Fashions Fade, Haunted Is Eternal

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Fashions Fade, Haunted Is Eternal Page 12

by Rose Pressey

  “Maybe he wants more of that delicious cat food,” Charlotte said.

  Tyler hissed at her.

  “He’s so testy.” Charlotte shook her finger at him.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Charlotte. He may bite your finger,” Minnie said.

  “What is it, Tyler?” I asked again. “What do you have to tell me?”

  He jumped up on the counter. Charlotte and I exchanged a look.

  “Seems like he wants to talk now.” I hurried over to the counter and grabbed the board.

  “It’s about time,” Charlotte said. “He’s a lazy cat.”

  Tyler hissed and swiped his claws toward Charlotte.

  “He can hear you,” I whispered.

  “That’s why I said it.” Charlotte lifted an eyebrow.

  “Okay, never mind that. Tyler, what do you want to tell us?” I asked.

  Grandma Pearl had joined him on the counter now. She stared at the board, as if overseeing Tyler’s message. Tyler yawned, after which he slowly placed his paw on the planchette.

  “He doesn’t seem that interested, so it can’t be anything important,” Charlotte said.

  Tyler obviously took offense at Charlotte’s comment. Now he moved his paw around the board at a rapid speed. He moved so quickly that it was hard to keep track of the letters.

  “Slow down, cat,” Charlotte said.

  Somehow I’d managed to keep up.

  When he’d finished the first word, Minnie gasped. “Beware.”

  “What should I beware of?” I asked.

  “If he makes some sarcastic remark . . .” Charlotte said.

  Tyler moved the planchette again. The next message was two words. Back door.

  “Beware of the back door?” I asked.

  “What does that mean?” Minnie asked.

  A rattling noise captured our attention. My heart sped up. The sound came from the back of the shop. At the back door to be specific.

  “I hope that’s a mouse,” Minnie said.

  “It was something bigger than a mouse,” Charlotte said.

  That was what I was afraid of. Someone could be at the back door. And that someone could be the killer.

  “I suppose I should check it out,” I whispered.

  Chapter 15

  Cookie’s Savvy Tips for Vintage Clothing Shopping

  Some trends for seasons never go out of style

  and you can always find great vintage pieces

  to put those styles into your wardrobe.

  Plaids for fall, wools for winter, floral prints

  for spring, and bright colors for summer.

  My heart beat faster and anxiety raced through my body. No one else volunteered to check it out. I inched toward the door, reminding myself to breathe. The last thing I needed was to hyperventilate. The ghosts followed right behind me. After them were the cats. Everyone was too chicken to go first. That left me to do the dirty work.

  I stopped at the door that led to the back storage room. No other noise had come from the area, but that didn’t mean someone wasn’t on the other side of the door waiting for me. My heart sped up as I wrapped my hand around the doorknob. I looked back at Charlotte, and she motioned for me to open the door. I released a deep breath and turned the knob. So far no one had jumped out at me.

  Why hadn’t I left the lights on back here? I supposed I was trying to save on the electric bill. The back door that led out into the parking area of the shop was still closed. I wasn’t sure if that made me feel much better though. The person could have closed the door once they were inside the building. What was I thinking? Just because the cat had given me a warning didn’t mean someone was back here. He could have been warning me of a mouse for all I knew. Though a mouse probably wouldn’t have made a noise that loud.

  “What are you waiting for, Cookie? Go in there and check it out,” Charlotte said.

  “I’m going,” I whispered.

  “Yeah, Charlotte, don’t get your bloomers in a bunch,” Minnie said.

  Even though the room was small, the walk over to the back door seemed longer than ever now. I forced my legs to move and stepped into the room. The light switch was on the opposite wall for some reason. A design flaw from whoever installed the electric. I’d meant to have it changed but never gotten around to it. I’d move it to the top of my to-do list.

  Halfway across the room someone grabbed me. It was dark so I couldn’t get a good look at the person. The person was trying to drag me across the room toward the back door. I stumbled backward, trying to grab the person’s arms. I wanted to break free from the hold.

  “Cookie, what’s happening?” Charlotte screeched.

  “Get off her,” Minnie yelled.

  I’d never heard Charlotte so panicked. I had no idea what was happening. Someone was trying to kidnap me. Was this the killer? It had to be the killer. I had to fight this person off. No longer able to balance, I fell to the floor, but the person still had a tight grip on me.

  “Cookie, what can I do?” Charlotte asked.

  I wasn’t sure there was anything Charlotte could do. Though I suppose something was better than nothing. My thoughts raced as I tried to figure out a way to escape.

  “Throw something,” I yelled.

  Perhaps if Charlotte moved something it would distract the person long enough for me to get away. Not the best plan, but I had to try something. By the height and size, I assumed this was a man, but I couldn’t be sure. As I twisted my body and shoved, I was helpless to break free. The person had me at the back door now. Once they got me outside it would probably be all over for me. If they shoved me in a car and drove me somewhere, my chances of escaping would be slim.

  With one hand still holding me, the person managed to get the door open. Light streamed through the area. I tried to turn my head to see who this was, but the person had a dark mask covering their face.

  “Charlotte, do something.” I kicked and attempted to move my arms.

  A red high heel shoe whizzed by my kidnapper’s head, narrowly missing me. As I’d hoped, his grip around me loosened. I broke free and ran for the other side of the room. I didn’t bother to look back and see if my attacker was coming after me. That would only slow me down.

  “Cookie, the person took off out the back door. You can stop running now.”

  I heard Charlotte, but I wasn’t completely convinced. Better safe than sorry. I needed to call Dylan. I didn’t slow down as I raced out of the back room and through the shop. If I reached the sidewalk outside I’d be safe. At least I hoped so. I didn’t think a person would try to kidnap me with so many other people around. What if the attacker was looking for another victim now? I worried about Heather. I had to check on her. Once I reached the front door of the shop, I peeked over my shoulder.

  With my hand on the doorknob, I paused. “Do you think the person will come back?”

  “I don’t know, but you should call the police right away,” Charlotte said.

  Sadly I didn’t have my phone with me. I ran for my cell phone that I’d left on the counter. With a shaky hand I picked it up. I touched the screen and dialed Dylan’s number. Thank goodness he answered right away.

  “Dylan, someone broke into the shop and tried to kidnap me,” I said breathlessly.

  “What?” The tone of his voice sounded stunned.

  I was just as shocked too.

  “This is no joke. I think it was the killer,” I said. “Thank goodness I got away. Though I’m worried he might return to finish the job.”

  “I’m on my way,” Dylan said.

  This was the second time within hours that Dylan had to come to my aid. It couldn’t be helped though. This was serious. What would I do until he arrived? I was afraid that the person would come back. I stood by the front door with my hand on the phone in case I needed to call again. What good would that do though? Dylan was already on his way. He couldn’t drive any faster. I dialed Heather’s number and thank goodness she answered right away.
  “Hey,” she said in a cheery tone.

  “Where are you?” I asked in a still panicked tone.

  “I went to Office Depot for supplies.”

  I released a deep breath. At least I knew she wasn’t at her shop. I was afraid the killer might still be around back waiting for someone to come out.

  “Stay away from your shop until I tell you it’s safe,” I said.

  “Cookie, you’re freaking me out right now. What’s wrong?” Heather asked. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, but someone attacked me in the shop.”

  “Oh my gosh. I’m coming there right now.”

  “No, don’t do that. Dylan is on his way.”

  The ghosts and the cats stood beside me. It was nice knowing that I wasn’t completely alone. I convinced Heather to stay away from her shop until I called her and said it was safe. Well, she had promised not to come, and she usually kept her promises. I hoped this time wouldn’t be any different.

  A couple more seconds passed and Dylan’s car screeched to a halt in front of the shop. A second later and multiple other police cars pulled along the street in front of the shop too. I raced out the door to meet Dylan.

  “Thank goodness the police are here. Maybe they will find this creep,” Charlotte said.

  “It was so scary,” Minnie said.

  He embraced me in a hug. “What happened?”

  “Someone was in the back room. They grabbed me and tried to pull me out the back door,” I said breathlessly.

  Dylan instructed the other officers to check around the building.

  “Stay here with her, okay?” Dylan asked one of the officers.

  The cop nodded.

  “I’ll be right back, Cookie.” Dylan ran inside.

  Of course I assumed the attacker was long gone. However, with any luck, the person left a clue. I’d recently installed a surveillance camera in the shop. I had my fingers crossed that the cameras had picked up an image of my attacker.

  “I think the person who attacked you was the killer,” Charlotte said.

  Her words sent a shiver down my spine. Unfortunately, I’d come to the same conclusion.

  “Why come after Cookie?” Minnie asked.

  “They must think she’s getting too close to solving the case,” Charlotte said.

  “Maybe this is too dangerous for you to pursue,” Minnie said.

  “I don’t want Cookie hurt, but we can’t let a deranged lunatic call the shots. He must be stopped.” Charlotte pounded the palm of her left hand with her right fist, though it made no sound.

  How could I hear ghostly footsteps yet when Charlotte made a gesture like that it was silent? I’d never understand the paranormal world.

  “You said he, Charlotte; it could be she . . .” I said.

  “The person who attacked you was a man, no?” Charlotte asked.

  “Yes, I think so, but what if there are two people working together,” I said.

  Charlotte quirked an eyebrow. “Do you have two people in mind?”

  “Well, there was a man and woman close to Tyler.” I raised my eyebrow. “A model and her companion. . . They would definitely work together,” I said.

  The officer had been watching me. He’d glance over every few seconds. I tried to hide the fact that I was talking to ghosts by holding the phone up to my ear. Otherwise, the cop would have told Dylan I was crazy. I didn’t want Dylan to be faced with that accusation when he would figure I had been talking with the ghosts. A few seconds later and Dylan came back out the shop’s front door.

  He walked over to me. “We’ll need to review the video.”

  “Did you find anything else?” I asked.

  “We’re checking for fingerprints,” he said.

  I shook my head. “That won’t help. He was wearing gloves.”

  “But you think it was a male?” Dylan asked.

  “Based on the height and size, yes,” I said. “I’ll get the video for you.”

  “He was wearing rather large black boots too,” Charlotte reminded me.

  Dylan and I went to the back of the store to retrieve the video footage. Now I would be spooked every time I came back there thinking that the killer would be waiting for me. I pulled out my laptop and the video for the store.

  The ghosts stood behind us. Dylan and I watched with bated breath for the image to appear. I had video for inside the shop and the outside perimeter. Movement on the video caught my attention. A person emerged from behind one of the nearby buildings. He walked with purpose toward the back of my shop. It was a spooky scene knowing what was about to happen to me. The person was dressed all in black just as I remembered. Unfortunately, there was nothing that stood out to help identify the person.

  “We’ll check with some other businesses to see if their surveillance caught anything,” Dylan said. “I recommend keeping this back door locked.”

  “How did he know that the door was unlocked?” I asked.

  “He obviously has been watching you,” Dylan said.

  “And why would he try something like this in the daytime?”

  Dylan ran his hand through his hair. “Cookie, I’ve been trying to figure out the logic of a criminal mind for years. They can be erratic and lack common sense or rational thought.”

  “This I know is true,” Charlotte said.

  “Why do people have to be so mean?” Minnie asked around a sigh.

  “That’s just the way it goes sometimes, kid,” Charlotte said.

  “Promise me you’ll keep the door locked.” Dylan touched my cheek with a brush of his fingers.

  I’d forgotten to lock the door when I’d brought in boxes this morning. I’d never make that mistake again. At least I hoped I never made that mistake again.

  “Promise,” I said.

  Dylan and I watched the video again. It was no less chilling this time either. There was something odd about the person’s gait. Almost as if there was a limp or an injury.

  “Wait. Did you notice that?” I pointed at the screen.

  I went back in the footage to replay it for Dylan.

  “Did I notice what?” he asked, leaning closer to the screen.

  I pointed at the person’s left leg. “Notice how there’s a slight pause with each step.”

  “Oh, I see it now,” Charlotte said.

  “Me too,” Minnie exclaimed.

  Dylan stared at the video. “That’s a really good catch, Cookie. You have a keen eye.”

  I was shocked that I’d picked up on it since it was ever so slight. I couldn’t help but smile on the inside with my discovery.

  “Maybe the person has something in their shoe,” Charlotte said.

  “Oh, don’t tell me that, Charlotte,” I said.

  That would mean once the item was out of the shoe the limp would be gone. There would be no way to pick the perpetrator out now.

  “Who are you talking to and what did the ghost say?” Dylan asked.

  I relayed the message from Charlotte.

  “That’s a good point, Charlotte,” Dylan said.

  I couldn’t believe Dylan was talking to the ghosts now.

  “Oh, Dylan talked to you, Charlotte. How exciting,” Minnie said.

  “Calm down. We don’t want to get too worked up,” Charlotte said.

  She tried to act cool, but I knew she loved it.

  “To be safe we will put an officer in the front and back of the building,” Dylan said.

  “Armed security? This is serious,” Charlotte said.

  “I’m scared,” Minnie said.

  I didn’t like the sound of having a police officer watching the place. Though I didn’t like the idea that the killer would return either. I supposed I had few other options.

  “How long does this have to happen?” I asked.

  “We’ll just make sure that things are okay,” Dylan said.

  “He didn’t answer the question,” Charlotte said.

  I suppose that was because he didn’t know what
to say. Now more than ever I had to find the killer. Before he found me again.

  Chapter 16

  Charlotte’s Tips for a Fabulous Afterlife

  Remember to take time for yourself.

  A little relaxation goes a long way.

  The rest of the day was quiet. Heather had returned in a panic. Thank goodness I’d finally gotten her to calm down. I didn’t like that I had upset her, but it was better that she knew exactly what was happening. I warned her to be extra careful and aware of her surroundings. Though I guess that was good advice all the time.

  I’d decided to close a little earlier than usual in light of the circumstances. Mostly I wanted to snoop around and see what Krissy and Darrin were up to. Did he have a leg injury? The ghosts were with me in the car. Along with Grandma Pearl and Tyler. I pulled the Buick away from the curb and out onto the main street. A sense of foreboding hung over town. It was probably just me trying to get over the attack.

  When I checked the rearview mirror I spotted a police officer some distance behind me. That was the thing about dating a police officer. Dylan always had a friend or coworker who could help him out. Helping him in this situation meant keeping an eye on me. Of course I was grateful he cared, but I knew this officer would probably tell him what I was up to. Dylan would be upset that I was putting myself into direct danger. Was there a way I could hide my activities from the cop? I would certainly try my best.

  “Can’t you lose the five-o?” Charlotte asked, looking in the car’s side mirror.

  “If you mean trying to ditch him, no. I can’t do that to Dylan,” I said.

  “Cookie, that’s a mature and wise decision,” Minnie said.

  “Goody Two-shoes,” Charlotte said.

  I pulled up to the hotel where Darrin was staying. The VACANCY sign flashed. The parking lot was mostly empty. That was a bad thing, because I couldn’t hide what I was doing. The police had asked everyone involved with the scene not to leave town until the investigation was over. That let me know that they were suspicious of Darrin and Krissy too. They had to be since they were at the scene of the crime. I pulled to the back of the hotel parking lot. The cop kept some distance, but didn’t let me out of his sight. He probably wondered what I was doing here.


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