Fire Fury Freedom

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Fire Fury Freedom Page 18

by Amanda Rose

  After the leisurely meal it was straight back to reality, and there was much to do. Kato’s knee needed to be placed back in its joint; there was no other way for him to go on. Jenko gave him his leather belt to bite down on, and he gritted it tightly within his jaw. Mack counted to three and then jolted the dislocated limb back into its proper place. There was a loud pop, followed by a deep growl from Kato. The pain was excruciating, but he endured it well. After the initial sting the throbbing pain that had been swarming the area fled. He gave it a moment and then tried standing on his leg again.

  Mack had most of his sense back in his legs, though his nerves were still recuperating. He was all right to walk, which was good enough for him. He was readying everyone for departure already, no time was to be wasted. They’d been out a month travelling the waterways, and Mack was determined to make up for the time.

  Unfortunately, Seresuto could not be healed so easily. She had suffered a massive blow to her midsection, and they feared she had internal damage. She was beginning to show signs of an oncoming fever. The situation did not bode well with any of them. They discussed their next deployment and what they could do concerning her injuries. Adamu asked for him and his wife to be left for a moment alone.

  Following their discussion, he called the others back into the room. “We can’t hold you up, you need to go ahead. She won’t be able to travel like this, and I can help her better here. We’ll stay here and wait for you,” Adamu explained. Seresuto lay sprawled out on the couch. He looked back to his battered wife and went to her side, and kindly he pulled a blanket over her icy legs and swollen abdomen. Mack look Adamu in the eye and saw his resolve, “You do what you feel’s best. We’ll have to come back to leave from this port when we leave. Here…” Mack pulled a few automatic weapons from a case he’d brought along, “Stay safe.” “Thank you,” Adamu graciously accepted the guns. “Common everyone. Let’s gather rations and get a move on,” Mack ordered, pointing toward the kitchen.

  Quickly they finished preparations, said their goodbye’s to Seresuto and Adamu, and left. As they walked the empty streets, the abandoned city stilled felt quite out of place. The sky had cleared, and was blue for the first time they’d seen in weeks, letting the sun glare off of the snow like light off of a mirror. When the reached the city boarder the saw snow stretching out seemingly forever in front of them. Evergreens, spruces and naked summer trees coated in white powder snow only broke view of the endless snowy plains.

  Trudging threw the deep snow they cautiously began to cut across the land. The blustering winds of the prior day regretted to show up again, but the chill was still in the air, with a nipping cold bite. They weren’t an hour’s march away from Kukotan when they heard screams and gunshots. It came from the distance, somewhere beyond the forest of trees ahead.

  They scattered for cover behind the wide based trees of the pine forest. Suako immediately began chanting beneath her breath, “Defendre operire…” over and over. Suako could see a vague shield of light cover them. “What’s happening? Can anyone see?” She asked, prepping her gun with bullets. “It’s comin’ from the west just ‘head of us,” Kato used his ears to place the sounds. “Stay here until I give my word. I’m going in for a closer look,” Mack ordered them. “Here Mack.” Suako tossed him a cartridge for his pistol, “Be safe.” “Right,” he nodded, “Stay here till I come back everyone.”

  They listened as the snow crunched beneath Mack’s feet as he trotted off. The gunfire in the distance echoed. Mack’s movements were soon out of earshot. They stayed covertly hidden behind the trees and remained quiet. The frequency of the shooting increased drastically, and they were anxious to get a move on.

  Though it only took minutes it seemed much longer. Mack returned, “Everyone huddle round me… ok, good. Listen, about a kilometre that way there is a drop into a valley. There’s a small town there. All hell seems to be breaking loose there. I think we should go and see what’s going on. Might be something interesting for us there. No one can see us back here, but that doesn’t mean we should let our guards down. All right? Good. Move out!”

  He led them down the snowy trail, past the trees to the forest’s edge. They stayed behind the borderline for camouflage from eyes gone amiss in the action below. It was hard to see anything specifically, but the picture was clear enough. It looked like an all-out slaughter down below. Though the townspeople fought back against an onslaught of armed soldiers, they were no match. The women and children were being killed just the same. Some homes were being set ablaze, and the black smoke climbed up into the sky.

  “Mack, we can’t just sit here and watch this…” Mei’s eyes vividly watched the violence. “You’re right Mei. Ok everyone, we’re going in. Be discrete, we can’t afford to be found out. Let’s just stop that shit from going on,” Mack commanded. A simultaneous “Right,” returned from everyone in favour. “Ok now, Mei and Suako take the left flank, Kato and Vince the right, and Jenko with me straight into the centre. Now…” Mack scavenged through his pack, “Happy birthday everyone, scare the troops away with these,” He sarcastically said, then tossed each party two grenades. “Now for you Yu-Lee, Suako told me that you were able to protect your town from the C.D.F.P. with some kind of magick?” Mack asked. “Yes, that’s correct,” she confirmed. “Well when the soldiers flee I need you to do the same thing for this place. Can you do that?” He asked. “Yes,” Yu-Lee nodded. “Good. Stay here in the hills so you can see when it’s time, then come down to the village afterward, Mack Instructed.” “I will,” she agreed. “Great. Boys and girls let’s get a move on,” Mack said.

  The pincer attack commenced. They crept down the hill, staying low to the ground; they would quickly infiltrate the city from the front and on both sides. The sped up as they came into the clearing to avoid getting spotted; they were dark targets along the snowy white hill. Suako and Mei were the first to reach the town, followed by Mack and Jenko. Kato and Vince weren’t so lucky as to go unnoticed.

  A lone soldier had obviously seen something, and was coming towards them full tilt. He looked rough and rather barbaric as he plodded towards them. As he passed behind a building they were temporarily out of sight, and Vince noticed a miniature slope of snow around the foot of an evergreen. They ducked back behind the slur of snow quickly for cover. Vince pulled a knife from his belt halter and cut a branch from the tree and threw it out to where they’d been spotted.

  The soldier tore around the bend, and came sprinting up the hill. Crunch! Crunch! The footsteps neared. They began to slow until they came to a full out stop. Vince sat with his back pressed against the cold snowy mound behind him, Kato right next to him holding his breath. Vince’s heart rate escalated, and he held his knife, ready to attack. They heard the branch rustle about. Vince was nearly ready to pounce out and charge the intruder, but Kato touched his arm and shook his head ‘no’ with warning eyes. Vince nodded and took a deep breath. Crunch! Crunch! The man moved about inspecting the curious area.

  Then again, the footsteps went to leave, but something was wrong, they stopped, and then they returned. The soldier had spotted some of Kato and Vince’s incriminating footsteps in the snow. The guys knew something was wrong when the receding walk abruptly stopped. Vince prepared to go once more, but yet again Kato held him back, and whispered to him in a firm tone, “Hey man, if he calls out, then everyone’s finished. Hold yourself back, Vince!” They heard the man talk to himself, “Hmp, guess I’m crazy.” Then he turned to head to back the town.

  Suddenly an explosion permeated the area with a flash of fiery fury. Kato released his grip on Vince, “Go, now!” Kato told him. Vince ran at the man from behind, who was in shock watching the explosions in the town streets below. The man was about to turn and go back after the target he’d suspected, when Vince caught him from behind and forever silenced him with his knife. They hid the body behind the rift that they’d been using for cover, and then rushed down to the town.

  They were halfway down th
e hill when Kato stopped straightaway, “Vince, start firing!” he told him, struck with swift inspiration. They fired off several rounds high into the air, and the noise boomed, and gave the illusion of a coming onslaught. The soldiers were hastily fleeing the town. Vince and Kato remained on the hill and waited for the soldiers to leave. Then they cautiously made their way down the hill, until they finally reached their destination.

  “Hey what happened?” Mack asked as he met up with Suako and Mei. “No clue. Where’re the boys?” Mei asked looking around herself, knifes at the ready. “I have no idea…” Mack replied, when they suddenly heard bouncing footsteps coming towards them. “Hey we’re here! Sorry we’re late,” Vince puffed as he and Kato ran up to the others. “What were those shots from?” Suako asked, constantly checking around herself. “Calm down, it was us,” Vince explained. “We wanted to get them outta ‘ere before the fires ate up everythin’,” Kato replied, “So, where they keep their water?”

  They scouted about for some water barrels, but when they found them they were partially frozen, so they found themselves throwing snow onto the bursting flames. The fires burned furiously, and was not willing to go out without a fight. It roared on, and seemed to be even stronger after their attempts to extinguish the flames. It took some doing, but when the townsfolk realised the attack had ceased they helped as well. Until nightfall they all worked hard to save all they could. They managed to save all but one home, which had been the first one set ablaze. The flare reached high up into the celestial sphere above, lighting it up and blocking the view of the stars.

  They met back up in the center of town, exhausted. “Phew, finally they’re out,” Mack wheezed and coughed. “Yea… Mack you really need to stop smoking,” Jenko laughed, just as tired as Mack. Mack starred him down, “Shut up.” Jenko laughed and shook his head. “Ok, they’re ok over there,” Mei announced as she, Vince and Suako jogged back over to the main group, Kato following close behind. “There’s one on da other side of town… It’s no use. It’s gone anyway,” Kato said wiping the charcoal soot from his arms as he walked up.

  They began to discuss what the best course of action from there would be. “Excuse me…” A voice converged into their conversation. They turned to see a short young woman standing behind them. “You helped us so much. I saw what you did. Thank you,” she held her hands up to her chest, fingers interlocked and bowed to them. “Please come inside where it warm for something hot to eat,” she offered with watery eyes that spoke genuinely. They followed the young woman to her home. Suako paused a few steps from the girl’s door. “Oh, Yu-Lee!” she remembered, “I’ll go to the outskirts and bring her here. Ok Mack?” “Oh, yea, go ahead,” Mack nodded. “See ya in a flash,” Suako ran off.

  The rest of them entered a cozy log cabin. It hadn’t suffered any damage from the fire, unlike many of the other local homes. The interior was just as glorious as those houses back in Kukotan; the splendour inside was of silk fabrics, frivolous frills, and desirable shiny decorative gems that hung about the interior. A crackling fireplace welcomed them with the scent of stew that was heating above it. “Please take a seat,” the girl offered. They did just that, weary of dirtying the fineries though.

  She was a pretty girl with almond shaped eyes and cupids bow lips. Her attire was alien to them, though it was to be expected. Her clothing was rich, and modern, unusually designed; velveteen, leather and suede coated her body. Her skin was fair, and fine, never having had endured strenuous physical labour. This was a life, an existence, that stirred emotions them within. These fineries should be offered to everyone became the collective thought.

  “Dinner should be ready soon,” she said while stirring the pot with a long silver spoon. Turning around to face her guests, she took a seat in the master chair in front of the fireplace, facing the two couches to either side where they sat. “My name is Masumi,” she bowed her head. “My name’s Mack… what is this place?” he asked. “This is Uwajima… And what are your names?” her bright eyes asked looking to the others. “I’m Mei, this is Kato, that’s Vince, and Jenko over there. The girl who left is Suako. She should be back soon; she just went to meet up with one of our comrades by the woods,” Mei explained. “Hello everyone, nice to meet you all,” she smiled sweetly. “Nice to meet you too,” Jenko said. “Thanks, fer lettin’ us s’all in outta the cold,” Kato said. “We appreciate the hospitality,” said Kairu.

  Mack opened his mouth to speak when, Thud! Thud! there came a knock on the door. Masumi jumped up from her seat and excused herself to go open the door. Suako and Yu-Lee came in rather chilled. “Thank you,” they told the girl. “My pleasure, my name is Masumi. Please come in and take a seat. Dinner should be ready,” Masumi said as she walked back over to check the stew. Suako and Yu-Lee did just that, and the fire’s incandescence soon heated their exteriors. Masumi pulled out some white china dishes from a wooden cabinet with fine glass inlaid windows. She filled the grapevine painted bowls with the savoury scented stew and passed the plates out to her guests. The stew was admirably delicious, it seemed to melt in their mouths, and filled their hungry stomachs. They found themselves heated from the inside out.

  “We are grateful for your hospitality young one,” Yu-Lee bowed her head. “No, not at all. I’m grateful for all you have done for Uwajima. They’ve been attacking for months now. I guess they finally got organised to take us down once and for all. If you hadn’t come, I’m sure no one would be left here. Thank you so, so much!” she cried. “Oh, don’t cry now, it’s all right. We couldn’t just watch them massacre this town,” Suako put her stew down and went over to comfort Masumi, “Really, we couldn’t let that happen to anyone. You looked completely defenceless. It wasn’t just a warrior’s battle; it was a blood bath from where we were looking from.”

  After Masumi had calmed down, Suako passed her a handkerchief that was lying on the end table beside her. She whipped away her tears, “I’m sorry, it’s just… sniff… my parents, they killed… my parents,” She grimly said trembling, “Who Masumi? Who killed them? And why?” Mack questioned kneeling down by her. Suako held Masumi’s hand and rubbed her back to release the tension. “The Imperial army, because of their ties to the East Green Continent… That’s what father told mother and I. He said that the company the, uh…” she shut her eyes to think. “The C.D.F.P.?” Mei tried to help. “Yes, that’s what he called it. He said that ‘the traitors here finally are able to show their true colours and betray the heart of the Imperial system’,” she told them, wiping tears from her red blotchy cheeks. Mack stared at the wall behind the girl with wide eyes.

  “This doesn’t sound good. Hey Mack, I’m worried,” Mei uneasily looked to Mack hoping for some sort of response. “Yeah Mack. If the C.D.F.P. is gaining power over here…” Suako started. “Don’t make assumptions,” Jenko stopped Suako, “Masumi… I know this is a hard time for you. We need you to be strong. We can’t bring your parents back but maybe we can help their deaths to have not been in vain. How did your dad know what was going on?” Jenko asked. “He worked under the Imperial officials… Sniff, he used to escort them to different places,” she said. “Did he tell you anything else about the attacks sweetie?” Yu-Lee kindly asked. “No,” she replied. There seemed to be a collective sigh of frustration around the room. “But… He kept records,” Masumi told them.

  Masumi showed them down the hall, into the den, where there was a second fireplace happily burning down there. She walked over to a sculpted masterpiece of a pine desk, and reached into a cubby-hole. When she pulled her hand out she revealed several thick black books. She scanned inside the covers of the books until she found one that seemed to satisfy her. When she did, she placed it on top of the stack and carried them over to a central coffee table in the centre of several large cushioned chairs. “Here are his documents. I put the most recent one on top. You’re welcome to go through them all. I’ll bring you some blankets and coffee,” she told them, and then tore left.

  “That p
oor girl… she’s trying to keep busy… trying to forget. I know the feeling,” Mei sympathised. Kato wrapped his arms around Mei from behind, “It’s all right Mei. Everything s’ok.” “I know. I’m fine, really... Well let’s get a head start on these,” Mei said. They all found a seat. “Mack read it out loud to us,” Vince requested as he cuddled next to Suako. “Yea Mack,” Kato chimed in. “Good idea Vince,” the others agreed, seconding his idea. They’d all been too tired to want to read themselves anyway. “Alright. Let’s start from the beginning I guess,” Mack agreed, and picked up the books and looked through them until he found the first one. He flipped the book open and began to read aloud:

  Book 1 Entry No. 1

  I, Nakazo, have just been hired to work as a guard for the political head of the local Imperial army, General Kai. I have sold my farming plot. Now with this new job I’ll be able to keep my wife and daughter better fed. I am in charge of guarding the office and escorting him to and from meetings around the continent…

  Mack stopped. “This isn’t any good. Too far back…” He put the book down and picked up the next one. Masumi came down the stairs with a pile of blankets in her arms, and she passed them out. “Thank you Masumi,” Yu-Lee smiled as she accepted the blanket. “You’re welcome,” she replied, then went to disappear back out of the room, and upstairs to the second floor. “Here let me help you,” Yu-Lee offered, and they went up together. Mack flipped the second book open to a random page and began reading again:

  Book 2 Entry No. 238

  The winter has been brutal. General Kai has been summoned to many meetings. His other transport has been ill so I’ve had to take double shifts. We have to leave again this Wednesday. I doubt I’ll be back in time for Masumi’s fifteenth birthday…


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