Her Curves 3 Book Bundle

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Her Curves 3 Book Bundle Page 6

by Bailey Rock

  ​Jo came slowly down the stairs, dressed in a long flowing blue and yellow dress. The yellow made her dark skin shine even more. Her short curls had been teased out into a small afro. My curvy girl was the most gorgeous woman that I had ever seen.

  ​“Jo!” I shouted, stepping by Mary and walking to the bottom of the stairs. “God, you look amazing.”

  ​She stopped, halfway down the stairs, her eyes dark, and crossed her arms. “Why are you here, Trent? Why did you leave?”

  ​I did not expect this reception, not after the afternoon that Jo and I had spent together. “I had to go to town to get something. Please come here and let me show you.”

  ​She sighed, looking deep into my eyes. After a moment, she softened and came all of the way down the stairs. I noticed that she wasn’t wearing any shoes, and her perfect nails were painted with a deep red. God, she was sexy.

  ​“What was so important that you had to leave to go to town?” She held my gaze even though I could tell that she had been crying.

  ​“This.” I slipped the ring out of my pocket and dropped to one knee. “Jo, I knew from the moment that I saw you that I needed you in my life. Marry me, please.”


  When Trent dropped to one knee to propose, my heart leapt into my throat. There was only us. Everything else dropped away and all I could see was us and our future. I knew what I had to say.

  ​“Yes.” I bent down and took his hands, pulling him to standing and kissing him hard. “Yes.”

  ​He shouted and grabbed my hand, slipping the biggest diamond ring that I have ever seen onto my finger. “You are everything,” he said, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me deeply.

  ​Mary stood to the side, shocked. When we leaned back from each other, grinning, she interjected.

  ​“You can’t possibly marry him, Jo! You don’t know him!”

  ​But by then some of the leaf-lookers had come through the door and seen what was happening. They started to cheer and clap, drowning out Mary’s complaints. I heard all of this going on around us, but never looked away from Trent, the man of my dreams.

  ​He bent me back, kissing me deeper, and whispered in my ear, “I love you.”

  ​“I love you,” I said, meaning it. I was ready to give this man all that I had to offer.

  ​Mary grabbed my arm, pulling me back. “Jo,” she whispered furiously. “What in the world are you doing? You don’t know this man!”

  ​I grinned at her. “I do,” I said. “My heart does.”

  ​She looked shocked, but stepped back, allowing Trent to pull me back into his strong arms.



  Ten years goes by quickly, but it’s always easy to remember our anniversary, as we got married just a month after we met and eight months before Jacob, our son was born. I was teasing my hair into an afro, aided by Jacob and our twins when Trent leaned around the door.

  ​“Doesn’t mommy look beautiful?” His voice was dark and smooth. I ached for him and couldn’t wait until after our date tonight. Mary was watching the kids, so we’d have all night to be together.

  ​“And isn’t daddy handsome?” I turned around to really look at Trent. He had gotten even sexier during our marriage, if that was somehow possible. “Where do you want to go eat tonight, honey?”

  ​He stared at me. “Dessert at home, definitely,” he said, his words dripping with meaning. “But before then… you take your pick.”

  ​We owned a string of restaurants in Virginia, all of them wildly successful, all of them keeping us on our toes. Trent had been in town to open up a new restaurant when we first met, and everything had taken off from there. With my recipes and his knowledge, we were unstoppable.

  ​“Shine?” This was our newest restaurant, and it was hopping. The only way to get a table was to be on the waiting list for a few months or, of course, to be the owners. We’d have to drive about an hour to get there, but I wasn’t in a hurry.

  ​“Shine it is. I’ll ask Mary if she can spend the night. We don’t want to have to rush home.” He leaned down and kissed the heads of each of our kids before giving me a deeper kiss. It was loaded with longing, and I had to stop myself from moaning into his mouth. “I love you, my curvy girl,” he whispered.

  ​He left, winking at me when he got to the door. “Goodnight, kids, I love you all and I’ll see you tomorrow!” When he left I exhaled, not even realizing that I had been holding my breath.

  ​Damn, I love that man.

  ​Yes, our relationship had started out a little unconventional, but in the decade that I had known him, our love hadn’t wavered. He was mine, and I was his, and nothing could ever change that.

  Curves in the Library

  Instant Love: Older Alpha and BBW

  Chapter 1


  I loved the library. Everything about it, the smells, the way people whispered as they found their new favorite book, even the harsh glares that the librarians gave children made me happy. There was no better way to spend an afternoon than finding a new book to enjoy, which was why I tried to get to the library a few times a week.

  ​Much better option than trying to deal with the drama of other people, I told myself.

  ​I was at the library now, of course, looking not only for something to read during this rainstorm, but also for a new cookbook. The other love in my life was cooking, and the idea of finding a new book that would inspire me to try something fun and exciting gave me chills.

  ​What can I say? I know how to live.

  ​The library was unusually empty today, probably because most people didn’t want to try to brace the storm to get books that they would then have to keep dry on the way to the car. I didn’t care about the rain, however, as I was prepared with not only a bright red raincoat, but also a waterproof bag to protect my books. Nothing was stopping me.

  ​I meandered slowly through the library, nodding at the librarians I knew and avoiding clumps of people who were packed around the new book section.

  ​If they would plan ahead, I scoffed, they could get their new books on hold instead of trying to search for them on the shelf.

  ​I had a system, and it worked well for me. Nothing interrupted me when I was looking for a new book, but then I turned the corner to the cookbooks and saw someone standing there, peering at the exact section where I wanted to be looking.

  ​He was taller than me, and strong. I could see through his t-shirt that he was incredibly muscled, and when he lifted a hand to reach for a high book, his ropey muscles twisted. Nice ass, I thought, giving him the once-over. Patiently, I waited for him to move, part of me enjoy the view, the other part of me wishing that he would hurry up. He took his time, slowly reading the titles of the cookbooks like he wasn’t really sure what he was looking for.

  ​I pursed my lips. Really though, this was no big deal. I knew that if I slid up next to the man looking at the cookbooks and started to look myself that he was likely to move. Most people did for me.

  ​I was big, and curvy, and my skin was very dark, so a lot of people simply got out of the way. Since I also tended to be pretty quiet, people seemed to feel me moving up behind them. I wanted to see the cookbooks where the man was standing, so I confidently walked up next to him and stood close.

  ​He didn’t move. I reached over to take a cookbook, making sure that my body came very near to his. He shifted slightly out of my way when I reached but then leaned back next to me. He didn’t care that I was here.

  ​I took a deep breath. I really didn’t want to have to talk to him, but I would if it was necessary. Glancing down at the cookbook that I had in my hand, I laughed a little. Vegan? I was anything but vegan. I leaned to put it back and grab another one when he turned and looked at me.

  ​My hand froze halfway to the shelf, the book almost back where it belonged. Since I didn’t pay the man much attention when I walked up, I hadn’t realized just how sexy he was. He was tall, and a bi
t older than me. Small silver streaks broke up his dark hair, and his bright blue eyes were icy and electric.

  ​Suddenly I became aware of how close we were standing to each other and I took a small step back, taking the vegan book with me.

  ​He smiled, his sexy face lighting up when he saw me. I watched as he swept his gaze up and down my body, drinking me in, and I shivered.

  ​That was not the response that I was used to when I got in people’s space.

  ​“Vegan, huh?” His voice was deeper than I would have thought, and hummed through my bones. I felt another shiver run down my back and I got goosebumps.

  ​“What?” I asked. I had heard him, but was too busy staring at him to make much sense of what it was that he had said.

  ​He gestured to the book in my hand. “You’re vegan?” His eyebrows raised, taking me in. I felt a flush start to grow up my chest, and I swallowed hard.

  ​“Oh, God, no,” I said, shoving the book back onto the shelf. It wasn’t in the right spot, and I cringed. “I grabbed the wrong thing.” Any appetite that I had had earlier was gone. I didn’t want to look at cookbooks now. I wanted to run.

  ​“Thank goodness. I’d hate to see a woman like you feel like she couldn’t enjoy bacon.” He grinned, his smile perfect. Suddenly he held out his hand. “I’m Steven.”

  ​I shook it, hyper-aware that I was sweating and probably a looking a little panicked. “Michele. With just one “L”.” Oh, God, he didn’t care about that.

  ​“Well, one-L-Michele, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He held onto my hand far too long, the warmth of his touch creeping up my hand and filling me. I didn’t want to let go and was disappointed when he finally dropped his hand from mine.

  ​“You too,” I managed, unable to tear my eyes away from his face.

  ​“Anyone special that you’re cooking dinner for, Michele, or just treating yourself?” He looked hungry.

  ​“Just treating myself,” I admitted.


  Just treating herself. God, someone needed to treat this girl. She was absolutely stunning. Thick and curvy, with bright white teeth that shone against her dark skin. Her hair was in long curls that she had coiled on the top of her head, and she looked like a princess. Or a goddess. Definitely a goddess, I thought, looking her up and down.

  ​The bright red raincoat that she had on was tight, showing off all of her delicious curves. Her hand, now reaching for another random cookbook was slender and strong. I stared at it, thinking about her wrapping her fingers around me.

  ​I didn’t come into the library to look for a woman, but here I was, practically drooling over this gorgeous sexy girl. She was flushed, a little embarrassed, a slight red creeping up her chest and her cheeks. Every time she breathing I saw her breasts heave, pushing against the raincoat. I licked my lips.

  ​“So, if you’re not vegan,” I ventured, trying to keep from scaring her off, “what kind of things do you like to eat?” She looked like a snack herself, her pouty mouth working a little while she thought. I wanted to keep her here and talk to her, but I was afraid that if I came on too strong that she might bolt.

  ​“Anything really,” she said, looking up at me through long and thick lashes. I felt my heart skip a beat at the expression on her gorgeous face. “I love a good steak as much as the next girl, and I make some mean biscuits and gravy.” A smile flitted across her face for a moment before it disappeared. I wanted to see her smile again.

  ​“You can cook for me sometime. I don’t really know much about it, which is why I’m here.” I gestured to the cookbooks in front of us and smiled at her. She smiled back.

  ​“My apartment is a bit small to entertain.” She grabbed another cookbook and flipped through it, avoiding eye contact with me.

  ​“I’ve been there,” I said, leaning against the cookbooks, blocking her so that she wouldn’t be able to put her book back without asking me to move. “But I have a spacious kitchen. You know, private cooking lessons are sounding really good right now.”

  ​She laughed at that, and I felt my hopes rise.

  ​“I wouldn’t know the first thing about teaching someone how to cook. Besides, you look old enough to be my teacher.” She bit her lip after she said this, drawing my attention back to her perfect mouth.

  ​“Well, I’m good at some things, just not cooking. What do you say? You tell me exactly what you need, I’ll pick up the ingredients, and then you can have free range of my kitchen. I’ll watch but stay out of your way, so it won’t even be like you’re really teaching. You’ll just be cooking in a huge kitchen.”

  ​I could see that she was really thinking about it. She shut the cookbook that she was holding and handed it out to me. Automatically, I reached out to take it, our fingers grazing each other on the cover. Our eyes locked and she breathed in, hard.

  ​She has to be feeling it too. I can’t let her just walk out of here.

  ​“How about this?” I asked, changing tactics. I didn’t want to spook her, but I had to get to know her. “I’ll give you my number and if you want to cook dinner for an appreciative and hungry bachelor then you know how to find me. Ball’s in your court.”

  ​She nodded, and I triumphantly slipped a business card out of my wallet. “Here.”

  ​Michele took it, tentatively, turning it over in her hands to look at it. “Steven Wilson, architect.” She glanced up at me. “Did you design your own home?”

  ​I felt a swell of pride. “I did. It’s my baby.”

  ​Pursing her lips, she slipped my card into her purse. “I’ll think about it, Steven Wilson. Now I have to get home, so good luck finding a good cookbook. Actually,” she stopped and leaned across me, pulling a book off of the shelf. “Try this one.”

  ​I breathed deeply, wanting to remember her smell before she moved away. She smelled tropical and fresh, like coconuts and summer. Delicious. I watched as she sashayed away down the aisle, turning to the check-out counter. Her curvy ass swung as she walked, and it took all of my self-control not to go cup it in both of my hands.

  ​Looking down at the book she had given me, I had to laugh. “Dummies’ Guide to Cooking for One,” I read out loud to myself. I glanced back up to see if I could see her again, but she had disappeared. Damn.

  Chapter 2


  Just keep walking, I thought to myself, as I carefully put one foot in front of the other and walked away from Steven. That was the sexiest man that I had ever seen and here I was, turning tail and running as fast as I could. What was wrong with me?

  ​All I wanted was a quiet evening at home, to try out a new recipe, and to eat it while enjoying a book. I stopped and closed my eyes, trying to be honest with myself. Was that what I really wanted or just what I continued to tell myself?

  ​Steven was gorgeous, successful, and obviously interested in me. I wasn’t sure why I was so averse to connecting with him. I thought about how my therapist had told me that until I finally let someone in that I wouldn’t ever be able to connect with anyone else.

  ​I made up my mind, turning around. I was going back to the cookbook section. I was going to take Steven up on his offer.

  ​I walked faster this time, my bag of books banging against my leg, but I ignored it. Hopefully he would still be there.

  ​Turning the corner to the cookbooks I smiled, ready to show him that I was happy to see him, but the aisle was empty. I set my bag of books down on the floor, disappointed. Just as I was about to turn to go, however, I saw a book sticking haphazardly out of the shelf. This kind of thing drove me nuts, so I walked over to fix it.

  ​It was the book I had handed Steven. I pushed it back onto the shelf. “Dammit,” I whispered.

  ​I turned around quickly, looking for him. He couldn’t have gone far, but the fact that he had put my book back on the shelf told me a lot. It told me that he wasn’t as interested in me as I was in him.

  ​Self-consciously, I smoothed down my skirt and
picked my bag of books back up. Nothing to do now but go home. I passed through the aisles on the way to the check-out, not really paying attention. Normally the stacks of books, the musty smell of old books, and the people curled up reading made me smile, but not today.

  ​“That all for you, Michele?” Jacob, my favorite librarian, was smiling at me while I scanned my seventh book. I usually came through to get more than that, so I knew that he was teasing, but I still struggled to smile.

  ​“Yeah, I’ll probably be back in a few days.” I slid the last book into my bag and realized that I never grabbed a cookbook. Briefly I thought about going back but decided just to head home. It was always possible to find something online that I wanted to make, although the feeling wasn’t nearly the same as it was flipping through an actual book.

  ​“I can walk you to your car, if you want.” Jacob had one hand on an umbrella that he kept tucked under the desk and was smiling at me.

  ​Smiling gently, I shook my head. “No, I’ll make a run for it,” I lied, thinking about how carefully I would need to pick my way through the parking lot thanks to my high heels. As long as I kept my books nice and dry then my raincoat should keep me from getting soaked.

  ​His face fell for a moment before he caught himself. “Ok, well next time, maybe. See you in a few days.”

  I scooted away from the desk as quickly as I could. Did Jacob like me? The thought was strange but made sense. He was always setting aside books that he knew I would like and had offered to help me to my car more than once. I could have liked him before today. Before Steven.

  Not paying attention, I walked through the automatic doors and stood under the awning outside. The rain was coming down in sheets and there was a clump of people standing there, trying to decide if they wanted to make a run for it or if they should wait. I joined them, slowly growing impatient.


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