Idonia: A Romance of Old London

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Idonia: A Romance of Old London Page 7

by Arthur Frederick Wallis



  I think I overlaid my conscience in the night, seeing I stayed abeduntil near seven o'clock next morning, a thing I had never before done;but, indeed, I had now some colour of excuse for so doing, for besidesmy wound in the thigh, which the cold had made woefully to ache, therewas my new clothes which the carrier had not yet delivered, and I wasmighty loth to go abroad in my travel-stained riding dress and greatboots. As I lay there, the light then gathering mistily in my chamber,I could hear the noises of the City and the cries of the multitude ofsmall vendors that go about the streets, as having no booth nor openshop wherein to display their petty merchandise. From a church near byI heard bells pealing, and soon from other churches too. Below mywindow there was a maid singing, and a man with her that hawkedballads, bawling their titles till my ears tingled. Nevertheless, theconfusion of all these strange cries and sounds heartened memarvellously, and had I but got my new-fashioned doublet of dark clothand hose therewithal, I had been the merriest man of the parish, as Iwas certainly the most curious. After awhile I could lie no longer,but leapt up, and running to the casement, found London white, a sky offrost, and a brave gay world before me.

  My chamber, as I said, was a sort of great attic in the gable, and fullas high up in the house as was my old tower room at home. But 'twasless the height that astonished me, than the nearness into which thehouses were thrust together from either side of the street, so as theyalmost met by the roofs; and I swear, had I been so inclined (and hetoo) I could have crossed staves with the barber that had his dwellingover against mine, or almost stolen his pewter shaving dish from thesill where it lay. Of these conceits of mine, however, the barber wasnecessarily ignorant, being then busily engaged upon the exercise ofhis craft, which he carried on perforce above stairs, the shop belowand the other rooms being used by a haberdasher and alderman, that hadhis goods stored there. I noted the barber particularly as well forhis extraordinary grace and courtesy, as for the activity he manifestedin his occupation. No hand's turn would he do but a flourish went toit, and always his body bending and his head nodding and twisting tothat extent, I wondered how the man he shaved could sit his chair inany degree of comfort. Perhaps he did not, though he seemed to sufferthe little man's attentions coolly enough, and when he went away, paidhim, I perceived, handsomely, and strode off with a careless ease, thatminded me, with some shame, of my own country manners. My thoughtsbeing thus returned upon my late secluded life, I fell into amelancholy mood which was a little after happily dissipated by the maidbringing me my new clothes and telling me moreover that the familystayed for me at breakfast.

  I was soon enough dressed after this and, settling my starched ruff, ofwhich the pleats somewhat galled me, descended to the room where theydined; and there found the whole family of the Malts (that with theinfant made up nine) set at the board and very ready for their delayedmeal. A long grace was said by the youngest maid, whose eyes werefierce upon the eggs the while, and after that we fell to. Madam Maltspoke kindly to me once or twice of my business, of which I had alreadygiven her some slight and grudged particulars, but for the most partshe conversed in sidelong frowns with her children, of whose conduct itwas evident she wished I should think well. But in truth I carednothing for their conduct nor much for their persons (for all they werepersonable enough) being in a fever to be gone upon my errand to thegoldsmith's and to commence work in earnest.

  Breakfast done then, I lost little time upon formalities and broke inupon Madam Malt's excuse of her third (or fourth) daughter's mishapover the small beer, with excuses of my own for leaving her; and sotaking up my hat left her staring. So eager indeed was I, that I ranout of the door into the arms of a gentleman that stood by and nearlysent him on his back in the snow. When he had recovered himself, withmy aid, and stood fronting me, I knew him directly for the man whom Ihad seen in the barber's chair, and faltering upon my apology let fallsome foolish words by which I might be thought to claim hisacquaintance. He frowned suddenly at that and gazing upon me earnestlysaid--

  "It were easy to perceive you are of the country, young sir, and notused to our town customs."

  "How so?" I asked very hotly, for his disdain went the deeper into methat it was founded upon reason.

  "By your pretending to an intimacy with me," he replied, and drewhimself up very haughtily as he said it, "who know not your name even,although doubtless you know mine, as all do, seeing the place I keep,and the especial favour of my lord to me; yet I say that is no groundfor your familiarly accosting me in the public way."

  "Why, as to that," I cried out scorningly, "I know nothing of you savethat I saw you but now in the barber's chair, swathed up in a towel andyour face all lathered."

  He turned very pale at this out of mere discomfiture, and I expectedwould have run upon me with his sword, so that I clapped my fist uponmy own and stepping closely to his side said--

  "Sir, I am, as you imagine, but lately come out of the country andtherefore know not your customs here in London. But if there be placesreserved for the settlement of such brabbles as this, let us go thitherwith all my heart." And then, after a breath or two taken: "For allthat," I added, "I had it in my mind to say I meant no insult, and if Ioffended you, I am sorry."

  He stood without replying either to my threats or my amends, but gazedupon me with a look that I saw meant mischief; though whether to bedone now or at a convenient time and secretly, I could not guess.

  He was a fine bold man, of an height a good span greater than my own.He wore no hair on his face, but that I could see under his plumed capwas thick and black. His dress was of rare stuff and I supposed verycostly, being all slashed and broidered, and tagged with gold. Indeed,had he not let slip that boast of intimacy with some lord I should havebeen sure of his being a lord himself and perhaps master of one ofthose great palaces upon the Strand. Thus, then, we stood thwartingeach other a considerable space, and I (at least) doubting of theupshot, when a great fellow in a livery of blue, with a badge on hissleeve, came running up the lane, and casting an eye upon me, pushed inbetween us and spoke with the tall man low and seriously. Thereremaining therefore nought to hinder me longer about that brawl, I wentoff, but asked one that stood by what was the badge the man in liverybore, and he answered 'twas the Earl of Pembroke's emblem of the greendragon, and that they twain that communed together thus secretly wereboth of his household of Baynards Castle by Blackfriars.

  Without further mishap, but pondering rather heavily upon my late one,I made my way through the streets, past the noble church of Paul's onthe south side of it, to Mr. Wall the goldsmith hard by the Exchange.I have neither space nor words nor confidence either, to speak of allthe things I met with, beyond imagination marvellous to me; and evenwhere I was disappointed of my expectation; as in the little width ofthe streets, and of Paul's that it lacked the spire it once had;together with much else that lacked completion or seemed at hazardbuilded; even there, I say, I found my idea bettered by the fact, and astrange beauty in the irregularity and scant ordering of the City, thatthe more bewildered me as I went the further into the midst of it.

  I found Mr. Wall in his shop, or house rather, a little down the lanenamed of the Pope's Head tavern, where he expected me with the moneyready, that my father had desired him to have at my disposal. Heoverread my letters of credit somewhat closely, after which he put tome two or three such pertinent questions as sufficed to show a shrewdaptitude in affairs of business, yet without any the least pedantry, orvexatious delays. Indeed he dispatched all with an easy unconcern, asif such matters were of every day and not considerable; although thesum to be paid methought large enough in all conscience. The while Icounted over the gold pieces he talked idly, but with a pleasanthumour, of Mr. John Davis that was said to be projecting with others avoyage for the discovery of the Northwest Passage (the which heundertook in the summer following), and of Mr. Sanders
on, a merchantwell known to him, that was especially committed to this adventure.

  "I would myself have gone upon this discovery," he said, "but for themisfortune of a singular queasy stomach that layeth me low or ever I become upon the ship. Yet I thank Heaven I am not of their number that,having themselves failed, pretend that success is the constantattendant upon incompetence."

  When it came to the carriage of my gold he very courteously offered tosend his porter therewith, and as the weight was more by far than I hadlooked for, I thanked him, and gave the bags to the man, who for hispart made nothing of them, but walked away briskly down Cornhill, Ifollowing him as a convoy might follow a treasure ship, close upon herchase. In such sort we arrived in time at the Serjeants Inn in FleetStreet, where I had engaged to meet Mr. John Skene, that was my uncle'sattorney. In that Inn, or warren rather (for indeed it is nothingless), we searched for any of the name of Skene, but could find none;however, a stranger who chanced to pass over the court while we stoodat gaze courteously directing us, we soon after came upon his chambers,which were at the head of a narrow stair in the south building and theeastern end thereof; whereupon my porter gave me my leathern sacks intomy hands saying he must now go, which (I having paid him) he presentlydid.

  Mr. Skene admitted me with a deal of ceremony, being, I could see, aman of extreme punctuality and withal one to whom I took an immediateliking. He was I think the most handsome-featured man I have ever metwith, in height tall, and of a stately port, his body stout althoughnot at all gross, and his hair, which was very plentiful, gone aperfect silver. I supposed his age to be nearing three score, but hemight have been younger. His eye was very bright and kindly and seemedto smile even when his lips were drawn close in meditation. The blackgown he wore as suited to his profession very well befitted his gravedemeanour; about his neck was a plain linen band, but the cap which theSerjeants generally use he had not on, and I supposed kept it only forwearing in the Court. His business room into which I had come appearedmeanly furnished, excepting in books and quires, of which there was agreat number scattered everywhere, but his table and the two or threechairs were nothing so good as our own at home, and the floor unsweptand foul. While I took notice of these small matters Mr. Skene wasreaching from a shelf a great file of papers tied with silk; whichhaving got, he turned about and surprised me at that occupation.

  "A poor hole, you think, Mr. Cleeve," he said, with a merry smile at myembarrassment, "but we men of law have scant occasion for leisure inwhich to look about us, and luxury would be ill circumstanced herewhere life and death be too often at grips. Come," he added after apause, "I do not mean to take the pulpit over you, but to bid youexpect such plainness in me as you find in my chamber; and so, enough,"he ended, and therewith drew out a parchment with a great seal attachedto it, upon which he pondered a while.

  "You have the main of this affair?" he asked abruptly, touching theskin as he spoke.

  "Yes," I replied, "at least so much as that my uncle Botolph is in theTower, and hopes to clear himself if he may be brought to trial."

  "Then you have it all, or nearly so," he said nodding. "He wasarrested upon an order of the Council and secretly conveyed by water tothe place where he now lies. By especial grace I have once beenadmitted to see him, and learned from his own mouth, although I needednot to hear that I was already assured of, namely, the entire innocencethat he hath as touching these late revolts."

  He sat silent awhile and perhaps awaited my reply, albeit my reply whenhe heard it seemed not much to his mind, and I myself was surprised atmy boldness in speaking it.

  "It lies upon my conscience, sir," said I, "to tell you that, had I mywill, my uncle should by no means come by this franchise we bedeliberating so painfully to procure. I believe him to be a mostabsolute villain, and had not my father moved herein, I should have lethim rot in his dungeon and ne'er stirred a finger in this cause."

  I stopped there for mere lack of breath, being quite overcome by myheat of passion against my uncle, but when I would have excused myself,Mr. Skene prevented me with a motion of his hand. The pleasant lightin his eyes was clouded with a grave anxiety.

  "These be hard words, Master Denis," he said, "and I hope arejustified; or rather, I hope not; else I cannot for my honour undertakethis prisoner's defence. But tell me briefly upon what grounds youbelieve him to be so worthless of relief."

  This put me into an unlooked for difficulty, because I could not bringmyself to tell him aught of my mother, and yet had I no other reason togive him. But he, as if perceiving he had said something to vex me,hastened to set me at my ease, and leaning forward upon his desk, said--

  "You are still very young, Mr. Denis, and the young are apt toprejudge. But for the cause of your anger I may tell you frankly thatI know it; and respect you both for it and also for your reticence innaming it. I have been acquainted with your uncle," he went on,speaking still in a thoughtful manner, but as if some pleasure joinedwith the recollection of which he was to notify me: "I have beenacquainted with him above seven years now, and can lay claim to knowhis private mind so far as a man's friend may do. You spoke of a faultof his, when he was scarce older than yourself. Are we to send him tothe block for that? It is not the charge under which he now lies, Mr.Denis, nor is it one"--he spoke this with so great an earnestness thatI dropped my eyes before his--"nor is it such an impeachment as youwould be willing to stand beside the block where he lay dead and say,'I let him die because a score of years since a certain frail lady heldhim higher than her honour.'"

  "Sir," I cried out at that, "have a care! The lady was my mother."

  He started back as if I had shot him. "I knew not that," he said, andrepeated it twice or thrice. "I had not thought it pressed so near.Forgive me; I should have guessed it from your manner, if not from hisnarration. But he was ever thus," he proceeded, half to himself. "Ithath been so, since our acquaintance even." He stopped short, leaningback in his chair and then suddenly again forward: "If you desire it,"he said, "I will go no further in this matter. He deserves no pity,but rather the last penalty of the law; and I make no question but thatby our abstention, he will come into the way to receive it."

  For awhile I could not speak, so wrought upon was I by this temptation,which was none other than that I had set before my father, and herejected. At length I shook my head and without another word burstinto tears. Mr. Skene waited until I was something recovered, settlinghis papers the while, and seeming to write upon his tablets; for whichdelicacy I thanked him in my heart. When next he spoke, he changed thedirection of our discourse, inquiring pleasantly why I had troubledmyself with so great a sum as five hundred pounds, in coin, when my ownletters would equally have served.

  "I know not where to store it safely," he said, "until such time as Ishall be able to use it, or a part of it only, as I hope; which may benot for many days or weeks even. If you take my advice, Mr. Denis, youwill restore it to Mr. Wall, whom I know very well, and beg him todisburse it to you, as you, or I rather, may require."

  I blushed for my small knowledge that had led me into this laughableerror, and although the attorney made little of it I perceived hethought but meanly of my dealings in exchange.

  In the end I wrote a letter to Mr. Wall requiring him to do as Mr.Skene had advised, and requesting him further to fetch away my unluckybags of gold, which in the meanwhile the attorney promised to bestow inone of the closets where his title-deeds and capital muniments werelodged for their better security against thieves and fire. This done,he told me to come to him again on the morrow and a little earlier thanI had done that day; by which time he would have, ready drawn and fairwrit, our petition to the Council praying for a fair trial at law ofMr. Botolph Cleeve that was now detained in the Tower during herMajesty's pleasure, and also to be furnished with the several counts ofthe indictment against him directed, which it lay upon us to bepossessed of in order to the preparing of our answer thereto. Imarvelled at the industry and rapid address of the man
in thesenecessary (but by me unthought of) particulars, and told him that Iwished I loved my uncle better that I might rejoice the more in thecertainty of his release. He shook his head at that, however, sayingthat at the best 'twas not impossible the prisoner would be brought totrial even; and that for the event he could promise nothing, havingindeed more fear of it than he had yet allowed.

  I parted from him soon after, and it being then dinner time I was gladto find a tavern hard by the Temple Bar where I partook heartily of theexcellent ordinary that is there maintained; and a little whileafterwards Mr. Richard Malt entering (a son of the worthy hosier withwhom I lodged), he entertained me with discourse of the comedies thatwere then playing at the public theatres, and of the famous playersthat were his friends; from all which I concluded that Mr. Richardwould scarce make so diligent a hosier as his father, whom indeed hecontinually disparaged, terming him old buffle-head, and swearing hehad never so much as heard of the "Arraignment of Paris" nor of"Campaspe" even; upon which I shrugged up my shoulders as who shouldsay: Is such ignorance possible in this age? and determined to applymyself to some discreet person secretly, that should instruct me in allmatters of the stage, without delay.

  And so for that while did my uncle Botolph go clean out of my head.


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