Affinity for War

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Affinity for War Page 37

by Frank Morin

  Aifric looked like she wanted to argue, but then sighed. "I understand."

  Connor was relieved that neither of them took offense at being left out. "We'll fill you in when we get back."

  Wolfram took the lead into the citadel and led them up long hallways with arched, tiled ceilings and beautiful paintings on the walls. Servants hurried past, mingled with courtiers and soldiers. They climbed so many flights of steps that Connor began to wish they'd just flown up to whatever tower he was leading them to.

  Finally they arrived at a wide corridor with a gilded ceiling, trimmed in silver. The hall ended at a wide set of dark wooden double doors, with a pair of Rumblers standing guard. They recognized Wolfram and opened the doors immediately, ushering the group into an opulent sitting room.

  It was nearly as big as Connor's Dawnus quarters at the Carraig. He was a little surprised to realize rich surroundings no longer intimidated him.

  Thick rugs covered much of the white marble-tiled floor. Warm wood paneling sheathed the walls, covered in several places by huge tapestries depicting panoramic vistas, including two separate views of Altkalen. The arced ceiling rose to nearly twenty feet, and a cheery fire crackled in a wide hearth on the opposite side of the room.

  Several empty couches and chairs were arranged to face the fire. A small writing table stood on the left side near a clear window, framed by bright-colored stained glass. A tall, slender woman stood beside it and turned to face the doors when they opened.

  She didn't look pleased by the interruption, with hands on hips, chin high, thick blond hair hanging in loose curls halfway down her back. Her dazzling blue eyes sparkled with an unmistakable inner light. She started to speak, but then her eyes drifted past Wolfram and she squealed with delight, leaping into a fully fracked sprint toward the group.

  "Verena!" she cried as she braced her legs on a blue and gold rug, and the entire thing slid the last twenty feet. She stepped off and threw her arms around Verena's neck.

  "It's so good to see you, Saskia," Verena laughed, returning the embrace.

  Saskia released Verena and said,

  "One day the princess went missing.

  Her boyfriend was sad from no kissing.

  She had lots of fun, building mechanical suns,

  and the rumors they never stop hissing."

  Verena grimaced. "I can't believe you're still limericking. Sentry speak is supposed to be more somber."

  Saskia shrugged. "Then they shouldn't call it Sentry speak. We're Sappers on this side of the border." She turned to face Connor and her pale skin began to softly glow. The effect was quite alluring.

  Connor hadn't known Solas could ignite lights under their skin. He'd have to try it some time.

  She said,

  "So this is the Blood of the Tallan?

  He's prob'ly got girls by the gallon.

  He is sort of cute, but to my brother that's moot.

  I can't believe that for him you've been fallin’."

  She had to twist the pronunciation of that last word to make it fit the rhyme. Connor wasn't sure what to make of the lady marshal. She was enthusiastic and pretty, and under the beautiful gown and perfectly styled hair, she looked about Verena's age.

  He had gotten accustomed to dealing with Sentry speak around Evander, but couldn't imagine the giant Sentry ever using that fast, lilting limerick. It seemed to fit Saskia, though.

  He made a bow like Aunt Ailsa had taught him. "Pleased to meet you, Lady Saskia."

  She gripped his hand. "I can't wait to hear everything about you." She turned back to Verena with a little frown.

  "But 'Rena, your heart's fickle as the weather.

  You broke poor Mattias's heart like a feather.

  You just had to fly, not even a good-bye.

  Now he pines for the days you spent together."

  Verena grimaced and actually blushed, casting a glance at Connor. "I can't hold a serious conversation with you rhyming."

  Saskia grinned. "Good. It gets so boorish having to pretend I can't speak normal."

  She added something in rapid Grandurian, glancing at Connor again. Verena's blush deepened and she responded quickly in turn. Hamish coughed into his hand in that way he did when trying to cover a laugh.

  It was super annoying that Connor couldn't understand, especially since they seemed to be talking about him. So he asked, "Who's Mattias?"

  "You haven't even told your new love about the passionate courtship you enjoyed with my brother?" Saskia exclaimed in Obrioner.

  Verena was flushing bright red, and Saskia seemed to enjoy her discomfort perhaps a little too much.

  Connor suppressed a flash of jealousy that began burning in his stomach like a bit of activated marble and asked casually, "How many times did she punch him in the face?"

  Saskia laughed. "My brother is too fine a gentleman for Verena to need violence against him."

  Connor shrugged. "Couldn't have been that passionate then."

  Verena giggled, and Saskia glanced from her to Connor, her smile returning in a flash. She grabbed Verena's hand. "There's history here I just have to know!"

  With a half smile on his own lips Kilian said, "Later. Right now we have more pressing matters." He bowed over Saskia's hand, and she curtsied in return.

  "You can be such an old boor sometimes, Uncle Kilian," Saskia said with a sigh.

  "What's on the agenda for the council meeting?" he asked.

  "What do you expect?" Saskia's smile vanished. "Total warfare. Potential annihilation. The critical battle of our age." She sighed and touched his arm, her expression serious. "I'm so glad you're all here. It'll be easier to intimidate Dougal's emissary with your help."

  "Who did he send?" Connor asked.

  "A simple captain," Saskia said, contempt in her voice. "Some fellow named Rory."

  Connor assured her, "Rory is far from simple, and I promise you'll never intimidate him."

  "Aren't you full of surprises?" Saskia exclaimed, sounding delighted.

  Hamish chuckled. "Surprises are pretty standard around this group."

  Saskia glanced at him and one perfect eyebrow rose as she studied his unique battle suit. "You must be the Obrioner Builder I've heard about."

  "In the flesh," Hamish said and actually made a pretty good bow.

  "Excellent. You've spent a lot of time with 'Rena, so we must find some time to chat." She glanced to Gisela, who had hung back and said, "And if you're not Althin, I'll eat my hat."

  It was a good thing Gisela nodded and curtsied because Saskia wasn't wearing a hat. Either that, or she'd made that bet already and lost. Connor had enough experience with girls and their hair to know she'd never eat those long, flowing tresses.

  "Very pleasing to meet you, Lady Marshal," Gisela said formally.

  Saskia grinned. "Verena, you bring such fun company. I hate that we don't have time to talk for an hour before the council meeting."

  Connor said, "You haven't even met our Obrioner Guardian or our Mhortair Assassin Healer yet."

  For the first time, Saskia looked flummoxed enough that she wasn't able to come up with a new limmerick.

  "We've got another Mhortair in chains," Connor added helpfully.

  "You're kidding, right?"

  Kilian shook his head. "That one's a full Assassin, and might even be the ally he claims to be."

  "But Assassins can steal information even sitting in a cell," Saskia said, looking worried.

  Kilian said, "I took his chert and his serpentinite. At the moment, I believe him to be contained."

  "What are those stones?" Connor asked eagerly.

  Everyone else looked interested, although they couldn't potentially establish affinity with the Mhortair's secret stones.

  Kilian said, "That's a good question, and you all should understand the danger. The Mhortair possess unique power stones. Chert and serpentinite are two of them."

  "Plus the primary affinity weakening powder," Hamish added.

  Kilian nod
ded, but Verena frowned. "Why don't we have access to those stones too?"

  "They're the only ones who know where to quarry them," Saskia said, looking pleased that she could answer a question for Verena. "They guard the secret jealously."

  Kilian added, "And my understanding is the only known deposits are very small to begin with."

  "So what do those stones do?" Connor asked.

  Kilian motioned them to take seats near the fire. "Chert is a sedimentary stone. It creates empathy."

  "So people feel good about them?" Hamish asked with a frown.

  "No, it allows them to sense the feelings of others, and at times to manipulate or influence those feelings."

  "But Sir suggested they could actually read minds," Connor said.

  "He may have been trying to impress all of you, unless he's ascended, in which case chert would allow him to do exactly that."

  "If he's ascended, then he's even more dangerous than we thought," Verena said.

  Kilian nodded. "He also had serpentinite, which Aifric too has established affinity with."

  "Aifric?" Saskia asked.

  "My Mhortair Healer, sworn to help us," Connor said in a casual tone.

  Saskia's eyes widened. "I have to hear that story."

  Connor would gladly swap that tale for more information about her brother, Mattias.

  "Serpentinite has something to do with sound, right?" Hamish asked.

  Kilian looked surprised. "How did you know that?"

  "Dougal mentioned something about it when Aifric nearly killed him. I didn't understand what they were talking about at the time, but she had spoken in Dougal's voice to confuse Gregor, so it makes sense."

  Saskia was looking between Kilian and Hamish, her expression astounded. "You have to stop dropping all these casual hints about your adventures. You make these incredible things sound common."

  Hamish shrugged, his tone almost bored. "All in a day's work for this group of heroes."

  Saskia gaped, but Verena started to giggle. That made Connor grin, which set Hamish to laughing in turn, and Saskia joined in. "I am so glad you're all here. We need a bit of levity."

  Kilian said, "Back to your question. Yes, serpentinite does allow the manipulation of sound. Mhortair can block or mimic sounds and voices, and after ascension can use sound more aggressively."

  "Like how?" Connor asked.

  "I've heard they can emit a frequency that can immobilize their intended targets."

  Connor shared a worried look with Verena, who said, "So Sir could have killed us all in Faulenrost?"

  "Possibly. I've studied the concept, but have not experienced it personally. It is my understanding that the sound somehow locks up muscles and makes them non-responsive."

  He added, "I suspect it may still be possible to tap elemental powers even in that state, but the danger is very real. They don't employ it often, but the potential for its use was one of the reasons I had to take those stones from Sir."

  "Can I try some?" Connor was more eager than ever to establish affinity with those secret stones. Once he understood how they worked, he could figure out how to defend himself against them.

  Saskia looked startled, then her eyes widened and she stared at him with a look bordering on worship. "You really are Blood of the Tallan?"

  Verena chuckled. "Saskia, you should see your face. I haven't seen you so thunderstruck since Christoph asked you to the royal ball."

  Saskia's cheeks flushed, but she did not look away from Connor. The intensity of her gaze was a bit unnerving. She spoke softly.

  "Your interest is understandable, the lure of such power is palpable, but are you sure you know what you're doing, this Obrioner is such a risk to try wooing, your heart after all is so flammable."

  "My interest in Connor has nothing to do with his Petralist powers," Verena said firmly, her expression disapproving.

  When she met Connor's gaze, he read the depth of emotion in her eyes, and his heart sang. She really did care for him, not just for his abilities. The difference between her Shona was so enormous.

  Saskia looked startled by Verena's sharper tone. "I didn't mean any insult, 'Rena. It's just difficult to accept that the long-awaited descendant of the mighty Tallan has come to us from Obrion."

  "He is a little disappointing," Hamish drawled.

  "Eat rocks," Connor said with a grin.

  "Actually, for Builders we say spit rocks," Verena said with a smile.


  Hamish shrugged. "We like rocks. We lick them all the time. Telling us to eat rocks is no big deal. To spit rocks though, we lose connection and can't use them anymore."

  "You are having many strange customs I do not yet knowing," Gisela mumbled.

  "And I want to hear them all," Saskia said, again enthusiastic. "But first we have to join the council meeting with Rory."

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  "Fire can purify or destroy. Winds may cool or tear asunder. Truth that enlightens the understanding may overwhelm even the stoutest heart."


  Saskia led them to the central palace at the heart of the citadel. Connor and Verena flanked her, with the rest of the group trailing behind. Verena and Saskia carried on a constant, excited chatter in Grandurian and looked to be having so much fun reuniting. Connor dearly wished he could understand.

  He glanced back at Hamish to see if he was listening, but Hamish was too busy gawking at the opulent furnishings, sweeping arches, and beautiful paintings. He hadn't lived at the Carraig, surrounded by wealth and soaring palaces. Jean and Gisela looked far more comfortable walking the grand hallways and chatting about the beautiful sights.

  Connor drifted back to walk beside Hamish as they reached a vaulted intersection of three hallways. Between thick, gilded columns, the entire ceiling was painted, and each section seemed more breathtaking than the last.

  Lords and ladies stood in dramatic poses, some wielding elements, represented by fantastic beasts or angels who bowed to their will. Connor could have paused for several minutes to stare. Hamish just tipped over backward, igniting tiny thrusters in the back of his suit to remain in a hover that made staring easier.

  Connor poked him in the ribs. "I finally understand why you're always eating something. It's to keep your mouth from dropping open all the time."

  Hamish snapped his mouth shut. "I haven't lived in places like this, Connor. Some of us have to work for a living."

  Gisela laughed softly and Connor ceded the point with a nod. "My Dawnus suite was pretty amazing, although my little room in the Sculpture House always felt more like home."

  As they continued on, Connor watched Verena. It was fun to see her acting like a normal girl. Usually she was too involved in creating Builder mechanicals or leaping into battle against men and monsters, often to save his life.

  They eventually followed a wide, granite-tiled hallway on the fourth floor to where it terminated at a set of tall, wooden doors carved with intricate symbols, inlaid in silver. Eighteen armored Rumblers stood at attention flanking the doors.

  Saskia pointed at the symbols. "These are crests of the great trading houses, as well as the insignia of the most influential guilds. Between the two groups, they own the bulk of the merchandise or do the bulk of the work. They make up two-thirds of the ruling council and ensure the city trading floors function effectively. The nobles make up the other third."

  "What do the lion-headed door handles mean?" Connor asked, moving up to stand beside Verena.

  "That's the symbol of the lord marshal, my father," Saskia said proudly. Then her expression fell. "He's so sick."

  Verena touched her arm and said, "You'll do fine."

  Kilian added, "Saskia commands the military and acts as ultimate executive and judicial authority over the city."

  That sounded like a lot of power. Connor wondered how she balanced those very heavy duties with her natural cheery temperament.

  Inside, the council chamber was enormous, stretching away at
least a hundred yards, with a high, vaulted ceiling. Towering, arched windows occupied most of the left wall, offering a panoramic view south over the river and the wide expanse of Altkalen. The floor was clad with warm, golden oak.

  Fluted pillars of white marble marched along the other walls, outlining a dozen alcoves hung with the colors and symbols of the city nobles, the trading houses, and the guilds. Vases of multi-colored flowers hung from every pillar, filling the room with their soft, pleasant aroma.

  A long mahogany table occupied the center of the gigantic room. Ten council members sat in throne-like chairs spaced evenly around its gleaming length.

  Papers and maps were scattered along the table, and Connor wondered if that much flat wooden surface held some kind of innate attraction for paper. He'd never seen a big table that hadn't acquired ridiculous amounts of clutter.

  Captain Rory stood at the far end of the table. Erich and Anika stood guard nearby, and for once she wasn't grinning at the captain. All three of them looked a bit battered, and Erich was openly glowering. Nothing like a deadly battle to rock even such a strong impossible relationship.

  Saskia's demeanor changed as soon as she entered the room. She dropped the excited, chattering girl persona as quickly as if she'd discarded a hat. She swept into the room, head held high, the picture of poised confidence.

  "You weren't planning on doing something foolish before I arrived, like actually thinking Dougal's offer of peace was genuine?" she asked.

  An elderly gentleman in a rich blue and gold surcoat said, "Lady Marshal, we discuss all offers before making decisions. You know that."

  She sniffed, as if at a foul smell, and stepped to the empty chair at the head of the table. "Ladies and Gentlemen, you all know Kilian and General Wolfram."

  She swept an arm around to indicate the entire table. "The ruling council of Altkalen, led by our four senior counselors." The four rose, and Saskia introduced them.

  "Lord Pankraz, voice of the nobles and commander of the city watch."

  A middle-aged nobleman in a gray velvet jacket bowed, exuding an air of solid dependability.

  "Ulrich, the head of house Schulze and voice for the trading houses."


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