The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family

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The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family Page 23

by Pegaz

  When he got behind the party, he placed the bear’s head pointing towards them and released the threads from its eyes, causing the bear to notice the humans.

  He then released the bear completely before watching the bear roar and chase them towards his past self’s location.

  Flying to where his past self was again, he watched as his past self walked towards the corpse of the jumbo rabbit. John remembered his feelings around this time.

  I remember something about me complaining it was darker down there, which meant it was colder. My new body was still adapting to the surroundings and the system made my brain slow, which meant the body couldn’t sense much of anything for a while.

  John smirked as he created threads which travelled to his past self, touched the short shorts, and then he quickly turned on his Absorb option to make them disappear before turning the option back off.

  I don’t know why I did that to myself. Maybe because when I transcended, it happened again and meeting Transcendents naked is a lot worse than meeting mortals naked? I did think back to this time when I transcended, which prevented that scenario from happening.

  Not long after his past self reached the rabbit, the party being chased by the Continuous Bear reached the location. He watched everything play out, including his past self killing the bear.

  I always thought this was a bit too coincidental. I was complaining about not having a skill to keep my Idlers inside a skill when the bear showed up for the system to create the skill. Now I know it was my future self making it happen.

  He followed his past self to the library inside Newbie Town where his past self would spend a month there, free of charge, to learn all the laws of this world.

  When he arrived inside the Essential Education section of the library, John quickly turned on his Scan, went through all the information inside this library, and found something was missing.

  Don’t tell me my future self also created this bit of information for some reason, and now I’ve got to repeat it?

  Sighing, John teleported into the sky and using some blank leather parchments he got out of his Storage Space, John wrote some false history about dinosaurs on this planet.

  Is this to teach me to never believe what I’ve read? Always check facts? I remember I never talked to anyone about the history of this planet with its residents, maybe that’s the lesson? If you want to know something, ask the people whose lives are affected by it?

  After finishing the book, he placed it in the library after his past self went to the inn to sleep.

  John knew that his past self would only be reading for a while, so he used the time element to skip to the part where his past self went back to the Loose Forest.

  He saw his past self being chased by another Continuous Bear. When his past self managed to kill the bear, John created some threads and pushed the bear forward which landed on his past self.

  Now I know this lesson. Learn martial arts! It was this point in time when I realised my old fighting style wouldn’t work in this new universe and needed to properly learn.

  I also realised that I needed to grind on the lower ranked monsters so the higher ranked monsters wouldn’t kill me so easily. That’s why I spent two years hunting all these bears down.

  John then watched his past self get on with his training in martial arts and book a survival course the guild was running.

  After he saw himself walk away with the S-ranked adventurer, Gavin Duns, for the survival course, he followed the guild master, Tom Yale, out of curiosity.

  Inside Tom’s office, he heard what Tom and the old blacksmith, Brad, talked about, stunning him a little.

  With what I know now, Tom’s two pieces of information is what O’Malley spread on purpose.

  Siders being invincible until some universal quest was completed. I think that information actually saved my life. Without it, Tom or Brad might’ve just killed me like Brad said.

  The other piece of information they talked about was Siders having to choose between being a Demon or a Saint.

  I played right into O’Malley’s hand after learning about them during Tom’s death.

  John knew Tom wouldn’t end well, but his past self didn’t even know Brad was in on it. So, John floated behind Brad and infected him with some slow-acting poison.

  When his health is deteriorating, hiring assassins to kill my past self will be the last thing on his mind.

  That was when John remembered something else he might have to do for his past self to succeed.

  Chapter 41: Behind the Tournament

  John arrived outside the specialty shop and looked at the woman inside with his Immortal Eye.

  He thought that this woman was an immortal because of the mask she wore, but he was wrong.

  She must be a member of the Nobody organisation, maybe to gather information for the assassins or spies.

  John used his time element to stop time before opening the door. He knew a door being opened by an invisible man might scare a few people who saw it, and he didn’t feel like waiting for somebody to open it for him.

  When he arrived in front of the woman, he used O’Malley’s Manipulate All skill on her. “When a young man asks about the holding bags, tell him you’ve got two for sale. When he asks to borrow the smaller bag, pretend to think about it and agree to give him the smaller one.”

  He then told her the price the bags would be on sale for, and he knew this price would scare his past self. Then he told the woman a description of the young man.

  John then watched his past self go through all the events he remembered.

  When he watched his past self go to Rocky Town, John thought about the ruins he found in another area and wondered if he needed to do something for those events to happen.

  So, he flew to the area where the ruins were and then went into the cave where the trap door was supposed to be, only there was nothing there!

  Don’t tell me that I’ve got to create the whole thing? I remember this was the place I learned about Life Power and immortals for the first time. Was it my future self giving my past self a goal of immortality?

  John sighed while using his earth and metal elements to create the ruins to how he remembered it, traps included.

  He made sure the walls were all smooth before he used his ice element to make it freezing.

  John made the four pillars in the large room which had a Chinese dragon, a phoenix, a white tiger, and a black tortoise carved on them. When his past self got there, his metal element would control them and create the illusion of them being alive for the events that were supposed to happen.

  After he made the throne, the counter behind it, and after remembering the contents, the metal book that told his past self about immortality, he wondered what he should do for the skeleton that was supposed to be sitting here.

  That was when he teleported back to Newbie Town, grabbed Tom’s body that was buried not long ago, and teleported back to the ruins. He used the time element on the body until there were only bones left.

  He took some clothes out of his Storage Space, dressed up the body, and positioned it on the throne.

  When his past self managed to come here, he caused the four pillars to come alive for his past self to take the “test”. He used Kelly’s Auditory Illusion’s Creature skill to make a human speak to his past self after all four creatures were destroyed. His past self then learned everything inside the metal book before leaving.

  I guess the first Sider on this planet—and king of the Eastern Kingdom—really was the person they remembered and not a puppet.

  After that event, nothing else needed his intervention until his past self went to prison. That was when he remembered that he needed the boss and his gang to attack his past self, and he always thought that attack was random.

  When his past self got into the bar fight and got sent to jail, John followed. Inside the prison, John went up to a guy he remembered fighting in the upcoming fight, used O’Malley’s Manipulate All skill, a
nd ordered the man to tell his boss about the new guy.

  He also ordered the man to tell a few lies to rile up the boss to attack his past self.

  It went as planned as he watched the fight play out how he remembered it. He remembered the very close call of his defence points skyrocketing because of a skill getting completed just before the boss’ punch that would’ve killed his past self.

  He didn’t have to do anything else until his past self was using the lure machine for the first time.

  John turned his Scan back on but didn’t find the creature he remembered. He flew around and managed to find the Komodo Dragon over twenty miles away. It was eating a prey it had just killed, but John used his threads to wrap around it and drag it towards his past self.

  His past self killed it and he watched as they had a party.

  John smiled.

  I was a good actor back then. With my past self laughing, chatting, eating, and drinking merrily, you wouldn’t think I was depressed and still grief-stricken about Lisa’s death.

  After the party ended, John watched his past self carry on with his life until the battle against the Western Kingdom’s army.

  Remembering what happened, John created threads and placed them along his past self’s arms to make an invisible blade roughly eight inches wide. This way, when he clotheslined the people in the army, the threads would behead them regardless of their armour.

  So this is what happened! I’ve always wondered how I did what I did and why I didn’t get anything for my Time Pool after killing so many people! It was my future self that technically did the killing!

  It’s no wonder everything came easy for me as a mortal, my future self did all the work!

  His past self then went to the immortal area, met Amanda, and eventually went to the Immortal Sect. John was standing on the teleport rune along with his past self since it was large enough for more than one person.

  Arriving in the admin building, his past self handed a letter to someone and walked away. What he didn’t expect was the man started laughing after his past self left.

  The man thought the letter wasn’t anything important since it came from an outer elder that didn’t have any connections in the sect, and nobody here even knew her.

  The man was just about to toss the letter in the bin until John used the Manipulate All skill on him and ordered him to take the letter to his superiors and eventually to the sect master.

  John then watched as the events happened like he remembered. After his past self reached Rank 2, John knew where he was going and didn’t feel like following his past self through the teleport runes.

  John used his universal map to teleport to the planet where his past self’s first mission would happen before using the time element until his past self arrived.

  He then watched his past self meet Michael, the grand elder who was on Jeremy May’s side and would eventually take over the sect after killing his master, though he now knew that was only a clone.

  That was when Sarah’s past self appeared. John could only smile as his past self made a fool of himself but still managed to win the fight. To this day, John still reminded Sarah of this fight every now and then.

  John teleported back to the Rogue Sect’s planet and used the time element again. When his past self came back, John watched O’Malley clone his master before taking his master away.

  O’Malley couldn’t detect me. I’m very tempted to kill him again now for that letter he left me, but I don’t know what kind of effect that would have in the future, and I might have to pay the price for it, too.

  Forget it. It’s just not worth it.

  His past self went to the monitors inside the assassin’s hub, and John knew that it was time for the long-mission to occur. He did the same trick and teleported on the planet where the mission was and used the time element until his past self appeared.

  When he heard his past self and a random person talking about the tournament, he remembered something.

  This tournament was supposed to have over ten thousand people taking part, but when I won the preliminaries, that number was nowhere near that figure as only one hundred people made it.

  Did my future self have something to do with that?

  Sighing, John used the time element to stop time before flying to the capital. He entered the Adventurers’ Guild and went through their files, looking for all the information about the tournament.

  He found where all the preliminaries took place throughout the kingdom and then flew to the closest one inside his world map.

  When he got there, he used the time element in his eye to watch the tournament in this town and found where the combatants that passed the preliminaries were staying. When those people got on a carriage which was headed to the capital, John kidnapped them and teleported them to the other side of the world.

  He repeated this process for all towns that held the tournament, and when he was finished, there were over ten thousand people in an open field.

  John then used the time element to unpause time and shouted, “For reasons none of you can understand, you can’t enter this tournament! However, because it’s my fault that you can’t enter, I’m going to compensate you.”

  The people were confused about how they got there and scared that it happened without them even realising it.

  John used his threads to force the people to line up rather than waiting for them to calm down. He gave each of them some adamantium coins and a single piece of equipment that he had left over from the battlefield inside his Storage Space since that would be more than enough to change their lives.

  John didn’t let them go, though. He used the Manipulate All skill on everyone and changed their memory so they thought they willingly gave up the opportunity to fight in the tournament for the rewards they received.

  He remembered hearing about an investigation after the tournament, but because he brainwashed them, when the investigation team found them, nothing came out of it.

  I know why my future self did this.

  Sarah was on a break from her training at this time and if the tournament held the original ten thousand people, my past self would never have met Sarah a second time on the balcony.

  I had always wondered what happened to these people and now I know.

  John then continued watching his past self’s life.

  Chapter 42: Working Hard

  John watched his past self and Sarah talk on the balcony at the king’s feast. Sarah still had her red hair and green eyes at this point in time, causing John to become a little nostalgic.

  According to what O’Malley said, a few years after transcending, Sarah’s hair and eyes will go back to their original colour. I’m looking forward to seeing her becoming a redhead beauty again.

  He then saw Sarah and her master fly off.

  When his past self went into the library to read four and a half million books, John used the time element to skip it since he had done enough reading to last for five lifetimes.

  That was when he saw his past self fight bandits in the cave which caused John to remember something. He used the time element to stop time before he teleported inside the hidden room that was behind the leader’s seat.

  He walked up to the old chest he remembered and opened it up. It was empty.


  I remember finding the bloodstone inside this chest which was used as a catalyst to make the Sinner System become fully active.

  Now I know it’s my future self that placed it there, which means I’ve got more work to do!

  If I remember correctly, the bloodstone is quite a rare object and even going through three major immortal sects’ treasuries, I didn’t find a single one.

  The best way to get one is to create my own. It takes the blood of millions of people and who knows how many years to produce one, but luckily I’m a Transcendent now and I can take a few shortcuts.

  John picked up a random stone inside the cave and opened the universal map in his system. He
then teleported to the planet closest to the battlefield where the beastman’s war was still happening in this time period.

  When he got to the planet, he walked through the teleport rune with no hassle because he was still using the light element to stay invisible.

  On the battlefield, he flew to the desert area since he knew this place would be the bloodiest.

  Before he did anything, though, he used the time element inside his eye to watch the past, and when he found the point where the battlefield was created, he used the time element to go back to that point.

  Using the earth element, he buried the stone without letting the ground spit it back out. He then used the time element to come back to the present to check the stone.

  When he dug it back out, it was a dark-red bloodstone which caused him to smile.

  Teleporting back to where his past self was, he placed it inside the chest then unpaused time for his past self to unlock the Sinner’s Shop.

  His past self then went back to the capital where John watched as his past self tried to kill the guild master of that town which was the real assassination target. Equipped with more knowledge now, he knew O’Malley was the person who gave her the job after meeting his past self.

  John knew that what happened next wouldn’t need his help to make it happen, so he teleported back to the sect and used the time element until his past self arrived again.

  That was when he remembered that his past self would find out Jamie was manipulated and go into a closed-door cultivation, so he kept going into the future.

  His past self then robbed the Rogue Sect while leaving a note, met Michael before fighting him, Jeremy then killed Jamie’s clone, his past self lost control due to anger and started killing all the members inside the hub.

  After his past self used a trick to escape from Jeremy, John followed behind him before the teleport rune was destroyed.

  John couldn’t help but smile as his past self helped the kids at the orphanage by killing the nobles; however, he felt that wasn’t enough anymore.


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