Jordan's Purrfect Mate

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Jordan's Purrfect Mate Page 3

by Jess Buffett

  “Hey,” he said, with a smile.


  Micah groaned. “Oh, christ. You two are fucking hopeless. Colt, tell me you heard what this dickhead said about wanting you and stuff, because I think I might gag if I have to hear it again. Not that it wasn’t sweet, it was, but sweet ain’t my thing.” Jordan threw him a look to shut him up, and Micah laughed.

  “I did hear. Maybe we should talk?” Colton offered, uncertainly.

  “I’d like that.”

  He’d like that a lot.

  Chapter 3


  After borrowing some of Micah’s clothes that seemed to fit Jordan perfectly but swam on him, Colton said good-bye to his friend. He let Jordan hold his hand as they made their way to the other end of the house. Colton had no idea what he was supposed to say or do, so he simply stayed quiet. This was the longest they had ever gone without fighting or bickering. It was nice.

  Worrying his lip ring, he kept darting glances at his mate. Colton took in the handsome lines of the man’s face, the blond spikes of hair that were so different to the raven ones he had. And those eyes, he’d never seen eyes that changed colour the way Jordan’s did.

  He enjoyed watching the way the Wolf’s muscles moved under the borrowed clothing. The strength Colton could see in them was a major turn-on and practically had his Panther purring. Damn cat only seemed to have one thing on its mind.

  Nearing their rooms though, Colton knew he’d have to say something. “I really don’t know what to say to you, and honestly I’m a little afraid to.”

  “I know, and that’s my fault.” Jordan grimaced. “Can you forgive me?”

  “Yeah. I think I can,” he answered cautiously. “Our biggest problem seems to be that we are stuck in this, sort of c—”

  “Cycle?” Jordan finished, with a grin.

  Colton blinked up at him. “Yeah. How’d you know I was going to say that?”

  “Because I came to the same conclusion after Jake gave me a good what for.” His mate chuckled.

  Colton joined him. “Micah did the same thing. Good thing for our friends, we’re both pretty hopeless by the sounds of it.”

  Jordan laughed. “Nah, no more than the rest of them here. I can guarantee you that all of the mated pairs here stumbled at one point or another, but with the help of their friends they all managed to pull their heads out of their arses.”

  “Even Jake and Sawyer?” he asked sceptically. The Kayan and Kayan eş were Colton’s definition of solid. He couldn’t imagine a time where they didn’t work like magic.

  “Oh boy. Definitely. I remember having to track Sawyer and Riley halfway across the city because of Jake and his big mouth,” Jordan revealed. “Jake knew that Sawyer was from the Minto Guild, but hadn’t told Sawyer that he knew. Then Jake and Dmitri have a bloody conversation about it while Sawyer and Riley are packing their things to move in. Needless to say, the twins always had a backup plan to escape, it was how they survived.”

  “So let me guess, they overheard and made a run for it?” Colton surmised.

  Jordan winced. “Yeah. Right into a trap set by Potestas. Although we finally got to see Sawyer in action, and I have to tell you, the man has moves. Don’t ever spar with him. Especially now that he has his ability and knows how to use it.”

  “You sound like you speak from experience?”

  Jordan grunted. “I do. And my arse protested being thrown to the ground so much, I haven’t done it since.”

  Colton let out a bellowing laugh. “Oh, I’d pay to see that.”

  “I bet,” Jordan muttered, but his lips quirked up into a small smile.

  Damn, that was a hell of a smile.

  “This is nice,” Colton whispered, tugging at the sleeves of the shirt he wore. “Us, talking, sharing. This was how it was supposed to be, wasn’t it?”

  Jordan sighed, raking a hand over his face. “Yeah, it was.”

  “I know that in a large part it’s my fault.” Jordan went to argue, and he stopped him. “No, it is. I have a knee-jerk reaction to push people away.”

  “Trust me, you’re not the only one,” Jordan assured him, his hazel eyes dulling with sadness.

  “I know.” He had made such a mess. “I really do want to try to make this work. Hell, I’m already crazy about you, to be honest. I’ve tried not to be. Figured I was better off not knowing you.”

  “What changed, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I couldn’t fight it. I had the biggest crush on you before I had even met you.” Colton shook his head in dismay. “Then I discovered you were my mate, and I panicked. People don’t have a good record of sticking around.”

  Colton was wholly unprepared for Jordan to gather him up in his arms, but that is exactly what the older man did. “Ah, babe. I’m so damn sorry. You may have had issues, but I certainly didn’t help them. I knew about your parents, and I really should have been more mindful. My damn brain just doesn’t always seem to kick in fast enough to filter my mouth.”

  He stood there, absorbing the comfort his mate gave him. It had been a long time since anyone but Micah had held him like this. And there was something much more intimate about the way Jordan’s hands slid up and down his back. The way his arm curled around him like a protective cocoon.

  Colton drew in his mate’s scent, allowing it to sink into him. “I really want this to work, Jordan,” he whispered, not wanting to break the spell they both seemed to be under.

  “Then why don’t we start over,” his mate offered, pulling back to hold out his hand, and Colton tried not to focus on the loss he felt from the move. “Hi, I’m Jordan, Ishad of the Hunter Clan, and your mate.”

  Colton laughed. His mate was nuts, but he had to admit he liked this playful side of the man. “Hi Jordan, I’m Colton. IT expert and general pain in the arse. Oh, and I’m your mate.”

  Jordan’s grin was huge. “I like hearing that.”


  “Your laugh. I’ve never heard it.”

  Colton frowned, not sure what the Wolf meant. “I’ve laughed plenty of times.”

  “Not a real laugh though,” Jordan explained, cupping Colton’s head between his very large hands. “Your face is more open, the laugh is lighter. It’s real, not forced.”

  “Oh.” He really hadn’t thought Jordan had noticed small things like that.

  As if hearing his thoughts, Jordan said, “I pay more attention than you think. Though, I think I’ve maybe misinterpreted a great deal as well. Why don’t you come to my room? I have a first aid kit in there. We can fix your arm up until it heals, maybe talk some?”

  “That’s actually a really good idea. Do you mind if I have a shower first though? I always feel so grungy after I shift, and just the thought that I might have Micah’s saliva in my wound is kinda grossing me out.” He grimaced.

  “I can understand that. I’m not too thrilled with the idea that his saliva is in there either,” Jordan muttered.

  Colton hid his smile, though a small thrill went through him that Jordan was jealous. It seemed Micah had been right.

  “Unca Jor, Unca Jor,” shouted a little voice.

  They both turned to see an extremely excited Ash running towards them. The Kayan’s son was bounding down the hall as if hellhounds were on his heels.

  Jordan cocked his head to the side, reminding Colton of how very canine his mate was. “Hey buddy, what’s up?”

  Colton chuckled when Ash didn’t stop as he reached them, but instead decided to climb up Jordan’s body. “Unca Jor, youse gotta save me!”

  “From what, bud?”

  “From her,” Ash whispered in terror as he pointed the way he had come.

  Colton struggled to maintain his composure when none other than Leah Hunter, Jake’s mother, came around the corner.

  “There you are,” the former Kayan eş huffed out. “Ashina Lucas Brandon Hunter, that is enough.”

  The little boy pouted. “I’m Ash, not Ashina. I’m a b

  Leah rolled her eyes. “My dear, dear grandson. For the umpteenth time, Ashina isn’t a girl’s name. And I wouldn’t use your entire name if you would stop taking off every time it was bath time.”

  “Ah, I see.” Jordan nodded, shrugging at the kid. “Sorry, dude, if nanny says it’s bath time there is nothing I can do about it.”

  “But…but…” Ash’s bottom lip trembled, and Colton tried hard not to laugh.

  “Come on now,” Leah soothed, taking Ash from Jordan’s arms. “The sooner we do this, the sooner it will all be over.”

  “I hate water,” the child grumbled.

  Colton finally did laugh. “Don’t let your dad hear that.”

  He found it highly amusing that the son of a Water Mage detested the idea of bath time so much.

  Ash gave a shrug. “Dadda knows. He says I’ve got Unca Ri’s spark in me.”

  The boy seemed extremely proud of something Colton was sure Sawyer hadn’t meant as a compliment.

  “All right, time to go.” Before turning to leave, Leah gave Jordan a kiss on the cheek. “I’m glad to see you two have worked things out. It isn’t always easy, but I promise it will always be worth it.” Dropping a kiss to Colton as well, she whispered to him, “Welcome to the family, Colton. Where I promise you will always belong.”

  He stood there stunned for a moment, in awe of the woman who was clearly the heart of the house. The former Kayan eş had just welcomed him into the family. Colton couldn’t believe what a turn his life was suddenly taking.

  “Come on.” Jordan slipped an arm around his shoulders, tilting his head toward a door nearby. “This is my place.”

  Colton frowned at Jordan’s wording. Place. It seemed a bit odd to call his room a place, but he shrugged it off. His nerves were getting to him and making him overthink far too much.

  His mouth dropped open as he entered his mate’s suite, suddenly understanding why Jordan referred to it as a place instead of a room. The thing was frigging huge. Colton had been surprised at the room he and the others had been given, thinking that the space had been large enough for a few of them. Now he saw that his room was on the rather small side.

  A kitchenette with black marble benches sat to the right of him, holding everything but an actual oven. Next to it was a cute little cove with a table and two chairs set up. A window stretched from ceiling to floor, allowing an impressive view of the grounds that the Hunter Clan owned. Everything could be seen, Colton realised as he moved closer, even the stream that ran through the property, and the playground that had been set up for all the children to play.

  Jordan cleared his throat behind him, and Colton blushed. “Sorry. It’s just really beautiful.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I did it. Used to only be an average-sized window there. I’d sit there for ages staring out at all of it. It became my little sanctuary, so I did it up and now when I’m not working, I usually spend most of my time sitting there, reading or just watching the pups play.”

  Jordan had a soft smile on his face, and Colton knew a big part of that was the children. He had seen his mate interacting with the young. The look of happiness Jordan got when he played with them almost made him jealous because he had never seemed to be able to get that response from the Ishad.

  His heart did a little flip though, when he looked back at the other man and saw that very smile focused on him.

  “I…I should have, ah, that shower,” he said awkwardly. Now that his mate wasn’t yelling at him or growling, Colton didn’t really know what to say or do. How was he supposed to act around him? The last thing he wanted to do was spoil things.

  “Sure. Bathroom is through there, and I have fresh towels,” Jordan said, pointing to a door he presumed was the bedroom.

  Nodding his head in thanks, Colton quickly made his way to the bathroom, stopping only briefly when he saw the enormous bed that sat in the middle of the room. Wow. Colton had always wanted a large bed with posts and a canopy. Apparently his mate did too.

  The mahogany structure sat in the middle of the room, a gold and bronze cover spread across it with a sheer white curtain hanging from the canopy. So decadent, Colton couldn’t stop the shiver of desire that coursed through him at the thought of he and Jordan sprawled together in that enormous bed.

  Dammit. Shower. He needed a cold shower.

  Not bothering to close the door, Colton slipped out of his clothes, and stepped into the white-and-black-tiled recess that was large enough for at least four men. Turning on the taps, he hissed when the water first hit his wound. Dammit, Micah. He knew his friend was only trying to defend him, but seriously? Did he have to do it with his goddamn teeth? It fucking hurt. Stupid mutt, he thought, chuckling to himself.

  Micah had a serious alpha complex with no outlet. Hmmm, maybe when things calmed down and Jordan wasn’t so pissed at the other Wolf, Colton could ask him about Micah trying out to become an Ishad. He thought his friend would make a really good one, as long as he learnt to follow orders properly. He certainly had the strength and the determination. And loyalty. Micah was nothing if not loyal. Their time with Potestas had proven that.

  Even when his own brothers had turned on him, Colton had been able to rely on Micah. Thinking of his brothers, and their deep hate of him, almost crippled Colton some days. He knew why Mason and Ethan blamed him for his parents’ death, a part of him even understood. But the looks of pure venom he’d received from them when he saw them tore him in two.

  Colton had thought he was protecting his family by doing as Potestas asked. If he did better than his father, then they would leave his dad alone. He had been so fucking wrong.

  Gingerly cleaning out his wound with the hot spray, he then reached over for the soap, desperate to not only wash away the grime, but the gut wrenching pain he felt inside as well. Once he felt clean and refreshed, he stepped out of the shower and shook himself off.

  He was a cat, so sue him.

  Picking up a towel off of the rail, he finished drying himself off, then slipped his friend’s clothes back on. While he wanted nothing more than to claim Jordan, and to have the other man claim him, Colton didn’t want to push things. Jordan had said he wanted to give this a go, wanted them to work, but Colton still felt like at any moment everything could be pulled out from under him. How long would it take for him to say, or do, the wrong thing, and piss his mate off again?

  Out in the bedroom, he found Jordan standing in the doorway, a deep frown on his face.

  Apparently not long. Jeez, I haven’t even said anything yet.

  When Jordan didn’t say anything, Colton hesitantly asked, “What? Did something happen?”

  Jordan shook his head as he continued to stare at him. “Why did you put those back on?”

  Huh? Colton looked down at the borrowed clothes he was wearing, then back up at his mate.

  “Um, because I didn’t want to walk around naked?” It came out as more of a question than an answer, but he really wasn’t sure what the problem was, or what the right answer would be.

  His mate mumbled something that even with his advanced hearing, he had trouble hearing. “What was that?”

  “I said, I would have given you some of my things to wear,” Jordan huffed out, folding his arms over his chest.

  Colton wanted to laugh, but knew it wouldn’t be wise. Lord save him from alpha men!

  Jordan was clearly disgruntled with him wearing another man’s clothes, especially one he had just gone head-to-head with. Colton hadn’t thought of that when he had slipped back into the clothing. Though it did wonders for his ego. After weeks of thinking not even his mate wanted him, it did his heart good to know the Wolf was jealous.

  Walking over to his mate, with a little extra sway in his step, Colton grinned. “You have no need to worry. Micah and I aren’t like that, never have been.”

  Now directly in front of his mate, Colton shored up his courage and placed his hands on Jordan’s chest. Sliding them up until he was able to link them ar
ound Jordan’s neck, he gave a little tug, bringing their lips together. His breath hitched, and his heart sped up in anticipation. Apart from their kiss when they met face-to-face, they hadn’t shared another.

  The feel of Jordan’s plush, full lips against his made him sigh. Jordan didn’t hesitate to move in, his tongue delving into the hot crevices of his mouth. Colton moaned when Jordan clutched him to his chest. As Jordan continued to devour him, Colton shivered at the feel of his mate’s cock pressing into his stomach.

  Unfortunately, breathing became necessary, and Colton whimpered at the loss of his mate’s lips, only to rejoice when they returned, trailing down his throat. Colton tilted his head to the side, giving his mate more room to work. It was also a sign of submission, letting Jordan know he wanted anything Jordan would give.

  Fuck, he wanted his mate!

  Jordan lifted his head, and something fierce and primal flashed in his eyes. The next thing Colton knew, he was on his back covered by his mate’s hard, hot body. Colton drew in a shaky breath when Jordan pushed at his thighs, spreading them wide. Jordan settled in between them, and he groaned as their cocks rubbed together.

  Colton scraped his nails down Jordan’s back, loving the feel of his mate’s body arching against his. Rutting together, he held tighter, enjoying the feel of his mate’s body against his.

  Suddenly Jordan sat back and began tearing at Colton’s clothing. Well, actually it was Micah’s, and his friend was going to be pissed. When Jordan’s teeth clamped down on his nipple, Colton cried out, no longer caring as he allowed Jordan to finish stripping him.

  Jordan brought their lips back together and Colton didn’t hesitate. He pressed his tongue at Jordan’s lips until he opened. He drank in his mate’s taste and felt light-headed. Never had a kiss been more perfect. Not that he had a lot of practice, but everything he had ever experienced felt like a dud compared to being with his mate.

  With hands groping and fingers rushing, they got Jordan out of his clothes as well. Jordan pulled away, crawling over to the side of the bed. He reached into his side drawer and pulled a tube of lube from it. Colton watched as his mate crawled closer to him like a predator stalking its prey. Colton didn’t think it was possible for someone to look so animalistic, but at that moment Jordan was more animal than man. His cat perked up, purring inside, desperate to submit.


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