Rockstar Intern (Infinity Prism Book 5)

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Rockstar Intern (Infinity Prism Book 5) Page 5

by Kylie Walker

  “What?” She asked with a lilt in her voice.

  He looked her over, couldn’t help it, before settling on her eyes again. “You’re beautiful, Abigail. Every man in this place had his eyes on you when we walked in.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “No, they weren’t.”

  “Oh, yes,” he insisted. “They were. I’m glad they were looking because you’re with me and what man doesn’t want a gorgeous woman on his arm?”

  He wanted to take her hand but held back. Not yet. He grinned and sipped his wine. She followed suit, and the conversation flowed. He laughed at something she said, realizing his glass was empty. He refilled it and topped hers off just as his phone vibrated in his pocket.

  He clenched his jaw but quickly brushed it off. He didn’t want Abigail to notice how he was thrown off. Sliding the phone halfway from his pocket, he glanced down and saw Christy’s number. He declined the call and put the phone back.

  His chest tightened. She’d followed him, stalked him, in the past. Shown up while he was in the middle of a date. Called him incessantly. He wouldn’t put it past her again, especially if she’d gotten wind that he was interested in someone who wasn’t her. Lucas was frustrated. How was he going to teach Christy a lesson on not to call him anymore? What was it going to take to prevent her from bothering him again? Was he going to have to take matters into his own hands, to go to the extreme just in order to have peace?

  He tried not to become distracted. Abigail watched him intently. Her throat moved as she swallowed her face pink with a seductive flush.

  His phone buzzed again. Holding back a groan, he reached inside his pocket and turned it off, half expecting Christy to storm through the restaurant at any moment. If she did, it would be the last time she bothered him. He’d be sure of that. Turning his full attention back to Abigail, he had a blip of disappointment to realize the heat of their moment had waned. He took another sip of wine.

  “So, what do you want to do once you graduate?” He asked and focused his gaze on her shimmering brown eyes. Those eyes of hers. They seemed to ignite a fire inside of him that he couldn’t tame.

  “I want to do marketing and public relations for record labels.”

  He was impressed. He respected a woman who set goals for herself and actually made the efforts to achieve them.

  “That’s a good aspiration,” he said and leaned over the table to take her hand. He was instantly hit with a sizzling desire at the warmth of her touch on his skin.

  Her eyes blazed.

  “It’s tough,” she admitted. “Juggling school, work, and an internship, but somehow I manage.”

  “It’s admirable.”

  Other women he dated were all superficially one dimensional, and it drove him crazy. The woman across from him had depth. Everything with other women was just a blur of alcohol and sex and resulted in him never calling the girl ever again.

  Something was different about Abigail. Something compelling and interesting.

  “So,” she said and took a bite of her pasta. “Tell me about you. What gets you excited?”

  He chuckled. “Besides you?”

  She coughed a little and smiled as she wiped at her mouth. “You’re smooth, aren’t you?”

  He took a bite, grinned.

  Recovering, she set down her napkin. “Yes, what other things do you enjoy? “

  “Well,” he said and adjusted himself in the seat. “I have been playing guitar since I was about seven years old. I play every day.”

  “Wow,” she said. Her eyes widened. “You just dove right in, huh?”

  “I can’t explain it,” he shrugged. “I just loved to play from a very young age.”

  “I think they call that God-given talent.” She tossed him a sultry wink that made his heart skip a beat. He wanted to move beside her, run his hands all over her.

  “If you want to call it that,” he said and squeezed her hand over the table, “I’m certainly not one to argue.”

  She let out a delicate laugh that tickled his insides. He wished that he could tell her about the darkness of his past that no one else knew about aside from a handful of people, but she would probably go running for the hills if she knew the types of crimes and drugs he used to be involved in.

  He preferred his own version of a happy ending but judging the way Christy had been calling him lately; it was proof that you could never run too far away from your past without it eventually catching up to you.

  “This meal is so incredible,” she said after a few moments and another sip of wine.

  The warm and fuzziness of alcohol began to run through his veins. Of course, that only heightened his desire to ravage Abigail. But he needed to back off so he could drive.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” he said with a smile.

  He was also relieved that no one had approached their table and asked for an autograph yet. He loved it when he could go out in public and have peace and privacy. It was rare, but he would take it when he could get it.

  “You are sweet to invite me out tonight,” she said, and then he noticed how her expression turned slightly tense.

  “What would you have been doing if I hadn’t called you?” He needed to know if there was another potential boyfriend in the picture. Needed to know what he was up against.

  “I don’t know,” she shrugged casually. “I probably would have gone out for a drink or two with my roommate.”

  “Female roommate?”

  Her brow furrowed, her lips turning up. “Yes, of course.”

  “I’m glad you chose to spend the evening with me instead.” He knew the irresistible effect he had over women. Sometimes he used that to his advantage.

  ‘Well, part of me wondered if it was going to be a good idea to take you up on your offer,” she said a little sheepishly. Her cheeks turned rosy as she blushed.

  “Why is that?” He raised his eyebrows and feigned offense. “Were you afraid that I would sweep you off your feet on the first date?”

  She laughed. “Is this a first date?”

  “Are you dodging my question?” He eyed her with playfulness.

  “No,” she said with a sigh and a smile. “I just wasn’t sure what it would be like to get involved with a guy in a popular rock band, to be honest.”

  “I’m just a regular guy.” He tried to say it with a humble shrug, but they both chuckled. Yeah, right.

  “A regular guy who just happens to make albums and go on tour for a living?” She teased.

  “Something like that.”

  He was having a blast with her. He never wanted the night to end. He didn’t want to take her home and say goodnight after the meal ended. It was a buzzkill even thinking about it. Bold was his middle name and fuck it; he went for what he wanted because in the worst case scenario, the answer would be no.

  He leaned a little further over the table, noticing her eyes dart to the open buttons of his shirt. “How about we keep the drink and conversation going at my place?”

  Abigail was surprisingly poised. She leaned back in her booth seat and eyed him while crossing her arms over her chest. She was delaying her response on purpose, just to drive him wild. Vixen.

  Finally, she grinned. “Sure,” she said and practically purred. “That sounds nice. It’s not very late anyway.”

  His heart flipped. Score. “Fantastic.”

  He waved his hand to capture their waitress’s attention. “Check please,” he called out.

  “Thank you for dinner,” Abigail said a few minutes later as they walked out into the street again to their waiting car from the valet.

  Lucas tipped the concierge and opened the door for Abigail. He wanted to treat her like a true queen. She had to put up with Burt. She deserved to be pampered.

  She slipped into the passenger seat, slowly crossed her legs as he observed with a steady helping of desire brewing in his blood. Damn, she was hot. He took his place behind the wheel and revved the engine.

  “Are you ready to
keep the party going?”

  Her eyes lit up with mischief. “Hell, yes.”

  Let the games begin.

  Chapter Six

  “HERE WE ARE,” LUCAS said as he pulled into a private garage spot underneath the building where his apartment was located.

  “Let me guess,” Abigail said with a mischievous smile as they rode the private elevator up to his apartment.

  “What?” He raised his eyebrows and gave her a breathtaking smile.

  “You have the penthouse suite, don’t you?” She was relishing in the way the chemistry between them sizzled in the small space of the elevator car.

  “Would I have anything else?” He said and leaned closer to her. He had the most enchanting eyes she had ever seen. Her heart raced with desire. Would he kiss her again? Would he push his hand between her legs and make her moan? She hoped the answer to both of those questions was yes.

  “No, I don’t think you’d settle for anything less,” she smiled.

  She felt like the luckiest woman in the world to be heading to Lucas Smith’s private apartment. She could just pinch herself, but at the same time, she wanted to keep her mind level. She didn’t want to get her hopes up in case it didn’t work out with Lucas. So far, she just wanted to embrace their time together and live in the moment. The future could wait another day.

  When the elevator doors opened a few seconds later, he took her hand and led her down a short hallway. He leaned in close so she could feel the heat and energy radiating from his body. They were almost nose to nose. His cologne was spicy and masculine, drawing her into his ruggedness. She loved the way his hair fell over his face when he leaned over to study her like that. It gave his features mysterious shadows that left her breathless and craving more. The sexual tension between them was at a peak. Abigail held her breath. She couldn’t wait to see what he would do next.

  “Come in,” he said and opened the door with a special, modern key that slid into a slot, much like you would find in a hotel room. The only difference was he owned this place.

  “Do you live alone?” She asked as they stepped inside.

  “Yep.” He nodded and tossed his wallet and keys onto a little table with a lamp on it in the foyer.

  “Wow,” Abigail gasped when she walked into the modern, sleek two-story living room.

  Even though it had modern touches, there was still a warmth and cozy feel in the house. It had an incredibly welcoming vibe, and she was elated to be standing right in the center of the home.

  “Would you like a tour?” Lucas’ eyes lit up enthusiastically.

  “Yes please,” Abigail nodded. She had always had a soft spot for interior design, and she loved Lucas’ style.

  “Which room do you want to see first?” He asked.

  In her mind, she thought about his master bedroom but bit her tongue before she said it out loud. Although, she felt that he probably wouldn’t have protested.

  “I don’t know,” she shrugged and sultrily nibbled on her bottom lip. She tossed her hair off her shoulder. “How about upstairs?”

  “Excellent.” Lucas gave her a smile and seemed to be pleased with her answer. He indicated that she go up first. Ascending the spiral staircase, she glanced behind her to see him two steps behind. He grabbed rail with one hand, the other going to her hip as if to steady her. She caught her breath as his palm smoothed down her hip to her thigh. Shivers raced over her skin.

  “You're very naughty.” The words fell breathlessly from her mouth.

  “I like being naughty. Sometimes, I like being all out bad.” He stepped up closer to her. Her body trembled with the feel of him so close behind her. “Don’t you?”

  Her heart was pounding out of her chest. She felt flushed and vulnerable, but she loved every exhilarating second of it.

  “Sometimes,” she whispered and locked his blue-eyed gaze.

  He stared at her with a naughty grin spread across his lips for several more seconds before he broke the spell and nudged her to keep going. “Come on,” he beckoned her along. “I’ll show you my theater room.”

  “You have a theater room in your house?” She heard the surprise ring through her voice.

  “I do,” he nodded proudly as he gave her another smile over his shoulder but kept walking. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “What’s not to love?” She said with excitement.

  She stepped onto the landing and moved aside for him to take the lead. Lucas grasped her hand and led her to a set of double doors at the end of the hallway.

  “This is amazing,” Abigail said as she walked inside with him.

  There were theater seats in the middle and at the end was a large L shaped couch with an ottoman so huge in the center that it could have easily fit four people comfortably.

  Lucas sat down in the center of the square piece of furniture. “This thing is unbelievably comfortable.” He gave the empty space beside him a little pat. “Come over here and get comfortable. I’ll show you what I mean.”

  Abigail’s cheeks grew hot. “What do you mean?” She already knew exactly where this was going, but underneath it all, she thought she might love it.

  Lucas was the type of guy who was always going to be up for adventure and a wild ride. She knew that if she wanted to hold his interest, she was going to have to live up to the potential and embrace the thrill of each moment with him.

  “Get your pretty ass over here and find out.”

  His smile was too irresistible.

  She found herself sinking into the soft and yielding ottoman before she could even give her mind a chance to second guess herself. Before she realized it, she was reclining, letting the incredible softness support her body. It would be too easy to let all this get to her head.

  “You do this all the time, don’t you?” She stared at him expectantly, hoping that he would deny behavior like this on a regular basis with women, but she knew better.

  He frowned. She couldn’t tell if he was pretending not to know exactly what she was referring to, or if he really was confused by her question.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, come on.” Abigail playfully swatted at his arm. “You can’t tell me you don’t make this with all the women you bring back to your apartment.”

  His eyes narrowed. They were filled with heat, but he didn’t look offended by her statement. He wet his lower lip and cocked his head slightly, showing off the strong lines of his masculine neck.

  “The only moves that matter are the ones that make you feel sexy and beautiful, and give you pleasure.”

  He leaned in to press his lips to hers. Breath rushed out of her as he paused right before kissing her. He diverted her lips to press kisses along her neck.

  “Why is that?” She murmured as he continued to form a trail of kisses on her neck.

  “Because you are all I care about right now. You have my full attention. You’re the star of my show.”

  Damn, he was good.

  “Keep talking,” she said. She tried to relax with her body resting on the ottoman, her legs casually hanging over the edge. But the little thrills of pleasure going through her from his lips were making her squirm. “Or kissing. You can keep kissing me all you want.”

  He was moving his kisses further south, showering her with perfect little pecks from his puckered mouth. When he lifted her shirt to kiss her tummy, she tensed up, but in a sensational way.

  He was crouched over her. He took a moment to meet her gaze. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  She found him incredibly romantic and such a gentleman for even asking before heading further south. At least he had the decency and respected her enough to ask permission first.

  “Ok,” she breathed out with satisfaction. “I will.”

  “If you say nothing, I’ll assume I can do as I please to you.”

  He lifted the hem of her skirt and snagged a thumb through the sides of her panties. Placing a kiss on her belly, he lightly nipped the tender flesh there. “Trust me whe
n I say there is a lot I’d like to do to you.”

  Pleasure began to ripple through her as he slid her panties gently down her legs. She wiggled free and gave him a seductive gaze.

  “Like what?”

  He groaned at the question.

  “Like feast on this pretty pussy until the neighbors hear you scream my name.”

  Oh, God. She instinctively parted her legs slightly to allow him better access as he began to graze his hands up and down her bare inner thighs. He was driving her wild with the way he was seductively touching her.

  As soon as he leaned down and pressed his mouth between her legs, she knew that she was in for a treat. Jesus, she had a famous rock star between her legs! She didn’t have time to ponder how insane this was as he made delicate swirls around her clit with his tongue.

  She moaned with pleasure as the ecstasy of the moment swelled in her belly and spread like wildfire through her veins. A frenzy of desire burst through her, and it didn’t take her long to reach the brink of climax.

  She balled her fists and gripped the sides of the ottoman, moaning wildly as Lucas used his perfect mouth to kiss, suck and lick her until she saw fireworks in her eyes and all of her muscles turned to jelly.

  She came hard. She squeezed her thighs against his head and tugged at his thick hair.

  “Jesus,” she said, panting hard and glowing in the aftermath of her orgasm. “No one has ever made me cum like that.”

  Lucas had a hungry expression on his face, and his eyes were shimmering with desire. She was playing with the big leagues now. She wanted more. She wanted to feel his pulsing girth between her legs, filling her up.

  Lucas was sliding out of his jeans as she sat up and helped him pull off his shirt. She took a moment to absorb the natural sexiness of his body. He had a six-pack and chiseled arms with bulging biceps. She raked her fingertips across the wavy peaks of his abdominal muscles.

  His hard cock was throbbing between her legs. She was impressed and couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her. His eyes were glazed over with the same kind of compelling lust that she felt deep down in her core.


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