Blooming Desire: An Extraordinary Spring Romance Collection

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Blooming Desire: An Extraordinary Spring Romance Collection Page 24

by S. J. Sanders

  A delvian, he was distinctly canine in appearance, with a happy go lucky puppy face. Short blonde fur covered his entire body, thickening into a darker, thick ruff of fluffy fur around his head and neck. He had large, pointy ears that rose off the top of his head. They twitched and swiveled as he listened to the sounds around us. There were three piercings in his right ear, and a slender silver chain, threaded through the five rings in his left ear, ending in carved metal feathers that glinted in the sunlight.

  Huge blue eyes watched me closely as he questioned me. His face curved along the soft lines of his short snout, ending in an adorable black nose. Short whiskers sprouted off his muzzle making his face even cuter. Darker markings added depth to his face and chest, making him look almost tribal. A fluffy tail swept out behind him, lazily waving in the air.

  He was mostly bare, wearing only a snug pair of black shorts that fit tightly over muscular legs and made me very aware of his maleness. A dark harness framed his thick chest, holding several storage pouches in easy reach. Balanced on his toes, his legs crooked oddly at the knees and ankles. His toes and fingers were all tipped in sharp dark claws.

  The kitten hiding above us mewed softly, interrupting my rudely blatant staring. I dragged my eyes off the alien to peer up at the idiot feline. My rescuer looked up as well, ears perking curiously as he spotted the tiny cat.

  “That is a kitten,” I commented, pointing. He made a small noise in his throat, stepping towards me as he tried to get a better look. I moved back to give him room.

  “Would you like assistance in retrieving it?” He asked, not taking his eyes off the half-hidden kitten.

  “Uh, sure. I don’t think I can climb the tree again,” I admitted. The male bent suddenly and scooped me up, startling a screech of alarm from me. I grabbed at his head when he lifted me to sit on his shoulder. A horrified laugh burst from my mouth as I clutched at him. Chuckling softly, he used one hand to pry my arms away from his eyes.

  “Can you reach it?” He asked, patting my leg gently. Remembering the kitten finally, I looked around for it. It had retreated down the branch when the alien picked me up, staring warily at me from the far end.

  “Not quite. Can you walk forward a little? Slowly?” I said, watching the little cat. Effortlessly, the male stepped forward with me perched on his arm like a giant bird. Reaching out, I snagged the hissing kitten from the branch, grabbing his scruff to keep him still. “Got him. You can put me down now.”

  “I could,” he answered, looking up with a teasing grin. “But, do you really want me to?” I laughed at his absurdity.

  “Of course I want down, silly. You cannot carry me all day,” I scoffed. His eyebrow raised.

  “I like a challenge,” he replied simply. Turning, he walked to the nearby pathway and bent to pick up a pair of heavy looking packs, still balancing me on his shoulder. I flailed my free arm uncertainly and wrapped it around his head again. He chuckled as he hung one satchel over his other shoulder before grasping the straps of the other. “You are from the trader’s colony, yes?”

  “Well, yes, but this really isn’t necessary. Please put me down,” I pleaded, giving a self-concious laugh.

  “I am merely assisting you in returning home,” he teased.

  “This is embarrassing!” I scolded. The edge of the forest boundary was very close and I really didn’t want everyone seeing this alien carrying me like this.

  “You said I could not carry you all day. You have questioned my strength, I must now show you that I am indeed strong enough,” he stated mischievously.

  “That is completely unnecessary! I wasn’t questioning your abilities at all, I mean you did pick my chunky butt up with no effort whatsoever. You have more than established that you’re strong. I’m just saying this really isn’t appropriate,” I was officially babbling in my panicking desperation to get down before anyone saw us. He stopped and looked up at me.

  “I apologize, little female,” he said, shifting down to set me on my feet. “I have made you uncomfortable, when my intention was to be playful.”

  “Yeah, well you don’t need to be toting my fat ass around.” His eyes narrowed at me.

  “You disparage yourself.” His statement was flat and vaguely accusing.

  “No, just stating a fact. I know what I look like in the mirror,” I answered, trying to shrug it off. Sure, I had some junk in the trunk and huge boobs, but so what. I liked me. Even if no one else did.

  “Good,” he stated firmly.


  “It is good you know you are beautiful,” he said, standing over me again. “You are very soft. I find it appealing, despite your hairless face and lack of a tail.” I stood gaping at him for a moment, the kitten in my hands forgotten. He was serious. I floundered for something to say.

  “Who are you?” I finally demanded. Very solemnly he placed a hand over his heart and dipped his head.

  “My name is Neirin Va Meitzga. My friends call me Rin. I would like it if you did as well,” he said, smiling easily.

  “I’m Tessa Adair,” I replied, offering my hand to shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Rin.”


  The little female held a hand out in a common human greeting. I’d learned it many cycles ago from others I’d met, but the thought of touching this female so impersonally was unpleasant. I’d rather pick her up again and hold her softness against me. She probably didn’t want that though, so I gently clasped her hand, feeling its warmth in my own.

  “Yes, meeting you has indeed been a pleasure,” I said agreeably. She smiled shyly and her cheeks pinked. The little creature in her other hand chose that moment to squawk unhappily and flail its feet, catching her skin with sharp little claws. Tessa flinched, losing her grip on it. I caught the animal before it hit the ground and raised it to my face for a closer look.

  The tiny thing hissed, baring the smallest fangs I’d ever seen. I laughed, the kitten was dwarfed in my fingers and yet had a great deal of courage for something so small. Huge fuzzy ears lay flat on top of its little head as it narrowed big gold eyes at me unhappily. Its black fur was almost as soft as Tessa.

  “This is a kitten?” I asked, still examining the animal.

  “Yup. Also known as a furry menace. His name is Dante and he’s a regular escape artist. That little pain in the butt has made it his life’s mission to get on my last nerve,” Tessa said, grinning at the hissing ball of fur in my hand.

  “Why do you rescue it then?” Holding it closer, I attempted to examine its little paws, but it swiped at my nose and growled threateningly.

  “Because he’s a baby and doesn’t know any better,” she laughed, reaching up and taking the kitten back from me. It clung to her shirt, watching me warily.

  “Oh. It will get bigger then? How big do they get?” I shouldered my pack again and gestured that we should continue down the path.

  “He’ll get to be anywhere from five to fifteen pounds in weight, maybe about four times his current size,” she said thoughtfully, walking beside me.

  “That is not very big,” I commented.

  “No, but he’ll be big enough for his job and that’s what’s important.” Tessa’s hands stroked the little animal as she talked and I imagined her hands in my fur. Heat flooded my cock at the erotic vision and I shifted the bag between us to hide my new erection.

  “What kind of job could such a small animal have?”

  “The storage units have had a problem with rodents since the colony started three cycles ago. He and his siblings are going to be mousers,” she cooed the last words at the kitten on her shoulder.

  “Ah, they are prey upon the vermin.”

  “Yup. So, what brings you to New Market?” She asked, looking up at me again.

  “Goods to sell of course,” I replied hitching a bag. “And avoiding this year’s mate hunt back home.”

  “Mate hunt?”

  “My people have an annual spring event where single adults participate in a mock hunt to
secure their mate. The females go into heat and their males chase them to a secluded location to mate in private. Those females who do not wish to mate go into seclusion to avoid attracting an undesirable male. Males generally leave the area to avoid mating.”

  “And you don’t want a mate?”

  “No, I do, one day. I just don’t want to be in the same hunt with Anira.” I shuddered as I said the name.


  “A rather unpleasantly determined young female who won’t take no for an answer. She has decided that I am her ideal mate and the only way to avoid becoming that was to leave until the hunt ended and hope she found another poor soul to set her sights on,” I explained.

  “She couldn’t really force you to be her mate, could she?” Tessa looked horrified at the idea.

  “If she were to find me during the hunt, her pheromones would trigger a mating rut in me and I would be powerless to resist the call of a willing female until the rut ended. During rut, the mating bond is sealed. The hunt has been mostly ceremonial for the last several generations. Usually couples already have plans to meet during the hunt and seal their mate bond, but sometimes the more unscrupulous females have been known to seek out uninterested males and take advantage of their biological drives. It is frowned upon, but irreversible,” I answered calmly.

  “That’s horrible,” she said angrily. “Wouldn’t they all end up miserable in the end?”

  “Usually,” I agreed. “But a mate bond is unbreakable. Eventually, they try to make it work if only for the young that are conceived during the hunt. Sometimes they do separate. I know I would not want to stay with Anira and would resign myself to living alone for the rest of my life.”

  “That is really awful. I’m glad you left before the hunt started,” she stated.

  “You are? Why?”

  “Well yeah. You seem like a nice enough guy. I would hate for you to be stuck in a loveless relationship.”

  “Thank you, Tessa.” She smiled sweetly at me, before noticing that we’d reached the edge of the forest path. The colony spread out ahead of us, a colorful and noisy island of life. Voices buzzed in the air as people bustled to and fro on their daily business.

  “Well, you will need to check in with colony management and register for a merchant’s permit before you can set up a stall. They’re in that building over there,” Tessa said, pointing the way. “It was nice to meet you Rin. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

  “I would like that Tessa,” I said, crossing my hand over my chest in salute. Her cheeks pinked again and she headed for the other side of the colony, quickly disappearing into the crowd. I took a deep breath, pulling her lingering scent into my sinuses and committing it to memory. I definitely wanted to see her again.



  Hours after leaving Rin, I was seriously contemplating running away. I’d arrived home to find someone had left the door of the cat room open and all fifteen kittens and their parents were running amok through the house. None of the guests would admit who did it and without a camera system, I had no way of knowing. It took two hours to find them all and Dante spent the whole time in a crate so he couldn’t escape in the chaos.

  Once they were relocated back to the cat room, I had to clean up no less than five spilled trash cans, two shredded pillows, eight tipped over flower pots, a half dozen broken dishes, and a glass of water. Not to mention the dozen or so knick-knacks and pictures that had been knocked off tables and shelves. Then there were the regular chores necessary for the management of a boarding house and neglected during my chase of the ever-adventurous Dante.

  After all of that, I was sweaty and tired when the front door chimed as someone entered. I was also head first in the laundry unit, trying to untangle something from the cycler.

  “I’ll be there in a minute!” I called, hoping they could hear me and would be patient while I attempted to extricate myself from the appliance.

  “Tessa?” A familiar voice said behind me. Startled, I jumped, bumping my head on the inside. Shoving out of the unit too quickly, I felt two things that made me freeze. One, a pair of strong warm hands closed on my hips and sent my mind straight to the gutter with several deliciously pornographic imaginings; and two, my butt was firmly planted on Rin’s crotch, his hard shaft, very obviously nestled right between my cheeks and doing nothing but add fuel to the erotic imagery in my head. His breath caught in his chest and I felt the shudder that rippled through him.

  “Rin! What are you doing here?” I demanded, face flaming and too terrified to move. His fingers tightened almost imperceptibly on my hips, then he took a deep breath and carefully stepped back, releasing me slowly. Freed from the spell of his touch, I shot upright and whirled around, breathing heavily as I stared wide eyed at the big male standing over me.

  Rin stared back, his own chest rising and falling in deep inhales. His fingers clenched like he wanted to grab me again. He slid a foot forward, backing me into the front of the laundry unit. One hand planted on the machine beside my head and he ducked slightly, burying his nose in the hair alongside my neck. Breathing deep, he gently nuzzled my shoulder.

  “Rin?” I repeated softly, shivering as his nose bumped my ear. He snuffled my hair again, then stiffened and sneezed, breaking the moment. I put a hand on his chest and pushed him back as he straightened. Rin shook his head to clear it. Looking down at me again, his eyes widened with alarm.

  “Apologies, Tessa. I don’t know what came over me,” he stated in a rush. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt a little the way he said that. “I hope I didn’t frighten you.”

  “No, no you didn’t. Just surprised me is all. What are you doing here?”

  “The management office told me there were rooms to rent here, they did not say you would be here as well. I was happily surprised when I caught your scent outside,” he smiled.

  “Oh! Yes, I run this boarding house,” I said. “You need a room then? I have one available, but it’s not very big.”

  “I would be happy in a puddle in your yard if need be, as long as I am near you. I am rather pleased with this development,” he practically purred. A tremble of need rippled through me and I smiled at his words. Maybe he knew what came over him after all.

  “That won’t be necessary,” I grinned. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room.” Slipping around him, I led the way upstairs and let him into the open room. It looked even smaller with him standing in the middle of it. “Dinner is at sixth hour if you’re hungry,” I said, leaving him to settle in.

  “I will be there,” he promised.

  Back downstairs and out of sight, I stopped to fan myself for a moment. I’d never thought I would be interested in an alien, but damned if he wasn’t changing my mind. I could barely think straight after that incident in the laundry. I splashed some water on my face, trying to cool off, then headed to the kitchen to start dinner. Good thing I’d planned for pot roast, I had a feeling Rin was a big protein eater.


  Tessa left, practically fleeing the little room. I blew out a breath when the door closed. My self-control was hanging by a thread. The feel of her plush ass against my groin had been heaven. I’d wanted to tear her clothes away and bury my cock in her heat. She’d smelled so good with her sudden arousal perfuming the air. I must remember to go slowly though; Tessa wasn’t one of my people. She could become frightened if I was too aggressive in my pursuit. And I was most definitely pursuing her.

  I’d never felt anything so perfect as the feel of her body on mine, she’d fit me like a missing piece and I wanted so much more than that accidental brush. If it hadn’t been for the hair that got caught in my nose, making me sneeze, I would have gathered her tightly against me. My dick was so hard it hurt. Squeezing it slightly, I tried to relieve some of the ache so I’d be decent when I went back downstairs to find Tessa.

  Tessa’s boarding house was nice. She leaned towards a vintage style of decorating, with older modeled furniture and fixtures. T
he doors had manual handles and swung in and out instead of sliding into the wall. The bed was a strange design I’d never seen before with scrolling metalwork at the head and foot pieces. It was big and comfy looking though. The room itself was not nearly as small as Tessa had implied.

  “Mew?” I jumped, startled at the unexpected sound. Looking around, I tried to locate the source. Something brushed against my ankle. Looking down, I found another kitten at my feet. This one was orange instead of black and showed no fear of me, unlike little Dante. I scooped it up and it immediately began emanating a rumbly little purr, closing its eyes happily when I rubbed its head.

  “Where did you come from?” I asked, holding the animal close.

  “Mew,” it replied, making me chuckle under my breath.

  “Let’s go find Tessa,” I suggested, more than happy to use the animal as an excuse to seek out the soft female’s company.


  Chuckling again, I carried the kitten downstairs. The smell of roasting meat filled the air, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten all day. My belly rumbled hungrily. Following my nose, I tracked the scent to the back of the house, emerging in the kitchen. I smiled at the sight of Tessa bent over again. Her curvy backside to the door. Such a nice view, I thought. She had the oven open and was basting a large portion of meat. Finished, she slid it back in and closed the oven.

  “Mew!” The kitten said loudly, wriggling in my hand. Turning at the sound, Tessa stiffened briefly on seeing me.

  “How does someone so big move so quietly?” She demanded with a startled laugh.

  “Fuzzy toes and I am light on my feet,” I teased. “I found this in my room,” I said, holding out the kitten.

  “Marmalade! How did you get out?” She exclaimed, taking the kitten. “Come on, back to the cat room.”

  “Cat room?” I followed her, curious.


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