In The Mind of Thaddeus (Short Story)

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In The Mind of Thaddeus (Short Story) Page 2

by Julia Crane

  Being out on the lake in a boat is so relaxing. I wish I could have stayed out there all weekend. We didn't head home till dark. I had visions, but nothing of significance. I think perhaps being around nature and few people might dull the visions. I can't be sure though. I did see a few funny things with Sam's family. His oldest sister was getting ready for a date and she was throwing a fit because her hair was messed up. One of the younger sisters was crying because she got a C on a test. Seriously, there has to be something wrong with girls' brains. I told Sam about the vision and he wanted to piss his sister off so he texted her "Thaddeus said your hair looks like crap." She didn't reply, but even Sam's dad was laughing. I'm glad I only have one sister I can't imagine having to deal with three like Sam. Well, it's getting late so I need to head to bed. Tomorrow is going to be another long day of training.

  Met Rourk Today

  Training today consisted of one of the advanced instructors chasing a student during a training exercise. We used paintball guns, and whoever hit the other first was the winner. I love this type of training. As I was running through the woods, I had a flash of a vision. The instructor that was chasing me was none other than Rourk. I found humor in this. Of course, I really didn’t have a chance of beating him. However, I kept getting flashes of visions, as he would close in on me. I was able to use them to evade him for quite awhile. Suddenly, Rourk allowed me to chase him. I say allowed because it was his plan. He was leading me. I was supposed to feel I had a chance to win. I saw he planned to fake a fall that is when he would hit me. I used this knowledge to my advantage. Instead of chasing him like he expected me to, I climbed a tree and hid. I was hoping he would show himself so I could shoot him. However, he was too smart for that. It took him a few minutes, but he realized the only place I could be was up. He got me.

  I couldn’t help myself. I had a little fun with him. I let him know that I knew who he was, and also that I saw he was going to fake a fall to trick me. He quickly realized that I was the child from the prophecy. I also threw in that he was going to be my brother-in-law. Rourk did a good job of hiding his surprise. As he should, a good warrior never gives away his thoughts by his expressions. He asked me my sister’s name and I told him it was Keegan. He also wanted to know why I had told her about him. I went through the process of telling him that she would someday be in danger and needed a way to pull him towards her. Rourk assured me he would do everything in his power to keep Keegan safe. Obviously, that’s why I went through the hassle of telling Keegan his name. We knew he would keep her safe at all cost. He seems like a good guy.


  My Future

  In the elfin world when someone is born a warrior they have to join the human army when they turn eighteen. I happen to be an exception to the rules, because I am also a seer. Elves with the gift of sight are usually weak in body. The thought of being a warrior would be laughed at. My father, the leader of the Light, comes from a long line of warriors, and thankfully he passed that on to me. I have a choice: I can join the human army or opt out and put my “gift” to use as a seer. I don’t see why I can’t do both.

  My father asked me about this the other day. He wanted to know if I’ve given any thought to my future now that I had begun my military training. He reassured me there was no pressure for me to join, and if I decided not to, he would support my decision. Let’s put it this way: I will be following in my father’s footsteps. I hope I can live up to his reputation as a warrior. People treat me like I am special because seers are regarded highly in the elfin world. It’s almost embarrassing. Some people actually bow when I walk in a room. I want to earn the respect of a warrior. I could see the pride in my father’s face when I told him I had already made up my mind to join. That made me happy. I can’t imagine being anything other than a soldier, it is literally in my blood.


  Long Training Day

  My body and mind are numb with exhaustion. Today’s training felt like it was never going to end. We started early and ended well after night fall. First we started with dummy training. It’s basically practice combat training. We used different weapons and try to fight our opponent blind folded. Today we used wooden dummies, the same like Bruce Lee used when he was growing up and learning Wing Chun. It’s a big log with three arms, each at different angles and levels, and one big leg that sticks out from the bottom center. Oh, and did I mention that it was hard? Imagine slamming your hands, forearms, shoulders, hips, thighs, knees, shins and feet as hard as you can into a telephone pole for hours at a time. I am going to be covered in bruises. My whole body aches. I might ask my mother for a healing so I can move tomorrow. Although, I feel like wimp even thinking of asking my mother. My father never gets healings from my mother. He made her promise she would never heal him unless he had a life threating injury. He seems to enjoy collecting scars.

  After the training with the dummies we trained with partners. We were all so annoyed with the long training that we took it out on each other. There was no holding back. Normally something like this would be considered fun, however I was just too tired to enjoy it.

  After the exhausting combat training we had to do land navigation. My father had set up a huge course with many points for us to find. It was dark by the time we had collected all the points. We were all beat down and ready to go home.

  You know what, I’m going to see my mother I can barely lift my arms to type this. My father might be able to avoid healings, but he didn’t get his butt kicked by a wooden dummy today. And I’m only twelve years old so I think I can get a pass.



  I’ve missed a few days of writing in this thing. I had a vision yesterday that has been really bothering me. It was of Keegan at a concert, some guys were pushing her against a wall, and she was terrified. The vision was so loud in my head and very bright. It killed me not to tell her before she left. I’m really struggling with my gift lately. It should be getting easier, but it is harder. I wanted to tell her badly. Instead, I followed the stupid rules and kept my mouth shut.

  To help calm my nerves I went for a long barefoot run. My father must have known I was upset, because he offered to join me. We didn’t talk, but his presence is always calming to me. I think running in the woods is one of my favorite things to do. I feel at home in the woods.

  I was so relieved to see Keegan walk through the door tonight. I was also completely shocked when she told me Rourk had saved her. How could she have known it was him? Perhaps a bond with your chosen is too strong to be blocked by magic? My parents were also strangely drawn to each other when they met before their time. It’s all very interesting.

  I’m curious to see how my parents handle this situation with Rourk. Will they just push it under a rug and wait until she turns 18, or will they allow them to meet early? It would be easier for everyone involved if they were allowed to meet earlier. Rourk could protect her better if she was aware of him. Not to mention the added benefit of not listening to her whine all the time about meeting her chosen. We could focus more on the battle and less on Keegan’s teen drama issues.

  The more I think about the vision and what took place at the concert, I think perhaps whoever put these rules in place might know what they are talking about. If I had warned Keegan not to go to the concert, Rourk would have never stepped in. I would have changed the whole course of the night, and maybe their relationship.


  Keegan’s Progress

  I have to say I am shocked at how much my sister Keegan has advanced in such a short period of time. I think her reaction time is quick enough now that she has a good chance of surviving if an arrow came through the air. I don’t think I mentioned that Keegan’s main power is invisibility. My father has had me work with her so she could disappear and potentially avoid an arrow if my vision came true.

  Who would have thought she was a natural? Although, I guess it’s not too much of a surprise since my parents are so skilled at the art of war.
My mother could seriously go head to head with any male in the elfin army and probably kick their butt. Her father trained her since he didn’t have any sons. I can’t even imagine if Keegan had taken to the training earlier. She never put any effort into it, because she’d rather be shopping or hanging out with her annoying friends. I’ve often wondered why females are not allowed in the elfin army. I can understand it to an extent. However, my mother, and even Keegan, are proof that females can hold their own. Maybe this will change someday. I haven’t had any visions about it so probably not...


  Sleep has always been my sanctuary. My visions didn’t haunt me while I slept. At least that’s until last night. I had a horrible vision last night. I woke up drenched in sweat and scared. Of course the first thing I did was wake my father. I had been waiting for a sign about the great battle. Well, it has come. I will try to explain the vision.

  Looking frantically around, I tried to figure out where I was. My body felt strange as if I were watching through someone else’s eyes. Fear raced through my veins. Never had I felt this scared. Lots of blood everywhere, body parts, screams, dear god where was I? Green, the land was so green, even though stained with blood. I looked up and saw a beautiful orange moon. It looked out of place with all the destruction.

  My father made me describe the dream in detail to him. He was able to decipher it much better than I could. He said he thought it was a good omen. The green rolling hills signified that the battle would take place in Ireland. The large orange moon means it would start during the Harvest moon. My parents got engaged during a Harvest moon. This year it falls on Keegan’s birthday. My mother, whose name is Emerald, was named after Ireland, where her parents met, also known as the Emerald Isle. If the vision is true, we have five months to prepare.

  I am worried. The vision showed that the loss of life would be staggering. I know that’s to be expected in a battle. It just made it seem more real to see the bodies all over the place. My father made me tell the men at the private meeting that was held last night. I really don’t like talking in front of people, but I understand it has a greater impact coming from a seer. Preparations have begun. Having a time line has made me even more nervous. I have five months to figure out a way to save the light elves from extinction. My father reminded me not to put so much pressure on myself. The visions come as the gods will them to. I just hope I get a sign before it’s too late. I don’t know what I would do without the guidance of my father.


  The Vault

  My vision has been haunting me. I asked my father if I could take the day off and go to the vault. It’s where all the books on prophecy are kept. The vault is amazing it is probably the most beautiful building I have ever been in. It is of course spelled by magic. As soon as you walk in your can feel the vibrations running through your body. It’s almost like an electrical current. A total feeling of calmness washes over your body. The walls are made of gold and gemstones. I have no idea why they made it so elaborate. I think it might be because the gemstones have magical properties and it helps to protect the important documents. I love to trace my fingers over the rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds. I could spend hours in the vault and never touch a book. The way it makes you feel is hard to describe.

  I’ve read through the books, journals and documents countless times already and with my photographic memory I could recall them all if I tried. However, I was hoping holding the books in my hand might evoke a vision or I could somehow find some guidance I missed. Sadly, that was not the case. I spent all day and nothing. You have no idea how frustrating this is to me. On a good note the woman who watches over the vault made me some tasty chocolate chip cookies. I ate the whole tray and three glasses of milk. She seemed to welcome the company. And who am I to hurt her feelings? I had to show my appreciation by eating a lot of cookies. Hopefully, I will have another vision soon to lead me in the right direction. Even though I have the gift of sight I often feel blind.


  Time is flying

  Where has the time gone? The battle is quickly approaching and I am still clueless as to what I am supposed to do. I fear I am going to let everyone down. I’m trying not to let the stress get to me, but it’s hard. I feel like the walls are closing in on me. I’m almost grateful for the long days at the camp at least it keeps my mind off my gift for awhile.

  I have to admit it is amazing to see the army preparing for battle. We have been training non-stop and I feel we are ready for the battle. However, we are all so tired and it is starting to show. I’ve seen a few of the men bicker, which rarely happens. Men are loosing their tempers easier than should be expected. I know that the training is necessary and I trust my father knows the limit of the men. You know I’m tired when I can’t even play Black Ops before I go to bed. I haven’t had time to do anything it seems. Obviously, the training is important and I feel selfish wanting time for myself. Even my studies are suffering. I just don’t have the energy when I get home. My father says I can make it up after the battle. I’m glad he is confident we will win. I’m not so sure.


  Today Was Fun

  Today we got to go to the range with guns. It was sort of a treat. You see we cannot use guns or any modern weapons during the Great Battle. It is one of the ways we honor our ancestors. So lately we have been training without guns and more with swords and arrows. Don’t get me wrong that is also a lot of fun. However, there is just something about shooting that I greatly enjoy. We have a huge shooting range on our property, and it’s one of the things our family actually enjoys doing together.

  We started out with slow aimed marksmanship training, shooting bulls-eyes at different distances and with different types of rifles. Once we had gotten out to 600 meters we put the rifles away and moved closer to work with the submachine guns. All the drills were CQC (close quarters combat) style shooting, which is just like playing a video game. We engaged multiple targets, moving forward and to the side, shooting around barricades and deciding which targets to shoot verses not to shoot. Everyone shot at least 1,500 rounds today, which is A LOT, especially when doing structured training and not just blazing away.

  I got to see Rourk in action today, and they were not exaggerating. He is like some sort of super soldier. I swear he never missed. He gave the instructions for the final shooting drill, which was a nice “run and gun” scenario, starting from one position and moving through a maze (logs laid out on the ground) and shooting different targets at different stations. Lots of reactive targets that don’t appear until you shoot other targets and several moving targets along with “no-shoot” targets. After explaining, he did a demonstration run. He ran through the drill so fast it was crazy. He did a perfectly clean run. No misses, no “no-shoot” targets hit and every round fired in the fatal zone. He was flawless, and everyone was pretty amazed. I almost dreaded going after him. All in all a great day and a much needed break from the normal grind.


  I have not been able to keep up with this journal. When I get home from the camp my body is exhausted, all I can do is eat and sleep. My father noticed the men were getting weary so he gave us all the long weekend off. I’m so excited to have the down time. It feels long overdue. We’re even going to have a cookout at the camp with all the elfin families. That should be fun. We’ll get to play with the other elfin children.

  My parents are going away for the weekend. My brother Warrick and I will be going to stay at my grandmother’s. I love to visit her—I think she is lonely, so she is always happy to have us around. Plus, she actually seems interested when I tell her about my Xbox games. She’s probably just humoring me but that’s ok. I have been itching to get back to my Black Ops game, and also the new game Left for Dead, there is something cool about slaying zombies. Hopefully, I get to hang out with Sam. Seeing him at camp is not the same as hanging out at home. It will be nice to be able to sleep in for a couple of days. You might have noticed I d
idn’t mention where Keegan was going to be. I’ve had a vision, but I’ll wait till it unfolds to write it in this journal.



  We had the cookout and it went off as expected. It’s always a great time when you get a group of elves together. We ate, played and some of the elves danced. Thankfully there wasn’t any singing. I got to hang out with Sam and I didn’t even have any disturbing visions. Sam and I played paint ball with some of the other elves. Of course we dominated. Oh, I almost forgot the big news. Rourk and Keegan have met and they are now joined as elfin mates. My father overlooked the simple fact that Keegan and Rourk would be at the camp at the same time. As gross as it was to see my sister kiss someone, I have to say it was pretty cool. It was like something you would see in one of those chick flicks. They saw each other across the camp, and then Rourk walked up to her and kissed her in front of everyone. Keegan was quite embarrassed by all the yelling and cheering going on. I saw this in a vision last week. It’s always strange when my visions come to life. I don’t think I will ever get use to it. Keegan and Rourk are going to spend the weekend with my parents. My mom said they could spend time together this weekend, but not again until after the battle. I really hope things turn out ok during the battle. Keegan is a pain, but she’s still my sister and I don’t want anything bad to happen to her.


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