Faded Dreams

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Faded Dreams Page 24

by Kari Lemor

  “I know, babe. I’m about ready to explode. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I need you. I—” A thought shot through her mind. “Protection. Shit. Do we have any?”

  They hadn’t needed any birth control months ago when she’d already been pregnant. The last thing she’d been thinking about was having sex with the baby taking all her time and energy.

  Luke’s face froze, and he eased away. “Um, maybe my shaving kit has something. I used to keep some in there.”

  He sprang off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. A moment later, he skidded back to the bed, a packet in his hand, triumphant look on his face. After ripping open the packet, he sheathed himself, then drew her close for another passionate kiss.

  “I might need to build things up again, huh?” His eyebrows waggled up and down. “I love this part.”

  Elle arched her back as Luke skimmed his mouth down her body and back up again, working her into a frenzy. When he settled between her legs, she clasped him tight in her arms.

  “We’ll take this slow.” Luke pressed a kiss to her nose. Inch by inch, he eased forward, studying her expression.

  There was a twinge here and there, but Elle delighted in the feel of him filling her, loving her. With the way he stared, his eyes intent, she couldn’t call it anything else.

  When he was fully seated, he grinned. “You still with me, babe?”

  “Mmm, yes. So with you.”

  “Then, I guess we can get this show on the road.”

  As he retreated, then thrust forward, she frowned. “This isn’t one of the condoms from the wedding, is it? The ones Taylor played with?”

  Luke cocked his head. “What? You aren’t ready for baby number two?”

  Groaning, Ellie patted his cheek. “Maybe we could wait a few more weeks for that, huh?”

  Luke laughed. “Sure, a few weeks.”

  When he continued to make love to her and bring her to completion, she reveled in his touch. But more so the fact he’d teased about having another baby. The security of their relationship was feeling stronger every minute.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Luke steered down the shore road along the Maine coast. It was Matty’s birthday celebration this weekend, and with the nicer June weather, it had been decided the weekend get together should be at Erik and Tessa’s house. He had a feeling Tessa was feeling tired with her new pregnancy and his mom knew it.

  The two-hour drive was no picnic, but luckily Dawn had slept most of the way. They’d made sure to feed her right before getting in the car back in Squamscott Falls. Elle had her seat reclined and had been resting, possibly sleeping, most of the way. Good. He hated seeing her so tired, but he couldn’t feed their daughter, and Elle didn’t want to give her formula quite yet if she could successfully nurse her.

  Hopefully, this weekend would work out okay for them. With the long ride, they’d decided to stay in Maine overnight. Tessa had lived next door to Gram and Gramps’ house when Erik had bought it. When Erik and Tessa had gotten married, they’d kept her place, and most recently used it for an art studio for Tessa or occasionally for relatives to stay in if they were visiting. Luke had never used it before, preferring to drive back after any festive events.

  With a wife and baby in tow, it might be easier to drive less and stay there. Or maybe not. Dawn still woke up often in the night and might disturb anyone else who was staying. The house had three bedrooms. Alex had said he and Gina would play it by ear, depending on how Gina felt. Sara was too far along in her pregnancy to chance the long drive. She was two hours south of Squamscott Falls, so their journey took much longer. She planned to video call to wish Matty a happy birthday.

  When they were a few minutes from Erik’s house, he tapped Elle on the leg. “Hey, babe. We’re almost there.” It usually took her several minutes to fully wake up, and he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable when they arrived.

  Elle hummed and shook her head. Her gorgeous, red hair swished around her shoulders, making him want to bury his face in it. Like he’d been doing most nights this week. They’d become intimate again last weekend and once more this week. He could see Elle was exhausted, and he hated taking up any of the time she could be sleeping, but snuggling was okay.

  Yeah, wasn’t that a hoot. For years, he’d loved having marathon sex with his present lady friend, but once the energy had run out, he was gone. Sticking around for any length of time had always been too intimate. Yet he wanted it more than ever with Elle. Holding her, feeling her next to him in bed. It brought warmth and comfort to him in a way he never thought he’d needed.

  Raking her hands through her hair, Elle peered out the window at the water on their right. “This is beautiful. You said Erik and Tessa live right on the ocean? How in the world did they ever afford that?”

  “Erik bought the house from Gram and Gramps, who purchased the place over fifty years ago when prices were low. Tessa’s foster parents were elderly and had also been in their house for over fifty years. They left it to her when they passed away. They didn’t have any biological children.”

  Elle’s soulful eyes glanced his way. “They were good to her though, right?”

  “Yeah, the Millers were wonderful people.” Elle was wonderful, too, for thinking about her new sister-in-law. It gave him such a great feeling that Gina, Tessa, and Sara had so easily pulled Elle into their fold. His cousins and cousins’ wives had done the same. Not that he was surprised. Every Storm of every generation had been raised to love and welcome all who joined them.

  Erik’s house came into view, and he pulled into the shared drive, closer to Tessa’s house. Tiny mewling sounds drifted from the back seat. Checking in the mirrors set up to observe the baby, he saw Dawn stirring, about to let go.

  Elle clutched her chest as Dawn let out a scream. She’d told him the sound of a baby crying made her milk flow faster.

  “Let’s get inside.” He released the infant seat from the base while Elle slung the baby bag over her shoulder. He never knew how much stuff one tiny girl needed for such a short period of time. Until now.

  They passed his parents’ car, and as soon as they hit the side porch, his mom opened the door and greeted them.

  “We’re so glad you made it up. I know how difficult it is with a new baby.” Mom took the bag from Elle and stood aside to let them in, giving her a hug as she went.

  Elle paused at the noise in the room as it spilled out. He ran his hand over her back when he came up behind her. “I’m right here, babe.”

  By now, Dawn was sobbing her baby eyes out. Too long in the car seat, probably, as well as starting to get hungry again.

  “Oh, the present for Matty,” Elle said, her gaze on the little boy dancing around the room. “It’s in the car.”

  “I’ll get it later. Let’s get Her Majesty taken care of first.” He placed the baby seat on the floor and unbuckled the harness. As soon as he lifted Dawn to his shoulder and whispered in her ear, she quieted right down.

  “You seem to have the magic touch.” Alex grinned at him, surprise in his expression.

  Elle’s shoulders lowered once their daughter wasn’t howling any longer. “Unless she’s eating, Dawn seems to love being held by her daddy.”

  “Only because she’s had Mommy all day. Too long with her dad, and she’d be singing a different tune.”

  Tessa rushed into the large family room. “Welcome. Sorry it’s so crazy. I was trying to get Joey down for a nap.” She glanced at the toddler gripping her leg.

  “He’ll be fine,” Erik said from the kitchen doorway, a spoon in his hand. “There are enough people here to keep him busy. He’ll crash hard and fast later.”

  Tessa gave her husband a look that Luke felt deep in his heart. Intense love and appreciation.

  “Do you need anything, babe?” he whispered to Elle.

  When she twisted toward him, she had a similar loving look to Tessa’s. For him? There was that feeling again.

  “A bathr
oom, please. Long drive.”

  “Luke, give Ellie a tour of the place, please,” Tessa said.

  Taking Elle’s elbow, he steered her through the kitchen, delicious aromas making his stomach growl. He pointed to the door near the back of the room.

  Once Elle went inside and closed the door, he shifted the baby to his other shoulder and patted her back. “The food smells great, as usual.”

  Erik tossed a dishtowel over his shoulder and rinsed his hands in the sink. “Thanks. It’s no different than cooking for the restaurant. A little easier actually, since I can just make big casseroles with no special orders.”

  “Can I do anything to help?”

  Erik chuckled and indicated the baby resting against his chest. “You already are. How’s Ellie feeling?”

  “Tired. She’s feeding the baby every few hours. I wish I could help.”

  Alex snorted from behind him. “Are you picking up after yourself?”

  “She’s always got the house spotless. I never have a chance.”

  Alex narrowed his eyes. “Listen to what I asked. Picking up after yourself. If Ellie’s cleaning, then you obviously didn’t.”

  Luke thought about that. True, he didn’t clean up everything right after he used it, but he’d get there eventually. Unless Elle did it first. Which is what had been happening. Was that another reason she’d been so exhausted? He’d figured it was lack of sleep from feeding Dawn non-stop.

  The bathroom door opened, and Elle came out appearing slightly less frazzled.

  “Do you want me to take her, Luke?”

  “She seems content enough for now. I’ll change her diaper, then I’m sure someone will want to hold her. Go chat with the ladies.”

  Elle cocked her hip. “What if I’d prefer to chat with Erik and Alex?”

  His brothers laughed, and Luke felt heat creep up his neck. “You can do whatever you want, Ellie. Don’t worry about the baby. When she needs to eat again, you’ll know it.”

  “Gina’s on the back deck,” Alex supplied. “I know she’d love to see you.”

  Elle laughed. “I just saw her yesterday and pretty much every day since I moved into her grandmother’s house, but thank you. I probably will go out there. The view you have here is incredible, Erik. I’d never want to leave.”

  Erik’s eyes gleamed as he peered out the window to the large back deck that wrapped around two sides of the house. “It is practically perfect.”

  Elle kissed Luke’s cheek. “Let me know if you need me.”

  Luke winked at his wife. “Always need you, babe.”

  Elle ducked her head, then headed through the family room to the open double doors that led to the deck.

  Alex leaned against the counter in the kitchen and smirked. “I like seeing this new side of Luke Storm. The whipped one with a baby on his shoulder.”

  “You’ll have one soon enough.”

  Laughing, Alex thumped Luke on the back. “Yeah, but I wasn’t one to have a new lady every week. You look good with Ellie. Things are going okay between you two?”

  “I guess. As good as they can get in our situation. I can’t say I’m unhappy, and I hope to God Ellie isn’t.”

  Erik pushed away from the sink and gripped his cane. “Make sure she isn’t, Luke. Don’t guess. Ellie’s a quality lady. You don’t want to lose her because of misunderstandings. Believe me, it’s something you’ll regret.”

  Dawn shifted in his arms, wafting an aroma up toward him. “I think I’ll regret if I don’t get a diaper changed soon. Can I use the changing table?

  Erik tipped his chin. “It’s still in our bedroom. We don’t know yet what this new baby will be, so we’ve got the changing table in our room until we figure out what we want to do.”

  “Do you have enough room for another kid?” Luke asked. Erik’s house was three bedrooms on one floor compared to the huge Victorians he and Alex both had. Yet the stairs in the Victorians would be difficult for Erik to navigate with his injury.

  “Don’t you remember how Gram and Gramps used to stuff all six of us boys in one room and the four girls in the other?”

  “Yeah, but that was only for a few weeks in the summer.”

  Alex crossed his arms over his chest. “That’s where the architect brother comes in. Erik and I have been working on plans for an addition.”

  “You and Erik?” Luke raised one eyebrow. “Tessa’s not in on this?”

  “Oh, my wife has opinions and ideas. Great ones that Alex used to sketch up some plans.”

  Gazing out at the ocean not far from the back of the house, Luke asked, “Where is this addition going?”

  “In the front of the house, next to the kids’ bedrooms. Depending on the gender of the baby, we’ll add what we need. Tessa would like a playroom for the kids, too. Alex sketched up a few different plans that will work.”

  “Sounds great. Now, I need to find the diaper bag, or you’ll all want to move out of the house soon.”

  His mom appeared at his elbow with the bag. How she did it, always knowing what everyone needed and when, boggled his mind. But he didn’t question. Just took the bag and wandered to the master bedroom to change Dawn’s bottom.

  When the baby was clean and smelling better, Luke took a few minutes to play with her. He still couldn’t get over how tiny she was. And how adorable.

  “Hey, little girl. How’s my baby doing today? You’re such a good girl and so beautiful. Just like your mom.”

  Dawn stared at him, her eyes focused as he spoke, her small hand lifting up. Luke placed his finger near her fist, and her fingers wrapped tightly around it. As tightly as this child had wrapped herself around his heart.

  “Guess I need to go share you with the rest of the party. I’d rather have you all to myself.”

  A soft coo escaped her mouth as Luke snuggled his daughter to his chest. His daughter. Those words still blew his mind and scared the crap out of him. He was responsible for this tiny creature. Thank God Elle seemed to know what to do. A man could only Google so much.

  He hadn’t taken two feet into the family room when his mom scooped Dawn from his arms. “Gram wants to see her great-granddaughter. Take a few minutes for yourself.”

  Glancing at his watch, he said, “That may be all you’ll get. The little munch monster will need to eat soon.”

  “And I know exactly where to find her food supply.” She tipped her chin, pinpointing the double doors to the deck, where Elle stood at the railing with Gina.

  Along the way, he gave his grandmother a kiss on the cheek, tousled Joey’s hair as the boy zoomed through the family room, waved to the other guests, then finally made it out to the deck.

  Elle leaned against the railing, her face to the breeze, eyes closed. Pressing his hands on her shoulders, he eased close to her back. “Hey, babe. Did you miss me?”

  Keeping her eyes closed, she chuckled. “Isn’t that usually your question for Dawn?”

  It had been. Every night when he got home from work since she’d been born. Maybe he needed to do that kind of check in with Elle as well.

  “I just handed her off to my mother. She can’t miss me yet. But if you don’t miss me, I’ve got some work to do.”

  He nuzzled his nose in her glorious mane, causing her to giggle.

  “Luke, there are tons of people around.”

  He dropped his hands to her hips and caressed them. “And they all know there’s nothing wrong with a man showing his woman some loving.”

  She rotated slowly, her hands gliding up his chest. “Your woman? How very Neanderthal of you.”

  “I’m okay with you taking possession of me, too. We are married.”

  Elle rolled her eyes. “Yeah, for a whopping twelve weeks.”

  “Hey, that’s almost three months. That’s a long time.”

  Erik appeared in the doorway. “For Luke, it’s forever. Food’s ready. Come and get it.”

  While he couldn’t dispute what his brother had said, Luke hated that it dimmed Elle’
s spirit. Seemed he was still trying to prove his faithfulness. When would she finally believe him? Or would she ever? Was it something he’d have to deal with for the rest of their lives? There had to be some way to show her he was serious about making their marriage work.

  Over the next few hours, food was eaten, candles were blown out, and presents were opened. Elle smiled through it all, but Luke could tell it was forced. A few times, he thought he’d seen tears in her eyes. It didn’t help that Dawn was fussier than usual. Too many people and too much noise. She was used to being in a quiet house with only her mom and dad.

  The kids were shuffled to the front lawn to run off all the cake they’d eaten, with his Dad and Gramps keeping an eye out for them. A few others drifted to the back deck, while Elle swayed back and forth with the baby, attempting to calm her.

  “Why don’t you use our bedroom if you need to feed her again?” Tessa suggested. “Stay in there as long as you need to. No one will bother you.”

  Luke took a step toward her, but Elle shook him off. “I’m fine.”

  She wasn’t fine. Her voice was wobbly and her face tight as she grabbed the diaper bag and skittered off down the hall.

  A moment later, a hand touched his arm. He’d been so absorbed in watching Elle he hadn’t seen him mother approach.

  “Just give her some time, sweetie.”

  “I just want to help her, Mom. She looks like she’s about to cry. I hate seeing her like that, but this isn’t the first time it’s happened. I don’t know what to do to make it better.”

  “All you can do is love her. You do, don’t you?” His mom’s expression was firm but caring.

  “Of course, I do.” The response came so fast and honest, it shocked him. He did love Elle. More than he ever would have imagined.

  “Have you told her?”

  The simple question made him stop and think. Had he? He’d told her she was beautiful and important to him and that he cared for her. God, had he seriously never said he loved her? No, he hadn’t, because he’d only just realized it now, even though the emotion had been there deep in his heart for a long time. Maybe since his deployment.


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