Personal Foul: A Quick Snap Novella

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Personal Foul: A Quick Snap Novella Page 7

by Cala Riley

  “I’m so sorry, reina.”

  “Dad, Pops, I would like a moment alone with Garrett.”

  “Sweetheart,” Dad tries to get my attention.


  “Go easy on him, sweetheart.” Pops pats my shoulder and follows Dad upstairs.

  I wait until I know they are upstairs.

  “What in the fuck were you thinking taking him to the field? That’s no place for a kid. What the hell were you teaching him?”

  “He asked me to, besides we’ve played catch before. He wants to be a football player. If he’s going to do that, he needs to know the right techniques.”

  “Obviously you don’t know them. How else did he end up with a broken fucking arm, Stone?”

  “It was an accident, Reagan. I didn’t do it on purpose. He landed wrong. It was an unforeseen event. I would never purposely hurt him.”

  My emotions are going haywire. I can’t even think straight. That’s the only reason that I can give for the next words out of my mouth.

  “Just like you would never let your QB get hurt, right? Isn’t that what you said about Alonzo Sanchez. ”

  I see the change in him immediately. It was a low blow and I know it.

  “You’re scared and hurt right now, so I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that. That you didn’t use my confession against me. Reina, you mean the world to me, as does Nick. You know I wouldn’t let him get hurt on purpose.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem, Garrett. I don’t believe you would ever hurt him on purpose, but you don’t think. People get hurt because you act without thinking the consequences through first. Today, for example. All you thought was that Nick would love to play football with two pro players. Two players that outweigh him by a hundred pounds, give or take. Two players who are competitive and may end up hurting him. All for some hero worship from my child. You didn’t think it through. I can’t have that around my kid.”

  “So what? You’re going to break up with me? Let all this between us go because of one accident?”

  “Yes, we said friends with benefits, remember? My child is more important than some fling with you. I never even wanted you around my kid. You bullied me into it.”

  “Now I’m a bully? Fuck, Reagan. My feelings for you are so fucking deep, but you’re so blind you can’t see it. Nick’s more than my girlfriend’s kid. He is important to me too. You can’t just tear me away from him like this. It’s not right.”

  “I can and I will. He needs positive role models. That’s not you. Hell, look at your past. You jump from bed to bed, never settling for one woman. You drink every night, getting blitzed to where you don’t remember half the shit you do. Then, when things get rough, instead of facing the consequences of your actions, you flee. What kind of role model is that?”

  “You’re right. Who I was before I came here was no role model. I’ve changed since I came here. I’ll admit that I ran from the reality of facing what I did to Alonzo every day. That was a mistake. However, I can’t really think of it as one when it brought me here, to you. To Nick. I have only been out once since I’ve been here. With the team my first night here. I didn’t drink a lick that night. I have only slept with one woman since before I left New England. That’s you. I have straightened my life out and grown up. If you can’t see that, then you don’t care to look.”

  “That’s a damn lie. Our first dinner, you drank wine with me.”

  “Did I? I filled our glasses, but only yours was touched. I drank water. I’m falling madly in love with you, Reagan. I already love that kid as if he was my own. You’re going to let all of that go because you’re scared. Is that really what you’re going to do?”

  “Yes, because that kid deserves better. He deserves someone who will always put him first. I told you from day one that I wasn’t available for a relationship. You pursued me anyways. You convinced me we could keep this separate. I never should have trusted you.”

  “Yeah, I guess not. I would fight to the death for you and that kid, but I can’t be the only one fighting, Reagan. You need to fight too.”

  “I can’t. I don’t want to. You need to go, Garrett.”

  “Please don’t do this, Reagan. Please don’t end this because of this.”

  “End what? It was nothing serious. You need to go. We can be polite when we cross paths, but I don’t want you talking to my kid anymore.”

  “I’ll give you time, Reagan. But just know that even though you think you’re hurting right now, I hurt worse. You know where to find me.”

  I flinch with the soft click of the front door closing, and blow out a slow breath.

  You did the right thing.

  “I have never been so disappointed in you, Reagan Kelly,” Dad says softly from the top of the stairs.

  “He was bound to break my heart anyways,” I whisper to myself.

  Or was he?

  Chapter 9

  Week 9


  “Ma, I don’t understand why I can’t call him. Garrett promised he would come with me to tryouts. I know I have a broken arm, but the coach said that I could still come and talk to him. I want Garrett there with me.”

  It’s been a rough week. I didn’t realize just how much Garrett Stone became a part of my life. It’s not like the kid doesn’t know how to fall. We’ve taught him, but he made the split-second decision to throw his arm out.

  The second I realized it; my heart sank. The words I said to Garrett can never be taken back. Which leaves us here. Nick wanting his friend back and me missing the man who wormed his way into my heart.


  “I know, baby, but Garrett’s busy.”

  His face drops. “Too busy for me? He promised he would never be too busy for me.”

  “Okay, look, Garrett and I broke up. It’s one thing to see him, to talk to him when we’re at the field, but I don’t feel comfortable with you hanging out with him outside of the stadium. I’m sorry.”

  “You broke up with him because of me.”

  “No, Nick. I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Besides, you deserve all my attention.”

  “Ma, you realize I’m twelve, right? In a few years, I’m going to be driving, graduating, leaving for college. You deserve to find someone who loves you before it’s too late. And Garrett? He loves you. He loves me. You need to fix this.”

  “Nick.” I sigh.

  “No, Ma, you’ve always said everything worth having takes hard work. Garrett is worth the hard work. The question is, are you?” He doesn’t stick around waiting for me to respond. “I’ll be outside.”

  Is he right?

  I walk out of the house and find Nick already in the car, waiting. I slide in and start the car. “I’m sorry.” Nick doesn’t respond and we go all the way to the field in silence. Nick jumps out and makes his way to the field.

  “Nick!” I yell. He stops but doesn’t turn around. “Good luck today.”

  Nick walks onto the field and starts doing some stretches. I take a seat on the bench and try to get myself comfortable.

  “Reagan.” I whip around and see Garrett standing close, hands in his pockets.



  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hola hijo... what’s wrong? You haven’t called me all week.”

  Ever since I walked away from Reagan, I’ve kept to myself. Waiting for her to come around and let me love her.

  “Sorry, madre, I’ve just been busy.”

  “Don’t you lie to me, hijo. I’ve known you your entire life. Is it that girl? Did something happen?”

  I take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of my nose.

  “I fucked up. Nick got hurt. He’s okay now, but Reagan broke up with me. Before you get all upset, she’s putting her kid first.”

  She’s silent for a moment.

  “Garrett Stone. I never took you to be a quitter. Do you love this girl?”

  “Yes,” I say without hesitation.

“And do you love that child as if he was your own?”

  Without hesitation again, I say, “Yes.”

  “Then you need to see this from her perspective. Her child was hurt. She was hopped up on adrenaline and eliminating the perceived threat to her child. You need to fight for her. For them.”

  “You always told me it takes two to make a relationship work. She’s not willing to fight.”

  “You misunderstood me, hijo. It takes two in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean that they have to match you equally one hundred percent of the time. Sometimes it means you have to fight for them even when she refuses to. Sometimes it means you’re taking care of the brunt of the relationship while she heals. Other times it means she will put in more work. It’s a give and take. It’s not always fifty-fifty. It’s the fact that you keep trying. Do you understand now, hijo?”

  “I think I do.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to go get my family.”

  I slowly approach Reagan.

  God, she’s beautiful.

  “Reagan.” She turns around so fast she almost slips off the bench.


  “Nick wanted me here.” I walk slowly towards her.

  “Thank you. It will mean the world to him.”

  “I love him, you know. Almost as much as I love you.”

  “I’m so sorry, Garrett.” I watch a tear trail down her cheek. I lean forward and wipe it with my thumb.

  “We will figure it out, Reagan. But this isn’t the time, today’s about Nick,” I gently remind the both of us.

  “Garrett!” We both turn towards the field and see Nick waving his hand, a smile on his face.

  “You better get down there.”

  I lean forward and kiss her forehead, lingering. “Later?”

  “Later.” She nods. I stand and make my way to the field. Nick’s hopping from leg to leg, making me laugh.

  “I didn’t think you would come,” he blurts out.

  “I made you a promise, kid, and I will try my hardest to never break a promise to you.”

  Nick’s called onto the field and starts doing what he can. I talk to the coach and give him pointers here and there. A feeling of rightness settles over me, watching these kids play. Helping push them in the right direction and play the game well. Once practice is over, Nick and I walk side by side up to Reagan.

  “How would you two feel about some pizza?”

  “You’ll come over?” Nick asks me.

  “I’ll follow you two.”

  “I’ll let you order the pizza in the car and have it delivered,” Reagan tells him.

  We separate to our two cars and I follow them home. As soon as we get to the house, Nick runs up the stairs.

  “I’m showering, you two work your shit out!” he yells over his shoulder.

  “Nick!” Reagan scolds, making me laugh. She glares over her shoulder at me.

  “I’m sorry, but you have to admit it was funny.”

  I walk over to the couch and sit down. Reagan comes over and sits next to me, tucking her legs under her. She grabs my hand and holds it tight.

  “Will you let me get this out before you say anything?”

  “Go ahead.” I squeeze her hand, reassuring her we’re okay.

  Or will be.

  “I have this love-hate relationship with traveling. I love it, I love my job. But I have this fear of something happening to Nick, Dad, or Pops while I’m gone and that I won’t be there when they need me because I’m on the sidelines somewhere watching football.” She takes a shaky breath, tears streaming down her face.

  “Come here, reina.” I pull her onto my lap and hold her.

  “It happened, Garrett.” She sobs. “My son got hurt, and I wasn’t here, and I took it out on you!”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not,” she says harshly, trying to calm herself down. “I love you, I want you. If you give me another chance, I promise I will try my hardest not to fuck it up.”

  I brush the hair out of her face, looking her in the eye. “You don’t need a second chance, Reagan. Did you hurt me? Yes. But I knew it was your momma bear peeking through. I told you I wouldn’t give up. I love you too much to walk away.”

  Reagan leans forward and kisses me hard, weaving her hand into my hair. She opens her mouth, letting her tongue dual with mine.

  Home isn’t a place, but a person, and everything about Reagan Kelly screams home to me.

  I hear Nick bounding down the steps and pull back, resting my forehead on Reagan’s.

  “I missed you,” she whispers.

  “I missed you more.”

  “You two good now?” Nick asks from the bottom step.

  “We’re good, bud.”


  One Week After the Super Bowl


  I’m sitting on my balcony overlooking the beach, watching Nick play with my cousin’s children. As soon as my post-Super Bowl responsibilities were over and Nick had a school break, we hopped on a plane and I brought them to meet my family. Reagan in a bikini has me in a constant state of arousal and I love it. Reagan and I are stronger than ever. Finding our footing while both traveling was hard, but we pulled it off. She doesn’t know it yet, but I have no intention of renewing my contract. I want to be home every night, never missing one of Nick’s games, and checking out new recruits when Reagan needs to. Nick’s laughter pulls me out of my thoughts and I laugh. My cousin’s daughter has taken a liking to him and has stars in her eyes.

  Reagan comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “She likes him,” she teases.

  “Yeah, but I don’t think it’s mutual,” I muse, making us both laugh.

  “Oh, to be young,” she says wistfully.

  “You’re still young, reina.” I pull her into my lap. “Perfect.”

  She settles in my lap, laying her head on my shoulder.

  “I love it here.”

  “Yeah? Enough to visit often?” I ask.

  “How would you feel about spending our summers here?” she asks softly.

  I squeeze her hip. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nick gets out of school the beginning of May, starts the beginning of September. That would give me enough time to get ready for football season. We could spend that time here, then the rest of the year back in Seattle. Maybe come back for a holiday or two if we can.”

  I turn Reagans face towards me, kissing her hard.

  “I want that.”

  “Good.” She smiles with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “But there’s one more thing that I want.”

  “What’s that?” Reagan frowns.

  “Marry me.” I hold up the ring I’ve been carrying in my pocket for weeks now.

  “Yes.” She gasps.

  I slide the ring onto her finger. “Perfect.”


  “Will you pass that?” Garrett asks, pointing at a rice dish on the table. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I look around the table, feeling slightly overwhelmed. The laughter, both Spanish and English being spoken. The children running around while us adults try to eat.

  “This is crazy.”

  “In the best way though.” Garrett nods.

  “I love it.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “I think I’m going to have to take a Spanish refresher course though.”

  “Or I could teach you.”

  “If you taught me, I would never learn anything,” I tease. “Professor,” I say, breathless.

  Garrett groans, making me laugh.

  I never knew what I was missing before Garrett. Garrett’s family is loud in a way I didn’t know was possible, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I look down at my finger at the ring Garrett put there.

  Who would have thought Garrett Stone would make me so happy?

  I turn, looking at Garrett. “I
love you.”

  “I love you too, reina.”

  “Thank you for sharing your family with me.”

  “Anything for you.”

  News out of Seattle. Lineman Garrett “Tank” Stone has announced his retirement. Here’s what he had to say.

  “For any athlete, the word retirement is a dirty word. It’s something we refuse to think about. If you would have told me this time last year that I would be announcing my retirement, I would have laughed and told you, you were crazy. I have loved playing football, but it’s time for me to move onto more important aspects of my life. While I’ll miss that unique feeling you get on the field, I’m ready for a new chapter in my life.”

  When asked if he would miss his teammates, Stone shed light on his past and what the future holds.

  “I don’t think I will, but not in the way you think. These guys are more than my teammates. They are my family. We will still make time for each other because that’s what family does. When I started in New England, I was a young buck looking for fame and fortune. When I got that, I rode that train until it lost its appeal. It wasn’t until I made many poor decisions that led me here that I realized that I had a lot of growing up to do. I didn’t make the connections in New England that I should have. That will always be a regret of mine. I found my home in Seattle, though. They can’t get rid of me now.”

  We asked him if his recent Super Bowl win had any weight on his decision to leave.

  “Not at all. Winning the Super Bowl is an enormous accomplishment, no matter how many times I’ve gone and won, it will always be special. However, I’ve been contemplating retiring for a while now. I’m excited about my next adventure. I’ll be coaching an after-school program for youth. Teaching them about the sport and leadership. I’m going to give back to the community that taught me so much.”

  That wasn’t all he had to say. He ended the interview by opening up about his love life.


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