The Syndicates: A Dark Mafia Romance Collection

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The Syndicates: A Dark Mafia Romance Collection Page 82

by Raven Scott

  Smiling faintly, I leaned down to kiss his cheek, and Oran lifted his arms above his head and stretched his legs downward. The huge centipede covering either side of his spine by a good foot wiggled and wormed, and I caressed down the length of it. Bright yellow and red and black— the artwork was striking, and it danced to distract me from what I was doing.

  “Oran, what does this mean?” Groaning softly as he relaxed under my thighs, Oran rolled over heavily to settle on his back, but I could still see his tattoo behind my lids when I blinked. Bracing my palms on his taut shoulders, I leaned down to press my cheek against his chest, and the coarse hairs there tickled my nose. For a long moment, he was silent, staring up at the ceiling as his fingertips swept up and down my back, and I closed my eyes as I soaked up his heat and attention.

  “In Asian culture, centipedes are considered the symbol of chiefs, leaders, and it may be beautiful, but I regret getting it. I always compared myself to Carlyle, and for some dumb-shit reason, I thought it was a good idea. Thankfully, it’s got artistic value and isn’t just a glaring representation of my self-esteem.” His tone darkened, and his chest shuddered as he let out a gust of breath. “I guess it could be worse— I could’ve been racist and gotten a swastika tattooed on my face.”

  “I think you’re better. Carlyle makes me nervous.” Oran smiled tenderly against my crown, and I twirled his chest hairs around my finger as our group lunch played behind my shuttered lids. “Thank you for standing up for Sarah. Thank you for everything to do for me, Oran.”

  “You’re welcome, May.” Lifting my head to kiss him, I propped my elbows on either side of Oran’s head as his palms slid under my panties to grip my ass. His long fingers slipped between my legs, and I opened my mouth for his sweet invasion as excitement trilled in my veins. His tongue tangled with mine, our tastes mingling to send my buds into a frenzy, and I arched into his hands as he spread my folds.

  Rolling us onto our sides, Oran ground against my core, and I wrapped my arms around his neck as the faint hum of ecstasy began to build in my skull. His muscles rippled against my front, and a soft moan floated up from deep inside me as we made out shamelessly. Nails grazed over my hip, and my skin quivered at the tease as he edged my abdomen, his fingertips creeping beneath the band of my underwear.

  “I can’t get enough of this body.” Oran’s growl tightened my throat, and I rolled my hips eagerly as he circled my clit. Tearing his mouth from mine, he shouldered me onto my back to kiss and suck down my neck, leaving a trail of fire and saliva behind. Spreading my legs in invitation, I shivered when he dragged his finger up my slit, and he wasted no time claiming my nipple to nibble sensually.

  Gingerly working two fingers into my channel, Oran gasped as I writhed in pleasure, and I gripped the pillow above my head with white-knuckle tightness. His body rocked into my arch, and I clamped down on his digits when they curled and twisted sluggishly. Goosebumps washed over my entire body, and he thrust with the rhythm of his hand as a strangled gasp escaped me.

  Trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down my belly, Oran shuffled down to blow on my bead, and I rocked to his beat. Everything but him fell away as he masterfully played me, his fingertips coaxing my inner walls tighter as the pleasure mounted. Pulling my panties down, he paused only to take them off completely, and his groan swept up my front when he spread my legs wide.

  “Oh, Oran . . . ” He licked the length of my slit with all of his tongue, the wetness and warmth, and the roughness of it sending a fog to my mind. My thoughts sputtered to a stop, and I gasped as spasms strafed my thighs. Parting my folds with his thumbs, he took a deep, grumbling breath, and flames licked my cheeks as they climbed up from my abdomen.

  “Delicious.” Hissing as the mumble reverberated down my legs, I lifted my hips impatiently, and Oran swirled his tongue around my bead. His savoring gentleness betrayed this tightness of his shoulders against my knees, and he teethed my clit to tug sharply. Thin, sharp nails dug into my thighs with I jerked, a moan tearing from my throat, and he groaned when my hands flew to tangle in his hair.

  My juices slicked his fingers as they teased my entrance, and Oran kissed just below my belly button. This time, he jammed his fingers knuckle-deep, and I choked on my gasp as pleasure surged in waves up my torso. Icy prickles attacked my sternum, and he kissed up to my mouth to steal what little breath I had left. The passion in his kiss blew everything else far away, and I unfurled my fist from his scalp to reach between us. Pushing down his boxers as he pulled back, I palmed his half-hard cock, and he ground against me with greedy grunts and groans.

  “Shit . . . ” Oran’s moan dried my tongue as his tangled around it, and I squeezed his shaft. He trembled above me, his fingers curling and twisting, the friction eased by the wetness seeping from my walls. “On your knees. Stick that ass high for me, May.”

  Excitement gripped my heart, expectation flooded my veins, and blood drummed in my ears at Oran’s mumble. Doing as I was told, I quivered with boiling hot need when he reached over me to grab the clamps sitting patiently on the nightstand. Wiggling my ass greedily, I moaned when he spread my ass cheeks only to squeeze them together, and desire seared a path up my spine.

  This time, Oran stuck the clamp on my inner thigh, so close to my core, and I whimpered at the sharp sting. They were tight, not just for looks, and already my skin throbbed dangerously. A second clamp pinched my other leg, and my knees burned on the sheet as they slid as wide as they could.

  “Jesus Christ.” Gasping with a shudder when Oran snapped the clip on my side, almost at my ribs, I gripped the pillow tight. The pain was delicious, intensifying the pleasure that already fogged my mind, and I ground my teeth as I rocked back in wanton need.

  Oran only used those three, but I couldn’t think when he flicked the one on my left thigh. Needle-like pain prickled up to ball at my tail bone, and I buried my moan in the pillow as he gripped my ass tight. Desire leaked from my entrance, and he swiped the bulbous head of his cock between my folds to coat himself in it. The mental image was almost too much, and I trembled violently as my toes curled in expectation.

  “Ugh-h fuck!” Sinking into my channel, Oran’s cock stretched my walls as his growl rolled down my back, and I arched with a pleased, hoarse cry. The pressure against my forehead released as the coil in my belly snapped before his hips even touched mine, and my eyes rolled back. Clamping down on his shaft, I undulated wildly, and he sucked in a whistle of a breath that stole the heat from my skin.

  Grinding his hips against mine, Oran rode out my orgasm, and I panted harshly when he pulled back to set a hard pace. The clamps on my skin tugged and scraped, and the pain and pleasure mingled all together gloriously. Sharp and hard, the crack of his palm on my ass cheek sent shocks up my spine, and I moaned loudly as he jerked my hips back. His head bruised my cervix, the almost uncomfortable, sharp twinge in my core, only adding to the incredible pleasure of it all.

  “Fuck . . . fuck . . . cream on my cock, May. Yes-s-s . . . ” I scrunched up my face as I came. Tight . . . tight . . . every part of me was wound so tightly as Oran smacked my ass hard. The clap of his palm on my skin echoed in my ears, and tears pricked my eyes at the burning sting even as I fell deeper into ecstasy. “Scream!”

  And he hit me again in the same spot, and a hoarse shriek burst out from behind the dense lump in my throat. Panting furiously, I couldn’t do anything but hold into the pillow, but even then, Oran tangled his hand in my hair to yank my head up. He pounded my channel ruthlessly, his grunts and hisses only broken by his own furiously hot breaths, and I undulated wildly around his cock. His free hand massaged my burning skin only to pull back, and my heart stuttered in expectation before he brought his palm down.

  This time, there was nothing to muffle my scream as I came undone, and sweat dripped down my neck and between my shoulder blades. My body wound too tightly, and colorful spots assaulted my narrowing field of vision. Tugging my hair hard, he pulled me up to grapple my breast and squeeze, and
I whimpered pathetically when he pinched my nipple and twisted. Harsh pants tickled down my neck, drying the sweat on my skin, and he nibbled and sucked and licked as he thrust wildly.

  “O-oh-h-h God! Oh, my God!” My voice broke when Oran’s nails unhooked from my hip to grip the clamp on my side, and I spasmed uncontrollably. The heat, the rhythm, the sounds of us . . . together . . . it was all too much, and the pain when he tightened the clamp was my undoing.

  “Take it! Take it!” The bed creaking filtered through my fading scope of comprehension, and Oran’s thrusts became jarring and erratic. His hips bruised my ass cheeks, the sting from the indents of his nails sharpening and intensifying. Tears streamed down my face at the absolutely lovely way he pleasured me— the way he knew my body almost better than I did.

  “Oran . . . Oran . . . oh-h-h-h! Oran!” He shoved me down to ram my channel, his cock swelling as Oran grunted and sputtered a gasp. His fingernails dug deep into my ass cheeks, and I clamped down on him as pleasure sloshed through my chest. With just a few vicious thrusts, he emptied himself inside me, and I wheezed into the pillow as all the energy just seeped from my body.

  Collapsing into a satisfied heap, Oran rubbed my ass cheeks gingerly but made no move to unfasten the clamps clinging to my skin. His powerful muscles rippled against my back, and my knees slid out from under me as I struggled to breathe. Holding himself above me on his hands and knees, he ducked to kiss down my spine, and I shivered as pleasure followed his lips.



  “Hello?” I shouldn’t have answered the phone- I knew it- and I clenched my jaw hard as May dribbled spit down my shaft to ease the friction. Holding back her hair with my free hand, I frowned when she paused to glance at me through narrowed eyes, but my brother’s raspy tone halted any pleasantness currently muddling my brain.

  “Hey, Oran. I’m sorry to call so late.” Prickles raced down my spine, and I tugged May’s head back to throw my legs over the side of the bed. “I was just wondering if we could talk.”

  “Mateo, of course. What’s up?” My hard-on shriveled like a grape in the sun when Mateo sucked in a rattling breath, and I covered my mouth to hide my frown. “What’s wrong?”

  “I just . . . I need to talk to someone. I’ve been up all night. You know how Dad says I can get out? But I’ve been thinking . . . what if I can’t do whatever it is he makes me do? I mean, what if I should just take Sonja’s advice?” Alarms rang in my head, and Mateo sighed heavily as the hairs on my neck and shoulders stood straight up.

  “Mateo, if you think suicide is your only option, then you should. But if you have even the tiniest smidgen of hope, then you shouldn’t.” A gasp sounded behind me, but I ignored it as my form morphed into a grimace. “You and I don’t have the best relationship, Mateo, but you’re still my brother. I don’t judge you for what happened, bu—”

  “I’m over that.” He sounded so hollow as he cut me off, and I held my breath as soft hands rubbed my shoulders and down my back. “I realized everyone was right— it was stupid. I was stupid. It’s not about that bitch or that thing. I just . . . you know what else I realized, though, Oran? I don’t know if I can do whatever Dad wants me to do. I know that whatever it is, it’ll be beyond fucked up. Even if I can get through it, I won’t come out okay on the other side.”

  “I have faith in you, Mateo. You know, Dad doesn’t have to give you permission for anything. What’s he going to do if you just walk away?” If there was one thing I’d learned since moving to Seattle, it’s that Dad was only a threat if he was right there. Otherwise, he couldn’t be bothered. Carlyle was no different— if Mateo said ‘goodbye,’ Carlyle would sneer ‘good riddance’ and never give it a second thought. “Do you want to come stay with me for a while? Get away from New York City and Dad?”

  “No. I’m really tired. Carlyle came back just to call me useless, that he should do it himself. I don’t get it. If he thinks he should do it himself, why does he still make me do it knowing I’ll fuck it up?”

  “Because Carlyle’s an asshole, Mateo. You of all people know how much he likes to talk down on everyone else.” A cold sweat broke out on my body at his silence. Mateo wasn’t even breathing, and I held my own as anxiety gripped my gut in a vise. “Mateo, trust me, once you realize Carlyle’s opinion doesn’t count for shit, everything will get better. You just have to realize it for yourself. No one else can make that revelation for you.”

  Mateo’s breaths started up again, and I clenched my jaw hard as goosebumps swept down my back and arms. He didn’t say anything more before hanging up, and I listened to the flat, long beeps, and clutched my phone tightly. Leaning back against May, I flopped my head against her shoulder to heave a massive sigh, and she rubbed my back soothingly.

  “I don’t know. Mateo’s a gentle kid, the spitting image of our mom if my dad’s to be believed, inside and out. He’s spoiled as all hell, but he’s . . . ” Trailing off, my mouth dried as I inhaled deeply, and May rocked back to hold me to her chest. Caressing my chest while I gazed at the endless white of the ceiling, she didn’t say anything. What could she say? “I don’t know why he’s suddenly calling me. Like I said- we don’t have even a good relationship. Mateo spent all his life hiding, and I spent all my life trying to grab something I could never catch.”

  “Maybe he just needs someone to talk to, and he chose you because of your neutral relationship.” Humming softly, I rolled onto my front to hold myself over her, and May’s blurred features puffed out in a smile. “I was gonna be mad that you answered, but now I can’t.”

  “Are you coming with me to work tomorrow to sign all the forms to get your subsidiary up and running?” Changing to subject none-too-subtly, I climbed off May to grab my glasses, and her gorgeous body came into sharp focus. New bruises blossomed on her side and thighs, and I bit down on my bottom lip as she crawled up to the top of my bed. “I know you wanted to talk to your old college friends and get the foundation laid first.”

  “Yeah, I do.” Cuddling against my side, May wrapped her legs around my left, and I laid back to grab the remote. Mateo distracted me at the television flickered to life, and my lips twisted at the myriad of possibilities he could experience. He was right- whatever our father thought to test him with, it’d get dangerously close to breaking him, but May’s voice broke my thoughts. “I’m gonna do it all this weekend. I know I can’t expect much, though, so I’m still planning on doing interviews and stuff.”

  “What about your sister?” Natasha had practically jumped at the chance to stay in a nice hotel to ease May’s worries. It beat Erik’s back seats, for sure, and it was free. With the weather getting worse, they were just waiting to make sure her meds were adjusted correctly before heading south to California.

  Which worked for me because Sarah wasn’t comfortable in the hotel room alone, and May wasn’t comfortable leaving her there.

  “I mean, what about her? We’re homeless right now, she doesn’t go to school, and she looks for opportunities, but it’s honestly not looking good. Even if she’d just get her GED, she could go to college, at least do something instead of being bored all day, every day.” She sounded so annoyed, it was cute, and I couldn’t help but smile as she rested her cheek on my shoulder. Just lounging around like this, naked, in the afterglow of great sex, was a wonderful change of pace, and I kissed her crown absently.

  “I could get used to this.” My murmur earned me a blissful sigh, and I opened the tv guide to scroll through shows without actually looking at what they were. “Maybe, I’ll go behind your back and get a house with another, smaller house on the property. That way we’ll have privacy, you can charge rent if she doesn’t go to school, so it’ll force Sarah to get a job. I know she has her struggles, May, but there’s no way to overcome than to battle them.”

  “You know, Oran, I think, for once, you might be onto something.” A wide, lazy smirk stretched my lips at that, and May nuzzled my chest tenderly as her arm slung over my waist. “T
hat’s a good idea. I had thought, at one point, that if Sarah and I were going to live separately, I’d want to be in the same building, at least. If she doesn’t go to school, she’ll have to get a job, and if she doesn’t get a job, I’ll start the eviction process to show I’m serious. But not until she’s eighteen, and we’ve talked about it.”

  “Exactly. See, great minds think alike. All we gotta do now is find a place.” If things are this great now, they could get much better. All I had to do was keep May happy, and that was easy because I liked making her happy. If I could help her by making her sister happy, I’d do that, too. Caressing the smooth slope of her back, I decided on cartoons because . . .

  I was living in a fairytale, after all.



  “Candice, it’s been too long.” Ducking into the shipping container, I rolled up my sleeves as Candice smirked broadly. “How’d it go?”

  “Guys like this are easy. I was surprised you sent me after one of my own guys, Oran.” Struggling, tied to the chair, the guy that’d been on the wrong side of me snapped his head up, and I leaned on the side of the container to cross my ankles. “Why did you send me after one of my own guys, anyway?”

  “The rules clearly state children are off-limits. You know why?” Candice shrugged, pulling off her pale green beanie to fluff out her vibrant, green hair, and I sucked my teeth in disdain. “Children are looked for immediately. Adults have to be gone for more than forty-eight hours to initiate a search.”

  “Right, right.” But I knew Candice didn’t care. She rarely spent more than a few days on any soil before heading back out to sea. Like a siren, the waves were her palace, and international waters were her domain. “You’re doing this specifically because he went after your girlfriend’s sister.”


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