War of the Gods

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War of the Gods Page 3

by Erich von Daniken

  Do deformed skulls exist today? Whoever sees the solemn entrance of the bishops at the opening of a council in Rome, led by the Holy Father, inevitably associates the bishop's hats, the miter, and papal tiara with the long-drawn heads of former times. The tiara has been the typical headgear of kings since time immemorial. On the mountaintop of Nemrut Dag in Turkey, the Persian ruler Antiochus I wears elongated headgear. The same applies to the Hittite king Tudhaliya IV, represented in the rock sanctuary of Jazilikaja near the Hittite city of Hattusa in Turkey. The motif is ancient. Even the Babylonian master teacher Oannes, who taught man the knowledge of the sciences, is depicted with a raised cap. But he also taught people how to build cities, introduce laws, survey the land, and generally all that is required to meet the daily needs of life—he was a super teacher. And today? After each papal election, the tiara is placed on the head of the Holy Father. This is done with the words: “Receive the three-fold crown and never forget that you are the father of the princes and kings, the head of the world . . . .” Whether ecclesiastical or secular rulers, they all copied an ancient custom throughout the millennia. They wanted to look godlike. And this behavior was copied by our ancestors from heavenly teachers, those beings that once came from the stars. We evolved from apes who imitate whatever impresses them using the tools at their disposal. The most incredible impression was definitely left by the gods. Ancient Egypt is a good example of this.

  Who was the oldest deity in the ancient land on the Nile, and how was it portrayed? The being's name was Osiris. In the Egyptian imagination, Osiris came from the star constellation Orion. He is shown with the so-called Atef crown, which is nothing but an elongated head. Horus, a son of Osiris, also has a deformed head. Artistic representations of this kind can be admired in every museum of Egyptology. Here is a selection from the Egyptian-Oriental collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria. Let's look at Amenhotep of the Eighteenth Dynasty, who changed his name to Akhenaten. He and his entire family had long heads. In the Egyptian Museum of Berlin, Germany, hangs a relief that shows him with his wife Nefertiti. The adults play with their three children Meritaton, Maketaton, and Anchesenpaaton. The children have deformed skulls. So, their heads were not pressed into an artificial form for years. The children were born with deformed skulls! It is common knowledge that the ruling families usually married amongst each other. The logic of this is imperative: the genes of the original gods should be passed on.

  Longheaded gods and priests from ancient Egypt on different steles in the museums of Vienna and Berlin

  The whole family of Echnaton was longheaded—even the small babies.

  And those ETs from faraway planets had long heads too. This can now be scientifically proven. How exactly? Through DNA analysis. DNA is a giant molecule discovered in 1953 by Francis Crick (1916–2004) and James Watson (1928–), who received the Nobel Prize for it. Neither was a biologist. Francis Crick had studied physics and developed naval mines for the British Admiralty during World War II. James Watson was a zoologist and had a hobby studying birds. By sheer coincidence, the two loners came together at Cambridge University and shared their office with each other. In 1951 they began to experiment with DNA.

  Already a year earlier, the famous biochemist Erwin Chargaff (1905–2002) had found out that DNA had to consist of four basic building blocks (nucleobases). But how these bases came together and how they passed on their information remained a mystery. Crick and Watson deciphered the confusing code. The giant molecule DNA is comparable to a spiral staircase wound around itself (a double helix). You can imagine it as a spiral twisted zipper. Every zipper has teeth (spikes). These correspond to the chemical building blocks guanine, cytosine, thymine, and adenine. They form the “zipper” or DNA strand. It lies at the core of every cell of every living being. If one were to pull apart the DNA strand of a human cell like a thread, it would be almost two meters long. I beg your pardon? How does a 2-meter-long thread fit into a tiny cell visible only under the microscope?

  The thread consists of molecular chains, which are atoms that are glued to each other. They are unbelievably tiny and therefore invisible.

  And why should one be able to differentiate deformed skulls as being of “earthly” and “non-earthly” origin?

  DNA is just as unique as every fingerprint. Although the interlocking molecular chains are similar in all humans, they are not exactly the same. Microscopic bases distinguish one strand of DNA from the other. Every DNA is unique. The building blocks of a person with kidney damage are lined up differently “at the zipper” than in the case of a person with breast cancer. Thus, DNA analysis in criminal science has long become the means to expose the perpetrator or to clear the innocent.

  What applies to the individual is also true for all humanity. Today, it is clearly known how the succession of nucleobases of an Asian person differs from that of a European. Although it always remains human DNA—we are all brothers and sisters—we are slightly different from each other. It is undisputed that a Chinese-born person has different facial features than a Native American. To deny this for supposedly racism-related reasons is totally unscientific. The basic characteristics of people in different parts of the world are known. We all remain people, but we are not the same. The genetic patterns are different. No “gender mainstreaming” disputes this scientific fact.

  Our geneticists, some call themselves “molecular anthropologists,” know, based on DNA, the human development trajectories that made us rise from the hunter-gatherer of antiquity to the urbanist of the present. In every industrialized country today there are companies that conduct DNA analyses of individuals for little money.

  A saliva sample is sufficient. In this way, I learned that my ancestors once lived in Mesopotamia between the Euphrates and Tigris.

  But time and time again, genetic material emerges on the Earth that doesn't fit into any classifications. Late in 2009, bones were found in the Altai Mountains on the outskirts of Mongolia and Siberia that did not resemble any human being. A thorough DNA analysis by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, revealed: “The distinctly human bones from the Denisova Cave do not match the human genome. The genome of the Denisova man differs from that of Homo sapiens more than twice as much than that of the Neanderthal man.”33 Where did the bones come from? Did they once belong to a deformed skull? More recently, even viruses have appeared on good old planet Earth that can't be classified. They are called tupanviruses—and they do not fit into any modified evolutionary theory. They produce proteins independently and are thus able to create life. So far, a virus has never “lived,” because “life,” according to the scientific definition, means the organism must be “able to absorb food, excrete, and multiply itself.” In order to multiply, viruses have always needed a host. For tupanviruses, the host is superfluous. In addition, this type of virus can repair damage to its own DNA, and that makes it scary. The microscopic monsters were discovered in salt lakes of Brazil and at a depth of 3,000 meters off the Brazilian coast. These are clearly the largest viruses known to date. Ninety percent of their genes are alien and cannot be compared to any other genome, says Patrick Forterre from the Institut Pasteur in Paris.34 This also applies to some of the long skulls. In the meantime, bones have appeared that cannot be accommodated in the terrestrial genome. How can this be?

  The most recent corresponding investigations were suggested by a team led by Dr. L. A. Marzulli.35 He is the author of twelve books, a radio host, and the lead character in a TV series called On the Trail of the Nephilim. Interested in true riddles, his crew also traveled to Peru and filmed deformed skulls in the small Museo Historico Paracas, located on the Pacific Coast. Paracas is known for having burial grounds with so-called Inca mummies, and accordingly, the Museo Historico Paracas also shows deformed skulls in different variants. Initially, the collection originated from the private property of Juan Navarro, a passionate local bone collector. Today, the museum, which in reality consists of o
nly one large room, is managed by Brien Foerster. He published a book about the curious skulls in his collection and thus made the museum well-known.

  Mr. Marzulli, Brien Foerster, anthropologist Rick Woodward, medical doctor Michael Alday, chiropractor Dr. Malcolm Warren, and archaeologist Monda Gonzales discussed some of the exciting finds in the Museo Juan Navarro. They then published the results of their research in a book.36 The most startling result: some of the skulls are from across the ocean and would have come to Peru 500 years before Columbus. Others are not related to the known local DNA.

  An impressive collection in the Museo Juan Navarro, in Paracas

  The team quickly noticed that something was wrong with a number of skulls. Every human head has a foramen magnum—a “big hole” at the base. This foramen magnum connects the cranial cavity with the bony channel of the vertebrae and is therefore the passageway for the central nervous system. Spinal cord and brain converge at this point. In the case of fossil skulls, the location of this occipital hole allows conclusions to be drawn about the posture. The opening in apes is farther back than in Homo sapiens and thus proves the forward bent position of the animal. However, for some of the skulls in the Museo Historica Paracas, the foramen magnum was too far up front—not what one would expect in humans, and any artificial skull deformation did not allow this occipital hole to slip forward. It was coupled with the fibers of the vertebrae at birth. The situation is similar with the occipital condyle. This, too, is closely linked to the bone at the back of the head but is in the wrong place in some of the deformed skulls. The changes cannot be explained by the compression of the skull bones by means of boards, bandages, or strings. They must have been genetically determined before birth.

  Consider the Paracas Skull No. 44. It was found in 1927 by the Peruvian father of archeology, Julio Tello (1880–1947), in one of the rock tombs of Paracas. It is said to be over eight thousand years old and is deformed by 25 percent toward the back. On the show Ancient Aliens on the History Channel, Brien Foerster, director of the Museo Juan Navarro, said the deformity could not be explained through human influence. The eye sockets are much too large, and the foramen magnum is clearly in the wrong place. As early as 2014, genetic analysis had been carried out on Paracas Skull No. 44. The DNA is not comparable to any local DNA. Meanwhile, the working group around Brien Foerster has had to conduct new analyses. One of them was done at the Paleo-DNA Laboratory of Lakehead University of Ontario, Canada. The result of the scientific research revealed something startling: the DNA of the Paracas skulls was comparable to the DNA of hill tribes in the faraway regions of the Caucasus. The pressing question remained: where did the original Caucasus skulls come from? In addition, the Asian skulls already exhibited the displaced foramen magnum. In his latest publication, Brien Foerster states: “These specific attributes cannot be explained by any cultural skull deformations and they are related to the genetic structure.”37

  Very strange skull. Seems humanoid, but has a completely different form.

  Interestingly, the Museo Juan Navarro also exhibits skulls that have not been deformed toward the back and yet they may not have belonged to typical humans either. How so? The skull leaves no room for a brain as we know it. Our brain is situated behind the forehead—but some of the skulls have no forehead. The eye sockets are too big for a human and reach down to the nostrils. Why should alien skulls even have DNA? Are ETs not totally different from us humans? Maybe the strangers look like flying elephants or tentacle-swinging bushes? In fact, evolution may have spawned the most fantastic life forms on other planets—but they remain life forms. No matter which corner of the universe they come from, they consist of cells, and each cell is made up of its own DNA. In addition, we should always keep one thought in mind: the gods created the people in their own image. How this was possible and why it all came about was discussed in detail in my book The Gods Never Left Us (German title: Botschaften aus dem Jahr 2118).38

  Inexplicable skulls exist on Earth. This determination is definitive and confirmed by DNA comparisons. As is known, our brilliant astrophysicists have been searching for traces of extraterrestrial life in space for decades. With forests of antennae, they listen light years out into the universe. So far, we have failed to explore what can be found at our own doorstep. It seemed too “unreasonable.” But what is reasonable and what is unreasonable remains a question of the respective zeitgeist. And that changes very fast.

  Because skulls exist that seemed to be impossible, the question about the skeleton that carries them remains. The heads did not live “without any support base below.” Even extraterrestrial skeletons are now verifiable. More about this later.


  Veil Dance around the Pyramids

  I TYPE THESE SENTENCES IN THE SUMMER OF 2018. The Greek historian Herodotus (around 485–425 BC) traveled throughout Egypt 2,568 years ago. For months he also stayed in Heliopolis and talked extensively with the local priests and historians. In Chapters 99 and 100 of his second book, he notes: “Everything I've shared so far is based on my own views, my own judgment or my own research. From now on, I want to tell the Egyptian story as I heard it.”1

  We learn that the first Egyptian ruler was Menes, and that he was a god—a “long head.” Later, in Chapter 142 of the same book, this is explained more precisely:

  They recorded in it that 341 generations passed from that first king to the last, the priest of Hephaestus. . . . Now, 300 human generations equal 10,000 years because three generations are 100 years. In addition to 300, one must add the 41 human generations; that makes 1340 years. In other words, in 11,340 years, there has been no god in human form in Egypt.

  Is it all nonsense? Can Herodotus justify his statements? The priests—according to Herodotus—showed him colossal wooden figures. “Because every high priest already has his own statue erected during his own lifetime. The priests counted and showed each one, one after the other, to prove that the son always followed the father. So they went from the image of the last deceased all in sequence to the beginning. . . . [Chapter 144] They showed that all whose pictures were there, were people of this kind, and that they were very different from the gods. Before these men, however, the gods had reigned in Egypt and lived with the people. . . . The last of these gods was Horos, the son of Osiris . . .”

  Did Herodotus believe their story of the Egyptians? Definitely yes, because a few sentences later he affirms: “The Egyptians certainly want to know about that because they constantly calculated and wrote down the years of kings and chief priests.”

  Everything seems pretty confusing, but it becomes even more bizarre. Today, we consider the history of Egypt to begin around 3000 BC with the mystical god kings—not 9,000 years earlier, as Herodotus notes. In addition, Herodotus made his statement about 2,500 years ago. If one adds to the Herodotus years 11,340 years, then this god-king would have ruled Egypt about 13,840 years ago. And Herodotus is very convinced of what he reports. In Chapter 100 of his second book of his Histories, Das Land Ägypten und seine Geschichte (The Land of Egypt and Its History), he expressly confirms it: “Menes was followed by 330 kings whose names the priests read from a book.”

  Herodotus visited in the so-called late period in Egypt.

  After his visit, only a few pharaohs followed until the dissolution of the classical Pharaonic period. But before Herodotus, there were 330 kings “whose names the priests read from a book”? Impossible! Why do these 330 rulers not exist in classical Egyptology? What does today's school know, and what sources are used?

  There is the king list of Abydos. The place is located 561 kilometers south of Cairo, directly on the Nile, and thus begin the inconsistencies. The Egyptians of the Old Kingdom—2700–2200 BC—already practiced archeology there. “They ransacked the ground.”2 More recently, in 1726, when no official archeology department existed, the Frenchman Tourtechot Granger (1680–1734) carried out excavations in Abydos. At that time, the entire complex was under the desert sand, only a few upright pi
llars signaled the presence of any structures below the surface. The next Frenchman to dig in Abydos was Emile Amelineau (1850–1915). In fact, he discovered graves from the First and Second Dynasty—that's about 5,000 years before our present time. The French had settled on Abydos. The next one to clear the stubborn place from its sand was the Frenchman Auguste Mariette (1821–1881) who later founded the Egyptian Museum.

  Like his predecessors, he also discovered other graves from the First Dynasty. Finally, by the twentieth century, British explorers Sir Flinders Petrie (1853–1942) and Margaret Murray (1863–1963) conducted research in Abydos. Again, graves from different times came to light. Abydos had once been a very holy place because those who held themselves in high regard wanted to be buried in Abydos. Then—it was now 1912—the famous Swiss Egyptologist Edouard Naville (1844–1926) discovered in the ground under Abydos a gate carved out of granite and several underground chambers. Naville examined the granite boulders of the Osirion, weighing up to one hundred tons, and finally said resignedly that this site must be regarded as “the oldest structure in all of Egypt.”3

  What's is this Osirion supposed to be? I reported about it in my book Remnants of the Gods (German title: Der Mittelmeerraum und seine mysteriöse Vorzeit) and must recall two abridged sections of it.4


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