Reborn in Blue

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Reborn in Blue Page 13

by M J Knight

  I pull up on his hair to get him to focus back on my eyes and not my pussy lips. "If you don't stop now, this is going to be a continuous thing. You clean me until I cum again and then you have to start over.” I scooch away from him with a wink.

  “You've done good- for now."

  Chapter Twenty-Nine: Clint

  "What the fuck did y'all do to my car?" Fletcher is furious. It's hilarious.

  "Shut up Fletcher. I'll pay to get it cleaned." Holder replies shaking his head and trying to hide his smirk.

  Even with the SUV’s tinted windows, you can see the bloody handprints and streaks. The inside smells like blood and sex. I'm fairly sure I saw a cum spot in the backseat. They definitely had a good time and left the evidence for everyone to see.

  I'm getting hard just thinking about her naked body writhing in the seat behind me not even fifteen minutes ago. Holder and Blue were crawling out from the backdoor right when we were getting ready to leave. Her neat ponytail was now hanging down her back with stray hairs sticking out around her face. Her lips swollen and stained red with blood. Her shy smile hiding the savage woman we all saw earlier.

  "So y'all work everything out? We all good now?" I question, looking in the rearview mirror. It's already well after midnight and we are finally heading home. Well, my home. I guess it's turned into everyone's crash pad now. It's the only place big enough for all of us. I don't mind though. It's nice having a houseful of people I care about.

  “Yes, we’re good. I'm just ready to get a shower and a good night's sleep.” Blue says around a yawn.

  “She might be a stone-cold killer, but she's a cute killer. She’s our little killer. “Holder says, slinging his arm behind Blue’s shoulders pulling her close- drawn to her like a magnet.

  “I’m still mad at y’all for doing me and my car dirty like this. Shit, I haven’t even ‘christened’ it with Blue myself yet and you fucked that up for me. Y’all could have found a bathroom or something. Geez, I mean it looks like a bloody Picasso painting and the sex scene from the “Titanic” movie decided to have a baby in the backseat. Fuck my life,” Fletch grouses.

  Damn, he can be a whiny asshole sometimes. "Your ride will be fine, and you will too. Look at it this way, it's a good reason to get you a new one! Maybe something really ‘fancy’ with bullet proof glass and an easy to clean interior?" I can't help but chuckle at his horror-stricken face. I guess he really is attached to the big bulky thing.

  "How can you even joke like that? This baby has got us to many jobs and parties. It's basically part of the family. They had sex inside a family member! You deviants!" He yells with as much enthusiasm as possible while looking at them in the rearview mirror.

  Holder's smiling face and the sound of metal hitting metal is the last I see and hear before my world turns black.

  "What the hell was that? Is everyone alright?" Cole's voice sounds muffled to my ringing ears. My head hurts too bad to open my eyes. I feel around me trying to orient myself with my surroundings. I can tell right away the SUV is on its side. My first guess being we were hit from the side; that explains how Fletcher and I didn't see it coming.

  "Blue? You okay?" Holder’s soft words reach my ears and my heart rate kicks up a notch. Prying my eyes open, I try to turn around towards the backseat. My whole body aching in response. "Blue? Blue? Where is she?" Holder's panic palpable.

  "Ugh! What the fuck happened? Why is everyone screaming?" Fletcher asks, finally drawing my attention to him. Blood is trickling down his face from a small wound on his forehead. Otherwise he looks fine. He has definitely looked a lot worse before.

  "Blue is missing! Everyone out of the car! We have to look for her. She might have gotten thrown out!" Cole's voice verging on hysterical comes from the very back. Unbuckling, I help Fletcher crawl out of his shattered window first before following him out. Meeting with the other guys in the front.

  "Ayida? Blue? Come on Blue. Say something!" Cole and Holder call while sweeping the nearby roadside. Fletcher is still standing by the flipped SUV staring at it in shock and rubbing the nap of his neck. My mind finally catching up with my eyes I notice something is missing.

  "Guys! Where's the other car? We were hit on the driver's side by something, but I don't see another car or people?"

  "Fuck my life! We assumed it was just her ex getting help from someone to get her back. What if she was the target for someone else entirely from the start, and they were just using his dumbass to get to her? We let our guard down and we've lost her!" Holder screams while pacing back and forth and rubbing his chest like being away from Ayida is physically ripping his soul out.

  He could be right about her being kidnapped. We've had rivals in the past, but everything has been quiet for years until now. You don't get to be as powerful as the Saupoudrer Family without pissing some people off along the way. I'm still not sold though. No one even knew Ayida was back, but the Family, and she hasn’t even met the other heads yet.

  "Someone call Bastien! We need a ride now. Every minute we waste someone could be hurting her." Fletcher orders with an authoritative voice I have never heard from him before. A mixture of grief and rage evident with every word. He is right, even if it's not one of our rivals, whoever took her didn't have anything good in mind.

  "Call Old Man. We're gonna need his help."

  Chapter Thirty: Ayida

  Damn my head is pounding. What the fuck happened? One minute we were all laughing and picking on Fletcher and the next- blackness. I try to open my eyes, but they are gritty and burn. I can hear voices, but none are familiar. Swallowing, my throat feels like I’ve eaten glass.

  "Ahh, the whore is finally awake. Took you long enough, cunt," a thick southern voice mocks from behind me. Finally coming all the way back to reality, I realize I'm lying on cold concrete with my hands and feet tied. This is just fucking perfect, my gottdamn luck. I finally get my ultimate revenge on Robert only to be kidnapped by some asshole I don't even know.

  "Who the hell are you and what do you want with me?" I grumble while trying to get into a sitting position. It's hard to be taken seriously when you're laying face first on the ground.

  "You don't know me, but Robert did. You could say we're old friends from back in Tennessee. He was supposed to be collecting you for me as payment for all the money he owed. As you know, the man had a bad drug problem and no job. He told me about the bitch that beat him and ran like a coward. How her dad was a head for a big crime family down south and that her daddy would pay anything, give anything, for his little girl. So, we made a deal.” I can hear the glee in his voice even without seeing his surely sadistic smile.

  “You in exchange for his debt being paid in full, and he could walk away bullet holes free. Would have been a sweet deal for him, if you wouldn't have bashed his skull in like a pinata. Was still pretty fun to watch though. I’d give it a solid 9 out of 10 for your effort. But alas, I couldn't let an opportunity like this get away... You can call me Chuck." The voice finishes as I finally tear my eyes open.

  A middle aged, balding man with wrinkled khakis and a golf polo shirt- collar popped and all is standing above me. His image is a letdown. I was imagining a big, muscled up, prison tatted, maybe throw in some vicious scars from previous fights looking gangster. This guy could be someone's creepy uncle. Ugh, I'm gonna have to kill creepy “Uncle” Chuck. Only I would get kidnapped by a man with velcro orthopedic shoes.

  "This here is Jimmy. He is the actual person responsible for your abduction and will handle your ransom. He was my other way in, you know, in case something happened to poor Robert. Jimmy here has worked with the Saupoudrer Family for a while. He was all too happy to help me out for a pay raise. Them Sons you were fucking sure are stingy.” Chuck says, turning his back to me.

  “Speaking of fucking, Jimmy here had a second request if you catch my drift. Seems you have a secret admirer Miss Underhill. So, I'll be leaving him to it. You're not exactly my type. Y'all kids have fun!" He calls while leaving the l
ittle concrete room through a steel door.

  This second gangly man draws my attention. Tall and skinny with a pockmarked face and yellow teeth. Jimmy is slightly more intimidating than creepy “Uncle” Chuck, but still underwhelming. "I have been tortured and raped before. It'll take a lot more to scare me!" I say, raising my voice strong and clear.

  "That's fine. I would rather you be scared, pussy tightens up that way, but you can enjoy it too. Anything works for me. I'll probably have to use that asshole though since you've been whoring around with all them men. I can't wait for Fletcher to find out I screwed his precious little blue-haired beauty till she was leaking with my spunk." He cackles, his janky teeth on display.

  I want to gag just thinking about him near me, but I refuse to show fear. I've come too far to let this nasty fuck have that kind of power over me. He might rape me, but it'll be him getting fucked with a crowbar when I get out of these restraints.

  "Fletcher and the guys will want to kill you, but I won't let them. I'm gonna be the one to pluck out your eyes and feed them to my bird. So, come on over here. If you think you can handle me. I bet a thousand dollars your dick is smaller than Robert’s and he was so small he needed two cock rings for me to feel it." I can't help but taunt him. I've learned a mad man is more likely to make mistakes than a calm one. So, if I can have fun and fuck his face up, might as well kill two birds with one stone.

  "You pretentious little twat. You're going to be crying when I get done with you. No one to save you now." He grins as he stalks in my direction. I ready a plan in my head. Before I can get another word out, he grabs me by my shirt, ripping it open and exposing my bra, and flips me face down again. My heart kicks up a notch, but I refuse to let panic rule me.

  Straddling the back of my thighs he leans in to whisper in my ear. "Not so chatty now, are you bitch? Do you feel my hard dick on your ass? I'm about to rip you apart with my cock." Licking my ear, I see my chance. Swinging my head back and to the side as hard as I can. I connect and hear a crunching sound.

  "You really thought I would make it that easy for you? Try again slim. Your ugly ass is gonna have to fight for this pussy." Rolling over on my back, I can't control my laughter as blood spews from his nose that he is clutching. I recognize my second shot. Kicking with both legs straight up into his crotch, he lets out the highest pitched scream I have ever heard. I'm guessing dogs are howling somewhere in the distance.

  "You fucking bitch! You're going to pay!" He screeches while falling on top of me. If he kills me now, it was still worth it. Breaking his nose and tiny pecker was almost as fun as slaughtering dear ole Robert. Jimmy’s arm pulls back, and his fist connects with my cheek. Stars light up my eyelids as he continues his assault. He gets in four more blows before he is being pulled off of me. A punishing kick to the ribs is the last he gets in before Chuck escorts him from the room. Yup, definitely still worth it.

  Waking up sorer than I've been in months is an unwelcome feeling. Memories flood back and my heart drops as realization dawns on me. I'm still laying on the concrete floor, and who knows how long I’ve been out. I strain to shake off my mental fog and remain awake. After roughly thirty more minutes, I hear the steel door open. I brace myself for more hits, but none come.

  "Get up. Someone is here to see you." Chuck's southern drawl sounds more nervous than before. Sliding a hand under my arm he pulls me to standing and I crack one eye open. He leads me out of the room and up some old wooden stairs to a big auditorium. We're in my old high school. Looks like he was keeping me in the tornado shelter in the basement.

  "Schatzi! You okay? What did you do to her? Her face is black and blue, and her clothes are torn!" Old Man's voice is angry and dark. What is he doing here? Why did they bring him here? He might be mean and a badass, but he is too old for this crap. He may be a mafia leader but he's MY dad.

  "She'll be fine as long as y’all brought what y'all said. Tell where it is and then I'll hand her over." Comes Jimmy's nasally voice. I guess I did break his nose. Good. Serves the bastard right. When I get done with him, a broken nose will be the least of his problems. Struggling to keep my swelling eyes open, I finally see my guys. Standing behind Old Man with big metal chests between them and guns hanging from their shoulder holsters. They are bruised and battered almost as bad as me. Just another reason to fuck Jimmy's world up.

  "You okay, Blue? Did they do anything to you?" Fletcher's voice rings out in the old auditorium. Jimmy is holding me by my shirt in front of him, like his own personal shield, and I can't see behind me.

  "She is fine. Y'all bring those trunks over here and open them for us to see. If everything looks good, we'll let her walk back with her dear old Dad." Chuck says from behind me, but I don't trust him or Jimmy as far as I can throw them. I know slimy, Chuck and Jimmy could out slide a slug.

  "Hell no! You send her over and we'll leave." Old Man orders sounding every bit as authoritative as he did when I was a kid. He does not do well with bullies, and that's all these two pricks are.

  "No can do, Old Man. How about this... We'll walk over there with the princess, check the goods, and y'all can leave? Sound good to y'all?" Jimmy asks without even looking in Fletcher's direction.

  "Yeah that'll work. Hurry up though these idiots haven't had a bath yet and they are starting to get ripe. Especially this one." Old Man says while nodding his head in Holder's vicinity.

  Said “stinky man's” face is priceless. "What the hell, Old Man?"

  Dragging me down the aisle between the bleachers, I can't help but to remember all the talent shows and plays that went on here. I despised high school bullshit, and I had no friends here. To think I could have died underneath the place I hated the most growing up makes me shudder. Thank God for small favors. Getting to the end of the aisle, Chuck passes us to meet Old Man at the first trunk.

  "Looks good. Y'all open the rest and step back." He orders while walking towards the other trunks. Taking his time to look over bricks of weed and a cache of weapons that I've never seen before, he finally turns to Jimmy and me. "Cut her loose. She is free to go." He commands the ugly fucker still holding me by the back of my shirt.

  I feel the steel of his knife against my wrist as he silently cuts my restraints. Then he shoves me with a hand to the middle of my back sending my sprawling on to the floor.

  "You fugly rat bastard." I mumble under my breath. When I get out of this, and he doesn't have guns all around him, I'm going to end his worthless life. It may just be him and Chuck out here, but I can almost guarantee some more hired thugs are around here somewhere just waiting to finish us off.

  "Come on Schatzi. Let's go home." Old Man's voice calls to me. Keeping me from turning around and doing something stupid. Dragging myself to my feet, I shuffle towards Old Man and the guys. They keep glancing at me worriedly, and then back to glaring at the men behind me. I can't wait to just be back in their arms. When I finally make it to the group of men, Old Man is the first to wrap his arms around me.

  "I can't handle another day like this. Thinking of almost losing you was like losing your momma all over again. My poor heart can’t handle that." I take the time to memorize the smell of menthol and coffee rolling off of him. When he's anxious he smokes like a chimney and needs a cup of coffee for each cig. It's a comforting smell after everything that's happened.

  It doesn't take long for the guys to surround me after Old Man finally releases his tight hold. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Cole asks tentatively. While hugging me close.

  "We'll kill them anyway." Holder growls when it's his turn to tuck me under his chin.

  "Do you need a doctor?" Of course, Clint would be the logical one. While my poor normally happy-go-lucky Fletcher looks lost for words. He just jerks me tight to his body and holds me with his cheek resting on top of my head.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't see them. If I would have had my eyes on the road…" A tearful break in Fletcher’s voice. I don't let him finish.

  "It doesn't matter. They woul
d have waited till I was alone. They were determined to get me anyway they could. This is not any of Y’all’s fault. Let's just get home so I can shower and then come up with a plan to destroy them."

  With Old Man on one side and my guys on the other, we start towards the double doors leading out of the auditorium. Then I hear it. The click of a rack sliding into place. Before I can even turn around, I hear the shots ring out. All I can do is brace myself as something heavy hits me in the back knocking me to the floor.

  Landing on my left cheek, the guys are in my view. All of them sprawled on the ground. My heart is beating out of my chest. They are yelling at me, but I can't hear from the blood pumping in my ears. I'm also pinned to the floor so I can't get up. Was I shot? Is this what it feels like?

  Almost like it was never there, the weight is removed, and I roll to my side. My heart shatters into a million pieces. Old Man, is laying next to me, clutching his chest. His normally starched and pressed button up is soaked in thick red oozing blood. I feel nauseous. This has to be a nightmare. This can't be real. I close my eyes demanding to wake up. Only to open them to the same horrible scene.

  Crawling over to him, I lay my head on his barely moving chest. "Hold on Old Man. I'll get help. The guys will do something. Just hold on." I beg, but I've seen people die before and know the glassy look of his eyes.

  "Schatzi, it'll be okay. You're not alone anymore. You have the Sons and you'll be okay. I need to tell you something. Please listen for once." His voice just above a whisper. "You are my whole world. Before you it was your momma. Schatzi, I don't think your momma died like we thought. I think someone wanted her gone. I have a folder…" His words are just jumbled nonsense I can't make sense out of. "Up… to you now. I…" The last words I can understand before a sigh escapes his pale lips.


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