Rogue Rapids

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Rogue Rapids Page 21

by Shirleen Davies

  He gave a slow nod, unsure where she was going.

  “That’s how you look at Sylvia.” She placed her hands on the table, pushing to stand. “I suggest you take a good, hard look at yourself, Mack. Don’t lose what she’s offering because you’re afraid to grasp it with both hands. Whether you’re ready to admit it or not, that girl is your future, and you’re hers.”

  Dominic studied Sylvia’s face. Her features were pinched, eyes grim, white lines rimming her mouth. His stomach clenched at the unhappiness she’d been unable to hide from him.

  “Tell me what bothers you, Syl.”

  She knew he wouldn’t want to hear about Mack’s visit…or Morgan’s. He’d made his feelings about the youngest Miller brother clear.

  She shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

  Chuckling, he reached over, covering her hand with his. “You may be able to get away with hiding your thoughts from others, but not with me, love. Tell me what it is. Maybe I can come up with a solution.”

  Shoulders slumping, she sighed. “There’s only one person who can provide a solution, Dom.”

  “Damn that man,” he mumbled under his breath.

  Eyes wide, she stared at him. “What do you mean?”

  “It’s Mack, isn’t it?”

  Pursing her lips, she nodded. “He asked me to supper tonight, but I just don’t see the point, Dom. He’s made his feelings about love quite clear, and he knows mine. Why won’t he let it be?”

  “You mean let you be?”

  She let out a slow breath. “Yes.” Glancing around the room, she saw May walk out of the kitchen with two plates. “May’s coming this way.”

  “We aren’t done with this, Syl.” Dominic flashed a smile at May, a woman he found to be quite pretty and kind. Unfortunately, his attention had been captured by another of the brides, someone he had no intention of pursuing. His life was in Austin as a Texas Ranger, not in a small town in the remote territory of Montana.

  “Here you are. Sorry for the delay.” May set the chicken fricassee in front of Sylvia and a thick slice of roast before Dominic. “Would you like anything else?”

  He shook his head. “This is fine, May. Thank you.” Picking up his knife and fork, he started to cut the roast, stopping when he noticed Sylvia staring at her plate. “Is something wrong?” When she didn’t respond, he leaned closer. “Syl?”

  Startled, she looked up. “Oh, sorry.”

  “Is something wrong with your meal?”

  “I’m sure it’s fine. It’s just, well…” She continued to stare at her plate.

  “Lost your appetite?”

  Sylvia glanced up at the familiar voice. “Mack. What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come for you.” He held out his hand, sending a warning look at Dominic. “We need to talk, Sylvia. I’ll not take no for an answer.”

  When Dominic opened his mouth to respond, she jumped up. “Do you mind, Dom?”

  Standing, he glared at Mack. “What are you about, Mackey?”

  Mack met his hard stare. “This is between Sylvia and me, Dom. You’ll just have to be patient while we talk.”

  “If you hurt her again—”

  Sylvia moved between them, putting a hand on her brother’s chest. “It’s all right, Dom. I want to hear what Mack has to say.”

  His features softened. “If you’re sure, Syl.”

  “I am.”

  Taking Sylvia’s hand, Mack turned, almost pulling her behind him in his haste to find privacy.

  “Mack?” He turned at Lena’s voice. She stood next to an open door. The one leading to the hotel office. “In here.”

  Jaw clenching, he nodded, changing directions to enter the office. “Thank you, Lena.”

  Sylvia’s eyes grew wide as Mack pulled her past Lena. Once inside, he closed the door, turning to face her.

  “Marry me, Sylvia.”

  Her mouth gaped open. “Wh…what?”

  “Marry me. I don’t want to live without you. I can’t live without you. Knowing how you grew up, it won’t be easy being married to a deputy with little money and no prospects for much more. But I swear I’ll make you happy.”

  Staring at him, her mind raced. “You don’t love me. I’ve already told you I won’t marry…” Her voice trailed off when he placed a finger over her lips.

  “That isn’t exactly true.” Swallowing any doubt he may have felt before, his features warmed. “I spoke with a very wise woman tonight. She helped me see the error in my thinking.”

  “The error,” she breathed out, trying to understand his meaning.

  He took her hands in his. “Yes.” Chuckling, he squeezed her hands. “I do love you, Sylvia. Much more than I thought possible.” Leaning down, he brushed a kiss across her lips. “Marry me.” He kissed her again, earning a sigh. “Stay in Splendor and build a life with me.”

  Seeing the tears in her eyes, he stilled, thinking he’d made one more mistake when it came to Sylvia. Perhaps she no longer loved him, didn’t want him, or had developed feelings for Morgan. The last caused a sharp pain to grip his chest. He couldn’t bear the thought he might have already lost her.

  A moment later, a beguiling smile broke across her face.

  “I love you, Mack. I’ll always love you.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  She blinked back the tears. “Definitely a yes.”


  Two weeks later…

  Reverend Edward Paige looked across the crowd gathered in the church before smiling at the couple before him. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mackey.”

  Scooping Sylvia into his arms, he kissed her, ignoring the gasps, cheers, and clapping from their friends. Without hesitation, he walked down the aisle to the back of the church, feeling slaps on his back. Stepping outside, he set her down, taking Sylvia in his arms to capture her mouth in a searing kiss.

  Laughing, she pulled back, not removing her arms from around his neck. “Adam, what do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m kissing my wife. I love you, Mrs. Sylvia Mackey.”

  “I love you, too, Adam. So, so much.”

  “Congratulations, Mack. Although I still don’t think you’re good enough for my sister.” Dominic held out his hand, shaking Mack’s. An almost melancholy grin tipped the corners of his mouth when his gaze met his sister’s. An instant later, he wrapped his arms around her, swinging her around. “I love you, Syl. This man better make you happy or you know I’ll have to kill him.”

  Slapping his chest, she laughed. “I love you, too, Dom, and I’m so glad you stayed for the wedding.”

  “There wasn’t any chance I would’ve left before Mack made it legal.” He shot an appraising look at him.

  May pushed through the people crowding around the new couple, reaching Sylvia to give her friend a warm hug. “I’m so happy for you.”

  May felt Caleb brush her shoulder. He shook Mack’s hand, then nodded to the building next door. “Suzanne says it’s time for all of us to move into the new community building. The food is ready and the band will start soon.”

  Taking Sylvia’s hand, Mack walked to the new building next to the church. Their wedding reception would be the first big event since its completion a few weeks before. The instant they walked through the door, the band began to play a lively tune.

  The building filled within minutes, their friends eating, drinking, and dancing. Sylvia’s heart expanded, looking at all the people she’d met since arriving in Splendor. Her gaze moved across the crowd, stopping on a woman she’d seen in town several times but had never met.

  If she recalled correctly, someone mentioned the woman arrived on a special stage, one she’d hired to bring her to Splendor. Poised and impeccably dressed, her cool gaze moved across the room, as if searching for someone. Sylvia noticed the instant her attention landed on Doctor Charles Worthington.

  “May, have you learned any more about the woman over there, the one in the green gown?” Sylvia nodde
d across the room.

  “Not more than what I mentioned before. Her name is Clare Billings. She’s a widow from Boston and is still staying at the St. James. The woman has become quite the mystery at the hotel. Perhaps now is a good time to introduce ourselves.”

  Before Sylvia could respond, the woman turned away. Head held high, back straight, she moved to the door. Taking one quick glance over her shoulder in the doctor’s direction, she stepped outside.

  “It appears we’ve missed our chance. Still, it’s time you visited with your guests.”

  When May took Sylvia’s hand to pull her toward Tabitha and Deborah, Caleb moved next to Mack, handing him a cup of punch. Reaching into his pocket, Caleb removed a small flask, pouring a slight amount of whiskey into the otherwise bland drink.

  “She’s beautiful, Mack.” He held up his cup, touching the side of Mack’s. “Sylvia is going to make you a helluva wife.”

  From across the room, Mack watched his wife move from one group to another, smiling, laughing, and accepting numerous hugs. She’d settled into life in Splendor with little effort, even helping move items into the house Mack rented next to where he used to live with Caleb. This evening, he’d carry her into their house for the first time and make love to her as he’d desired for weeks.

  Mack sipped the punch, glancing at Caleb. “What about you and Miss Bacon?”

  Caleb swung his gaze to him. “May? What about her?”

  Chuckling, Mack lifted a brow, his gaze moving across the room to where Sylvia and May stood. “Have you decided if you’re going to court her? Formally court her, Caleb, not just the occasional breakfast or supper with Sylvia and me.”

  Slipping the flask from his pocket, he took a long drink before putting it away. “Just because you’ve tied yourself to one woman doesn’t mean I’m ready to do the same.”

  Mack’s gaze narrowed on his friend, studying his face. “If I’m not mistaken, you aren’t much of a rogue. I know you take the occasional trip to Big Pine and once in a great while choose a woman at the Dixie. You certainly don’t have the reputation I developed before Sylvia.”

  Blowing out a breath, Caleb gave Mack a lopsided grimace. “I like May a great deal. She makes me laugh, takes my mind off the past and all we did during the war.”

  “We did what was required as officers for the Union Army.”

  Caleb’s face sobered. “You’re right. I don’t regret my actions. But there are times they haunt me.”

  “Are you referring to your nightmares?”

  Caleb shrugged. “That, and Regina’s death.”

  Clasping a hand on his shoulder, Mack lowered his voice. “It’s been over four years since your fiancée was murdered. You need to let it go, Caleb. Open up to loving someone else.”

  Caleb thought of the months after Regina’s death at the hands of marauders. A gang who’d been after him, not the sweet woman he would’ve married if her life hadn’t been cut short. He’d been adrift ever since, uncertain of anything except the constant grief. Drinking and spending his nights with saloon whores masked the pain, never eliminating it.

  He thought of May, believing she might be his path to redemption and peace. Different in appearance and much shorter than Regina, Caleb found himself thinking of her more each day.

  “I’ve been thinking the same, Mack.”

  Giving him a wry grin, he tilted his glass toward May. “There’s no better time than right now to ask her. I’ll walk over with you and retrieve my bride.”

  A sudden terror tore at Caleb’s chest. “Now?”

  “Why not? It’s not going to get any easier, and you certainly don’t want to go through what I did with Morgan Miller…or Dutch, Hex, or—”

  Caleb held up his hand. “I understand what you’re saying.” Sucking in a breath, he finished the punch and set the cup down. “All right.”

  He took determined strides across the room, stopping within inches of a startled May.

  “Oh, Deputy Covington.” May flushed, eyes widening.

  Swallowing any doubt, he met her confused gaze. “Miss Bacon. I wonder if I could speak with you. In private.”

  She shot a look at Sylvia, who seemed as surprised as May. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  Sylvia slipped her arm through Mack’s, leaning into him. “Of course.”

  Offering his arm, Caleb led her to a quiet corner, nodding at a chair. When she settled into it, he took a seat next to her. They sat in silence for a few moments, May watching the way he seemed to battle with something. Unspoken emotions crossed his face, making her stomach clench.

  Letting out a ragged breath, he stood. “I’d like to know if you would be open to me courting you.”

  Lips parting, she stilled, unsure she’d heard him right. “You want to court me?”

  His brows furrowed. “Does that come as such a surprise?”

  Clasping her hands in her lap, she considered the question. “Not really. I do like you very much, Caleb.”

  He liked the way she used his first name. Sitting back down, he pulled one hand from her lap, holding it. “You don’t have to decide right now. It’s a big decision, May. Consider it for as long as you need.”

  Staring into his deep blue eyes, May knew she’d be putting off the inevitable. “I don’t need time to consider it. Yes, I’d very much like you to court me.”

  Eyes sparkling, Caleb squeezed her hand, a relieved smile lifting the corners of his mouth. “That’s wonderful.” Standing, he helped her up.

  Biting her lip, she glanced across the room before gazing up at him. “This may sound silly, but do you mind if I let Sylvia and Lena know you’ve asked to court me?”

  His gaze softened on her. It seemed natural, wanting to let her closest friend and the woman who’d brought her to Splendor know of his intentions.

  “Of course not.” Placing a hand at the small of her back, he guided May across the room where Sylvia and Mack spoke with Gabe and Lena. Stopping beside them, Caleb settled her in front of him.

  Clearing her throat, May looked between the two ladies, ignoring Mack and Gabe. “Caleb has asked permission to court me. I’ve agreed.”

  Gabe sent Caleb a questioning glance, saying nothing. Mack simply grinned.

  Lena smiled at Caleb. “That’s wonderful.”

  “Yes, it is,” Sylvia added.

  Lena looked at Gabe, then back at the other two couples. “Would it be too presumptuous of me to invite the four of you to our house for supper on Saturday evening?”

  Before anyone could answer, the front door opened on a bang. A woman of indistinguishable age, bright red hair, and heavy makeup walked inside, holding the hand of a small boy. She’d succeeded in getting everyone’s attention.

  “I’m looking for Caleb Covington. Is he here?”

  Brows scrunched in confusion, he stepped forward. “I’m Caleb Covington.”

  She tightened her grip on the boy’s hand and marched forward. She allowed herself a few moments to look Caleb up and down.

  “We’ve traveled a great distance to find you.”

  Staring at her, he shrugged.

  “You were a Texas Ranger, correct?”

  He glanced at Mack, then back at the woman. “For a time.”

  “In Austin?”


  “You knew Sadie Moss?”

  His eyes clouded in confusion. “Sadie?”

  “She was a saloon girl in Austin. Do you remember her?”

  Pushing down the dread at her question, Caleb glanced at May before taking a closer look at the boy. His stomach clenched at the blond hair and deep blue eyes gazing back at him. A miniature version of him.

  “Yes. I remember her.” His voice was low, cautious, and filled with alarm.

  Tugging the boy in front of her, the woman settled her hands on his shoulders. “Mr. Covington, this is your son…Isaac.”

  Thank you for taking the time to read Rogue Rapids. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a sho
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  Watch for book twelve in the Redemption Mountain series, Angel Peak.

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  About the Author

  Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical and contemporary western romance with a touch of suspense. She is the best-selling author of the MacLarens of Fire Mountain Series, the MacLarens of Boundary Mountain Series, and the Redemption Mountain Series. Shirleen grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. Her passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance. She lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona. Between them, they have five adult sons who are their greatest achievements.

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  Books by Shirleen Davies

  Historical Western Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Tougher than the Rest, Book One

  Faster than the Rest, Book Two

  Harder than the Rest, Book Three

  Stronger than the Rest, Book Four

  Deadlier than the Rest, Book Five

  Wilder than the Rest, Book Six

  Redemption Mountain

  Redemption’s Edge, Book One

  Wildfire Creek, Book Two


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