Molly Brown's Post-Graduate Days

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Molly Brown's Post-Graduate Days Page 18

by Nell Speed


  "Nance, do you fancy this has really been such a quiet, uneventfulcollege year, or are we just so old and settled that we don't knowexcitement when we see it? It has been a very happy time, and I feelthat I have got hold of myself somehow, and am able to make use of thehard studying I have done at college. I know you will laugh when I tellyou that one reason I have been so happy is that I have not had tobother myself over Math. No one can ever know how I did hate and despisethat subject."

  "You poor old Molly, I know it was hard on you. You were in goodcompany, anyhow, in your hatred of it. You remember Lord Macauley hatedit, too, but for that very reason was determined 'to take no secondplace' in it. You always managed to get good marks after that firstcondition in our Freshman year. I often laugh when I think of you withyour feet in hot water and your head tied up in a cold wet towel, tryingto cure a cold and at the same time grasp higher mathematics," answeredthe sympathetic Nance, looking lovingly at her roommate. The girls foundthemselves looking at each other very often with sad, loving glances.Their partnership was rapidly approaching its close. They could not beroom-mates forever and college must end some time.

  "The funny thing about me and Math. is that I never did really and trulyunderstand it," laughed Molly. "I learned how to work one example asanother was worked, but it was never with any real comprehension.Nothing but memory got me through. I remember so well when I was alittle girl, going to the district school. I came home in tears becausedivision of decimals had stumped me. My father found me weeping my soulout with a sticky slate and pencil grasped to my panting breast. 'What'sthe matter, little daughter?' he said. 'Oh, father, I can't see how agreat big number can go into a little bits of number and make a biggernumber still.' 'Well, you poor lamb, don't bother your little red headabout it any more, but run and get yourself dressed and come drive totown with me. I am going to take you to see Jo Jefferson play "Cricketon the Hearth."' I shall never forget that play, but I never have reallyunderstood decimals; and you may know what higher mathematics meant tome."

  "Speaking of a quiet year, Molly, I have an idea one reason it has beenso uneventful is that our dear old Judy has not been here to get herselfinto hot water, sometimes pulling in her devoted friends after her whenthey tried to fish her out. Won't it be splendid to see all the oldQueen's crowd again: Judy and Katherine and Edith, Margaret and Jessie?I wonder if they have changed much! I am so glad they are coming to themeeting of the alumnae this year, and that we are here without having tocome!"

  "I do hope my box from home will get here in time for the first night ofthe gathering of the clan. I know it will seem more natural to them ifwe can get up a little feast. I want all of the girls to know Melissa.Isn't she happy at the prospect of her dear teacher's coming? Do youknow the lady's name? I never can remember to ask Melissa, who alwaysspeaks of her with clasped hands and a rapt expression as 'teacher'."

  "Yes," answered Nance. "She has a wonderful name for one who is givingup her life working for mankind: Dorothea Allfriend, all-friendly giftof God. I believe her name must have influenced her from the beginning."

  "We must ask her to our spread on Melissa's account," cried theimpetuously hospitable Molly. "That makes ten, counting the eightQueen's girls, and while we are about it, let's have----"

  "Molly Brown, stop right there. If you ask a lot of outsiders, how canwe have the intimate old talk that we are all of us hungering for? Ofcourse we can't leave Melissa out, as she has been too close to us allwinter to do anything without her, and her friend must come, too; but inthe name of old Queen's, let that suffice."

  "Right, as usual, Nance, but inviting is such a habit with all of myfamily that it almost amounts to a vice. Of course we don't wantoutsiders, and I shall hold a tight rein on my inclination to entertainuntil after the fourth of June. If there are any scraps left, I mightgive another party."

  "There won't be any, unless all of us have fallen in love and lost ourappetites."

  The fourth came at last, and with it our five old friends: the Williamssisters, Katherine and Edith, as amusing as ever, still squabbling oversmall matters but agreeing on fundamentals, which they had long agodecided was the only thing that mattered; Margaret Wakefield, with theadded poise and gracious manner that a winter in Washington societywould be apt to give one; Jessie Lynch, as pretty as ever but stillJessie Lynch, not having married the owner of the ring, as we had ratherexpected her to do when she left college; and our dear Judy, in theseventh heaven of bliss because The American Artists' exhibition hadaccepted and actually hung, not very far above the line, a small picturedone in Central Park at dusk.

  The meeting at No. 5, Quadrangle, was a joyous one. Everybody talked atonce, except of course little Otoyo, whose manners were still so goodthat she never talked when any one else had the floor; but her smile wasso beaming that Edith declared it was positively deafening.

  "Silence, silence!" and Margaret, the one-time class president, rappedfor order. "I am so afraid I will miss something and I can't hear athing. Let's get the budget of news and find out where we stand, andthen we can go on with the uproar."

  "Well, what is the matter with refreshments?" inquired the ever-readyMolly. "That will quiet some of us at least. But before we begin, I mustask you, Otoyo, where Melissa is. She and her friend Miss Allfriendunderstood the time, did they not?"

  "Yes, they understood and send you most respectful greetings, but mydearly friend, Melissa, says she well understands that the meeting ofthese eight old friends is equally to her meeting of her one friend, andshe will not intrusive be until we our confidences have bartered, andthen she will bring Miss Allfriend to meet the companions of Miss Brownand Miss Oldham."

  "I haven't heard who Melissa is, but she must be fine to show so muchtact," exclaimed Katherine. "I am truly glad we are alone. I am burstingwith news and drying up for news, and any outsider would spoil it all."

  Nance gave a triumphant glance in Molly's direction, and Molly stoppedcarving the ham long enough to give an humble bow to Nance beforeremarking, "You girls are sure to adore my Melissa, but if Katherine isalready bursting with news, suppose she begins before I get the hamcarved. What is it, Kate? A big novel already accepted?"

  "No, but a good job as reader for a publisher, and two magazine storiesin current numbers, and an order for some college notes for a big Sundaysheet. Isn't that going some for the homeliest one of the Williamssisters? But that is nothing. My news is as naught to what is to come.Have none of you noticed the blushing Edith? Look at her fluffypompadour, her stylish sleeves, her manicured nails. Compare them withthose of the old Edith. Remember her lank hair and out-of-date blousesand finger nails gnawed down to the quick. Note the change and guess andguess again."

  "Edith, Edith! Oh, you fraud!" in chorus from the astonished girls.

  "Is it a man?"

  "Who is he?"

  "When is it to be?"

  They certainly guessed right the very first time. Edith Williams was tobe the first of the old guard to marry, and she was certainly the lastto expect such a thing. She took the astonishment of her friends verycoolly and accepted their congratulations without the leastembarrassment.

  "I can't see what you are making such a fuss about. You must have knownall the time that my hatred of the male sex was a pose, just adoptedbecause I had a notion that no man in his senses could ever see anythingin me to care for; or if one did, he would be such a poor thing that Icould not care for him. But," with a complacent smile, "I find I wasmistaken."

  "Tell us all about him, do please, Edith. I know he is splendid or youwould not want him," said Molly, handing Edith the first plate piledwith all dainties.

  "I can't eat and talk, too, so I'll cut my love affair short. His nameis plain James Wilson, but he is not plain, at all. He is very tall,very good looking and very clever. He is dramatic critic on a big NewYork paper and has written a play that is to be produced in the fall.Oh, girls, I can't keep it up any longer! I mean, this seemi
ng coldness.He is splendid and I am very happy!" With which outburst, she attemptedto hide her blushes in her plate, but Katherine rescued it, sayingsternly, "Don't ruin the food, but effuse on your napkin," which madethem laugh and restored Edith's equanimity. Then the girls learned thatshe was to be married in two weeks and go to Nova Scotia on herhoneymoon.

  "Next!" rapped Margaret. "How about you, my Jessica, and what have youdone with your winter?"

  Pretty Jessie blushed and held up her fingers, bare of rings. "Not evenany borrowed ones?" laughed Judy. "Why, Jessie, I believe you havesought the safety that lies in numbers, and have so many beaux you can'tdecide among them."

  "I have had a glorious debutante winter and do not feel much likesettling down as yet," confessed the little beauty. "There is lots oftime for serious thoughts like matrimony later on."

  "So there is, my child, but don't do like the poor princess who was sochoosey that she ended by having to take the crooked stick. My Jessicamust have the best stick in the forest, if she must have any at all,"said Margaret, putting her arm around her friend. "For my part, I havehad a busy winter and haven't felt the need of a stick, straight orcrooked. What with entertaining for my father and keeping up the socialend necessary for a public man, and a general welfare movement I aminterested in, and the Suffrage League, I have often wished I had anastral body to help me out. Mind you, I am not opposed to matrimony, butI am just not interested in it for myself."

  "That is a dangerous sentiment to express," teased Judy. "I find that astatement like that from a handsome young woman usually means she istaking notice. Come now, Margaret, if, instead of having an astral bodyto do part of the work you are planning for yourself, you had been borntriplets, you would have let one of you get married, wouldn't you? Now'fess up. Margaret could attend the suffrage meetings, and Maggie couldlook after the child's welfare, while dear, handsome, wholesome Peggycould be the beloved wife of some promising public man. I don't believeMargaret or Maggie would mind at all if Peggy had to hurry home from themeetings to have the house attractive for a brilliant young Senator fromthe western states whom we shall call 'the Baby of the Senate' just foreuphony, and who would come dashing up to the door in his limousinewhistling 'Peg o' my Heart' in joyful anticipation of his welcome."

  Margaret, the stately and composed, was blushing furiously at Judy'snonsense.

  "Judy Kean, who has been telling you things?"

  "No one, I declare, Margaret. I was just visualizing. I wouldn't havepresumed to hit the nail on the head had I realized I was doing it. Youmust forgive me, dear, but I am rather proud of being able to predict,and if I ever meet the 'Baby of the Senate' I shall tell him to 'try,try again'."

  Molly interfered at this point and stopped Judy's naughty mouth with abeaten biscuit. "Aren't you ashamed, Judy? How should you like to beteased as you have teased Margaret?"

  "Shouldn't mind in the least. If in a moment of ambitious dreaming Ihave said 'nay, nay' to any handsome young western senators, Margarethas my permission to tell them to 'try, try again,' that I was justa-fooling. I am perfectly frank about my intentions in regard to thehusband question. I am wedded to my art, but it is merely a temporaryarrangement, and I may get a divorce any day if more attractiveinducements are offered than my art can furnish. It is fine, though, toget my picture accepted and almost well hung by The American Artists. Ihave an idea its size had something to do with the judges taking it. Itwould have been cruel to refuse such a little thing; and then it is soeasy to hang a tiny picture, and there are so many gaps in galleriesthat have to be filled in somehow."

  "What a rattler you are, Judy," broke in Edith. "Your picture is lovely,and it made me proud to tell James, who took me to the exhibition, thatyou were my classmate and one of the immortal eight."

  "Three more to report," rapped Margaret, "Molly and Nance and Otoyo.Otoyo first, to punish her for being so noisy," and Margaret drew thelittle Japanese to her side with an affectionate smile.

  "It is not for humble Japanese maidens to bare lay their heartthrobbings, so my beloved friends will have to excuse the little Otoyo."

  And it spoke well for the breeding of the other seven that theyrespected the reticence of their little foreign friend and did not tryto force her confidence, although they were none of them ignorant of theintentions of the wily Mr. Seshu.

  "Otoyo is right," declared Nance. "I have nothing to confess, but if Ihad, I should be Japanesque and keep it to myself."

  "Oh, you 'copy cat'," sang Judy. "I'll wager anything that Nance hasmore up her sleeve than any of us. Look, look! It has gone all the wayup her sleeve and is crawling out at her neck."

  Nance made a wild grab at her neck, where, sure enough, the sharp eyesof Judy had discovered a tiny gold chain that Nance had not meant toshow above her neat collar. She clutched it so forcibly that thedelicate fastening broke, and a small gold locket was hurled across theroom right into Molly's lap. Molly caught it up and handed it back tothe crimson and confused Nance amid the shrieks of the girls.

  "I reckon a girl has a right to carry her father's picture around herneck if she has a mind to," said Molly.

  Just then there was a knock at the door and Melissa and Miss Allfriendwere ushered in, much to the relief of Molly, who by their coming hadescaped the ordeal of the teasing from her friends that she knew wasdrawing near; and it also gave Nance the chance to compose herself.

  Miss Allfriend proved to be delightful. She was overjoyed to be back ather Alma Mater and eager to know Melissa's friends and to thank them fortheir kindness to her protegee. Personalities were dropped and theprogram for the entertainment of the alumnae was soon under discussion.Miss Allfriend had been president of her class and she and Margaretfound many subjects of mutual interest. Melissa was anxious to know theold Queen's girls, having heard so much of them from Otoyo, and thegirls were equally anxious to know the interesting mountain girl. Theparty was a great success, and Nance was delighted to see that therewere no "scraps" left for Molly to give another, as there were manythings on foot for the alumnae meeting for the next week and Nance feltsure Molly would have enough to do without any more entertaining.

  * * * * *

  And now we will leave our girls. Their postgraduate year is over. A veryhappy one it has been, with little excitement but much good, hard work.Nance is to go to Vermont and rescue her long-suffering father from theboarding house, and give the poor man the taste of home life that he hasnever known. Mrs. Oldham cannot keep house in Vermont and make speeches,now at the International Peace Conference at The Hague, and then at aBiennial of Woman's Clubs in San Francisco, with a stop over in New Yorkto address the Equal Suffrage League between boat and train!

  Molly is going back to Kentucky to assist at her sister's wedding, thiswedding a formal affair in a church, to suit the notions of theformidable Aunt Clay. Molly has many plots in her head to work out. Herlittle success with "The Basket Funeral" has fired her ambition, and sheis longing for time to write more. French must be studied hard allsummer if they are to go abroad, and Kent must be coached, as he is veryrusty in his French and must rub up on it for lectures at the BeauxArts. She has promised Edwin Green to write to him, and he has offeredto criticize her stories, which will be a great help to her. The placeof meeting in Europe has not been decided on, but Professor Green isdetermined that meeting there shall be.

  Melissa will go back to her beloved mountains and try to give out duringher well-earned vacation some of the precious knowledge she has gainedin her freshman year to the less fortunate children of her county. Shewill in a measure repay the noble woman who has spent her life in themountain mission work for all the care and labor she has expended onher, and will go back to Wellington for the sophomore course with herpurpose stronger and deeper: to help her people and uplift them as sheherself has become uplifted.

  One more incident only we must record before this volume ends. AfterMolly got home she received by express a box wrapped in Japanese paper,so car
efully and wonderfully done up that it seemed a pity to break thefastenings. In the box was the most beautiful little stunted tree in apot that looked as though it had come out of a museum. The tree had allthe characteristics of a "gnarled oak olden," with thick twistedbranches and one limb that looked as though little children might havehad a swing on it, so low did it sag. And this tiny tree, with all thedignity of a great "father of the forest," was, pot and all, only eightinches high! With it, came the following letter:

  "Will the honorably and kindly graciously Miss Brown be so stoopingly asto accept this humble gift from the father of Otoyo Sen, who has by themost graciously help of Miss Brown passed her difficulty examinations atWellington College and now is to become the humble wife of honorableJapanese gentleman, Mr. Seshu? The honorable gentleman gave greatlypraise to graciously Miss Brown for her so kindly words about humbleJapanese maiden and is gratefully that his humble wife is the friend ofso kindly lady."

  With this little note, it seemed to Molly that the last ties that boundher to the precious life at Wellington and the old, complete Queen'sgroup had suddenly snapped. Little Otoyo had outstripped them all! Shewas quietly entering the school of Life, while the rest were onlystanding at the threshold.

  Molly, knowing the serene satisfaction with which the Japanese maidenawaited the new bonds, and remembering the transforming happiness ofEdith Williams in anticipation of a similar experience, thoughtfullypondered upon her own future.

  She had the eye of faith but she was not a seer; and she could nottravel in advance those devious paths by which Destiny was to lead her.

  How she finally came to her own and fulfilled the promise of collegedays, it remains for "Molly Brown's Orchard Home" to disclose.

  The End.


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