Mate of Mine

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Mate of Mine Page 5

by Megs Pritchard

“Be safe,” Jeremy whispered against his lips.

  Staring down at him, Donnie smiled. “I will. I have someone to come home to.”

  He jogged from the pub and jumped in his Jeep, driving towards the nearest airstrip. His body was leaving Jeremy, but his heart was staying.


  By the time Rescue Inc. arrived at base camp, the fires were well-established. They checked in and were assigned to a division and told what radio channel they would be utilizing. Information was passed on regarding the wind strength and direction and what the weather was doing, the direction the fire was heading in and what they would need to do.

  Donnie approached the block where the houses they were defending were located and helped people to leave the area. Once civilians had been cleared from the immediate danger zone, he joined the firefighters and grabbed any fire hose he could and sprayed the properties down, trying to make them too wet for any flying embers that landed to start a fire. It never ceased to surprise Donnie the number of fires started by flying embers.

  As the fire approached, the area took on a surreal quality. The smoke filtered the sunlight, creating an eerie landscape. For a moment there was no sound, and then suddenly the roaring flames hit them. Donnie turned and stared at the wall of flames as it approached with some of them reaching up to a hundred feet tall as they burned from the treetops.

  It was moving quickly, and he knew they didn’t have much time, and sure enough, the evacuation was called. They gathered what they could and quickly left the area, hearing the sound of explosions as propane tanks blew up. The sound was something he hadn’t heard in a long time and it brought memories of living in the sandbox that was Iraq and Afghanistan.

  Once given the all clear, Donnie and his team returned to the same area where they’d stood not so long ago, and he stared around seeing the utter devastation the fire had left in its wake. No remnants remained, just items burnt to white ash that vaguely resembled what it had once been.

  Eventually, he was moved to another area and had been there a matter of minutes when the wind shifted, heading towards them. They were in trouble.

  The type of fire he was fighting created its own weather, and he was trying to pay attention to the clouds through the columns of smoke. He knew his situation awareness had to be at its highest, and that he had to know they were in a good spot, or if they had to leave the area.

  The shifting wind left them with no option but to use the fire shelter to keep them safe, but it was no guarantee of safety. The team worked quickly, scrambling around to create a clear spot and to deploy the shelter, knowing they had less than a minute before the fire would reach them.

  Everyone crawled in, making sure their feet were pointing towards the direction of the fire. Everyone was in contact with one another, squeezed in together in the small space, and silence descended as they waited for it to pass.

  They may have been quiet inside the shelter, yet the fire was anything but silent. A raging inferno burned all around them, and Donnie lay squashed between two others, his eyes closed, trying to keep his breathing even.

  He could feel the heightened tension in the air like a wave that he could almost reach out and touch. Everyone was scared; it didn’t matter what type of person they were, as the flames approached, and with it possible death, you were scared.

  He didn’t know how long they waited, but eventually, the fire passed and he gingerly crawled out of the shelter and stared at the changed landscape around him.

  There were still small fires dotted around, but everything else had been destroyed. The trees appeared as burnt toothpicks poking up into the sky, the bushes and flowers that had been dotted around were gone, and the silence that surrounded them was eerie and disconcerting.

  He checked in with base camp, and he confirmed they were safe and the direction and speed of the fire so others in its path could be warned.

  Donnie didn’t know how long it took or how many men helped, but eventually the fire was brought under some semblance of control. They were cut loose, no longer needed, and Donnie and the rest of Rescue Inc climbed wearily onto the plane and left for home.

  He wanted to be back home, and spend about an hour in his shower, scrubbing the fire and dirt from his body. Then he wanted to crawl into his bed and sleep for about a week.

  Switching his cell on, it immediately lit up, and he saw multiple messages from Jeremy and typed out a response.

  I’m on my way home. The whole team is safe. Miss you.

  Seconds later his cell lit up with Jeremy’s response.

  I tried not to worry, but I saw the pictures on the news.

  Yeah, it was a bad one, but they have it under control now.

  Okay. Do what you need to do and get in touch with me when you’re available.

  Will do. Going home to shower and sleep.

  Do you need to feed?

  Donnie grunted and rubbed a hand over his dirty face. Yes, he desperately needed to feed, but he certainly wasn’t going to tell Jeremy that.

  Don’t worry about it. We have provisions back at HQ.

  I’m really glad you’re safe. Go, sleep and I’ll speak to you soon.

  Donnie put the cell down and leaned against the window, staring out at the starless night sky, and within seconds, had fallen asleep.


  Jeremy stayed glued to the news, eager to learn anything he could about the fires Donnie was fighting. He chewed his nail watching as forest, buildings and vehicles burned.

  He would never be able to describe the relief he felt when Donnie finally made contact with him. His whole body had sucked in on itself, and his head had dropped as he gripped the cell tightly in his hand. His eyes teared up, and he blinked rapidly, surprised at the depth of the emotion that coursed through his body.

  He barely knew the vampire, but the connection was there, getting stronger with time, and a small part of him wanted Donnie to come home to him where he could take care of him and watch over him as he slept and recovered.

  He stood and paced the small hotel room, unable to sit still even though he knew Donnie was safe. He needed to physically see him, to touch him, and then he’d know Donnie was in one piece.

  Grabbing his cell, he quickly sent a message to Donnie.

  When you’re back home, tell me where you live, and I’ll come to see you.

  He knew Donnie wouldn’t read the message straight away. He was certain by now that Donnie would be asleep, the stress and tiredness of the past few days pushing him over the edge and into oblivion. No doubt right now his body needed that. Jeremy could well imagine what Donnie had gone through the last few days and it wasn’t anywhere close to the reality of the situation.

  Watching a fire on the news was nothing compared to being up close and fighting one, trying to protect people and their properties, or protecting yourself.

  He slumped on the bed, dropping his head into his hands and let all the pent-up emotion out, the tears sliding down his cheeks.

  He didn’t know how long he sat there crying, but eventually, he felt a sense of peace come over him, and he wrapped his arms around his stomach. He fell back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling before pushing up and crawling towards the headboard, resting his head on the pillow.

  He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, his eyes itchy and his throat raw, and he followed Donnie into sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  A knock on the front door caused Donnie to scramble to his feet. He rushed over to it, opening it wide and staring at the man who stood before him. Jeremy had come just like he said he would.

  He stepped back, closing his eyes. He knew what color they would be, could feel the emotions running through him. And he hid them because he didn’t want to frighten his mate.

  He let Jeremy enter his home before closing the door quietly behind him. Jeremy dropped his bag to the floor and shoved his hands into his pockets, rocking on his feet, the nerves evident as he bit his lip and glanced around.

bsp; All Donnie wanted to do that second was pull Jeremy into his arms and hold him tight, inhale his scent and take it deep into his lungs where it would never leave. The connection strummed between them, and he knew Jeremy felt it too from the glances he kept giving him and the blush that covered his cheeks.

  His heart hammered in his chest, and he panted, his hands forming fists as he fought to stay in control and stop himself from lunging at Jeremy and taking what he wanted.

  But Jeremy had other ideas.

  He turned and closed the distance between them. He reached up and grabbing the back of Donnie’s head, pulling him down. Their lips slammed together, and Donnie moaned when Jeremy’s tongue licked his lips, and he opened them eagerly, their tongues touching.

  Their tongues dueled and twisted together, sliding across one another as Jeremy took complete control of their heated kiss.

  Donnie’s back hit the front door and he groaned, his hands reaching forward and gripping Jeremy’s hips, bringing their groins together so he could rub against Jeremy’s hard dick.

  Donnie slid his hands up Jeremy’s sides, and when he reached his shoulders, he gripped Jeremy’s coat and pushed it off. Jeremy shrugged his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor where it hit with a dull thud.

  Donnie switched their positions, pushing Jeremy against the door, and his hand slid back down Jeremy’s back, gripping him beneath his ass, lifting him up. Jeremy wrapped his legs around his waist and the kiss intensified, deepening, tongue and teeth and lips involved as they practically ate each other, breathing as one.

  Breaking the kiss, Jeremy begged, “Please.”

  Donnie knew what he wanted, and it surprised him. After everything Jeremy had said to him, the last thing he expected was for him to turn up here and want sex.

  “You sure you want this?” He had to ask. He had to be certain that he wasn’t taking advantage because god knew how much he wanted to feel Jeremy’s naked skin slide against his.

  Jeremy stared him straight in the eyes. “Please, Donnie. I want you.”

  Donnie inhaled shakily. “Jesus, Jeremy.”

  He stepped away from the door, keeping a tight hold of his prize, and climbed the stairs. When he reached his bedroom, he kicked open the door, rushing over to the bed and dropping down on it on top of Jeremy. They kissed again, and Donnie couldn’t get enough.

  They rolled on the bed, Donnie on top first and then Jeremy, mouths still fused together. They pulled at each other’s clothes, taking them off until, eventually, they were naked.

  Skin against skin, their bodies slid together as sweat covered them, causing them both to moan.

  For Donnie, this was the first time he’d been with a man this way, and when he was finally back on top, he sat up and stared down at the man below him.

  All that pale skin was visible to his eyes, a small spattering of dark hair across his chest that trailed down to his groin, the definition in his body, the muscles on show, smaller than his own, but showing Donnie that he lay with a man and not a woman.

  He stared at Jeremy’s dick, long and hard, curving to the right with precome dripping from the slit. This was the first time Donnie had been up close and personal to another man’s dick, and he knew at some point he’d have it in his mouth and ass. The thought didn’t worry him even though Jeremy wasn’t small. He wasn’t as thick as Donnie, but he was definitely longer.

  His fingers traced over Jeremy’s skin, watching goosebumps appear in their wake, and for once, Donnie didn’t know what to do or where to begin. Overwhelmed with the enormity of the moment, he simply stared.

  Jeremy sat up tangling his hands in Donnie’s short hair and brought their lips together, lying back down and pulling Donnie with him. Donnie went willingly, shivering when Jeremy’s palms slid down his back, cupping his ass then gripping the firm cheeks.

  Groaning, Donnie rolled them so Jeremy was on top and he could stare up into his green eyes, seeing the blown pupils and the flush that covered his cheeks. He lifted his hand and traced his fingertips over Jeremy’s face, and Jeremy turned his head to place a kiss in the palm of his hand.

  Suddenly, Jeremy grinned and dropped a quick kiss to his lips then moved down his body. He stopped at his neck sucking up a mark and biting the flesh there, and Donnie groaned, his hips jerking up. Fuck, he wanted Jeremy to bite him.

  Jeremy moved further down, and when he reached Donnie’s nipples, Donnie’s body tensed in anticipation of what he would do, and Jeremy didn’t disappoint. He licked across one, flicking the hard nub with his tongue. Donnie gasped, his body jerking in reaction, and when Jeremy sucked the nipple into his mouth, he groaned loudly, his fingers tangling in Jeremy’s hair, holding him to his chest.

  Jeremy sucked and bit Donnie’s nipple until it was red, and then he moved onto Donnie’s other one, giving it the same treatment. Donnie’s dick was hard, precome sliding down the shaft, and he was desperate for Jeremy to touch it, to lick and suck it, but he could wait. This was Jeremy’s time.

  When Jeremy finally moved from Donnie’s nipples, they were a deep red and hard and sensitive. He moved down Donnie’s body, licking the skin, sucking the flesh into his mouth and biting it gently, leaving his mark, and Donnie knew he’d wear them with pride. His mate was marking him, leaving his ownership for all to see.

  Donnie jerked every time, his body shuddering from the onslaught of sensations of pleasure that Jeremy was bringing it. He’d heard that sex between mates was the most amazingly erotic experience, but to actually feel it? Every sexual encounter before paled into insignificance with what he experienced at that moment with Jeremy. It was like his body had been made for Jeremy and Jeremy alone, and he knew exactly how to play it, how to touch and kiss and caress it to make Donnie’s body sing.

  When Jeremy finally made it down to Donnie’s dick, he glanced up at him through his thick, dark lashes, kissed the head, then moved to the side, licking across to his hip, and ignoring it completely. Donnie groaned in frustration, clenching the sheets in his hands, and begged, “Please.”

  He heard Jeremy chuckle as he moved further down, pushing Donnie’s legs up and out. He licked across his nuts, and Donnie cried out and grabbed the back of his thighs in his hands, opening himself up further for Jeremy to explore, touch, kiss.

  Suddenly, wet heat encased one of his balls and he was certain he was going to shoot. They pulled up so tight to his body that Donnie knew it wouldn’t take much for him to come.

  Jeremy must have sensed this because his finger traced down his crease, and he gently rubbed the skin between his balls and his hole. Jeremy moved to his other ball, sucking it into his mouth and lavishing it with attention while his fingers circled the outside of Donnie’s hole, teasing it, not quite touching it.

  More sweat broke out over Donnie’s skin and heat flushed through him, causing him to shiver with need. He needed to come, he was so close, but Jeremy seemed content to keep him right on the edge and not let him fall over into sweet oblivion.

  “Please,” he begged again, his voice hoarse with lust, and this time, Jeremy took pity on him.

  He lunged up, sucking the head of his dick into his mouth and Donnie came, arching back, body bowed with the intensity of his orgasm. He repeatedly shot into Jeremy’s mouth, and he knew words fell from his mouth, but couldn’t recall what he said.

  When he finally fell back onto the bed, he lay gasping, sweat trickling down the sides of his body and face, skin hot and flushed. Jeremy moved back down and licked his hole, moaning.

  “You taste good, Donnie. Can’t wait to fuck you with my tongue.”

  Donnie whimpered, his body shuddering. He’d never had it done to him and hadn’t been sure how he’d feel about it, but every time Jeremy’s tongue slid over his hole, he wanted more. He just wasn’t sure if he could take more.

  The tip of Jeremy’s tongue circled his hole, smoothing over the wrinkled flesh. He moved back up to Donnie’s balls, licking between them and up his half hard shaft, then reversed direction,
moving back down to circle his hole again. Jeremy was teasing him, teasing him with what was to come, and Donnie’s body tensed, waiting for that moment when Jeremy’s tongue pushed deep inside.

  That wicked tongue flicked across his hole, then circled, then licked, and Donnie moaned with every single touch. Indescribable pleasure centered on that one small part of his body and his legs shook where he held them up in the air.

  After God only knows how long, the tip of Jeremy’s tongue pushed into his hole, then withdrew. It circled him again, licking and sucking on the flesh before pushing back in and wriggling a little.

  He felt Jeremy’s hands push his legs further apart, and he suddenly realized how exposed he was, how much of his body Jeremy could see, but he didn’t care. Jeremy was making him feel emotions he had never felt before, and he wanted it to go on and on, and never stop.

  Jeremy’s tongue was now sliding in and out, still just the tip, but enough for Donnie to feel it and moan with every slide.

  “Love fucking you with my tongue.”

  Donnie tensed again, waiting for Jeremy, and suddenly his tongue slid all the way in. “Fuck!” Donnie cried out.

  Jeremy fucked him with his tongue, moving it in and out, and Donnie felt the muscles in his ass stretch to accommodate. Jeremy kept fucking him with it, and then suddenly something else touched him and slid in.

  “It’s just a finger, nothing more until you’re ready,” Jeremy assured him, and Donnie released the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding.

  As his finger moved in and out, Jeremy still licked around it, kissing and sucking and again marking him until suddenly a second finger slid in.

  Jeremy stopped, pausing to give him a chance to relax around his fingers and then he moved them until they found what Jeremy was looking for and he rubbed it, hard.

  Donnie’s hips shot off the bed and he cried out, squeezing his eyes shut, bliss flowing from his hole up through his body. “Oh my god,” he cried out, his hips still humping the air with every swipe of Jeremy’s fingers on his hot spot.


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