My Beastly Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 1)

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My Beastly Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 1) Page 9

by Jackie Castle

  “That one belonged to my great-great-grandmother.” He headed for his worktable. Several half-completed pieces were stacked in wooden display boxes on the side table. He laid them out beside each other. “These are the ones I’m supposed to be working on, but—” he shook his head in dismay “—I hate them. All of them.”

  Elisa was at his side, gazing over his shoulder. Her closeness brought a sense of warmth seeping through his chest. He resisted the urge to slip his arm around her waist and draw her in closer. Elisa Lucken wasn’t anything like the women he referred to as the passing-through girls. The ones who wanted to be seen with him at social functions and have their pictures taken with him to boost their popularity. They didn’t even mind the false stories that they might be his latest flame.

  His last girlfriend had also turned out to be a social climber who was feeding stories to the paparazzi. Soon after he’d broken it off with her, Father had taken ill. Duncan no longer cared to pursue relationships and focused his attention on managing Father’s care.

  “Where did you go, Duncan Grimwood?” Elisa asked with a smirk. “I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking at here. But this rose…” she ran her finger over one of the pedals of the diamond rose. “I’m going to wager that every stone is genuine?”

  “Yes.” Duncan gently cupped it into his hands. “It’s supposed to be a pendant, but it’s too large. So, then I was thinking of turning it into a brooch, but…again…” He held it up so the light glistened off the diamonds and rubies. He still needed to finish setting the emeralds into the leaves and then working the silver border around the edges. “I’ve created a monstrosity, but I can’t seem to give up on it.” He chuckled. “Who will ever wear such a thing? Not to mention that it will cost a fortune to purchase.”

  She folded her arms over her chest. “Do you like it?”

  His smile widened, knowing what she was doing. “Honestly, I do.”

  “Then…that’s all that matters, right?” She nudged him with her elbow, her grin mischievous.

  He chuckled. “Yes, you are so very right. You learn quick, don’t you? I appreciate how you’ve used my own words against me.”

  “Well, wisdom is as wisdom does. Truly, the rose is…stunning, Duncan. Yes, it’s huge, but it definitely something you should be proud of. The craftsmanship is…” she touched the hand-molded edges. “Amazing. You are a true artist.”

  He smiled and ducked his head at her praise. For some reason, it meant everything to him hearing it. “The question remains,” he brought one of the pieces onto this worktable. It was a silver ring, but with a huge pink diamond. “What to do with these. I mean, this one isn’t too bad, I suppose, but it’s missing something. It’s bland. Bleck.” He stuck out his tongue, grimacing.

  Elisa bumped into his side, laughing. “Stop being so hard on yourself. It’s beautiful. But you said you wished to go with a winter theme. How can you take what you have and make them fit your theme?”

  Reluctantly, he stood from his stool and moved away from her. The air around him grew chill. He motioned toward the leather couch and matching chairs. “Come sit over here with me. Can you draw?”

  She nodded, and he handed her a large-sized sketch pad.

  He went to the settee and patted the space beside him. “If you could have a necklace made for you, without worry of price or anything, what would you want?”

  “Humm…every girl’s dream, to have the perfect jewelry set made just for her.” She propped her elbow on her knee and thought for a long moment. “Nature is what inspires me. My mother always lets me decorate the cabin for our holiday get-togethers. I love going out to the woods and bringing in natural items, like branches, pine cones, turned leaves. I’ll spray them with lacquer so they don’t crumble as easily. I really did like how those drops of ice hung from that branch. I’m not sure what you would make it out of, but—”

  “Draw it.” He pointed to the pad. “Draw whatever you think that you would like. See, I— I’ve been in such a dark place over the past few months. You are like a ray of light, Elisa. The way you viewed the frost on the windows and the ice on the trees is so refreshing. And finally, my mind is starting to wake up. To entertain new ideas. But…well? I’ve been in such a slump, that I’m not really sure anymore.”

  She seemed to consider what he said for a long moment before asking, “Do you have more of these drawing pads?”


  “Get one for yourself. You sketch what you are thinking about, and I’ll sketch something I would like. Then we’ll compare.”

  He did as she suggested and found the ideas, once given the freedom to come out, began to pour over the page as the pencil danced over the blank page, filling it with possibilities.

  After a few pages lay beside him on the sofa, he finally looked up to find Elisa smiling at him. She clutched the tablet to her chest as she waited for him to finish.

  He set the pencil down on the side table and was about to ask her what she had when she said, “You first.”

  Duncan blew out a long breath. “Fine.” Ruffling through the pages of rough sketches, he stopped on a choker necklace that had teardrop shaped diamonds hanging from the chain. “I’d go with Zirconium,” He paused then added, “It’s black metal. I think and add chain loops around the bottom. Between the loops, I’d hang a diamond, like the drops of frozen water on that branch.

  “That sounds lovely,” she said with a nod. Picking up the others, she looked them over, as well. “I love the snowflake one, that’s like what I was thinking. Here is mine.” she turned over her sketch. She’d drawn the outline of a woman and added earrings, a necklace with several interweaving threads and a matching ring in the shape of a snowflake with a stone in the middle.

  “I’m thinking glass beaded strands with silver chains and small flakes hanging at different places. Simple hanging earrings and the ring, of course, would have a big honking diamond in the middle. You basically told me to dream big. I think maybe smaller diamonds in the necklace would be pretty, too. Maybe blue diamonds?”

  His brows rose in admiration. “Do not tell me that you are not an artist ever again.” He took the pad to examine it closer. He could do this! Most of the material he’d need was in the safe, and he could order the larger diamonds for the rings and earrings. He mentally ticked off a rough estimate of costs and thought it would be within the range most people were willing to pay for such a design. “We make a good team. If you ever want to change careers, let me know.”

  He winked to let her know he was teasing, though, in a way, he wasn’t. What he wouldn’t give to find that special someone that he could share his life with. That actually was interested in what he did and wanted to participate.

  They spent another half hour discussing the designs he’d drawn and played around with various ideas. When he glanced up at the wall clock he realized it was nearly eleven in the evening. “Oh, Elisa, I didn’t mean to keep you this long.”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “No biggie. But I am getting tired. Do you think you have some solid ideas to work with now?”

  “You’ve indeed inspired me. Are you sure you’re not a muse in disguise?”

  Elisa laughed as she stood and stretched her back. They had been sitting in the same spot for the past hour. “It’s helpful to brainstorm. We do it all the time with our team. Kelly meets with her clients and brings their ideas to us. Then we all sit around with pizza and sodas and bat around suggestions while she makes sketches and works out her plans. Maybe you need to hire yourself a design team? Or instead of just trying to guess what people want, try asking them.”

  Duncan had been thinking along the same lines. But how to take that idea and turn it into a viable business. People came into the Grimwood stores to shop for what they offered on display. Except fewer and fewer customers actually ventured in through the doors each year. He also stood and searched for his cane. “Let me walk you back to your room.”

  Then he amended, “Not because I don’t t
rust you. It seems like the gentlemanly thing to do.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “For showing me your pieces. You really do wonderful work, Duncan Grimwood. Don’t let the doubt monsters get the better of you.”

  He offered his arm as they headed back to her wing of the house. As they passed through the gym, he mused, “I really need to get back into my physical therapy and strengthen my leg again. I wonder if Tim will come back after the way I yelled at him before firing him.”

  Elisa threw back her head with a laugh. “Oh my, you are a curious one. A bear one moment, and a gentleman the next.”

  Duncan stared down at his feet as he nodded. “Guilty. I know that I’ve given the tabloids plenty of fodder for their outlandish articles about me. But I promise, deep down, there’s a good guy in here somewhere.”

  They’d reached the door of her suite. “Yes, there is. So, they are always going to be looking for stories. Figure out how to give them only good things to report. The light will always chase away the darkness.”

  He brought the back of her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Yes, it does. Thank you for the reminder. Sleep well, Elisa.”

  Her cheeks turned a delightful shade of pink. “You too.” She opened the door, but stopped and said over her shoulder, “And thank you for including me today. It helped to keep me from missing my family as much. Thank you.” Then she slipped into her room and closed the door.

  He rested his hand on his chest. The ache inside was almost unbearable.

  For a good hour, Duncan tossed and turned in his bed. He’d left his curtains open for a change. The night sky was clear and full of stars. A half-moon hung near the corner of the window like a crooked grin. Things Elisa had said that day ran a course through his mind. Her steady beliefs. Her sense of wonder. She was like a refreshingly cold drink on a hot summer’s day.

  Duncan sat up on the edge of the bed and buried his face in his hands, the ends of his fingers rubbing against his temples. “Lord? I’ve ignored You, pushed You away, and in the process, I’ve lost myself. I’ve pushed everyone away.”

  His chest burned and the fire crept up along his throat, making it hard to swallow. His vision grew blurry, causing the view outside to fade into a nothing but dancing balls of light.

  “I’m sorry. Help me find my way back, will You? I’m so lost and I don’t know what to do anymore.” He rubbed at the scar running down the side of his left leg, wondering if he’d ever truly recover from that terrible accident. His best friend wouldn’t recover. Why had he been so careless? Not only with himself, but someone he genuinely cared about.

  “I’m not even sure if I deserve to have anyone to care about me.” Duncan pulled the blankets around his shoulders and head. Laying back down, he wished that he could curl up into a tiny ball and disappear. Except…

  “I would like another chance. If You think I deserve it. I’d like a chance to make good stories for people to tell. If I could only find a way.”

  In that cocoon of blankets, a sense of peace came over him and for a moment his worries ceased. He eventually fell off to sleep, dreaming of frosted trees, glittering ice and a beautiful, brown-haired girl dancing in the snow with her arms outstretched to catch the flakes falling all around her.

  Chapter Nine

  Elisa set the treadmill to thirty minutes. Sleep had evaded her for most of the night. Every time she closed her eyes, there was Duncan Grimwood with his mesmerizing, sapphire-blue eyes and shy grin. Oh, and that dimple, Lord help her.

  She tapped the speed up to a jog. While she ran, she gave herself a firm talking to. “Listen here, Lucken. You can not and will not fall for…I mean, really. Who do you think you are? Some kind of Disney princess swooning over the rich prince?” She shook her head and increased the speed even more.

  She would not lose her head over this all because he showed her a little kindness yesterday. He was only being nice. Probably so she wouldn’t go around telling people he was a crazy monster. Which even if that had been the truth, she wouldn’t spread gossip like that.

  Elisa glanced out the windows at the pale gray morning. The snow seemed to have finally stopped. Soon they’d clear the roads. Dad had promised to find her a towing company so she could get her Jeep repaired. Mom had left a couple of messages on her phone which Elisa forgot that she’d put on silent. She’d called back first thing this morning. Belinda, who’d wanted to talk to her, too, was still asleep.

  Elisa planned to stay until Monday when Kelly returned. She needed to explain to her boss about the changes Duncan wanted and needed to do it in person. Then she’d find someone to drive her into town so she could get a rental car until her Jeep was fixed.

  Hopefully, Kelly would still let her oversee the next project. Then she could put Duncan Grimwood out of her mind for good. Once she wasn’t under his feet, he was sure to forget all about her.

  The doors to the gym opened as Mr. Grimwood entered wearing black compression shorts and a snug matching tank. His left leg was wrapped in a brace.

  Have mercy.

  Elisa almost tripped before quickly slowing the pace down to a walk. She still had five minutes to go through the cool down phase.

  “Good morning, Elisa,” Duncan hung his towel on the nearest weight machine. “Did you sleep well?”

  She blew out a breath and nodded. Keeping her gaze focused ahead, she managed to pant out, “I’ll be done in a minute. Then the gym will be yours.”

  “No hurry. Actually, I’d prefer if you stayed for a little longer. I hate exercising by myself.” He smiled and shrugged innocently.

  Great. Now she had to stay and watch him workout? No thanks. That wouldn’t help anything. “Sam said he wanted to get up in the attic early.”

  Duncan checked his watch. “Six thirty is way too early for them. I think he meant after breakfast. He’s like a hobbit. No business until after first and second breakfasts.” Duncan winked.

  Elisa’s heart banged against her ribs.

  Running through a few stretches, Duncan went to the weight machines and worked on his upper arms. By the time the treadmill stopped, Elisa was ready to go. Grimwood was a handsome man and a little too appealing in that tight outfit.

  The ding of the treadmill let her know her time was up. Thank God. She hopped off and started to walk toward the door, saying she’d see him later.

  “Is there something you need to do?” Duncan removed his brace then sat at the leg press. “If you’re not in too much of a hurry, could you help me for a second?”

  She couldn’t say no. He’d been too kind to her. Especially yesterday.

  “Sure.” She made a U-turn and went to see what he needed.

  The tank stretched across his broad chest, forming to the muscles in his stomach. “When I tell you, can you add another disk? I’m supposed to build up as I go.”

  Elisa nodded, pulling her hair back from her face. He started pushing on the foot pad. She tried to look around at other things, wishing she’d brought her phone.

  “Add five pounds,” he instructed.

  She did as he said and he started counting again. That’s when she noticed the long scar running down his leg. “Is that from your accident?”

  He nodded then asked her to add another one. Sweat was beading along his forehead and chest. He held the hand grips so tight his knuckles were white.

  “Are you sure? Don’t strain—”

  “One more. That’ll be as far as I go. Promise.”

  She nodded and did as he said. Sweat started to trickle down his neck. She didn’t want him to strain himself and hoped he wasn’t showing off. He was a known playboy. Except after spending time with him, she wasn’t too sure of the truth behind those stories. He seemed too shy and quiet. Maybe the accident changed him more than anyone knew.

  “So, what happened?” She jerked her chin toward his leg. “Did you really wreck your motorcycle?”

  He nodded, still silently counting. “Okay, now would you mind helping me off this thin
g?” He smiled wryly.

  “Sure.” She removed all the weights for him.

  Duncan remained sitting a while longer, his injured leg resting straight out in front of him. He ran his hands over his knee as if trying to massage the ache from it.

  Elisa crouched beside him. “Did you hurt—”

  “It always hurts. A little worse when I do this, which is why I got so angry with my trainer and sent him away.”

  She’d seen him in a temper and didn’t care to witness that again.

  “I’m fine. It’ll ease up soon. I’ve decided that I need to suck it up and deal with the pain if I hope to get the use of my leg back again.”

  “Try longer strokes.” She started to put her hands on his, then stopped herself, feeling very self-conscious. “Well? I mean, you want to put pressure on the muscle, try to stretch it a little. Not too hard. But enough to relax it.” She cupped her hands around his lower leg and showed him. “My little brother is a PT and one time I fell off a ladder and twisted my ankle. He helped with me through my recovery. Or, if it’s really bad, I can run downstairs and find you—”

  “No. No pain meds.” He waved his hands. “I’m fine. You can help me up now.”

  It didn’t seem that he wished to discuss the accident and she would respect that. Once they had him back on his feet, she helped him put the brace back on. He sat on one of the weight benches and wiped the towel over his face.

  “It happened right after the reading of my father’s will. I’d just found out that he’d given me charge over our floundering jewelry stores. You see, each of us was given part of the Grimwood conglomerate. Dad wanted to split responsibility between each of us with the condition that we must make a profit from our enterprise or we would forfeit our share to the others. Not that he would leave us with nothing. I’ll still inherit a smaller amount of money. A one-time payment to do with as I please. However, we’d lose any shares we have in the corporation, and we’d be removed from the board of directors.


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