The Anglo-American majority has been compelled to embrace as brothers under the skin all officially-designated, “discrete and insular minorities,”153 whatever their colour, creed, or citizenship. Under the current constitutional dispensation, the sacred cause of liberty, equality, and fraternity has been consummated in the corporate-sponsored American Dream.
But, of course, it was all a fantastic fiction. America’s constitutional faith is now being sorely tested by the post-American Obama regime’s efforts to inaugurate a Fourth (Transnational) Republic. As the revolutionary ideal of fraternity morphs into the official/corporate/media celebration of diversity, the (implicitly Anglo-Saxon Protestant) American Adam faces expulsion from his New World garden.
A Nation of Nations
The harsh reality that America is a “nation of nations” may at long last be sinking in. But, one cannot be confident; Tea Partiers remain steadfastly in denial as they demand “their” country back. As if the Constitutional Republic was ever “theirs” to have and to hold in fee simple! At best, they are now tenants at will on the demesne of the federal Leviathan. But Harold Cruse, the most incisive black nationalist writer of the Sixties, remarked ruefully that “America is a nation that lies to itself about who and what it is”. WASPs were and are the worst offenders. For Cruse, America was “a nation of minorities…ruled by a minority of one” which “thinks and acts as if [the USA is simply] a nation of Anglo-Saxon Protestants”.154
In the Sixties WASPs were still the dominant group among white Americans. It was the civic duty of the WASP intelligentsia, therefore, to produce its own “representative radical-intellectual trend.” Cruse warned every racial, religious, and ethnic group needed “organic” intellectuals able to articulate its particular interests and shape its distinctive ethno-culture. That representative function must be performed to the best of its ability by the intelligentsia in each of America’s constituent ethno-nations; otherwise “social progress in America” would “be ethnically retarded, if not checkmated”.155
Unfortunately, the Tea Party movement fosters the delusion that WASPs are not an ethnic group comme les autres. That is partly because previous generations of WASP intellectuals shirked “their creative and intellectual responsibilities to the internal American commonweal,” effectively dissuading, crippling, and smothering “the cultivation of a democratic cultural pluralism in America”.156
Of course, Cruse also vigorously condemned the simultaneous failure of Negro intellectuals to promote the political, economic, and cultural autonomy of American blacks. Jews, however, were only too ready, willing, and able to fill the intellectual vacuum left by educated WASPs and their Negro counterparts.
First, Jewish radicals skilfully persuaded Negroes to chase the chimera of racial integration rather than learn to stand on their own two feet. Then Jews of all stripes constantly badgered WASPs to put the magical Negro in place of Christ as an object of religious devotion.
The result, according to radio personality James Edwards is the “vague, confused jumble of meaninglessness” generated by an American civil religion reduced to the patently ridiculous worship of “the god(s) of our Jewish-Christian-Muslim-Hindu-Mormon-Sikh-Zoroastrian heritage”. Politics as usual cannot possibly pull patriotic Americans out of the multicultural mire.
Indeed, as the sorry saga of homo Americanus reminds us, politics is pretty much the problem. No souls will be saved in political coalitions/parties/prescriptions aiming to restore the Republic. American democracy has always been the fatal flaw in the character of the American Republic. It is now beyond obvious that not everyone can be depended upon to behave like a WASP gentleman.
Displaced and depressed, WASPs suffer from a chronic spiritual disorder; they need a spiritual cure. The merely political mobilization of the masses will not and cannot achieve the ethnoreligious regeneration of the Anglo-Saxon race. Theology, specifically a Christian ethnotheology, will be more relevant to the task at hand than a number-crunching science of politics.
In the spiritual struggles to come, therefore, the shrinking population of “pure-bred” WASPs in the wastelands of suburbia is not a matter of immediate or critical concern. Jews are comparatively few in number but they know how to leverage their influence through the use of well-established, socially cohesive tribal networks.
Let me hazard a prophecy: Over the next century, a global network of Anglo-Saxon tribes, taking root among the scattered remnants of a once-great race, will set out to replant the explicitly ethnocentric Christian faith of the early Angelcynn (i.e. “kin of the Angles”) Church in the lost soul of the American WASP.
Tribes, analyst John Robb remarks, are the organizational cockroaches of history; as such they are likely to provide the most secure foundation for local, resilient, and survivable communities in the increasingly likely event of an American Apocalypse. Robb’s freeze-dried description of the means by which tribes generate in-group solidarity is worth quoting in full:
Storytelling. Shared histories and historical narratives.
Rites of passage. Rituals of membership. Membership is earned not given due to the geographic location of birth or residence.
Obligations. Rules of conduct and honour. The ultimate penalty being expulsion.
Egalitarian and often leaderless organization. Sharing is prized.
Multi-skilled. Segmental organization (lots of redundancy among parts).
Two-way loyalty. The tribe protects the members and the members protect the tribe. If this isn’t implemented, you don’t have a tribe, you have a Kiwanis club.
Just add Anglo-Saxon blood infused with the Holy Spirit and stir. The result is the perfect recipe for a postmodern Anglican Reformation. The multitude of religious bodies, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, and other community organizations descended from the Church of England provides an ideal medium for tribal networking.
What Guillaume Faye calls “archeofuturism” will be the watchword for a reformed Anglicanism.157 The future of American WASPs depends upon their capacity to recover archaic folkways buried in the ruins of Anglo-Saxon Christendom.
In Deuteronomy 26:16–19 Yahweh recognized Old Covenant Israel as his “special possession.” Biblical prophecies of a New Covenant creation were fulfilled in AD 70; Christ came “on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory” (Matthew 24:30) to oversee the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. The covenant world of the rebellious and stiff-necked Jews who had rejected Christ perished together with the physical structure of the Temple. In the new heavens and the new earth other “nations” were invited to enter into the spiritual Kingdom of God. Anglo-Saxon England jumped at the chance. Alfred the Great and other Anglo-Saxon kings gladly recognized Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
The Anglo-Saxon tribes soon conformed to His ways. By keeping His commandments, England became the Christian prototype of a holy nation. Indeed, the nascent English nation aspired to be a new Israel. In return, God raised England “high above all the nations which he has made,” at least for a time. Contemporary WASPs must follow the archaic example set by their remote ancestors in bringing “praise and fame” to God. By so doing, they might be reborn as “a people holy to the Lord”.
Effete WASP intellectuals have the priceless opportunity to be reinvent themselves as Christian cultural crusaders; they can and should spearhead an unrelenting assault on the secular humanist faith in the political economy of the modern state — just as America’s revolutionary regime plunges into a profound and prolonged, and possibly terminal crisis of legitimacy.
Only those who return to the old blood-faith of the Anglo-Saxon race will be able to deprogram WASPs captured by the American cult of the Constitution. In 1 John 5:7–8, Scripture reminds us that the three witnesses to the coming of Jesus Christ are “the Spirit, the water, and the blood”. Indeed, “this command comes from Christ himself: that he who loves God must also love his brother”.
; As revealed in the poetry of Shakespeare and the prose of Sir Walter Scott, the Christian faith cannot be transmitted by pure reason; it comes to us through the blood of our kith and kin. For far too long, America’s bloodless civil religion has blinded WASPs to their obligations to the dead and the unborn of their kindred folk.
The ongoing struggle for the soul of the WASP will be one of the most important flashpoints in twenty-first century ethno-politics. American WASPs will not be alone in their suffering in the coming collapse of the Constitutional Republic. The geopolitical destiny of their co-ethnics in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom also hangs in the balance.
4: Natural Born Citizen? Obama and the Fourth American Revolution
Old-stock Americans need to understand the metapolitical significance of the Presidential election in 2012. On a strict reading of the Constitution (i.e. in accordance with the “original intent” of the framers), there can be little doubt that Barack Hussein Obama has never been eligible to the Office of President.
But already when I was a graduate student at Harvard Law School in the early Eighties, such formalistic constraints were being reduced to fossilized irrelevance. Decades of legal realism combined with the nascent critical legal studies movement to foster the legal amnesia implicit in the progressive ideal of the “living constitution”.158
Three decades on, bien pensant contempt for “originalism” is even more deeply entrenched upon the commanding heights of the Constitutional Republic. We can be sure, therefore, that the apparently “unconstitutional” re-election of putative President Obama will not be a story of politics as usual. It will mark instead yet another momentous turning point in American constitutional history; namely, the inauguration of the Fourth (Transnational) Republic.
The American Republic is the world’s oldest and most successful revolutionary regime. The American Revolution began with the War of Independence waged against Great Britain by rebellious colonies loosely united under the Articles of Confederation. It has continued for more than two centuries.
The radicalism of the American Revolution engendered several major mutations in the body politic of the Republic.159 Inspired by the secular humanist ideology of the European Enlightenment, America’s constitutional faith strove to incarnate the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity, one after another, in a series of revolutionary republican moments.160 A distinctively American political theology emerged to justify no less than three metapolitical transformations in the religion of the Republic.
The first generation of American revolutionaries transformed their petty colonial rebellions into a singular and unprecedented symbol of liberation for all mankind. The “first new nation” emerged as a centralized and expansionist Constitutional Republic; its legitimacy derived not from history and tradition but from the sovereign will of the people of its several States.161
The idea of a sovereign people was, of course, a novel one; neither in England nor in the thirteen colonies did the sovereign people exist as a constitutional actor in their own right. Sovereign authority was vested in the King and Parliament. The break with Britain meant that the sovereign “people-at-large” had to be invented in every State of the newly independent Republic.162 Do not imagine, however, that the creation of the American Republic brought the Revolution to an end.163
Several constitutional coups d’état have punctuated the long history of the American Revolution, down to the present day. The first of these was the ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787.
Under the Articles of Confederation, constitutional amendments required unanimous approval by State legislatures. Inconveniently, the consolidated commercial republic favoured by Federalists — progressive lawyers, merchants, and bankers — faced strong resistance from back-country populists entrenched in the lower house of several State legislatures.
Accordingly, the Federalist founding fathers set out boldly to circumvent the legislative power base of the Antifederalist movement.164 They called upon specially elected constitutional conventions acting in the name of the sovereign people-at-large in each State to ratify the new Constitution.
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
The constitutive principle of the First (Federal) Republic was liberty. But the festering contradiction between the progressive ideal of liberty and the reactionary realities of Negro slavery unleashed another wave of revolutionary dynamism, found in its most extreme form in the rise of the abolitionist movement.
Eventually, the First (Federal) Republic was overthrown. When the War for Southern Independence was lost, the federal principle which licensed the secession of the slave States was subordinated to the colour-blind ideal of personal liberty. It was clear that sovereign authority had passed from the citizens of the several States into a consolidated Union government under the direction of Northern commercial and industrial interests.
But formal legal recognition of the Second (Bourgeois) Republic required another constitutional coup d’état. Radical Republicans adopted the revolutionary Fourteenth Amendment to subordinate the States to the federal government and to create a uniform national citizenship.
According to Article V of the federal Constitution, however, amendments require the formal consent of three quarters of the States. The southern States were still under military occupation by Union troops. Fraud and coercion were employed freely to compel southern legislatures to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868. In effect, white Southerners were made an offer they could not refuse: ratify the Fourteenth Amendment or be denied re-admission to the Union.
The Second Republic was founded on the principle of equality. But it eventually foundered upon the multiplying contradictions between the formal legal ideal of equality and the substantive social realities of race, class, and gender.
Seventy years after the Civil War, the New Deal ushered in the Third (Managerial/Therapeutic) Republic which radically expanded the powers of the federal government. No effort was made to obtain the formal consent of the States to this constitutional revolution.
Indeed, in 1937, the Supreme Court, too, was compelled to abandon its early resistance to repeated and sweeping federal usurpations of State jurisdiction by making the famous “switch in time that saved nine”. Faced with Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court, the judiciary simply turned a blind eye to the Article V amendment procedure, choosing instead to place its imprimatur on the Third American Revolution.
The Third Republic based itself upon the revolutionary ideal of fraternity among American citizens of every class, race, and gender. But by the Sixties the principle of fraternity stood in stark contradiction not just to individuals’ freedom of association but also to the exclusionary character of allegedly “racist” immigration laws. Accordingly, the progressive leaders of the Republic launched a demographic revolution which extended the blessings of American citizenship to millions of non-whites drawn from every corner of the Third World.
As a consequence, the principle of fraternity quickly morphed into the celebration of diversity as an end in itself. But demographic diversity stands in clear contradiction to the ancient republican ideal of a body politic in which citizens unite in pursuit of the public interest and the common good.
Homo americanus long ago renounced his historic allegiance to throne and altar. Soon afterward the blood faith that his colonial ancestors had shared with their kith and kin across the Atlantic was replaced by the civil religion of the Republic. Americans had also become hopelessly addicted to endless economic growth and territorial expansion. Within that future-oriented novus ordo seclorum, it was impossible to define the constitutional abstraction known as the sovereign people-at-large in terms of shared blood, language, and religion.
Natural Born Citizenship
The most the American Adam could do was to limit citizenship to white people. Given the ever-expanding population of foreign-born citizens, the framers sought to guarantee the undivided loyalt
y of those who occupied the highest office in the land. Only a “natural born citizen” was eligible to occupy the Office of the President.
In 1875, Minor v Happersett, the only Supreme Court decision to pronounce upon the issue, defined a natural born citizen as a person born in the United States to parents (i.e. mother and father) who are both citizens of the American Republic.165
Natural born citizens are bound, therefore, by both blood and soil to the American body politic. So long as the President is a natural born citizen, the American Republic is not wholly and completely a “proposition nation.” Under the rule in Minor v Happersett, it is clear that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States.
This means that the Presidential election of 2012 amounted to nothing less than a de facto referendum on the nullification of the formal constitutional provision requiring the President to be a natural born citizen. Obama’s re-election presents both the States and the Supreme Court with a fait accompli, the fourth and final constitutional coup in the history of the American Republic.
Ironically, having spent the past four years denying that Barack Obama is a natural born citizen, the so-called “birther” movement may be hoist upon its own petard. Once he has been re-elected, challenges to President Obama’s eligibility following his re-election will encounter the objection that the sovereign People knew or ought to have known that, even on his own account:
Dissident Dispatches Page 13