The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family

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The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family Page 16

by Pegaz

  While he was pushing them out, he stopped his mind part from keeping the Storage Space open. His recovery skill was still working, but there was no Life Power inside the room so it couldn’t work without his Storage Space.

  He was a little worried that his recovery skill would take back all the Soul Power and Toxin Power that he released inside the room, but he noticed it all disappeared only a few feet away from him, which didn’t give his skill a chance to work. It took over an hour for him to finish.

  Life Pool: 0

  Toxin Pool (Brain): 0

  Toxin Pool (Body): 0

  Soul Pool: 0

  When it all reached zero, the skills that were passive and needed Life Power all stopped working.

  Taking a deep breath, John was about to swallow the purple ball, but when he tried opening his mouth, his chin and lips trembled.

  When he tried to move his hand to his lips to see what happened, his arm could hardly move as his shoulders were stiff. Because his arm was slow to move, he noticed the veins in his arm were slightly bulging at a timed rhythm.

  “What the…” As John spoke to himself, he heard his voice stutter a little.

  This isn’t because I’ve drained everything, so what’s going on?

  John couldn’t figure out what was going on. It wasn’t until he remembered something that happened in his past life that he thought of something.

  Is this fear?

  John began to laugh. The whole room echoed with his laughter for over a minute after he finished laughing.

  I’m only scared now because I have something to lose! What will happen to Sarah and Kelly if this kills me? Somewhere in my mind, it realised this and caused my body to react.

  Since I have something to lose, then I need to take risks to protect it!

  John grabbed the now sturdy purple ball, stuffed it in his mouth, and swallowed it.

  Nothing happened for the first minute after he swallowed it, but then he started feeling a tingling sensation in his stomach.

  A few seconds later, his teeth clenched and his neck muscles bulged while both of his hands clutched his stomach. His whole body tensed up, forcing him to lay down.

  The tension throughout his body got worse as his back arched upwards while he was still grabbing his stomach. His legs spasmed out of control, forcing his back to straighten up again.

  Blood started dripping out of his mouth as his teeth cracked from clenching too hard. He started feeling dizzy and large spots appeared in his vision.

  This went on for what seemed to be a lifetime.

  Lying on the floor, his eyelids were half shut as he didn’t even have the energy to open them further. He was trying to take deep breaths, but his fast breathing wouldn’t stop. His arms and legs couldn’t move as they felt like they had the weight of the world pressed on them.

  John opened the system to see if it showed that he had transcended, but it still showed the same as before. He was too tired to think things through, but he managed to open his eyes after struggling.

  What he saw caused his eyes to become so wide that one could see all white around his irises.

  Half of his right arm was gone.

  Ignoring his exhaustion, John tried to sit up to check what was going on, but when he moved his left arm towards the ground behind him to give him support, he fell over.

  Looking at his left arm, he saw more than half of that arm had gone, too.

  His fast breathing became shallow as he watched more and more of his left arm disappearing into thin air. He looked at his right arm again and it was also missing more of itself.

  He went to stand up, but everything below his ankles was gone now, too. It was all silently disappearing.

  As he watched parts of him disappearing, John started screaming and flailing about, trying to stop the process any way he could.

  He tried to open the Storage Space to have access to the Life Stones again. He wanted to try and tackle it with his recovery skills that needed Toxin Power to work, but he couldn’t open it no matter how hard he tried.

  After his arms and legs were completely gone, it didn’t take long for the stomach and chest to disappear afterwards.

  It was just his head laying on the floor now, and he knew that would disappear in a few seconds.

  I’ve failed.

  Sarah, Kelly, I’m sorry.

  His head disappeared after he only thought of those few words.

  All that was left now, hovering above the ground, was his soul. It had shrunk due to the compression he needed to do to enter Rank 8, but it lit the whole room with a bright-blue colour.

  The soul’s colour started changing from a bright blue to a dark-purple. When it had finished its transformation, the entire floor of the room lit up in the same dark-purple colour. Then, John’s soul disappeared and the floor became dull once more.

  John’s soul started sending out small pulses of purple rings before something started growing around it.

  The thing growing around it started taking the shape of a brain and soon, a skull wrapped around the newly formed brain. Eyes, teeth, and muscles started to form over the skull before the skin finally wrapped around it.

  John woke up when his head was reformed. He looked around to find himself in outer space again. All he could do was move his eyes around, but he could feel his body growing.

  His neck and chest area were formed after a minute, allowing him to move his head to look around more. He saw his stomach and arms being generated the same way they had disappeared earlier.

  A few minutes later, after his whole body had reformed, he stood up.

  What happened? I… disappeared.

  How long has passed since then? Was it instant or did hundreds of years pass?

  Did I succeed? Am I a Transcendent now?

  He kept staring at his hands, wondering what had happened.

  Every cell in his body felt alive, dancing with more energy than when they were bathed in vitality from his soul.

  When he couldn’t figure out how this happened, he looked around more. He really was back in outer space, but he was standing on a large silver platform which had some mysterious markings scratched into its surface.

  In three directions it was nothing but space and stars in the distance, but in the other direction was a huge structure made from the same silver metal he was standing on.

  The structure looked like an old European castle, only many times bigger.

  Instead of going to take a look at the structure, John opened the system again.

  Welcome to the Idle System.

  Name: John

  Title: Demon

  Age: 74

  Idlers: 2160/2160

  Chaos Pool: 1

  Sin: 585,568,651

  Misc List:

  ??? - Idlers 0/2160, ??? 0/1 (Unlocks ???)

  The first thing he noticed was both his Life Pool and Toxin Pool counters for the brain and body were gone, and they were replaced by the Chaos Pool.

  He looked at that counter for five seconds to see the information.

  Chaos Pool:

  The accumulated units of Primordial Chaos stored throughout the user’s body.

  Primordial Chaos? I have no idea what that is. The system doesn’t say I’ve transcended, but it does look like I have. However, the name is too long, so I’ll call it Chaos Power.

  I have no immortality list because I’m not an immortal anymore, but what’s with the only skill I’ve got?

  At that moment, at the very bottom of the system, John noticed that there was an update notification.

  So, I have transcended and the system has given me the Chaos Power counter and a mysterious skill, but it hasn’t finished updating yet.

  John then looked at the skill which only had question marks on it, but even after twenty seconds, nothing showed up.

  There’s a way to unlock it, but the system isn’t telling me how. Can’t do anything about it for now. I might as well check where I am and see if I can get some answe

  Title: Transcended

  Chapter 30: I Need Your Help

  As John walked towards the large castle, he had a flashback to when he first arrived in this universe. The system screwed with his mind and senses, and he didn’t realise he was naked until somebody pointed it out to him. This time was slightly different, but both instances were when his body was reborn. When the flashback was over, he looked down to find himself naked once more.

  He looked around wondering where his garments went, only to find his clothes were on the floor behind him.

  John thought that when his body disappeared, the clothes he was wearing must have simply dropped off of him. On the contrary, his clothes came with him when he was teleported.

  Running back to where he came from, he put all of his clothes back on, including his mask. Afterwards, he turned them back into his regular overcoat look.

  At least nobody needs to point out that I’m naked this time. I don’t know if there’s people inside this castle-looking thing, but I hope nobody saw me.

  Once he finished getting dressed, he then placed his wedding ring back on his left hand’s ring finger. Staring at the wedding ring, his thoughts went back to what just happened.

  I can’t believe I gave up when my body was disappearing! I said sorry to Sarah and Kelly who’d never be able to hear it? Pathetic!

  What would happen to them if I really disappeared? I kept telling myself and my family to always keep trying until the very end because who knows what could happen, but I didn’t!

  I need to steel my resolve to do anything to survive once more. Becoming a Rank 9 immortal made me relax too much, this can’t happen again!

  So what if I’m a transcendent? It won’t matter if I get killed, leaving my family on their own! I still need to get stronger! Only then will they become untouchable.

  After he removed his vision from his wedding ring and stopped berating himself, he started walking towards the castle again. While walking there this time, he thought about the Life Power, Toxin Power, and now Chaos Power.

  I need to figure out how Chaos Power works in the system.

  He stopped his mind parts from filtering the Scan and wanted to use them to cultivate again.

  I can open the Storage Space again! What stopped me before? Was it the system?

  Without an answer to his question, he switched the mind parts. One part was used to keep the Storage Space open, two parts used the absorbing technique, one part used the merging technique, one part for the Scan, one part for filtering images in the Scan, and the last one was free.

  Unfortunately, the Scan didn’t work when he tried to use it.

  The Scan uses Life Power, but I don’t have it anymore. If it uses a Chaos unit instead of Life Power from now on, then it might not be worth using. Since the battlefield, I’ve felt that it had too short of a range, too.

  He waited for a minute, but the Chaos Power counter still didn’t go up.

  Can I gather Chaos Power from the Life Stones? Do these cultivation techniques even work now?

  He stopped walking, sat down, and used the three mind parts that were doing something else to help with cultivating. He was now using four mind parts for absorbing and three parts for merging.

  A minute later, the counter in the system changed.

  Chaos Pool: 2

  I can still use Life Stones to gain Chaos Power, but the conversion rate is too low! A single unit of Chaos Power is one hundred million Life Power units!

  I also don’t know how much the maximum amount is. If it’s seventy trillion in total like it was with the Toxin Power, then what I had gathered so far would only convert to 700,000 Chaos Power.

  It would take me centuries or even millenniums to fill the counter up with Chaos Power!

  John was about to switch his mind parts back to the original setup, but now that his Scan didn’t work, he didn’t switch the two mind parts back and used them for cultivating instead.

  He now had three parts for absorbing, two parts for merging, one part for the Storage Space, and the last one was kept free.

  Opening the system, he turned the Scan option off.

  After closing the system, he walked towards the castle again.

  The large front door of the castle was open like it was inviting him inside, so he walked past the door while looking at the scenery in front of him.

  He had entered a courtyard. There were large armchairs neatly arranged around a round table. There were also small tables next to the armchairs. Behind the armchairs were tall poles the same colour as the floor and walls, with a ball of light hovering on top of them.

  John looked to his right to see the same setup in the corners, but he heard someone talking on his left which caused him to look in that direction. His mind jolted when he recognised the voice.

  Before his head had turned to his left, his heart started pounding hard enough for him to hear it while his pulse’s speed climbed.

  When he found the person who just talked, his eyes didn’t move as he kept staring, his mouth wide open, showing his bared teeth. His knuckles cracked and turned white as he clenched his fists before he used all the strength in his legs to dash forward as fast as possible.

  Bringing his fist up, he had perfect timing as he threw the punch.

  His fist passed by the man who had his back towards him and hit the person on the other side.


  The person flew out of his seat that was in the corner of the courtyard and hit the wall behind him. The wall collapsed as it couldn’t stop the man’s momentum and the man continued flying backwards.

  John followed him and when he caught up, he lifted his hand up and pushed Chaos Power into his palms.

  He could only use two units of Chaos Power so he was only expecting a small ball around the same size he used when he shot his bullets made out of Life Power.

  What appeared in front of him, though, was a dark-purple ball that was about three feet in diameter.

  Ignoring the size difference, he shot the ball of Chaos Power towards the person’s head.

  It made no noise and John could just about see what happened after he shot it. It travelled at the speed of light and anything it touched simply disintegrated like it wasn’t there to begin with.

  The man’s head and chest were gone, but so were the walls, floor, and objects inside the castle behind him. The person’s arms were no longer connected to the body and they dropped onto the floor.

  John saw a small purple ball that survived the attack sink into the remaining parts of the corpse, but he ignored it and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

  The Resistance’s Emotional skill didn’t stop me from getting angry. Is it because I’ve transcended and it can’t affect me anymore, or is it because the system is still updating?

  This ended a little too easily, though. I might’ve caught him by surprise, but as a Transcendent, he shouldn’t die this quickly. Am I missing something or did I just get lucky?

  “Hello, John.”

  A voice came from behind him while he was still thinking, causing John to turn around.

  He saw an old man with blue eyes, a hooked nose, brown hair that went down to his shoulders, and a white beard that reached his stomach.

  Knitting his brows, John asked, “Why do you look like my master who died a long time ago? Are you some kind of illusion created by this guy? Did this guy clone you?”

  Jamie laughed. “He did clone me, but not the way you’re thinking! It was the clone that died back at the Rogue Sect. Ahh, I should call it the Nobody Sect now.”

  “Sorry,” John replied, “but I don’t believe you. If you’re my master who supposedly died almost fifty years ago, why didn’t you contact me in some way?”

  “Because I wouldn’t let him.” A voice sounded behind John once again, causing him to turn around.

  What he saw caused his eyes to almost pop out.

  The man—whose head and chest he disintegrated only a few minutes ago—was
standing up and stretching. It was only now that John could see what the man really looked like.

  He was just over six feet tall with short brown hair, brown eyes, and he was a bit on the brawny side. His face was oval with a pointed chin, hooked nose, and small ears.

  “How the hell did you survive that?” John shouted. “I destroyed your head! All immortality and vitality would get destroyed when the head’s gone!”

  “We’re Transcendents!” the man shouted. “Unlike immortals, we can’t die! Even if the universe explodes right now, all Transcendents will come back to life like nothing happened.”

  “Impossible!” John shouted back.

  The man laughed for a while. “It’s possible and it’s real! You can’t kill me, and I can’t kill you or your master. Your master wanted to warn you about what I had planned for you, but he isn’t an ingrate.

  “I was the one who saved his and your life when he transcended! Why do you think a setup like the one you used is needed? Because after you transcend, you’ll automatically absorb the elements of the world into your soul and body to transform it into Primordial Chaos.

  “The setup you used is there to teleport you as soon as your soul is transformed, so when your body is remade as a Transcendent, you don’t destroy the planet!

  “The way your master transcended would have no doubt ended in failure, causing his death. Even if there was some miracle and he did succeed, you and the whole planet you were on would’ve been destroyed within minutes.

  “Had the planet been destroyed, he would’ve been floating in space without any way to move. He would be alone until he fell into another planet’s atmosphere, but he would destroy that planet, too, repeating the process over and over again. That’s one of the worst things that could happen to a Transcendent.

  “Even if he was an ingrate and decided warning you was more important than helping the one who saved his life, he knew I would’ve locked him up and made him suffer for eternity in return.


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