.

  “It won’t work, there’s too much fur. I need scissors,” he said gravely, reaching for a pair in his bag.

  Kat couldn’t watch. She turned around and held her body, giving into a fresh flow of hot tears. She was terrified that Daman had lost too much blood.

  “There isn’t a bullet, it just barely grazed his leg. All he needs is some stitches and he should be good to go.”

  “You hear that, you big crybaby? All you need is stitches,” Sergei joked. Daman wasn’t in the mood for jokes so he reached out and tried to bite Sergei’s hand.

  “Careful, I don’t want to have to give both of you stitches. I only have enough for one wound.”

  Sergei rolled his eyes and walked over to Kat. He held her from behind, rocking her gently back and forth in the tall grass. Though she felt comforted from Sergei’s touch, she hated the sound of the scissor work behind her. It was also strange that she was quite literally caught between worlds. On one side was the forest, which was dark and mysterious, with a musty, earthy smell. On the other side lay the bright square of grass and behind it, the palace brightly lit with golden lights. She could see some of the party guests through the windows. They wore enormous masks and some even wore wings. It reminded her of the night she’d snuck out and met Daman for the first time.

  “Daman,” she whispered. Sergei leaned into her and kissed the top of her head.

  “He’s going to be okay,” he murmured into her hair. “We all are.”

  “How can you be so sure?

  “You heard what your father, our tiger leader, said earlier. Everything will sort itself out. Even if there are three of us, I don’t think that’s such a bad thing.”

  “I already made up my mind,” she said firmly. “I’m not going anywhere without you both by my side.”

  He smiled and whispered in her ear, “That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”

  Five minutes later Daman’s wound was cleaned and expertly stitched. When they turned around, they saw that he had returned to his human form. He was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands, wrapped in a blanket, waiting for the medication to kick in.

  “Glad you’re alright, Daman. What should we do now?” Sergei asked.

  “Let’s head back to the palace. I’m exhausted, and we could all use some sleep, and something to eat,” said Kat.

  “And something strong to drink,” Daman added. His leg was starting to feel comfortably numb and he found he could stand up again, with the assistance of his friends.

  “Father, how are we ever going to thank you for everything you’ve done for us? You’re the most incredible being I’ve ever met in my whole life,” Kat said. She walked up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  “You’re my daughter, I’ve protected you all my life. These two men are now stepping into that role” he said, bowing low. “I’m heading back home now but if you need anything don’t hesitate to call for me.” And with that he disappeared into the night.

  As they walked down the hallway, they saw her mother was back at the party and laughing with her friends.

  “I should get back home,” Daman said.

  “Absolutely not,” Kat said. “You can both sleep here. I no longer care what my mother thinks. I know she seems uptight and opinionated on the outside, but she married my father, a shifter, so there’s a reasonable woman in there, somewhere. Maybe I’m a little bit more like her than I thought.” Kat mused.

  “You don’t have to tell us twice,” Sergei joked.

  “Hey, I’m not nearly as bad as my mother. At least I haven’t shot either of you on sight.”

  “I definitely thought you were going to shoot me when you first met me,” Sergei said.

  “And I thought you were going to shoot him when you caught him with Olysia,” Daman added.

  She sighed. “Okay, fine. Maybe I’m a little bit untraditional when it comes to my emotions. Besides, you two are the exact same way. If it weren’t for your feelings, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

  “The lady has a point,” Daman said.

  They reached Sergei’s room and Kat opened the door for him. The bed had been made earlier, and the small lamp by his bed had been left on, bathing the room in a soft orange glow. They hoisted Daman into the bed and covered him with a thin blanket, before saying goodnight to each other.

  “I feel like a small child,” Daman complained.

  “That’s because you are,” Sergei responded. “Come on man, a bullet grazed your leg and you practically fell apart! If a bullet grazed my leg, I’d be running and jumping like a regular person ought to.”

  “Sergei, you’re not a regular person. Now please, get some sleep already. I’ll see you two in the morning,” Kat said.

  “Goodnight,” they responded in unison.

  With lead feet, Kat shuffled towards her bedroom. She felt as though her body were made of iron, sinking further to the floor with each step.

  That night, Sergei and Daman slept solidly, while Kat tossed and turned, consumed by strange dreams about precious stones and crystals. Each dream was another segment from her childhood, including the break-in at the palace. With sudden realization, she awoke confused. Could it be true? The tiger she saw all those years ago had been her father. There were times she was sure she was being watched. She sat up with the sudden realization that it had been her father, watching over her.


  The next morning, at breakfast, Natalia was in an uncharacteristically quiet mood. Hungover from the night before, she wore large sunglasses to shield her eyes from the glare of the morning sun.

  As soon as Kat sat down at the table, Natalia removed the sunglasses, revealing a stern look.

  “Kat, I’ve had enough. You will be getting married,” she stated.

  Kat tossed back her head and laughed. “Mama, the only way I’m getting married is if I can marry two men, and last I checked that wasn’t legal here.”

  “And do you think that the Emerald family is subject to such laws?

  “We are, aren’t we?,” Kat stammered, unsure of what to think.

  “Pish! It seems we have a wedding to plan—a rather unique wedding that will go down in Russian history.” And Kat’s mother smiled the most genuine smile that Kat had ever seen on her cold face.

  On the day of her wedding, Kat finally allowed her mother to pin her hair up.

  “You look stunning,” murmured Natalia in approval, as she inserted the last bobby pin. She had attached small orange and white gems to the bun, leaving two ringlets of blonde hair cascading down Kat’s face.

  “Do you really think so?” Kat asked, nervous.

  “Kat, you look more beautiful than ever. And I’m sure both grooms will agree.”

  When it was time, Natalia kissed Kat on both cheeks, and brushed a tear from her eye. As she left to take her place in the garden, Kat looked in the mirror one last time, and smiled a knowing smile.

  Outside, a soft orchestral melody began to float through the air. Kat floated down a rose-covered aisle, with her father next to her. As she reached the rose adorned trellis, he tenderly kissed her on the cheek, before presenting her to her grooms, nodding twice in approval.

  They were officially wed in the middle of the day, seconds before a huge rainstorm. Right after Kat said her vows, the heavens seemed to open, dumping water on all the guests.

  Kat thought it was hilarious. Instead of taking it as a bad omen, she took it as a sign from Beatrice. Although Dante was of a different faith and from a different country than Kat, she would never forget the nights she had prayed to the fictional angel Beatrice, hoping that one day she would fall madly in love with someone who would respect and care for her as much as Dante. Kat knew she was lucky, for she had not only been granted her prayer once, but twice, as she had found her Dante in both Sergei and Daman.

the sky turned from grey to black and the rain continued its steady downpour, everyone rushed into the main ballroom to stay dry. The servants had chilled vodka shots waiting for guests at the door, as was tradition.

  Daman felt as though he was the luckiest man alive. He would get to live out his life with his two best friends, and he finally had a place to call home. After spending weeks in that disgusting apartment, it felt amazing to sleep on white linen sheets and king-sized beds. Even though he still felt the call of the wild, he had begun to appreciate domesticity.

  Sergei told him that it wouldn’t last. He’d been living as a half-human all his life, and he found the only way to survive it was to hunt every so often in the forest. It was really the only way he kept his sanity.

  The party guests continued drinking and dining long into the night, and Kat felt the need to escape the noise, if only for a little while. Natalia had planned the nuptials to take place on the eve of Kat’s birthday. She would only be twenty for a few more hours, and she wanted to enjoy every second of it. Starting tomorrow, she would have to start attending to issues regarding the estate and their businesses and holdings, leaving her adventures with Sergei and Daman in the past. But today, she was a young, happy newlywed and wanted revel in the moment.

  “So, my darling, when’s the honeymoon?” Sergei growled in a low, seductive voice.

  “We’re living large. Do you really need a vacation from a vacation?” Daman teased.

  “I was just thinking that the three of us should spend some quality time together,” he said, winking.

  “Let’s start now!” Kat squealed and, lifting the hem of her dress, ran up the stairs toward her wing. The men glanced once at each other, then tossed their shot glasses over their shoulders, laughing, before sprinting up the stairs to join their Queen.

  They were both husbands and Kings, and they were home.


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