The Jaguar's Secret Baby: Howls Romance (Tales of the Were: Jaguar Island Book 3)

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The Jaguar's Secret Baby: Howls Romance (Tales of the Were: Jaguar Island Book 3) Page 16

by Bianca D’Arc

  “I really don’t know what to do,” Tracy admitted. “I’d hoped getting away from Hank for a few moments might allow me to clear my head a bit.”

  “Yeah, these jaguar males are very distracting, aren’t they?” Shelly gave Tracy a knowing smile. “Well, you’ve got space. What is your head telling you?”

  “Nothing so far,” Tracy admitted. “I’m still confused about what I should do.”

  “Then, what’s your heart telling you?” Shelly asked softly.

  “My heart?” Tracy was touched by the Alpha female’s words. “My heart says to grab on to everything Hank is offering and keep it—keep him—for always. Not just for Emma’s sake, but for my own, as well.” Tracy only realized the deep truth behind her words once they were out in the open. Damn. Had she really allowed Hank so deep into her heart that she wanted to be with him always? But was that the wise thing to do? She still didn’t know for sure. “Of course, that’s a fantasy,” she was quick to add. “I can have the Pack life I’ve always known, or I can jump into this jaguar existence that is totally alien to me, but will probably be better for my daughter.”

  Shelly looked at Tracy with a penetrating gaze. “Why can’t you have both?”

  “What?” Tracy shook her head. Had she really been thinking so all or nothing? Was it even possible to live both lives?

  “Why can’t you have both?” Shelly repeated firmly. “Hank’s a pilot, and he owns a fleet of planes. He’s rich. He can afford to fly you back and forth every other day if you wanted. Heck, he can teach you to fly, and you can do it yourself. Nothing says you have to pick either Pack or Clan. I know for certain because my mate has been talking to your father, and he says your dad is okay with you traveling back and forth. He’s not going to disown you and Emma or anything. Heck, the last I heard, he was even talking about adopting Hank into your Pack and forming a strategic alliance.”

  “Seriously?” Tracy was caught flat footed by the Alpha female’s knowledge.

  Tracy’s father hadn’t said anything about that sort of thing to her. And the bit about Hank owning a fleet of airplanes and being rich? Tracy found it hard to reconcile with her knowledge of the man who had fathered her child. Then again, he’d been really casual about setting up that trust fund for Emma…

  Tracy shook her head. Shelly rose to her feet and looked down at Tracy with a compassionate expression.

  “I see I’ve given you a lot to think about.” Shelly’s words were kind, as was her smile. “I don’t say this to many people, but in your case, Tracy, I really do think you can have it all. My advice, for what it’s worth, is to give it a chance. Give Hank a chance. He’s a good man, and I think he would make a devoted mate if you let him try.”

  Shelly walked away, saying no more. She left behind a stunned Tracy, but somehow, her words had helped make things clearer. The muddled thoughts that had plagued Tracy were starting to clear. She didn’t have all the answers yet, but the lost feeling was dissipating, and she thought she had a plan on how to move forward. Maybe.

  That thought firmly in mind, she left the park a short while later to meet up with Hank. It was almost time for the afternoon nursery session to let out, so she decided to meet him there.


  Hank was both pleased and relieved to find Tracy waiting for him when he arrived a little early outside the nursery. She’d taken a seat on one of the benches just outside the doorway, put there for exactly this purpose—to give those waiting to pick up children a place to wait. Nobody else was waiting yet, so they had the place to themselves, for now.

  Hank walked right up to Tracy and stood silently, waiting to hear what she might have to say. She was so beautiful, his breath caught in his throat, as it usually did whenever he saw her. His inner cat was completely enchanted by her. He wanted to be with her, no matter what. The ball was in her court now. Their future depended on her decisions. He loved her too much to try to force her or con her in any way into staying, but he knew his heart would be torn asunder should she decide to go.

  “Is it true that you own a fleet of airplanes?”

  Now, that was a question he hadn’t expected. Still, Tracy was a very intelligent woman, and also very observant. Plus, she was making friends on the island. No doubt, someone had seen fit to enlighten her about certain things.

  Hank sat down next to her. “Fleet might be putting it a bit strongly. I do own a number of aircraft,” he admitted, somewhat reluctantly.

  He was never comfortable talking about the success he had found working for, and with, one of the most brilliant minds in the business sector today. Mark had been Hank’s sounding board for various investments he’d made that had paid off handsomely. Mark was the kind of friend—the kind of leader—that encouraged everyone to succeed. He gave his advice freely and was genuinely happy when everyone did well.

  “I know you had the means to set up the trust fund for Emma, but I didn’t realize that was just the tip of the iceberg. You’re a rich man, aren’t you, Hank?” Her tone sounded accusatory to him, and he began to fidget a bit under her scrutiny.

  “Does it matter?” he finally asked. “I’m nowhere near Mark’s level, but I suppose I’m what my ancestors would’ve called a man of means. It’s nice to have financial security, but making money isn’t the sole purpose of my existence. When I didn’t have any, life was simpler but a lot less stable. Having money means I don’t have to worry—about that, at least.”

  Tracy seemed to weigh his words. “I guess I can understand that. But I’m still not sure why you kept it a secret from me. Were you worried I was only after your money?”

  He hung his head. When he spoke, it was in a low voice.

  “I have been hunted before—by human women, mostly—when they realized. I don’t want that. Especially from you. I don’t want to be wanted only for my fortune.” It was a painful admission.

  He looked up to see how Tracy had taken his words and was surprised to find compassion and understanding in her expression. Then again, he should have known she would understand. She was the daughter of a rich and powerful Alpha. Mating her would bring automatic prestige to a wolf of lower rank. Perhaps she’d had her share of pursuers, as well.

  “To answer your question…no. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re a billionaire, millionaire, or you don’t have two cents to rub together. I mean, it’s good to know that Emma won’t have problems with money if something ever happens to me, but I already knew that, because I have no doubt my father would provide for her, even if she isn’t a wolf. So, she’s secure in any case. As for myself, I like working and never had aspirations of living the high life.” She chuckled. “Money is good to have, for the security aspect, but otherwise unimportant compared to other things.”

  “Other things like what?” Hank asked, intrigued.

  “Things like honor and loyalty…and love,” she said in a quiet way that was unlike her usual confident manner. They were getting to the heart of it now. “Hank, I… I understand why you wouldn’t like to be wanted only for your money, because I… I don’t want you to be with me only because of our daughter.”

  “Oh, Tracy…” Hank didn’t have the words, so he moved closer and took her into his arms. “Tracy…” He placed little kisses on her hair, her brow, her cheeks. “I want you for you. Emma is a lovely bonus, but I was trying to get back to Texas all this time to see you, honey. That hasn’t changed. I yearned for you all the time we were apart, and I was too stupid to realize you were my mate. My cat knew. It pined for you. It was my human side that just couldn’t compute the idea of mating outside the feline species.” He shook his head. “Stupid, I know. And I’m so sorry.”

  “Your jaguar thought I was your mate?” she asked, a flicker of hope in her pretty eyes.

  Hank nodded solemnly. “I couldn’t be with anyone else. In the years we were apart, I was never unfaithful to you. I had no interest in any other female, because you’re mine. And I’m yours. I was just too stupid to see it.” He
looked deep into her eyes. “Can you ever forgive me? Can you trust that I’m telling you the gods-honest truth?”

  She seemed to consider, then took a deep breath. “I will if you will.”

  Hank frowned. Did she mean…?

  “I’ll trust that you want me not just because of Emma, if you’ll believe that I don’t give a fig for your fortune. And, you need to forgive me for not telling you about Emma from the start. My only excuse was that I was scared…of so many unknown factors. I was afraid of your reaction—whether you’d want to take her from me. I was afraid of what my father might do to you. Of what the Pack might do. It was all too much, and it made me into a coward. I’m really sorry.” She took a deep breath. “Maybe from here on, we can just trust each other and share the risk.”

  “There’s no risk on my side,” he told her gently. “I love you, Trace.”

  Her eyes widened, and he saw joy flash to life in their depths. “There’s no risk on my side either because I love you too, Hank.”

  They kissed, their joy overflowing into the sweetest kiss he’d ever tasted. Tracy loved him. Tracy loved him!

  He might just melt into the ground in happiness, but not before he kissed his mate a few more times…or a million more times…but who was counting?


  The following days were the most blissful Hank had ever known. He and Tracy were learning their way together, ironing out what they planned to do. They both knew plans were always subject to change, but they found agreement on the big-picture items easily enough.

  They’d decided to split their time between Texas and Jaguar Island. They would maintain homes in both places, though most of Emma’s schooling—when it came time for proper education—would be done on the island, among cats. Tracy had spoken to the teachers and learned about the school curriculum. She’d investigated everything thoroughly before conceding that Emma would get a better education in a less stressful environment on the island.

  She’d called her father and broken the news, inviting Hank into the conversation over his speakerphone once she was sure her father was okay with her mating a jaguar. Hank could’ve told her he’d already received the Alpha wolf’s blessing, but he decided to let her find that out on her own. As it was, Joe Villalobos was very vocal in his congratulations and chided Hank as to what took him so long. They ended the call on a happy note, with a promise to be “home” soon.

  Meanwhile, the Rojas twins had been making friends and learning all about the island. Hank sat down with them one night after dinner to talk. They wanted his take on the island setup, and he gave them the absolute truth, as he saw it. He had come to value the brothers’ friendship. They’d been among the first to congratulate him and Tracy on their mating, and they’d taken due credit for helping get them together.

  When Mark was notified, he immediately instigated a Clan-wide party to celebrate their union. Tracy seemed delighted with the consideration shown to her and their daughter by everyone, and Hank was just as flabbergasted by the massive party that went on from noon to well after midnight. He was also humbled by the outpouring of love from everyone on the island. He’d known he was a popular fellow because of his sense of humor, calm manner, and reputation for having been a practical joker as a younger man, but he’d had no idea his people cared so much about him, and his future happiness. It was an eye opener, in such a gratifying way.

  Hank was about ninety percent certain that Pax and Ari would accept Mark’s offer, but they weren’t saying one way or the other until after they had spoken with their kin back in Arizona. About a week after they’d arrived, Hank had them all back on the plane, headed for the mainland.

  When they landed in Texas, the Big Wolf Pack held a giant party to celebrate their mating. Pax and Ari were invited to attend and were a big hit with the single ladies of the wolf Pack. Now that they’d seen one successful mating between jaguar and wolf, it was game on for cross-species dating and fooling around. Pax and Ari were young enough to enjoy every minute of it.

  Hank was just glad he had his mate and his child. It was something he’d searched for but never thought he’d find. He counted himself blessed by the Mother of All to have not only Tracy, but also Emma, in his life. He would live for them now, for the rest of his life, and he would be grateful every day.

  He’d brought some of his things to keep at Tracy’s house in Texas, which would now be their home, just as his lair on the island was also theirs. It was as he and Tracy were putting his things away—she making room in her closets for his hangers and emptying a couple of drawers in the dresser for his foldable clothes—that he took her in his arms and kissed her.

  “What was that for?” she asked with a grin when he let her up for air.

  “That,” he said gently, stroking a stray curl back from her face, “was for being my true mate, the mother of my child, and my forever love.”

  He’d gotten better at expressing his feelings since they’d declared their love outside the school, but he’d never summed it all up as he’d just done. He was a bit dismayed to see tears fill Tracy’s eyes. He’d expected her to be happy with his declarations.

  “Should I have just kept my big mouth shut?” he wondered, feeling like he was on shaky ground. He was still very new at this mating thing, and he was bound to make mistakes.

  “No,” Tracy assured him. She reached up to cup his cheeks, a tear sliding down hers, even as she gave him a wobbly smile. “I just… I want you to know that I feel it too. We’re true mates. This isn’t just a convenience. It’s not just because we made a baby together. This feeling… This is because I believe we were always meant to be. This is…forever.”


  A week later, after the big party at Big Wolf Lodge and Pax and Ari had been flown back to Arizona to deliberate with their Pack, Hank, Tracy and Emma were having a family dinner together in their house. Hank and Tracy had decided jointly to tell Emma about Hank’s real role in her life. They hadn’t said anything yet, not really knowing how much she understood.

  She was a bright little girl, but she was still really just a baby, and she’d seemed to take the presence of Hank in her house in stride. She hadn’t asked any questions, and Tracy decided it would probably be wise to find out what their daughter understood and what she thought about having Hank around all the time. She had broached the subject with Hank the night before, and he’d agreed.

  Tracy took a deep breath, not sure how this was going to go. It could be a really important moment in their daughter’s life…in their family’s fledgling story.

  “Emma, honey,” Tracy began, trying to pry Emma’s attention away from the peas she loved and was rolling around on her plate in a little game before she ate each one.

  “Yes, Mama?” Emma looked up, though Tracy could tell she hadn’t forgotten about the peas and her little game.

  “I want to tell you something.” Emma’s attention span was better than most children her age, but Tracy knew she had to do this quick before she lost Emma to her peas again. “Mr. Hank is your daddy.”

  Emma looked back at her plate and started rolling another pea while Tracy’s heart sank, but then, Emma said in a confident voice. “I know.”

  “You do?” Tracy and Hank spoke together, both sounding shocked by Emma’s casual acceptance. Emma nodded, concentrating on her game, but still part of the conversation.

  “How did you know, sweetie?” Tracy asked in a gentle tone.

  Emma shrugged. “Cat knew.”

  Tracy looked at Hank, and he looked as astounded as she felt. “Your jaguar knew, honey?” Hank asked quietly. Emma nodded. “When did your jaguar know, Emma?” he followed up.

  “First time,” Emma told him innocently. “I saw you, Daddy.” Emma looked up from her food, her eyes wide. “Okay Daddy now?”

  Hank stood and scooped Emma into his arms, tears shining in his eyes. “Yes, munchkin,” he told her, joy in his voice. “You can call me daddy or papa or father. And you’re my baby girl.”

mma giggled and placed little baby kisses all over his face while Tracy’s heart melted, never to be hardened again. Finally, they were complete. Though, Emma had been holding out on them. The thing Tracy had worried about—breaking the news to Emma that she had a real daddy—had been out there all along. They’d been a family all this time, but now, it was out in the open, for all the world to see.

  The final bridge had been crossed, and Tracy’s dearest secret was a secret no more. Her baby had her father, and Tracy finally had her true mate.

  Life didn’t get much sweeter than that.


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  Want More of This World?

  This series is a spinoff of the Tales of the Were, which includes several of Bianca D’Arc’s connected series. The complete list, separated by genre and series, is located after the excerpt.

  For More About This Author



  Bianca’s next release is something a little different. It’s a futuristic story in the In The Stars Romance line (similar to Howls Romance, but set in the future). It’s called The Cyborg Next Door and a short excerpt follows.

  Howls Romance

  Classic romance… with a furry twist!

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  © 2019 Bianca D’Arc. All Rights Reserved.


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