Shift (Castlerock Shifters Book 1)

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Shift (Castlerock Shifters Book 1) Page 23

by Michelle Leeson

  Quinn was relieved to hear that Honi would be fine.

  “Good deal,” Jei replied.

  “Well, we need to head back,” Randon said reluctantly. “The elders said to ask you to come back to the village where it‘s safer.”

  “Please let them know that Quinn and Jaisey will be returning shortly,” Kenyon replied.

  Quinn shook his head. The man would be stubborn to the end. He heard Kenyon banging around out in the shed, probably putting his bike away. He turned back to Jaisey; her eyes were open and watching him.

  “Hi,” she said softly.

  “Hey there,” he replied. His relief nearly overwhelmed him that she was awake again.

  She reached out for him and he slowly took her hands in his. He was unsure how to be with her now that she knew everything.

  “Was I out long?” she asked.

  “All night,” he responded, planting a kiss on the back of her hand.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, sounding embarrassed.

  “For what? You haven’t done anything wrong Jaisey,” he replied.

  She reached up and stroked the dark circle under his left eye, “You should’ve slept.”

  He shook his head.

  “You were worried?” she asked.

  “Only about you,” he replied, staring into her eyes. She seemed to be over her initial shock.

  “I’m fine… really,” she said, pulling herself into a sitting position.

  He moved onto the couch facing her, watching her warily. She stared back into his eyes for a few moments and then nodded, as though she were answering an internal question.

  “You know, when my father started telling me everything last night, I expected some excuse from him for leaving his family – something that might explain away the loss of so many years. Then he started telling me such unbelievable things, I wasn’t sure if he was telling me the truth, or if he was just crazy.

  “But he told me one thing that I knew to be true, and because of that, it was easier to believe he was being honest with me about the rest. It’s a lot to process; threats and strange creatures that exist. People that shift into wolves and others that drink blood…” she sighed.

  Quinn was confused, “What thing did you know was true?”

  She stared into his eyes and then smiled shyly. “He told me that our souls had shifted – that we’re soulmates. I’m not sure how I know that’s true, but I do,” she replied.

  The relief that rushed over Quinn was indescribable. He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly to his chest.

  “So, I guess that whatever happens, will happen. But that’ll be all right as long as I’m with you,” she said quietly.

  “I love you more than life itself Jaisey Connor, and I‘ll never leave you or let anything hurt you.”

  “I know,” she replied looking up into his eyes. “I love you too.”

  He kissed her deeply and passionately, cementing the words. Only the throat clearing from the open door made him pull away from her.

  “Welcome back,” Kenyon said, looking at Jaisey.

  She smiled up at him tentatively. This was still a new relationship for her, but it looked as though everything was forgiven between them.

  “So, shall I make us all some breakfast?” Kenyon asked.

  Quinn nodded, but never took his eyes from the woman wrapped in his arms.

  Jaisey returned her focus to Quinn. “Can I ask you a question?” she said, once Kenyon had left the room.

  He nodded.

  “If it wasn’t the bonfire when you first noticed me… when did you?”

  He smiled, relieved to finally be telling her the truth. “Well, I noticed you when you managed to keep from running over Seff in the middle of the road your first night on the mountain. When I caught your scent, I knew you were mine.”

  “Seff?” she gasped.

  He chuckled. “We were playing chase on the mountain. But I became yours that day you were lost in the woods – you remember? When Seff found you?” he explained.

  She nodded with a smile. “You were following me.” She didn’t ask it a question.

  “Yes,” he said unrepentantly.

  She flushed slightly but seemed pleased. “I think I knew you were there.”

  He nodded, “Well, now that there are no secrets between us, there’s no more reason for me to just follow you around. We can stay together.” He jumped up, “Stay right here for a moment.”

  She nodded and watched him curiously as he headed to the kitchen.

  “Kenyon,” he began.

  “You already know you have my blessing Quinn. Who am I to deny you your soulmate?” he replied, not turning around from flipping the pancakes he was cooking.

  “Thank you.” He couldn’t contain the grin that spread across his face and he practically ran back to her side.

  “Jaisey,” he said getting down on one knee in front of her, “Will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me?”

  The answering smile nearly knocked him off balance.

  She wrapped her arms around him and then began kissing him over and over.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked with a laugh between kisses.

  “Yes,” she replied, kissing him again.

  They only separated when Kenyon announced that breakfast was on the table. They ate in silence, but there were smiles all around, with each of them caught up in their own thoughts.

  “So,” Jaisey finally said, breaking the silence, pushing her plate away, “I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “For what?” Quinn asked, watching her curiously.

  “To see you...” she cleared her throat, “as a wolf.” There was a slight tremor in her voice that Quinn was sure only he could hear.

  He nodded. Once again, a mild anxiety started to rise in him. What if this was the thing that was too much for her?

  She headed out to the front of the cabin and leaned against the railing. Quinn followed and paused to take her in his arms.

  “You’re sure?” he asked quietly.

  She only nodded. She clearly wasn’t sure at all. Maybe she just needed to see the physical proof to cement everything she’d been told.

  He released her very reluctantly and took a few long strides into the small clearing. Jack charged out, twirled around, nudging him. He gave the mutt a quick scratch and heard Jaisey call him back.

  With a glance up, he noticed Kenyon had stepped to the doorway. He would be there to catch her if the shock was too much. He took a deep breath and then looked back to Jaisey one last time, praying it wouldn’t be too much for her. She nodded with a very small encouraging smile on her lips.

  Trying to remain confident, he winked at her playfully and shifted.

  She didn’t collapse from shock, didn’t scream, didn’t run from him, didn’t react at all. She just stood there taking in the sight before her. Only the slight dilating of her pupils showed her fear.

  He knew how intimidating he looked. The pack members in wolf form were larger than their non–human counterparts. He slowly lowered himself down to a seated position trying to appear less threatening. Then stretched his front legs out as well, nearly lying down. He kept only his head up to watch her. That put his head slightly below her waist level, much less intimidating.

  Her eyes swept over him and then raised to meet his. She smiled and took a deliberate step off the porch, stopping to glance back over her shoulder as Kenyon closed the cabin door, having taken Jack in with him.

  She turned and resumed her motion toward him. Her eyes were studying him with an intensity that was electric. He was reminded of the night of the bonfire when their eyes had locked. He was mesmerized. Every part of his being was so attuned to her, so focused on her, he could physically feel the bond between them strengthening.

  She circled him slowly, taking in every detail. She came to a stop in front of him and met his eyes once again, her brilliant emerald eyes shining brightly. Slowly she low
ered herself onto her knees to put herself directly in front of him. She reached a tentative hand up to his neck and placed her hand in the fur, slowly working her fingers deeper, and then she smiled. His heart was racing. She wasn’t running or screaming or filled with terror. She was smiling.

  “You are so beautiful,” she said breathlessly.

  Her words echoed what he’d just been thinking about her. It took every bit of his control to rise slowly and back away. He shifted. Her eyes locked with his and he reached down and pulled her up into his embrace.

  “Jaisey,” he breathed her name, his voice full of emotion. He lowered his lips to hers once again and felt the adrenaline roar up in his veins. It nearly pushed him over the edge. It took all of his willpower to stop from completing his claim right then and there. They needed to complete the ceremony – soon.

  He pulled his mouth from hers and gazed into her eyes. This was his mate. His soulmate. He lowered his lips to her neck, brushing them lightly below her jaw and moving down toward her shoulder. He knew right where he would mark her when the time came.

  “You have no idea what you do to me Jaisey,” he whispered into her ear. He was rewarded with a shudder from her. Clearly, he was having a similar effect on her.

  “We’d better go,” he said reluctantly, releasing her from his embrace.

  She took several deep breaths and then nodded. He took several breaths himself, regaining his control. He laced his fingers through hers and pulled her to the cabin. They needed to get back to the village. He didn’t like having her exposed like this.

  Kenyon offered the use of his bike again, but Quinn declined. As much as he wanted to get her back to the village, he also wanted to have some time with her to answer any more questions she might have. It would be a long day, but they would make it back to her cabin by nightfall.

  Before they left, Quinn excused himself long enough to make a phone call, and then had a quick conversation with Kenyon. Quinn had a few plans, and he would need Kenyon’s help to make them a reality. They grabbed their things to head out, and Kenyon gave his daughter a warm embrace and agreed to visit her down in the village soon. Quinn smiled inwardly. She had no idea just how soon.

  “I’m glad you’re in my life now,” Kenyon said to her.

  “Me too,” she returned. It was clear she was getting past her anger and hurt. Learning the truth had alleviated her worries.

  “Quinn, take care of our girl,” he said, looking up at him.

  Quinn nodded brusquely. He didn’t need to reply. It was a certainty.

  They headed out with Jack in tow, Kenyon watching from his porch. Jaisey looked back several times but said nothing more. They walked in silence for quite some time before Jaisey spoke.

  “Quinn…” she said.

  He looked over at her, “Yes?”

  “Is my father safe up there alone?” she asked. There was a hint of fear behind the words.

  “Your father’s a strong fighter, and he’s an elder. He knows how to use the power of the valley in ways I’m only just starting to learn about. I’m sure he’ll be fine,” he said. But even as he said the words, he had to wonder at the man’s choice to remain so far from the village.

  “I hope so. I just got him back,” she replied softly.

  Quinn stopped walking and pulled her into his chest.

  Jaisey looked up into his eyes. “I have to admit, I’m a little afraid of everything that’s happening,” she said.

  “I’d have to wonder about you if you weren’t. It was a lot to learn in a very short time. You’re handling this all very well. I’d say you are exceptionally brave.”

  She laughed lightly, “I feel like I’ve been dropped into the middle of a fairy tale, just before the big bad wolf is about to take a bite.”

  “I promise not to bite too hard,” he said playfully. But bite, he did intend to do.

  She flushed, “I don’t mean you. You’re more like the knight riding in to save the damsel in distress.”

  “And me without my sword,” he replied.

  She laughed, and the fear erased from her features.

  “Isn’t there typically some wonderful reward for the knight after saving the damsel?” he asked, a wicked glint in his eyes.

  She nodded, “Of course… a kiss.”

  “Just a kiss? That’s it?” he asked.

  “What reward did you think you’d get? We damsels are a very virtuous lot, you know,” she replied sternly.

  He laughed wickedly, “Well, I’ll take a rain check on that kiss… right now, we need to get moving. I want to be back to your place by dark if we can manage it.”

  She nodded in agreement.

  “So… any more questions?” he asked.

  “Only about a million,” she replied.

  He laughed.

  “When you shift…” she started.

  “Yes,” he prompted.

  “Is it still completely you in there?” she asked.

  “We retain everything from our human halves, but that is added to by the wolf senses,” he replied. “Our vision, hearing, and sense of smell are all strengthened. After the first shift, when shifting back to human, those senses remain heightened. It takes a little time to get used to that. You’ll be able to see and hear farther and more clearly than ever before.”

  “Don’t laugh, but what happens with your clothes when you shift?” she asked, blushing slightly.

  Quinn hid his smile as he responded, “Think of it this way… we exist as two separate beings within the same space. When one is dominant, the other will simply blink out of view for the time being.”

  Jaisey nodded, her blush still fading from her cheeks.

  “How do you see the auras?”

  “Well, as soon as you learn to touch the power of the valley, you learn to focus it. When you think about seeing with the power, the auras become clear,” he replied.

  “How do you touch that power?” she asked.

  “I’m not really sure how to describe it,” he began. “I guess it’s like a vibration or a very quiet hum that’s always there when we want to access it. We just have to listen, then sort of hum back at it.”

  “Can you feel the power now?” she asked, looking up at him.

  He nodded. “I can access it all over these ranges. I haven’t ever tried beyond our border, but I think I could still access it. It’s never felt like I was getting too far away. Distance never seems to matter, it’s just always right there under the surface.”

  “But girls access it differently?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure actually. That would probably be a better question for Honi,” he replied.

  She nodded and they walked for a bit in silence.

  “So, my father said the power in the valley can give pack members special gifts like reading thoughts? Can you do that?” she asked.

  He paused, “Hmm, you know I never really tried.”

  She looked up at him and smiled, “So you aren’t in my head already?”

  He grinned but shook his head no. What he wouldn’t give to hear her thoughts.

  “So, try,” she said simply.

  He’d been connected with the power all morning while they walked, so he already had access. He looked into her eyes and focused the power toward her – listening.


  He shook his head, “I guess I can’t, or perhaps I don’t know how.” He would have to ask Aatu about that during their next lesson.

  She smiled, “Well, I’m glad you can’t read my thoughts.”

  “Why?” he demanded. What was she keeping from him?

  She blushed slightly and did not reply.

  He chuckled, “I thought you damsels were a virtuous lot…”

  She turned her head away a bit, but not before he saw the blush deepen. He smiled, pleased. It felt good knowing he was in her thoughts. She was certainly in his.

  They took a very short break for some lunch. Quinn assured her they were making good time and would be back to
her cabin before dark. She’d been relieved by that information. He realized that her fears were not gone, only held back. A fierce protectiveness came over him. He was so angry with the Ishaks for having intruded on their lives. That would not be allowed to happen again.

  They continued on to the cabin without much conversation. Jaisey seemed to be thinking intently about some things, so he continued to try to hear her thoughts with no success. As the sun was setting, they reached her clearing. He felt the release of tension from Jaisey when they made it into the cabin. He hadn’t realized how strained her features had become. Once again, Quinn was furious with the Ishaks. He would keep her safe… no matter what.



  Jaisey woke feeling disoriented. It was still dark, making it difficult to identify her surroundings. Blinking her eyes a few times brought the world into focus, just as her mind cleared enough to remember she was back at the cabin. She glanced quickly beside her in the bed, no Quinn.

  A slight panic rose in her. Had he left?

  She rose and headed to the living room. Seeing him, her panic eased, he was sleeping on the couch. She stood watching him sleep. He was so peaceful now; the signs of worry eased from his features.

  It was still early, the sun had only just started to rise, slowly lighting the sky. She didn’t know what the day would hold, but she knew she would get to stay with Quinn, and that made her smile.

  Grey eyes were suddenly locked on hers from across the room. She hadn’t noticed he’d woken up. He was smiling at her, a peculiar expression on his face.

  “Good morning,” she said quietly, “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “Good morning,” he returned.

  “How about some breakfast?” she asked.

  He just nodded, so she headed to the kitchen. She listened while he talked to Jack and then opened the cabin door to let her dog out. She was scrambling eggs in a bowl when he came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. She immediately relaxed back into him. She always experienced an odd sensation of release when he touched her; as if she were incomplete by herself and he made her whole.

  His lips grazed her neck and she stilled, enjoying the sensation.


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