Bayside Mistletoe

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Bayside Mistletoe Page 1

by Stacy Claflin

  Also by Stacy Claflin

  An Alex Mercer Thriller

  Girl in Trouble

  Turn Back Time

  Little Lies

  Against All Odds

  Don't Forget me

  Tainted Love

  Take On Me

  Danger Zone

  Lady in Red

  White Wedding

  Careless Whisper

  Bayside Hunters

  Bayside Opposites

  Curse of the Moon

  Lost Wolf

  Chosen Wolf

  Hunted Wolf

  Broken Wolf

  Cursed Wolf

  Secret Jaguar

  Curse of the Moon Box Set

  Dark Sea Academy

  Mermaid's Song

  Mermaid's Heart

  Mermaid's Wish

  The Dark Sea Academy: The Complete Trilogy

  Fall Into Romance

  Lost in Romance





  The Gone Trilogy

  Dean's List

  Indigo Bay Second Chance Romances

  Sweet Complications

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  Sweet Dreams

  Sweet Reunion

  The Hunters

  Seaside Surprises

  Seaside Heartbeats

  Seaside Dances

  Seaside Kisses

  Seaside Christmas

  Bayside Wishes

  Bayside Evenings

  Bayside Promises

  Bayside Destinies

  Bayside Mistletoe

  Bayside Dreams

  The Hunters: A Collection

  The Transformed













  Fallen (The Transformed Prequel)

  Silent Bite: A Transformed Christmas

  Hidden Intentions

  Saved by a Vampire

  Sweet Desire

  Valhalla's Curse

  Renegade Valkyrie

  Pursued Valkyrie

  Silenced Valkyrie

  Vengeful Valkyrie

  Unleashed Valkyrie

  Wildflower Romance

  When Tomorrow Starts Without me

  The Only Things You Can Take

  When You Start to Miss Me


  The Transformed Series - Four Books

  The Transformed Box Set

  No Return

  Tiny Bites



  Lies Never Sleep

  Alex Mercer Thrillers Box Set 1-3

  Gone Saga Standalones

  Watch for more at Stacy Claflin’s site.

  Bayside Mistletoe

  Stacy Claflin



  by Stacy Claflin

  * * *

  Copyright ©2018 Stacy Claflin. All rights reserved.

  ©Cover Design: Didi Wahyudi

  Edited by Staci Troilo

  * * *

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events, or locales is purely coincidental or used fictitiously. The author has taken great liberties with locales including the creation of fictional towns.

  * * *

  Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent is strictly prohibited. Do not upload or distribute anywhere.

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  The e-book is for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be resold or given away to others. If you would like to share this book with others, please either purchase it for them or direct them to for purchase links. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Sneak Peek of Bayside Dreams

  Other Books by Stacy Claflin

  Author's Note

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Judy Rivera tightened her new scarf and watched the snow fall outside. Though she hated the cold, the fat flakes sent a wave of excitement through her. It was nearly Christmas—her favorite time of year. She hurried out of the apartment she shared with her sister, nearly forgetting to lock it.

  One of her neighbors waved and wished her a merry Christmas. She returned the greeting then raced to the main door. As soon as she stepped outside, the gust of cold air hit her face. Several snowflakes brushed against her cheek, melting right away. It was starting to feel a lot like Christmas.

  She made her way to the parking lot and started her car. On the radio, President Carter was giving a speech. Judy turned the dial until she found a station playing festive music, then she turned up the volume for the short drive. It never took long to get anywhere in Enchantment Bay, Oregon, and it took even less time today. It seemed almost everyone else was staying off the road to enjoy the snow. Judy would have, too, but she had final exams coming up. Then just two more quarters and then she was a college graduate.

  She smiled, just thinking of it. A college graduate. She’d be the first woman in her family. Her mom was thrilled, but her dad was pestering her about getting another degree. Her MRS degree. Dad was far more concerned about Judy getting married and having someone take care of her than he was her career plans. She loved him to death, but boy was he old-fashioned.

  The snow was already letting up by the time Judy pulled into the diner’s parking lot. She tried to ignore the disappointment as she cut the engine. It wasn’t sticking to anything yet. The flurry might just be a fluke.

  She grabbed her bag from the passenger seat and held her head high. It was just as well. She didn’t need the distraction, anyway. These final exams were important. She’d managed to keep her GPA high throughout her entire college career, and she was on target for her highest scores yet.

  The cold chill hit her as soon as she opened the door, so she tightened her scarf again. She took in the diner’s new look with colorful Christmas lights lining the roof and a big wreath on the door, then she quickly ran inside. It was even more festive there with a giant Christmas tree and tinsel covering the walls. Let it Snow blared from the speakers. She found her friends at a booth near the back underneath a row of decorative stockings that hung on the wall.

  Judy took in the sights of the diner as she walked over to her friends. Tinsel and colorful Christmas lights hung from walls and the air smell
ed of the freshly cut tree next to the register.

  Amy and Nichole both looked up from a Sears catalog and offered smiles and greetings as Judy settled in.

  “Do you know what you want for Christmas?” Amy asked. “We’re trying to figure out what to get people.”

  Judy thought for a minute. “What I really want is a Walkman, but that’s too expensive to ask of you two. Maybe a Rubix Cube.”

  Nichole flipped through the pages. “I’m trying to find the sweater Loni Anderson wore in an interview the other day. I need it!”

  They discussed gift ideas for a few more minutes before Judy pulled out a textbook.

  “Did you see the size of those flakes?” Amy asked after a while. “We’re going to have a white Christmas!”

  “Don’t get your hopes up.” Judy played with a strand of her waist-length hair. “They’re already starting to disappear.”

  Amy frowned. “You’re such a spoil-sport.”

  Nichole hugged herself. “Actually, I think she’s the bearer of good news. Do you think the snow is really going away?”

  “Go back to Texas,” Amy teased. “We Oregonians happen to like the snow. It’s magical.”

  “It’s freezing.” Nichole looked out the window and shuddered.

  They debated back and forth as Judy focused on her studies. Before long, they ordered some food. Her stomach growled at the thought of fries and a burger.

  When their meals arrived, they shoved aside their books and notes then dug in, sharing holiday plans.

  “I can’t wait to get back home.” A dreamy look came over Nichole’s face. “I’m going to lie in the sun and get rid of this permanent chill.”

  “Have fun with that.” Judy popped a fry in her mouth. “I’m going to build a snowman family with my sister. It’s our tradition.”

  Amy sipped her milkshake. “And I’m going with my family to chop down our tree. It’s going to be so much fun.”

  “You two are so weird.” Nichole snickered. “I’m going to the beach and getting a tan. When I come back for next quarter, everyone else will be white as the snow but I’ll have a nice sun-kissed glow.”

  “That’s just wrong.” Judy shoved her empty plate toward the edge of the table and grabbed her notebook. “Plain wrong.”

  They all laughed.

  “You guys going to the winter dance?” Amy asked. “Eric and I have already picked out our outfits. He wanted bell bottoms, but I finally convinced him that those are on the way out. He doesn’t want to let them go.”

  “Good for you. I’m definitely making Dave go.” Nichole beamed. “He dragged me to Oregon for college, so he can’t complain about anywhere I take him.”

  They both stared at Judy.

  She squirmed in her seat. “I’m not going solo to another dance.”

  Amy pouted. “Then ask someone. It’s not like you have to marry your date.”

  Judy shook her head.

  “You could at least try saying hi to a guy,” Nichole said. “That would help. It’d be a start.”

  “I need to study.” Judy flipped the pages of her book and tuned out her friends as they discussed guys they thought would be a good match for her.

  After a few minutes, they got bored with her ignoring them and also turned back to their studies.

  Thank goodness. The last thing Judy wanted to think about was love—and that included a platonic date to the annual winter dance.

  Nichole dropped her pen on her notebook and stared behind Judy. “Who is that fine specimen? I’ve never seen him in Enchantment Bay before.”

  Amy gave her a sideways glance. “Don’t you have a boyfriend?”

  Nichole nodded, not taking her attention away from whoever had just entered the diner. “Doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the sculpted art of male beauty. And this one… Wow!”

  Judy tried not to pay attention to them, but then Amy gasped.

  “What?” Judy looked up.

  “Don’t look!” Amy’s eyes widened.

  Judy twisted around. Her heart jumped into her throat the moment she saw him.

  “I said, don’t look!” Amy whisper-yelled.

  Judy’s breath hitched and her heart skipped a beat, then pounded like a jackhammer.

  Gary Hunter stood at the front door. He didn’t just stand, he held himself like a man. He’d cut his long hair short and had the start of a beard, or he was badly in need of a shave. Either way, he was ten times more gorgeous than the day he’d broken her heart.

  Her heart shattered all over again.

  “Turn around, Judy!” Amy tugged on her arm.

  Judy couldn’t pull away. Gary Hunter was back in town. She’d thought he’d left for good.

  “Tell me everything,” Nichole said. “This has to be a fantastic story.”

  “Judy!” Amy climbed over to her side of the booth and turned her head back to the table. “Don’t give him another thought.”

  Nichole rested her chin in her palm. “You have history with him?”

  Amy made cutting motions in front of her throat. “Let’s focus on our exams.”

  Judy struggled to breathe. She may not be looking at him, but the image of the new Gary Hunter was permanently burned into her mind.

  Chapter 2

  Though Judy stared at her notebook, all she saw was Gary’s face.

  What was he doing back in town? Just stopping in to visit? He’d said he was moving away, never to return. Clearly something had changed. But what? She wanted to confront him and demand to know what was going on. Why was he back? What happened to make him completely change his appearance?

  He’d been heart-stoppingly gorgeous before, but now he took it to a whole new level. And it was like a knife to her chest.

  How dare he show up after the way he’d left? Anger twisted in her stomach, pain squeezed her chest, and tears stung her eyes. And why show up, now of all times? When she needed to focus on her grades?

  “You okay?” Amy whispered.


  Amy frowned. She and Judy had been friends forever, and she obviously saw right through her.

  “I am. What other choice do I have? If I worry about him, it’s only going to distract me from preparing for my exams.” It already was. “I’m fine.”

  “You have to tell me the story,” Nichole said. “He looks like he belongs in the movies, and you two clearly have history. Is he why you won’t date anyone?”

  Judy flipped a page in her textbook and pretended to read.

  “Nichole!” Amy glared at her. “Have some tact.”

  “It’s not about tact. It’s about that hottie over there.” Nichole glanced over at the table where Gary now sat.

  “Excuse me.” Judy pushed Amy until she moved, giving her the room to leave the table. “Tell her what you want. I need to use the bathroom.”


  “Alone!” Judy blinked back tears and raced to the bathroom. It took all of her self-control not to look Gary’s way as she passed his table. She couldn’t help overhearing him laugh with the guys he’d joined.

  Like a knife to the heart.

  In the bathroom, she clutched the sink and took deep breaths before staring at her reflection. Her waist-length hair hung in the same fashion it had for years. It was cute, but it was… old. The same as it had been for years. In fact, everything about her was exactly the same as it had been since high school. She was exactly the same. Boring. Dull. Lackluster.

  The door flew open, and Amy rushed in. “I know you’re not okay.”

  Judy glanced back at the mirror. “I’m…” She searched for the right word. “Me.”

  “Who else would you be?”

  “Exactly.” Judy leaned against the wall and sighed. “I’m exactly the same as I was when he left. Look at him. He’s a whole new man.”

  “You’re not the same as you were then.”

  Judy held out her hair. “Same hair, check. Same makeup, check. Same style of clothes, check. I was probably even wearing
this exact outfit the day he raced for the airport, eager to get away from me.”

  Amy frowned. “It’s not like that.”

  “It is! And even worse, he’s returned more handsome than ever before.” She let go of her hair and stopped fighting the tears. “He’s probably got a fancy job and pretty women hanging all over him.”

  “So?” Amy put her hands on her hips. “What if he does?”

  Judy threw her a questioning look.

  “Who cares? You’ve moved on, too. You aren’t the girl he left—”


  Amy sighed. “You know what I mean. You’re a woman now. Taller, curvier, and even more beautiful than before.”

  Judy rolled her eyes. “Liar.”

  “It’s the truth.” Amy stepped closer. “Plenty of guys have tried asking you out, but you don’t even see them. You’ve been stuck on him all this time. And on what he did to you. All you do is compare every other guy to him.”

  “And none of them measures up. Especially not to the new Gary.”

  Amy took another step toward Judy, and their noses nearly touched. “You have a decision to make. Are you going to move on or not? It’s even more important now that he’s back in town. Are you going to show him a sad puppy who never moved on, or are you going to show Gary Hunter what he’s missing?”

  Judy shrugged.

  “I can’t hear you.”

  “I’m going to show him what he’s missing.”

  “What’s that? You’re mumbling.”


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