Regency Engagements Box Set

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Regency Engagements Box Set Page 65

by Charlotte Fitzwilliam

  “LONDON SOCIETY IS NOT ALL you have dreamed of, Jeweliana,” her mother continued, softly. “It will be a little dull to begin with, for almost everyone will ask you the same questions, and you will, most likely, answer them in much the same way. That is to be expected. However, once introductions have been made, there will be opportunities to develop acquaintances and even friendships with some other ladies of the ton and perhaps a few gentlemen.” “I VERY WELL RECALL MY agreement with father, if that is what you are getting at Mama,” Jeweliana replied, pointedly. “I will, of course, let you know should any gentleman show me particular attention, so you can do your utmost to prove to me that he is not worthy of my notice.” She raised one eyebrow, unable to keep her lips from curving into a smile. “That is what you expect of me, is it not?” THE COUNTESS LAUGHED, and Jeweliana could not help but join in. It was a relief to see her mother with so much vibrancy, just as she had once been before the earl’s illness. The earl, of course, whilst being invited to such things as garden parties, chose to remain at home most of the time in order to enjoy his port and his library, which Lady Jeweliana could not understand. Surely it was exciting to be a part of London society – but yet her father showed very little interest in it at all!

  “HERE WE ARE,” her mother murmured, as the carriage drew up to Lady Clara Mallington’s home. The gates were wide and the grounds expansive, which was something of a surprise for a London home, but Jeweliana could only gasp in amazement at the beauty of the place.

  “YES INDEED, it is rather beautiful is it not?” the countess murmured, as they rolled up the graveled drive. “The poor dear was widowed at a young age but was left this townhouse by her husband – something which was altogether extraordinary for a gentleman to do at the time. It is a little more common now but still not that common.” LADY JEWELIANA, her mind filled with dreamy thoughts, smiled happily. “He must have loved her very much.”

  THE COUNTESS LAUGHED BRIGHTLY and patted Jeweliana’s hand. “You have such a romantic nature, my dear Jeweliana,” she smiled, as the carriage came to a stop. “Have you never thought that, mayhap, the man left her this townhouse for another reason?” Frowning, Jeweliana shook her head. “I cannot think what other reason there might have been, Mama.” “Can you not?” her mother murmured, as the footman opened the door. “Guilt, mayhap, might be another cause to

  leave someone something so grand, my dear Jeweliana. Have you never considered that?”

  JEWELIANA’S FROWN DEEPENED as she stepped out of the carriage, disliking the idea that Lord Mallington had left his wife such a grand property out of nothing more than guilt. No, she much preferred the idea that it was because the man had loved her dearly and wanted her to be looked after when he died. Setting

  her shoulders, she looked up at the house and carefully removed the frown from her features.

  “COME THEN,” her mother murmured, as they began to ascend the steps. “Let us introduce you to London society.”

  THE EXCITEMENT that swirled in Jeweliana’s belly as she walked into the beautiful gardens of Lady Mallington’s home brought a gentle blush to her cheeks, adding to her loveliness. With her dark hair and deep blue eyes, she was, at the very least, tolerably pretty and certainly not in the least bit plain. As her mother introduced her to Lady Mallington, Jeweliana made sure to curtsy as gracefully as she could, knowing that her first impression on the rest of Lady Mallington’s guests was an important one.

  “MY GOODNESS, you are something of a beauty, are you not!”

  Lady Mallington exclaimed, bobbing a quick curtsy that was nowhere near as graceful or as elegant and Jeweliana’s had been.

  “My dear Lady Knighton, it is my very great delight to host your daughter for her first social occasion. Can you recall when it was our come out, my dear? It was so long ago, was it not?” JEWELIANA’S EARS PRICKED UP, slowly realizing that her mother knew Lady Mallington from long ago, and evidently knew more about Lady Mallington’s marriage than she had said to Jeweliana.

  “INDEED IT WAS,” the countess replied, smiling at her friend. “It is good to see you again also.”

  LADY MALLINGTON TURNED her sharp gaze onto Jeweliana, although she continued to smile at her. Lady Jeweliana, feeling somewhat scrutinized, remained exactly as she was, keeping her gaze a little lowered so as not to stare back at the lady.

  “A VERY PRETTY LITTLE THING,” Lady Mallington murmured.

  “Well, I suppose I should let you go and introduce yourselves to the other guests – although you will know more than a few of them, Countess, have no fear. However, I will warn you now, Lady Jeweliana, that you ought to stay away from Lord Draves.

  He will make his way towards you practically the moment he sees you, I am quite sure, but he is not worthy of your company.”

  She looked up towards the countess, who nodded slowly. “You understand my meaning, I see. Very well, very well, on you go into the sunshine, and I shall join you again presently.” LADY JEWELIANA’S heart quickened as she walked with her mother further into the vast gardens, aware that the buzz of conversation going on amongst the guests slowly began to die down as they made their way forward. It felt as though a million eyes were fixed on her, wondering who she might be and what she was doing here. A sudden, sharp loneliness cut through her, making her shiver despite the sunlight. Had Lady Mallington been correct in saying that Jeweliana’s mother would already be acquainted with some of the guests? If not, who would introduce them?

  “THAT CANNOT BE the Countess of Knighton?”

  JEWELIANA SAW her mother turn towards the voice, only to exclaim loudly and rush forward, catching the lady’s hands in her own. They began to talk together in excited voices, leaving Jeweliana feeling rather at a loss as to what to do. She had never seen her mother in such excitement before, realizing that there was more to her dear mother than she really knew.

  “MY DEAR, come and meet Lady Darlington,” her mother cooed, beckoning Jeweliana nearer. “She is a very great friend of mine, although we have not seen one another for some years.” JEWELIANA GREETED the lady as cordially as she could, only for the Lady Darlington to dash away and drag a fairly reluctant young man towards them both.

  “THIS IS MY SON, LORD DARLINGTON,” the lady exclaimed, as the

  young man bowed to Jeweliana’s mother and then towards Jeweliana herself. “He is the new Marquess of Darlington, of course.”

  “OH, I AM SORRY,” Jeweliana heard her mother say, as she herself turned her gaze back to Lord Darlington. “I had not heard that you were widowed.”

  AS THE TWO LADIES TALKED, Jeweliana took in this new acquittance, her heart quickening as she took in the lazy way he appeared to regard her. He was tall, broad shoulders with an air of casual indifference that made Jeweliana’s skin prickle with a slight distaste. His fair hair was neatly styled, his light blue eyes, cool and a little disconcerting.


  “NOW, Joshua, will you please take Lady Jeweliana to meet some of your friends?” Lady Darlington asked, putting her hand on her son’s arm and bestowing a gracious smile on Jeweliana who, despite the sudden horror she felt at being forced to go with this particular gentleman, tried her best to look thankful for such an offer.

  LORD DARLINGTON CLEARED his throat and inclined his head, offering Jeweliana his arm who, glancing up at her mother and seeing her nod, took it quickly.

  “YOU ARE VERY KIND, LORD DARLINGTON,” she murmured, as he began to lead her towards a crowd of ladies. “Thank you.”

  HE SNORTED, shocking her entirely. “It is not as though I had much of a choice now, is it?”

  THANKFULLY, Jeweliana did not have time to reply, and such was her shock at being spoken to in such a manner that she found her voice entirely gone from her.

  “MISS CARTWRIGHT?” Lord Darlington called, sounding entirely bored with Jeweliana’s company already. “Miss Cartwright, this is Lady Jeweliana, daughter of the Earl of Knighton. Might you do the rounds with her?” HE DR
OPPED Jeweliana’s arm as he spoke, leaving her in stunned silence as a willowy, fair-haired young lady came towards them both with a reproachful look on her face.

  “REALLY, Lord Darlington, is that any way to speak to the lady?”

  she asked frowning. “Especially when she is clearly a new acquaintance!”

  “I DO BEG YOUR PARDON,” Lord Darlington muttered, without even a hint of apology in his tone. “And do excuse me.”

  STARING AFTER HIM, Lady Jeweliana could hardly believe that he had treated her in such a way. A spurt of anger shot through her, making her hands slowly curl into fists.

  “DO NOT MIND HIM, LADY JEWELIANA,” came the quiet murmur of Miss Cartwright as she came to stand next to her. “He is like that with everyone, so do not think that it is anything to do with you or your conduct.” “HOW VERY RUDE OF HIM,” Jeweliana whispered, her eyes following the man as he stalked away from them towards a group of gentlemen. “I have never been so poorly treated.” To her horror, tears stung at her eyes as she glared at his back, still upset that her very first foray into society had started so terribly.

  “DO NOT THINK of him any longer,” Miss Cartwright said, with a warm smile. “Come with me, and I shall introduce you to a great many new acquaintances, all of whom will be glad to meet you, I am sure.” “THANK YOU,” Jeweliana replied, turning her head away from Lord Darlington with some difficulty and fixing her gaze on Miss Cartwright. “You are very kind, Miss Cartwright.” “MISS LOUISA CARTWRIGHT, I should have said,” came the quick reply, as Miss Cartwright looped her arm through Jeweliana’s.

  “My father is the Viscount Hartley and, unfortunately for him, I am his third daughter and therefore the third one to require a Season!”

  LADY JEWELIANA LAUGHED, the tension leaving her as she slowly began to forget about Lord Darlington. “I am the only daughter to my father,” she said, as they began to wander towards a few other ladies. “Although he has made it clear I am to find a suitable match by the end of the Season, else I will have to have an arrangement made.” MISS CARTWRIGHT DREW IN A BREATH, her eyes wide. “Indeed,” she exclaimed. “But you are the daughter of an earl so surely you are more than able to find a suitable gentleman! There are plenty of them around.” “AH, but you do not know my parents, Miss Cartwright. They have very high standards and wish to ensure that I marry a man who does not have any need for either my wealth or connections. That is a good thing, I think, but I do not share the same doubts that such gentlemen cannot be found amongst the ton.”

  MISS CARTWRIGHT NODDED SLOWLY, her eyes brightening. “Then I think I shall have to help you in your endeavors,” she said, pressing Jeweliana’s arm lightly. “I am close to being betrothed myself, you see, so have very little need to search for a suitor.” At Jeweliana’s enquiring look, Miss Cartwright laughed lightly as a rosy blush came to her cheeks. “My dear friend Lord Livingstone and I have been courting for a few months now. We have known each other for a great many years and only found ourselves in love when we came to London for the Season last year.” She sighed happily. “It is an arrangement everyone is quite delighted about.”

  JEWELIANA FELT a slice of envy steal into her heart and settle there, longing for something her new friend had that she did not.

  “SO, you see I will be more than happy to help you with your search, if you would like my company and assistance,” Miss Cartwright continued.

  JEWELIANA NODDED, her smile growing. “That would be wonderful, Miss Cartwright. I confess that I am new to London and so know very few people here.”

  “THAT WILL NOT BE for long, I assure you,” Miss Cartwright declared, firmly. “We shall introduce you to a great many gentlemen and, before long, you shall find yourself in high demands. I am certain we will find you the perfect match.” “JUST SO LONG AS I do not have to dance with Lord Darlington,”

  Jeweliana murmured, casting her gaze back towards him for a moment.

  “NO, INDEED,” Miss Cartwright laughed, shaking her head. “I think you are not in any danger there. He has not shown any interest in anyone for years, it is said.” “AND I HAVE no intention of capturing his attention either,” Lady Jeweliana declared firmly. “Now, who is it I am to meet first?”


  THE FOLLOWING EVENING found Lady Jeweliana at the first ball she had ever attended. It was a marvelous affair, with beautiful decorations, a wonderful orchestra and more than one hundred guests, each clad in their finery. Jewels sparkled, fans fluttered, and Jeweliana felt more than a little overwhelmed.

  “Is it not wonderful, Jeweliana?” her mother murmured, as they finished greeting their hosts and walked into the ballroom itself. “A very fine ball for your first appearance, I think.” “Indeed, Mama,” Jeweliana replied, hoarsely. “I confess to being somewhat awestruck by it all.”

  Her mother laughed softly and patted Jeweliana’s hand.

  “Have no fear; you will not forget your dance steps or make a muddle of your conversation. You are poised and graceful, and I have no doubt that all will go very well. You have made friends with a few young ladies and gentlemen, have you not?” “I have, Mama,” Lady Jeweliana replied, grateful to know that her new friend Miss Cartwright would be present and searching for her. “Miss Cartwright said that she would be here this evening and I am looking forward to speaking with her again.” “And mayhap Lord Darlington will be present and will sign your dance card,” her mother continued, with a small smile in Jeweliana’s direction. “He was gracious enough to you, was he not?” Lady Jeweliana shook her head, firmly. “No, Mama, he was not at all gracious. Indeed, I found him very rude, overly arrogant and quite capricious in nature. I should not like to dance with him, not even if he asked it of me.” Something like confusion, followed by dismay, crossed the countess’ features as if she had been hoping that Jeweliana would like the young man. Lady Jeweliana supposed it was because he was the son of her mother’s good friend, but she could not find even an ounce of interest in him, hoping desperately that she would not run into him at this particular ball. He was the last person she wanted to dance with.

  “Well, one can never account for taste, I suppose,” her mother murmured, softly, turning her head to look back out across the crowd. “Now, my dear, let us go and see who we can find to speak to. I am sure we will find a great number of acquaintances here this evening.” Thankfully for Jeweliana, Miss Cartwright hurried over towards her only a few minutes later, her eyes sparkling as she caught Jeweliana hands.

  “Oh, how good to see you, Lady Jeweliana!” she exclaimed, after greeting the countess. “I have so many people to introduce you to! Might I take her into my company, Countess?” Jeweliana turned hopeful eyes onto her mother who laughed and shooed them both away, her eyes bright.

  “Thank you, Mama,” Lady Jeweliana exclaimed, happily. “I shall be on my very best behavior, I promise you.”

  “No waltzing, however, Jeweliana,” her mother warned, her smile fading just a little. “Do you understand me?”

  Nodding, Jeweliana promised that she would do exactly as her mother requested before following Miss Cartwright through the ballroom.

  “It is a pain not to be allowed to waltz, but it appears to be the done thing, unfortunately,” Miss Cartwright said, as they linked arms to walk together. “Even my own mother took a good few weeks before I was permitted to do so during my come out.”

  Jeweliana nodded, shrugging her shoulders. “I suppose it is to be expected and, besides, it gives me something to look forward to.”

  “That is the spirit!” Miss Cartwright exclaimed as they reached a group of gentlemen and ladies who welcomed them both. “Now, let me introduce you to some of these very respectable gentlemen and ladies of the ton. I am sure we will have your dance card full within a few minutes!” By the time the first half of the ball was over, Lady Jeweliana was almost completely exhausted, although quite delighted with it all. She had danced nearly every dance except the waltz, and now that it came time for refreshments, Jeweliana found herself q
uite parched. Miss Cartwright, her ever faithful friend, looped her arm through Jeweliana’s and together they made their way to the room just beyond the ballroom, where a whole array of food and drink lay waiting for them. Miss Cartwright let out a sigh of relief and hurried to fetch them both a drink, leaving Jeweliana to mingle with the rest of the guests.

  “I do hope you have been enjoying the ball thus far, Lady Jeweliana.”

  The gruff voice made her look around in surprise, only to see none other than Lord Darlington standing behind her, his expression grim.

  “I have, thank you,” she replied, before turning her back on him again. She knew she was being more than a little rude in treating him so and in ignoring the opportunity to continue the conversation, but she had no inclination to have anything much to do with him.

  “I must speak to you, Lady Jeweliana,” he said, firmly. “Might you come with me?”

  She looked back at him, astonished.

  “This moment, if you please.”

  “I hardly think so, Lord Darlington,” Jeweliana replied, glancing back at him. “I am in need of some refreshment, and this is hardly the place.”

  “I insist.”

  Turning to face him again, Lady Jeweliana raised one eyebrow and kept her gaze firm. “And I refuse,” she stated, calmly. “I am sure you can find another time to speak to me, Lord Darlington if what you have to say is truly of such a serious nature.” He appeared angry and upset with her, but Jeweliana disregarded it immediately, turning back to search for Miss Cartwright who was meant to be returning with something for her to drink. Much to her horror, her elbow was caught firmly by Lord Darlington and, before she could even say a word, he had begun to pull her away.

  “Lord Darlington!” she exclaimed, trying to wrench her elbow out of his grip. “Whatever are you doing? Unhand me at once!”

  He rounded on her, his eyes dark. “It is in your best interests to come with me this very moment, Lady Jeweliana,” he hissed, angrily. “Your mother and mine are in a deep discussion, and I am certain that you should hear it.” Swallowing a lump of fear that had built in her throat, Jeweliana looked all about her but saw that no guests were looking at her with concern. In fact, it appeared that she was being very much ignored, such was the swirl of guests in the one room.


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