Doomsday Civil War: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller (The Doomsday Series Book 5)

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Doomsday Civil War: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller (The Doomsday Series Book 5) Page 25

by Bobby Akart

  The Lone Star series is designed to be the most thought-provoking post-apocalyptic series ever written. Much has been written in post-apocalyptic fiction about the threat of electromagnetic pulse weapons, but this series was written with the stamp of approval of Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a long-time advocate of protecting the nation’s power grid from EMPs and the Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security appointed by President Donald Trump.

  Here is his Foreword for the Lone Star series …


  by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

  Chief of Staff, Congressional EMP Commission

  Executive Director, Task Force on National and Homeland Security

  The recent escalating war of words and actions with rogue nations like North Korea and Iran has given rise to a new sense of urgency about threats we face—especially the existential threat that is nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. I am pleased to write this foreword for author Bobby Akart as he continues to inform his readers, through his works of fiction, about the EMP threat, both man-made and naturally occurring.

  With the Lone Star Series, you will learn about the potential of nuclear-armed satellites flying over America daily in low-earth orbit, positioned to collapse our power grid, destroy our way of life, and possibly kill up to ninety percent of Americans.

  The Congressional EMP Commission warns North Korea may already pose a worldwide threat, not only by ICBM, but by satellites, two of which presently orbit over the United States and every country on Earth.

  A single satellite, if nuclear-armed, detonated at high-altitude would generate an EMP capable of blacking out power grids and life-sustaining critical infrastructure.

  Yet, after massive intelligence failures grossly underestimating North Korea’s nuclear capabilities, their biggest threat to the U.S. and the world remains unacknowledged — nuclear EMP attack.

  The EMP threat continues to be low-priority and largely ignored, even though on September 2, 2017, North Korea confirmed the EMP Commission’s assessment by testing an H-Bomb that could make a devastating EMP attack.

  Two days after their H-Bomb test, on September 4, Pyongyang also released a technical report “The EMP Might of Nuclear Weapons” accurately describing a “super-EMP” weapon generating 100,000 volts/meter.

  North Korea’s development of a Super-EMP weapon that generates 100,000 volts/meter is a technological watershed more threatening than development of an H-Bomb and ICBM because even the U.S. nuclear deterrent, the best protected U.S. military forces, are EMP hardened to survive only 50,000 volts/meter.

  My colleague, EMP Commission Chairman William Robert Graham warned Congress in 2008 that Russia had developed Super-EMP weapons and most likely transferred that technology to North Korea allegedly by accident, according to Russian generals.

  The results of this newly discovered relationship between Russia and North Korea was that the DPRK now has the technology to win a nuclear war. At the very least, a North Korean EMP attack could paralyze the U.S. nuclear deterrent and prevent U.S. retaliation, perhaps even by U.S. submarines at sea that cannot launch missiles without receiving an Emergency Action Message from the president.

  However, the warning signs have gone largely ignored. Although North Korea, Russia, and China have all made nuclear threats against the United States recently, in the case of North Korea and Russia repeatedly, most analysts dismiss the war of words as mere bluster and nuclear sabre rattling, not to be taken seriously.

  In the West, generations of leaders and citizens have been educated that use of nuclear weapons is unthinkable and the ultimate horror. Not so in Russia, China, and North Korea where their nuclear capabilities are publicly paraded — missile launches and exercises are televised as a show of strength, an important part of national pride.

  Then, there is the issue of an EMP attack. An electromagnetic pulse attack would be perfect for implementing Russia's strategy of "de-escalation," where a conflict with the U.S. and its allies would be won by limited nuclear use. It's their version of "shock and awe" to cow the U.S. into submission. The same kind of attack is viewed as an acceptable option by China and North Korea as well.

  An EMP attack would be the most militarily effective use of one or a few nuclear weapons, while also being the most acceptable nuclear option in world opinion, the option most likely to be construed in the U.S. and internationally as "restrained" and a "warning shot" without direct loss of life.

  Because an electromagnetic pulse destroys electronics instead of blasting cities, even some analysts in Germany and Japan, among the most anti-nuclear nations, regard EMP attacks as an acceptable use of nuclear weapons. A high-altitude EMP (“HEMP”) attack entails detonating a nuclear weapon at 30-400 kilometers altitude — above the atmosphere, in outer space, so high that no nuclear effects, not even the sound of the explosion, would be experienced on the ground, except the resulting EMP.

  An EMP attack will kill far more people than nuclear blasting a city through indirect effects — by blacking out electric grids and destroying life-sustaining critical infrastructures like communications, transportation, food and water — in the long run. But the millions of fatalities likely to eventually result from EMP will take months to develop, as slow as starvation.

  Thus, a nation hit with an EMP attack will have powerful incentives to cease hostilities, focus on repairing their critical infrastructures while there is still time and opportunity to recover, and avert national extinction.

  Indeed, an EMP attack or demonstration made to "de-escalate" a crisis or conflict is very likely to raise a chorus of voices in the West against nuclear escalation and send Western leaders in a panicked search for the first "off ramp."

  Axis of Evil, and the entire Lone Star Series, are books of fiction which are based upon historical fact. The geopolitical factors in this series leading up to a potentially catastrophic collapse of America’s power grid are based upon real-world scenarios.

  Author Bobby Akart has written several fiction and non-fiction books with the intent to raise awareness about the threats we face from an EMP, whether via a massive solar storm or delivered by a nuclear warhead. While many books have been written about the results of nuclear war and EMPs, few have tackled the subject of using satellites as a means of delivering the fatal blow, until now.

  The Lone Star Series is written to be thought-provoking. It will be a reminder to us all that you never know when the day before is the day before. Prepare for tomorrow.

  Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

  Chief of Staff

  Congressional EMP Commission

  Executive Director

  Task Force on National and Homeland Security

  Books in the Lone Star Series

  Axis of Evil

  Beyond Borders

  Lines in the Sand

  Texas Strong

  Fifth Column

  Suicide Six


  Author’s Introduction to the Pandemic Series

  In the mid-twentieth century, a new weapon shocked the world with its ability to destroy the enemy.

  For centuries, another weapon has existed…

  One that attacks without conscience or remorse…

  Its only job is to kill.

  They are the most merciless enemy we’ve ever faced…

  And they’re one-billionth our size.

  Be prepared to become very, very paranoid.


  Biological weapons, delivered under the right conditions against an unaware, unprotected population, will, pound for pound and dollar for dollar, kill a million times more people than a nuclear weapon. A nuclear bomb doesn’t come close to matching the potential footprint of a biological weapon.

  Over the past half century, the number of new diseases per decade has increased fourfold. Since 1980, the outbreaks have more than tripled. With those statistics in mind, one has to consider the consequences of a major pandemic.
  Death has come to millions of humans throughout the millenia from the spread of infectious diseases, but none was worse than the Black Death, a pandemic so devastating that uttering the words the plague will immediately pull it to the front of your mind. From 1347 to 1351, the Black Death reshaped Europe and much of the world.

  In a time when the global population was an estimated four hundred fifty million, some estimates of the death toll reached as high as two hundred million, nearly half of the world’s human beings.

  This plague’s name came from the black skin spots on the sailors who travelled the Silk Road, the ancient network of trade routes that traversed the Asian continent, connecting East and West. The Black Death was in fact a form of the bubonic plague, not nearly as contagious and deadly as its sister, the pneumonic plague.

  Fast-forward five centuries to 1918, an especially dangerous form of influenza began to appear around the world. First discovered in Kansas in March 1918, by the time the H1N1 pandemic, commonly known as the Spanish flu, burned out in 1919, it took the lives of as many as fifty million people worldwide.

  Why does the history of these deadly pandemics matter?

  Because it has happened before and it will happen again—despite the world’s advanced technology, or because of it. People no longer stay in one place; neither do diseases. Unlike the habits of humans during the Black Death and the Spanish flu, an infection in all but the most remote corner of the world can make its way to a major city in a few days.

  Terrible new outbreaks of infectious disease make headlines, but not at the start. Every pandemic begins small. Early indicators can be subtle and ambiguous. When the next global pandemic begins, it will spread across oceans and continents like the sweep of nightfall, causing illness and fear, killing thousands or maybe millions of people. The next pandemic will be signaled first by quiet, puzzling reports from faraway places—reports to which disease scientists and public health officials, but few of the rest of us, pay close attention.

  The purpose of this series is not to scare the wits out of you, but rather, to scare the wits into you. As one early reader said to me, after reading the Pandemic series, “I now realize that humans can become extinct.” Not a comforting thought.

  The Pandemic series is a post-apocalyptic medical thriller series that presents a grim reminder that human existence can be wiped out with a microorganism one one-billionth our size. The events depicted in the Pandemic series are fictional. The events, however, are based upon historical fact.

  Books in the Pandemic Series


  The Innocents

  Level 6



  About The Blackout Series


  if a voice was screaming in your head – GET READY . . .

  for a catastrophic event of epic proportions . . .

  with no idea where to start . . .

  or how, or when?

  This is a true story, it just hasn't happened yet.

  The characters depicted in The Blackout Series are fictional. The events, however, are based upon fact.

  This is not the story of preppers with stockpiles of food, weapons, and a hidden bunker. This is the story of Colton Ryman, his stay-at-home wife, Madison, and their teenage daughter, Alex. In 36 Hours, the Ryman family and the rest of the world will be thrust into the darkness of a post-apocalyptic world.

  A catastrophic solar flare, an EMP—a threat from above to America's soft underbelly below—is hurtling toward our planet.

  The Rymans have never heard of preppers and have no concept of what prepping entails. But they're learning, while they run out of time. Their faith will be tested, their freedom will be threatened, but their family will survive.

  An EMP, naturally generated from our sun in the form of a solar flare, has happened before, and it will happen again, in only 36 Hours.

  This is a story about how our sun, the planet's source of life, can also devastate our modern world. It’s a story about panic, chaos, and the final straws that shattered an already thin veneer of civility. It is a warning to us all ...

  never underestimate the depravity of man.

  What would you do when the clock strikes zero?

  Midnight is forever.

  Books in the Blackout Series

  36 Hours

  Zero Hour

  Turning Point

  Shiloh Ranch

  Hornet’s Nest

  Devil’s Homecoming


  Political suspense collides with post-apocalyptic thriller fiction in the bestselling Boston Brahmin political thriller series by Author Bobby Akart.

  Works of fiction are frequently based upon historical fact. The Boston Brahmin series portrays a very factually based argument for why every American must understand the threat of government overreach and Cyber Attack vulnerabilities.

  G. Michael Hopf, bestselling author and former Marine, said it best when he wrote,

  "A terrifyingly realistic, prescient new series ... which can only be described as prophetic."

  In book one, The Loyal Nine, and the entire Boston Brahmin Series, history repeats itself. The Loyal Nine takes its name from nine patriotic Bostonians who chose freedom over the tyrannical rule of Great Britain. As the British exerted more control over the colonists, especially in the form of taxes, anger and resentment rose to a crescendo, resulting in the War for Independence.

  As the series continues, America teeters on the brink of economic and societal collapse. Social unrest sweeps the nation until a catastrophic event brings the nation to its knees. Then the story turns to one of survival for Americans as well as the Republic.

  America is caught in the crosshairs of a power struggle between a rich and powerful shadow government orchestrated by The Boston Brahmin, and the politicians who claim to have the country's best interests at heart. It will be up to The Loyal Nine to protect the nation from tyranny.

  The Boston Brahmin series will take the reader on a journey based in historical fact--both in its character development and the events that take place during the timeline of the series. This is a series about the societal and economic collapse of America. This type of collapse event is gradual and not sudden. The events portrayed in The Boston Brahmin series will rise to a crescendo, forcing the characters to make a decision--choose tyranny or freedom. They will be challenged physically and emotionally.

  As always, nothing is exactly what it seems.

  Writing a series of this magnitude takes a considerable amount of time and research. It also asks the reader to become invested in the journey of the characters. Creating a book series about societal and economic collapse is a marathon, not a sprint. Read with us. Learn with us. I encourage you to interact with us on social media. I truly enjoy conversing with my readers--all of whom I consider friends.

  If you have not had the opportunity to read Seeds of Liberty, a #1 best seller in the Politics, Social Sciences category and the Modern History category. Seeds of Liberty is a nonfiction companion guide to The Boston Brahmin series, which provides both a sociological analysis and a complete historical perspective of America's penchant for rebellion.

  I hope you enjoy this epic, history-rich thriller series. Torn from the headlines, The Boston Brahmin series presents a nation plunged into chaos by enemies "foreign and domestic." Only The Loyal Nine, a patriotic group of descendants of our Founding Fathers, can navigate the collapse and restore the American republic.

  Immerse yourself in The Boston Brahmin series and consider the real world events surrounding us today. I think you'll find fiction can become reality.

  Enjoy and thanks for reading!

  The Boston Brahmin Series

  The Loyal Nine

  Cyber Attack

  Martial Law

  False Flag

  The Mechanics

  Choose Freedom

  Patriot’s Farewell

of Liberty (Companion Guide)


  About the Prepping for Tomorrow Series

  Because you never know when the day before —

  is the day before.

  Prepare for tomorrow!

  Author Bobby Akart, the founder of Freedom Preppers, has been a tireless proponent of adopting a preparedness lifestyle. As he learned prepping tips and techniques, he shared them with others via his writing on the American Preppers Network website, and in his bestselling book series.

  The Prepping for Tomorrow series is the culmination of Bobby’s research and real-world experiences provided in a concise guide for new and experienced preppers alike.

  What if the preppers are right?

  The media shapes public opinion in all formats including news, cinema and television shows. It should come as no surprise that everyone doesn't necessarily form an opinion on every subject. Nor should you be shocked to hear that most opinions are uninformed. We can all give countless examples of this. Most Americans are sheeple, unable to think for themselves. They are content to follow, and many are too lazy to do the minimal research required to have an informed opinion. Their reliance on government or media sources for information makes them susceptible to manipulation. It's simply easier to be a sheeple.

  As a student of the preparedness lifestyle, I cringe at the media's portrayal of preppers. Initially, the brunt of the ridicule was directed at survivalists. But with the success of National Geographic's Doomsday Preppers, the concept of being a prepper hit the mainstream. Now Preppers are the target of the media's derision. I have my opinion as to why that is the case, and it has its basis in politics. It is my opinion that the media is predominantly left-leaning and, as a result, does not embrace the self-sufficient lifestyle that is prepping. So, if you can't join them, beat them down—repeatedly. As a recent example, consider the media's dismantling of the Tea Party movement. I see similar attacks on preppers.


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