Clipped Wings: A New Orleans Shifters Novel

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Clipped Wings: A New Orleans Shifters Novel Page 11

by C. J. Snyder

  Everyone’s nerves were on edge; I hate tension. Matter of fact, I hate anything that has to do with serious situations, but in this, I had no choice. Gritting my teeth in frustration I inhale deep and exhale loud, “Alright. Alright, I’m sorry ok? I’m just as on edge as you are. Please put your phone away.” Claire huffed and slammed it down on the patio table screen side down. “Happy?”

  Yes, asshole – I’m happy.

  “So, we have the girls doing recon at the Wiccan shop, do either of you,” gesturing toward Gage and Chayton, “Know of any hobby or sporting stores that may carry bows like that?” They both shook their heads for a moment before Chayton’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

  “There’s a specialty shop that gears toward Military and professional hunters. We may luck out and find something there.”

  “Now we were getting somewhere. “Ok. Good. Chay, I want you to scope that store out. See what you can find out about carbon bows. Poke around as much as you can without seeming obvious. And please be careful little brother.” Even though he had a frown on his face, he nodded.

  “Gage, we need everything we can find on human hunters who like to hunt our kind. Maybe the library has a section on paranormal lore.” Before he could even answer me, my phone alerted me that the doorbell rang, the pizza had arrived.

  “Pizza’s here. Let’s eat.”


  CHapter 15


  Pizza arrived and everyone concentrated on the food and drinks. Seems like minds were occupied on what we were going to do to solve the mystery of the Hunters. You know, you see these things in movies and read them in books – but never in your life do you expect to be smack dab in the middle of it in real life. We had twenty-four hours to figure out what the hell was going on before Kangee’s family started asking questions. It wasn’t enough time. The elders were going to expect answers or at least a plan to find the answers. And they would expect us to have started researching it all.

  Looking over the group, most of us were done eating at this point; no one has said a word. Claire texting on her phone, again. Kangee sitting next to me with one hand planted firmly on my knee and the other under his chin holding his head up, Gage and Presley were engaged in what looked like a deep conversation and Chayton was pacing around the back yard tapping his open palms against his thighs.

  Deciding that the silence needed to be broken I said, “Guys, it’s starting to get late. Are we going to split up and start searching these stores?” Everyone’s heads whipped up and looked at me. Ok, spell broken, great. Kangee adjusted himself in the patio chair to sit up straight, breathing deeply in and letting out a sigh to match, “Yah, we need to get on with it.

  We have to have answers or at least a direction to go by this time tomorrow.”

  Kangee stood up and everyone took that as the sign that they, as well, needed to stand and start cleaning up the area. Everyone that is, except Ms. Attitude, Claire. We are going to tumble, watch. “Claire,” watching her slowly lift her gaze in my direction like she might have heard something, “You want to help or should Kangee follow through with the river meeting your phone?”

  Claire stood so quickly that her chair flew out from under her and crashed to the yard, “Sure, I’ll help, human.” She picked up empty pizza boxes and slammed them into the trash container on the side of the house and stomped back over to where we were all milling around. “Better, your highness?” Breathe Cora, breathe. Taking multiple ‘in through your nose, out through your mouth’ breaths, “Yes. Thank you.

  Are you ready to go shopping?”

  Claire nodded with the perma-frown attached to her face. Presley said goodbye to Gage with a super passionate kiss that made even my face go red.

  Not wanting to let them show me up, I walked over to Kangee and wrapped my arms around his thick muscular neck and pressed my body to his, “Kiss me handsome.” Don’t have to tell him twice, he reached around and cupped my ass pulling me even closer than I was. His perfect mouth took mine hard and sucked my bottom lip in, grazing it with his teeth.

  Releasing me and the kiss at the same time, I stumbled backward. Kangee reached out and caught my arm before I made a fool of myself and landed on my ass. “Thanks, sexy.” Winking at me, he turned back to the guys, “Gage lets power up the laptop and see what we can find in lore. Chayton, scoot over to that sporting goods store, see what you can dig up. You girls please be careful.”

  Grabbing my bag and signaling the other two, “Let’s go check out the Wiccan store.” Presley hopped over to me and we started walking toward the back gate. As sarcastically as I could I called over my shoulder, “Coming, Claire?” She shoved her phone back into her pocket, her pace slow as she followed behind us.

  She stayed two to three paces behind us almost the entire way to Broad Street, until the subject of Kangee and me potentially being mates came up. Claire took two long strides to be able to walk directly at my side, “So, have you two fucked yet?” Presley sucked in a breath. Where’s the tact, Claire, damn. Glaring sideways at her I gritted out, “No, nosey ass, we haven’t. Why?”

  She snickered while checking her phone for the umpteenth time, “Oh, you are in for a very good time. I know I had fun with birdman.” She put her phone back into her pocket yet again, and continued, “You wouldn’t think a bird shifter would come with a… well, you know what they say about big things in small packages...” She jumped ahead of us and turned around to face Presley and me all while talking, “And the things he can do with his mouth – Oh!” She made a face that would mimic what someone would have in the throes of passion. What was with her? And that damn phone!

  The urge to hit this bitch and put her in a headlock was strong. “Noted, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.” Claire laughed and pointed her finger at herself, “Oh you flatter me, going to keep me diddling your boyfriend in mind when you guys are sexing it up, huh?” Oh, that was it! I started taking a few aggressive steps toward her when I felt a small hand on my forearm. Looking over at Presley, her eyes were as big as saucers and she was shaking her head.

  The realization of what was happening hit me like a ton of bricks; she was baiting me because she was jealous. Of me! How is that even possible? “Oh my God, Claire, you’re jealous!” Her face went beet red and she spun around to face the front, “Why would I be jealous over a human? There’s no possible way this can last. You watch and see – I’ll have him back in my bed moaning my name before the summer is gone.”

  Jealously is a mother. Before I knew it, I jumped on her back and wrapped my legs around her middle, pinning her hands to her side with my arms. Claire shrieked and dropped to the ground – the wrong move, Chica- pulling her arms above her head; I locked my ankles and bent her back in an upright position. “Get off me before I hurt you.” she hissed. She was wriggling and trying hard to dislodge my hold; Presley stepped sideways and stood with her mouth open, then tried talking to get us to calm down.

  She might be stronger and faster, but I had years of experience and technique. “You talk like that about Kangee again, and I’ll break your neck. I am human but I am not weak; I will hurt you – understand?” Claire simply nodded as the hold I had on her was starting to cut off her oxygen. Unraveling myself from her, I slowly got up and offered her a hand up. Claire took the offered hand and stood up, dusting off her leather pants and looking at me with slightly new found respect.

  “I’m protective, Cora. And I’m a bit of a bitch. But I respond well to another female’s show of power,” she glanced at Presley and then back to me, “But I won’t tolerate that again, next time you put hands on me, you’d better be prepared to fight.”

  Nodding with a tight smile I reminded her, “Don’t talk trash and it won’t happen again. You’ve been warned.” Presley cleared her throat, “Um, guys?” Looking around I notice a small crowd had gathered to watch the ‘Girl Fight’. We started walking again without a word, and they moved along without so much as a peep. Presley broke the s
ilence, “The shop should be just a little way up here.”

  She pointed to the end of the block on Broad Street.

  I was still fuming when we reached the Wiccan shop. Claire hesitated and it was all I could do to keep from smacking her upside the head.

  “What is it now Claire? We really don’t have time for anymore arguing right now.”

  “We smell different.”

  “Huh?” Both Presley and I said at the same time.

  “What do you mean we smell different? Care to explain that to us?” I asked my foot tapping rapidly on the pavement.

  “I’m sure Kangee’s told you we can smell humans because they smell different from shifters. Presley smells a little different than a human because she is mated to Gage.

  Witches are human but not; if that makes any sense. I’m not sure if the girl working will know the difference or not. Maybe she isn’t even a witch? Should we still chance going in there?”

  “Do you know what a witch is supposed to smell like?” I asked understanding her concern. Claire nodded her head but I could still see her apprehension about going into the store, “How close do you have to get to get a good sniff?” Claire wrinkled her face up but answered without any sarcasm.

  “Depending on where they are when we walk in, I should be able to tell right away.” It seems easy enough, “Alright, then let’s all go in and act normal”. After a little bit of hesitation, all three of us entered the shop and walked in different directions. Presley went over to the gems and rocks, Claire decided to check out books and I went to jewelry. The shop was lovely, little sections in the front with tarot cards for sale, a huge sign in the window advertising card readings and medium readings.

  Carefully, I walked over to Claire and pretending to be interesting in the book in her hand.

  “Claire?” She looked up from the book in her hand about constellations and star signs, “You picking anything up in here?” Tilting her head to the side with a slight frown she said, “Yeah, there’s a distinct witchy odor coming from the back of the store. Smells like a mix of cinnamon and sage.”

  Interesting mix, but ok.

  Making my way toward the back of the store and acting like I was interested in different herbs that I saw in bins, I got as close to the back of the store as I could before a tall, tan-skinned lady came out through the curtains closing off a doorway.

  In a thick New Orleans accent and wearing a warm smile she asked, “Do you need help with anything?”

  I knew I had to think fast to find out if they are selling real magic in here, “Yes. I’m just starting to get in touch with my inner-witch. What would I need for a stroke of good luck or money spell?” The lady’s face lit up like the Fourth of July.

  “Well, we have starter books over there, candles and herbs back here. That will get you on a great beginner path.”

  “Does the store offer workshops or classes to help newbies?”

  The smile that appeared on her face was both all-knowing and warm at the same time, “The store doesn’t, no. But, I offer mentoring for serious students, on a one on one basis.”

  Now we were getting somewhere, “I’m interested, what do you teach?” She walked toward the back and motioned for me to follow her, “Come, and let me show you a few examples.”

  Hesitation filled my belly like a warm cup of coffee. Not comfortable leaving the eyesight of my comrades I said, “I’d like to get a couple of starter books and make sure this is something I want to get into. Is it okay if I come back at a later date to see the samples?”

  That got a narrowed look from the woman, but she was able to quickly compose her facial expressions, “Absolutely. I’d be happy to show you the ropes.” I told her thank you and walked back over to where the other two were looking at different stones and gems, “You were right, Claire.

  I think I may have something to go on.

  "You guys ready to get out of here?”

  Both of them looked up from the gems they were gawking over and shook their heads, “I want to pick up a crystal. Let me go check out.” Presley said and pivoted to head up to the cashier.

  Claire and I headed toward the door. Something made me turn around and look back toward Presley.

  Standing in the doorway in the back of the store, was the lady that offered to show me samples. Her eyes were wide and she looked frozen in place. Then it was like the world went into fast forward as she pulled her cell phone out and quickly dialed a number.

  “Oh shit!” Claire gasped as she quickly made an exit out the door and I yelled over to Presley to hurry it up and we’d meet her outside.

  “We gotta go, that lady knew what I was the moment we made eye contact.”

  As soon as Presley joined us we hurried down Broad Street and quickly made a turn to get out of sight. Standing against the wall of a building, all three of us took a moment to catch our breath, “What was that all about?” I asked between gasping for air.

  Claire shook her head, “She knows, somehow she knows that I am a shifter and I think she was calling the hunters. We can’t stay here, we have to move and get back to the house.” My irritation with Claire immediately transformed into concern for her safety.

  We started walking at a decent pace back toward Kangee’s house, the three of us were watching over our shoulders with fear that we were being followed. Claire walked only a couple paces ahead of us at our insistence. We didn’t want her back exposed in case one of the hunters was lurking in the shadows.

  Claire stopped and turned to face us, “It’s starting to get dark guys. We need to get back to the house and quick!” I could tell her anxiety was climbing by the minute. Looking over at Presley I said, “Let’s pick this up a notch, you ok with jogging?” At her nod, we set a pace and jogged the rest of the way back to the house.

  Reaching the gate that leads into the backyard of his house, we nudged it open and walked in. Kangee and Gage were still deep into researching and writing things down, they didn’t turn around until we approached within five feet of them.

  Our faces must have shown concern since both guys jumped up from their seats and came rushing over. Kangee reached me first and wrapped me in his strong arms, “What happened?”

  His eyes searched my face and then down my body for any injuries, his hands running up and down to make sure I wasn’t hurt.

  “I’m fine, baby, physically anyhow.” That seemed to get both of their attention. Glancing around to see where Claire went I spotted her standing by the backyard gate peering over the top of it like she was expecting someone else to come through behind us. Someone who wasn’t supposed to be there, someone she didn’t want to see.

  Kangee walked over to Claire with a deep frown on his handsome face, “What’s going on Claire?”

  Claire shook her head and looked at him with wide eyes, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth, “This goes deeper than just those hunters.

  We are right in the middle of a shit ton of danger.”


  Chapter 16


  Standing there, looking at Claire, I knew we were going up against something none of us have ever dealt with before. In all our years of being around each other, I have never seen her so worked up with worry.

  “One of you better start talking.” I look over at the girls, “I need to know everything that has happened since you left this backyard.” Cora sighed and a deep red blush crept up her neck to her face, stealing a glance over to Presley, “Everything? Can’t we just skip right to the store?” Oh hell, what happened?

  Presley walked over to where Gage was sitting and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, “Well, we left here and started walking toward the shop, talking – ya know? When Claire,” she shot Claire a glare that one doesn’t normally see from Presley, even my blood ran cold for a moment, “Goaded Cora. Cora put her into a submission hold. After that was resolved, we moved on to the shop and entered. Then we split up and looked around.”

  Claire was pacin
g back and forth in front of the gate but kept an eye on the shadows on the other side of that gate. Cora sat down on the grass and crossed her legs, “I went to the back of the store because Claire said she smelled a stronger witchy smell back there,” I looked over at Claire for confirmation, she nodded her head with a glance my way, “There was this lady, think maybe she was a psychic or something, in the back room. I pretended like I was there to learn the craft. She wanted to take me in the back of the store and show me some samples of her work.”

  Cora took a deep breath and leaned back on her forearms, “I didn’t want to go with her to the back, I don’t know, I just got a weird feeling. I asked her if she did any type of private lessons. She said she did and I told her that I’d be in touch.”

  Even though my head was still spinning from the news that my woman jumped onto the back of a shifter and hadn’t gotten killed, I couldn’t figure out what had them so spooked, “Was that it? What has you guys so spooked?” Two out of three girls were pacing now; Presley was still standing behind Gage.

  As if on cue, Claire stomps over to the table and crosses her arms over her chest, “We were about to leave the store, Presley was purchasing something so we turned around to see how close she was to being done and the lady that Cora spoke to was standing at the doorway staring at me. The look on her face told me that she knew exactly what I was. By the time we made eye contact, she was already on her phone alerting someone to my presence.”

  Well, that wasn’t good at all. With sarcasm dripping heavily from my voice, “Well, isn’t that just fucking great.” Going back over to the chair I was in before they came through the gate, I plopped into it and put my head in my hands. Shit. Shit. Shit. That made what we found make so much more sense, but still not enough answers.


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