Regency Engagements Box Set

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Regency Engagements Box Set Page 70

by Charlotte Fitzwilliam

  you, Mama!”

  “You had best go and change, quickly,” her mother laughed, ushering her out of the room. “If Lord Michaels intends to call on you soon then you will need to look your best!”

  There was not even a momentary hesitation from Jeweliana. She did as her mother bade her at once, leaving the note and flowers on the table and rushing from the room, wondering what she might wear that afternoon.

  “Lord Michaels, how good of you to call.”

  Lady Jeweliana tried her best not to blush as Lord Michaels smiled at her, took her hand and bowed over it. His hands were warm, his touch a welcome one but, much to her surprise, there came a sudden recollection of the time she had been in the bookshop with Lord Darlington. His touch had shot sparks all through her whereas she felt nothing akin to that with Lord Michaels.

  “Thank you for the flowers,” Jeweliana said after Lord Michaels had greeted the countess. “They are beautiful.”

  His smile grew. “I spent a great deal of time choosing them, my lady. I did not think I could find anything compared to your beauty.”

  Lady Jeweliana flushed, finding herself struggling to find a response, only for her mother to speak for her.

  “You are most thoughtful, Lord Michaels. Tell me, have you been in London long?”

  Lady Jeweliana breathed a little easier as her mother continued her easy conversation with Lord Michaels, whilst it fell to her to pour the tea. This she made an easy job of, finding it easier to focus on her task whilst her mother continued to engage Lord Michaels.

  They talked about many things, from their time in London, to what their country residences were like. Jeweliana learned that Lord Michaels’ father was still hale and hearty and running his estate like clockwork whilst giving his son a great deal of responsibility. He spoke of London as a reprieve from all that he had to do at home, as though running an estate and learning what would one day be entirely his responsibility was more of a chore than a blessing. Much to her surprise, Jeweliana found herself somewhat frustrated with his self-pitying speech, finding him to be almost ungrateful for the blessing of wealth and title.

  “And do you intend to remain in London for the rest of the Season, Lord Michaels?” she asked, once he had stopped speaking in such dull tones about his difficulties at home. “Or are you to return back to the country very soon?” “No, indeed, I shall remain here for as long as I can,” Lord Michaels stated, firmly. “I have every intention of enjoying myself for as long as possible before I have to return home!” “And were you here last Season also?” the countess asked, lifting her china cup and drinking delicately. “This is Jeweliana’s first Season, although it is a little later than we had initially planned.” As Jeweliana watched Lord Michaels, she saw a frown come over his expression, his eyes growing dark and lips thinning.

  Clearly, something had occurred last Season that he did not wish to speak about.

  “This is not my first Season, no, although I feel as though it is,” he said, mysteriously. “I have come previously with a great host of ideas and ideals in my mind but, this year, I finally see the Season for what it is.” Entirely confused by what Lord Michaels meant, Jeweliana made to ask more, only for her mother to give the tiniest shake of her head in her direction. Of course, she recalled, a lady did not pry. A gentleman shared what he wished, and then that was all there should be to it. In time, perhaps, Lord Michaels might come to tell her more about what occurred but, until that time came, it was in her best interests to change the subject or to remain entirely silent. It would not do for a lady to appear nosy or, even worse, a gossip monger. No gentleman wanted that kind of lady on his arm!

  “I do hope this Season proves to be better than your last,” she murmured, reaching for her own china cup and lifting it delicately.

  Lord Michaels turned his gaze on her for a moment, his expression blank. “I think it already is better than the last,” he said, softly, a small smile beginning to spread across his face.

  “Meeting you last evening, Lady Jeweliana, has brought me more happiness than I have felt in a long time.”

  “It is very kind of you to say so,” Jeweliana replied, surprised that she felt no spark of answering warmth towards him. Her mother, however, was practically glowing as Lord Michaels rose to take his leave, having stayed the expected duration.

  Lady Jeweliana rose automatically, thinking that she wanted to get to know Lord Michaels a little more before she made any kind of decision about him. Of course, there would be a few more meetings and afternoon calls before there came any talk of courtship and by that time, she might have more of an idea of what she truly felt for the man. He flattered her by his constant attentions, by his smiles, his gift of flowers and compliments towards her but Jeweliana knew that such things could often ebb away as an association progressed. Her brother had once spoken to her of such things, and it was advice she had actually managed to heed.

  “Good afternoon, Lord Michaels,” she murmured, as her mother smiled at them both. “And thank you so much for calling on us.”

  “Might I call upon you again?” he asked, giving the countess a quick look. Evidently seeing the agreement on her face, he turned back towards Jeweliana with a questioning look in his eyes. “I thought perhaps a carriage ride or a walk in the park?” Tension swirled between them as Lady Jeweliana considered her response, feeling every second tick by with such a great deliberateness that it made her stomach roll uncomfortably.

  “Yes, of course, Lord Michaels,” she said, after a moment or two of consideration. “Just so long as my mother gives her consent.”

  “Your mother does,” the countess replied, with a broad smile. “Thank you, Lord Michaels. You are most generous to consider my daughter.”

  Flushing with embarrassment, Jeweliana turned her gaze back towards Lord Michaels, realizing she had not thanked him for his invitation. “Thank you, Lord Michaels. I would be more than glad to walk with you. The days are so fine at the moment that I find great pleasure in being out of doors.” “A walk in the park it is then. Would tomorrow afternoon suit?”

  “Yes, perfectly,” she murmured, praying that the redness had left her cheeks as she inclined her head. “Thank you.”

  The smile on his face reached his eyes, his lips curving in a gentle smile as he reached for her hand. With a glance towards her mother, Lady Jeweliana gave it to him, and he bowed over it again. Much to Jeweliana’s surprise, a light kiss was pressed to the back of her hand, taking her breath away entirely. Such was her astonishment that she found she could not so much as form words as Lord Michaels bid her mother goodbye and quit the room.

  Sitting back down slowly, careful not to crumple her dress, Jeweliana reflected on what had just occurred. The imprint of Lord Michaels’ lips on the back of her hand lingered there and whilst she was astonished at what he had done – as well as what such a gesture meant – she did not feel any great swell of affection for Lord Michaels within her heart.

  But, then again, this had only been their second meeting, and surely affection did not simply spring up from a very short acquaintance. No, that could not be the case. She had to simply give it time and allow Lord Michaels to continue to call on her, so long as her mother and father approved.

  “A wonderful afternoon,” her mother exclaimed, sitting down beside Jeweliana. “Are you inclined towards Lord Michaels, then? He seems very interested in you, Jeweliana. I shall have to speak to your father sooner than I expected, it seems!” “Yes, I do like him,” Lady Jeweliana admitted slowly, “but I intend to get to know him better before I make any decisions, Mama. This is only our second meeting after all.”

  Her mother nodded, her smile spreading slowly across her face. “You are very wise, my dear.” She patted Lady Jeweliana’s hand before getting up briskly. “Now, do excuse me. I think I need to rest before this evening’s entertainments.” She looked at Jeweliana carefully. “Perhaps you should do the same. You look a little fatigued, my dear.” Lady Jeweliana smiled, aware of
how her forehead was creased with lines of tension and confusion. “Yes, Mama.”

  “Very good,” her mother murmured, her eyes lingering on her daughter for a moment before quitting the room altogether.


  THE FOLLOWING AFTERNOON found Lady Jeweliana walking with Lord Michaels through the grass of the park as the birds chirped and the sun swam between luscious, fluffy clouds. She was thinking him one of the most charming gentlemen she had ever had the chance to meet. He had called promptly and, given that she had been ready and waiting, stepped out with her almost at once. Since then, he had talked with her animatedly, ensuring that the conversation never dried up or that silence was allowed to stretch between them. He appeared greatly interested in her and asked her a great many questions, all of which she answered, thinking that perhaps Lord Michaels might be the gentleman she had been waiting for.

  Only one problem remained. Lady Jeweliana felt nothing for the gentleman. There was no instant kick of attraction, no quickening of her heart, no spark from where she touched his arm. She wished desperately to feel something but much to her dismay, nothing happened. Lord Michaels was handsome enough of course, but that was all there was to it.

  Sighing inwardly, Lady Jeweliana tried her best to focus on the conversation at hand and not allow her thoughts to drift in any particular direction. Lord Michaels was an excellent conversationalist and that, at least, made her glad to be in his company. However, Jeweliana knew that she could not consider him for her future, despite the delight her mother had expressed about Jeweliana being courted by such a man. She had always wanted at least a little spark of affection between herself and her husband, something that could grow and develop over the years – but if she felt nothing for Lord Michaels at this very moment, then she was convinced that nothing could come of it.

  It was a shame, given just how hopeful she had been on their first introduction. However, she comforted herself with the fact that Lord Darlington, she was sure, knew a great many other eligible gentlemen with whom she might acquaint herself.

  Realizing that Lord Michaels was looking at her expectantly, Lady Jeweliana felt a blush rise into her cheeks.

  “I – I am terribly sorry,” she murmured, feeling somewhat embarrassed that she had completely missed his question. “I was lost in thought for a moment.”

  To her very great relief, Lord Michaels simply chuckled.

  “That is quite all right. It is a beautiful day and the beauty of nature, I believe, often captures our attention despite the very fine company.” He looked at her with one arched eyebrow and a wry grin on his face, and Jeweliana could not help but laugh.

  “Indeed, you are very kind, Lord Michaels. What was it you were asking me?” “Just whether or not you have enjoyed London thus far,” he said, with a slight shrug. “I was here last year, and I will say that I find this Season to be much more enjoyable.”

  A spark of curiosity caught her mind. “Last year?” she repeated, wondering what it was that had made it so disagreeable. “Were none of the debutantes to your liking?” Her voice was light, her tone mischievous, but Lord Michaels did not smile. In fact, he began to frown; his gaze turned away from her as they walked through the park.

  “I – I am sorry if I offended you, Lord Michaels,” she said, slowly. “I did not mean –”

  “You did not offend me,” he replied, interrupting her and managing to put a smile on his face. “Truly, you did not. I am simply a little lost in thought about last Season, but I will not bore you with all that occurred. It was not at all interesting I am afraid but, needless to say, I did not end the Season with the outcome I had hoped.”

  Unsure as to whether or not he was speaking of a particular lady or the hope that he would have found a bride by the end of the Season, Lady Jeweliana remained silent and pressed his arm lightly.

  “However,” he continued, in a much more jovial tone. “I can say already that this year has proved to be much more of a delight than the last. You are very lovely company, Lady Jeweliana.

  A slightly discomfiting sensation climbed up Jeweliana’s spine as he said those words which she herself considered a strange reaction to a compliment. Was it because there was still a slight hardness around his mouth, or because his eyes still held a slight glaze of frustration?

  Throwing such thoughts aside, Lady Jeweliana tried to concentrate on her walk and enjoy Lord Michaels company, hoping they could return to the easy camaraderie they had enjoyed only a few minutes before. The park was beginning to grow a little busier since it was approaching the time for the fashionable hour, and Jeweliana looked all about her in the hope that she might recognize an acquaintance or two.

  “Ah, Lord Darlington!”

  Seeing him brought a lift to her heart, her face shined with a broad smile as Lord Darlington saw them both and began to hurry towards them. Lord Michaels chuckled as he did so, patting Jeweliana’s hand for a moment.

  “He looks somewhat disagreeable this afternoon but, then again, he always appears to have such an expression on his face,” Lord Michaels jested.

  Lady Jeweliana laughed softly, well aware that such a thing was true. “You are much too unkind, Lord Michaels,” she chuckled, shaking her head at him.

  Lord Michaels made to answer, only for Lord Darlington to reach them both. He bowed quickly, his eyes lingering on Jeweliana for a moment.

  “And are you having a pleasant walk this afternoon?” he asked, with no hint of a smile on his face. “Lady Jeweliana, I have not seen you in some days, I think.”

  “No, you have not,” she replied, with a small smile. “I thought something must have happened to you since I did not have the pleasure of your company of late.”

  Again, his lips remained in a thin, tight line with no hint of a smile. Worried that something was truly wrong, Jeweliana dropped her hand from Lord Michael’s arm and cleared her throat. “Have you been unwell, Lord Darlington?” “Unwell?” he repeated, glancing at Lord Michaels. “No, not unwell. I just thought it best….” He trailed off, clearly thinking it better not to speak the thoughts that were on his mind.

  “Regardless, I am back within society now and, as you see, more than ready to help you as I did before.”

  Lord Michaels, unaware as to what Lord Darlington was referring, frowned heavily. “Help Lady Jeweliana?” he repeated, turning to face Jeweliana a little more. “Whatever has been the matter?”

  Lady Jeweliana felt heat ripple up her neck and into her cheeks. “It is of little import, Lord Michaels. Besides, Lord Darlington, I am not sure I will require your help for much longer.”

  He frowned, his expression dark and, for the first time, Jeweliana felt unease settle over her. Was something wrong?

  Was something wrong with Lord Michaels? Was this why Lord Darlington appeared to be so upset? She could not understand why he appeared to be so out of sorts otherwise.

  “Might you be free this evening?” Lord Darlington asked abruptly, ignoring Lord Michaels completely now. “Or are you otherwise engaged?”

  “I am going to the theatre,” Jeweliana said softly, one eyebrow raised. “We are to take my father’s box.” That answer did not appear to please Lord Darlington in any way. Instead, he frowned heavily and shook his head.

  “Then tomorrow afternoon?”

  “She is otherwise engaged.”

  Lord Michaels spoke up before Jeweliana could speak a word.

  She turned to him, her brows knotted, as she saw him study Lord Darlington with something like irritation. Lord Michaels had not engaged her tomorrow afternoon, for he had not asked her to accompany him anywhere – and she certainly had not agreed.

  “I do not recall an engagement,” she murmured, narrowing her gaze just a little. “How is it that you appear to know my social calendar better than I, Lord Michaels?”

  He did not appear perturbed in the least, although he did tip his head a little as he swiveled his gaze towards her.

  “Goodness, Lady Jeweliana, you are quite forgetfu
l. Do you not recall that I asked you to drive with me tomorrow afternoon?” He sighed and shook his head, allowing a broad smile to settle on his lips. “We have been conversing for some time, so it is understandable that you might have forgotten – after all, you have been sometimes a little bit lost in thought.” Lady Jeweliana opened her mouth to argue, only to close it again slowly. She could not recall saying such a thing but, mayhap, she had agreed in the middle of a conversation she had not been particularly listening to.

  “I shall have to find some other time to talk to you, then,” Lord Darlington said, quietly, never lifting his gaze from Jeweliana. “I would like to speak to you, soon, Jeweliana.” His lack of formality in addressing her gave Jeweliana pause.

  This was meant to catch her attention and, as she looked back at him, she saw the seriousness in his eyes.

  “Of course,” she said, slowly, looking back at him steadily. “I quite understand.”


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