Rise Of The Hunters: A Seven Sons Novel (The Immortal Huntress Book 5)

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Rise Of The Hunters: A Seven Sons Novel (The Immortal Huntress Book 5) Page 7

by Kelly Hall

  “There have been new developments since you came to visit.” He rested his hands behind his back to show the mage he was at ease.

  Ignis hated his smug tone. “Is that what you call this? As if I’m here by choice?”

  “I’m sure Rebekah thinks you are. Gone by choice, I mean. If she even notices you are missing. She didn’t mention anything to me when I saw her. Of course, the strain between the two of you grows stronger every day you keep your secrets. You know, before long, bitterness is going to set in strong, and after it has time to fester, it’s going to destroy you both.”

  “Have you brought me here to give me your infinite wisdom on mine and Rebekah’s relationship? You mentioned there had been a new development. Are you going to share, or are you going to taunt me with it?” He wasn’t sure that Kayne really had anything to share or if he was just being an asshole.

  “Rebekah and I have spoken, and we have made a deal.”

  Ignis growled in frustration. “Well, you can consider the deal off. Whatever it is. I guess that’s why you keep me here. So I can’t convince her otherwise?”

  “Oh, no. This deal is set in stone. You’d hardly be able to change it. You see, she came to me and asked for a favor. I decided it was time to test your old promises and bargained with her. I couldn’t just give her what she wanted without getting something in return. That’s not my style, and I have to take every opportunity I can get where she’s concerned.”

  “What could she possibly need you for?”

  “You know how my Rebekah is. Compassionate to a fault. She couldn’t bear to let go of that little human my children used as a blood bag, even though it meant turning him into a vampire. She jumped at the deal, of course.”

  “Like hell, she did. And then you had the nerve to try and bribe her with sex? How desperate of you.”

  “No, I didn’t try. I did. I took Liam in, assured his transition went perfectly, and then threatened to eat his heart in front of her if she tried to get out of the deal.”

  “You’re disgusting. You’d do it, too, wouldn’t you? Just shows your character. She’ll never love someone as vile as you.”

  “Maybe not, but I need to know if I’m wasting my time hoping for a child that will never come because you failed to disclose that you used shifter blood to create her.” He also needed to know if he was wasting his time loving her. Sappy emotions weren’t his thing, and he didn’t want to hang onto them any longer than necessary.

  “You never asked.” Ignis shrugged and gave him a sly smile.

  “No, and you know something else I never did? I never asked you what else you did with my blood.” He already had a pretty good idea about that.

  Ignis had wondered if he would ever ask about that and was surprised that he hadn’t sooner. “I guess you’ll never know.” He shrugged but wasn’t giving anything away.

  Kayne’s eyes bored into his. He moved in closer to Ignis and sniffed his blood in his veins. “I could only imagine. You’re a clever little mage, aren’t you? You know, I’ve always wondered about your youth and vitality. I know you claim it’s that little naiad lover of yours who works her magic on you, but I have my own theories.”

  “If you think that I owe my eternal youth and good looks to you, you’d be mistaken. I didn’t do anything with your blood. I used it on Rebekah, and it took all of it to create the spell.”

  “And how much of Rogan did you put in the mix?”

  Ignis laughed, and Kayne’s hard expression turned cold. “That’s what really bothers you, isn’t it?” He searched Kayne’s eyes. “You’re afraid that she’s more compatible with Rogan than with you. That she’d want a shifter and not your kind.” Ignis could see the seething expression from the vampire. “You are upset that you might not get your way with her.”

  “I am warning you, mage. You need to tell Rebekah about her creation. The lies have to stop.” He wanted to know if Rebekah would still choose him, knowing everything. He knew she had feelings. He could see the signs each time she was around in the way her body responded to him. The change in her breathing, the beat of her heart, and the flush of her cheeks. There was no denying it. But would the truth change any of it? He had to know before he went on another day with false hope that only made him more bitter.

  “If I tell her anything, it will be how you’re going to try and knock her up!” Once Rebekah found out what Kayne was up to, she was going to change her mind about honoring any agreements. She would hate him for sure, and he couldn’t wait until the day she saw his true colors and decided she didn’t have real feelings for him.

  Kayne walked over and grabbed Ignis by the throat. “I’m sick of your mouth. I want Rebekah to know where she comes from. I don’t want to be the one to tell her, but I will if she doesn’t know by the time she comes to pay me what’s owed.” He squeezed him hard and then let him go, pushing him back so that Ignis stumbled.

  “What’s owed. You make it sound so trivial. So commonplace. She’s a woman of virtue, and you had better start showing her some respect.” Ignis wasn’t sure what he’d do to make Kayne pay if he didn’t, but he’d think of something. Rebekah was like his daughter or a sister, and he had to defend her at all costs, even if she was upset with him.

  “No, you better start showing me some respect, mage. If I say I will tell her, I will tell her.”

  “You expect me to believe that? You would tell her your intentions? How noble of you. But you and I both know if she’s made an agreement with you, a bargain as you call it, she’ll go through with it no matter what your intentions. And that’s only because she’s an honorable woman.”

  “No. That’s only because deep down, she wants me as much as I want her.” He licked his lips as if the thought of Rebekah made him hungry, and Ignis wanted nothing more than to rip that tongue right out of his mouth.

  Ignis didn’t think he could argue with that. “If that’s true, then you’ve nothing to worry about.”

  “I’m not worried about her wanting Rogan’s kind. You and I both know she hates those dogs, and we both know why.” He let out a low and guttural growl. “I want you to tell her what you did, Ignis. And if you don’t, the next time I come for you, I’ll put you where no one will ever find you, nor will you be able to escape. By then, the friction between you will be so great that she will welcome your absence.”

  Ignis couldn’t believe he was in this mess. “To think I defended you when she thought you sent those fangers to her house. I told her you’d never do that to her. But now, I’m not so sure what lengths you’d go to, knowing she’d go to you for help. You probably planned all of this.”

  Kayne stared through him. “It’s not surprising you’d think that. But defend me? I don’t need it from you. So the next time, don’t bother.”

  “Foolish of me. But it shows she has no trust for you.” He had fought Rebekah so hard not to tell her the truth, and it had nearly cost them everything. He knew he had to tell her someday but wished he could buy more time. If Kayne wasn’t such a fucking problem, then he could do it in his own time. “I thought for sure you’d stop wanting her once you found out about what happened to her.”

  “You mean you hoped. But see, I don’t hold that against her.” Kayne looked away. What had happened to her made his blood boil and gave him murderous tendencies.

  “So, what if I tell her and she hates us both?”

  “She won’t,” said Kayne. “She loves you. And if there is one thing we know about her, she’s able to forgive.”

  “You talk as if you really know her. But you don’t. And if I can help it, you never will. Not on the level you want. What do you think you’re going to do with her? Make babies and live happily ever after? What kind of child could you even have with her? The thing would be an abomination.”

  Suddenly, all of the air left Ignis’s lungs as Kayne grabbed his throat again and squeezed. Ignis fell to his knees, and Kayne stared down at him.

  “Imagine yourself gasping like that for years to
come until I decide to give you mercy.” He looked down into the mage’s eyes and watched as he turned purple. “I could make it happen, you know? I will make it happen if you don’t fess up. Rebekah deserves the truth, and you’re going to go back to her and make things right. She’s upset over this little human turning vampire, and she needs you.”

  He let go of Ignis and walked away, putting his back to him. Then he punched through the concrete with his strong fist. “There. You can leave when you want, but I warn you. You make this right, or I’m coming for you. I don’t want to be the one to tell her, but I will. And if I do it, she’ll really hate you.” His eyes narrowed as his lips twisted into a smirk. “Happy digging.”

  He vanished just as quickly as he appeared.

  Ignis looked over at the cracks in the concrete. He’d have to act fast, and with any luck, he’d be able to move enough of the stone and dirt to get himself out and go home.

  As he moved the first piece of the wall, he felt relief. “They must be worried sick about me by now.”

  Chapter 10

  Liam stood in front of the mirror looking at the retractable fangs that were sticking down from his gums. “I’m a fucking monster,” he whispered to himself. “A blood-sucking maggot, no better than the ones who killed my family.” He closed his eyes and then opened them again, wishing it was a dream. He hated himself.

  There wasn’t anything special about being a vampire so far, other than he was ravenously hungry and the zit he had on his forehead had faded since he last saw a mirror. He could also see a lot better, and while his eyes were sensitive to the light, the red-haired woman who had locked him in the room had the decency to give him one without any windows. He’d surely burn to a crisp in the sun.

  He doubted he’d ever see the sun again or be able to get with girls with those ugly fangs in his face. Not to mention the whole dead thing. Well, undead. Whatever the fuck that meant.

  Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and the woman with the red hair and sharp, angular features stuck her head in. “Why haven’t you changed your clothes?” she asked, gesturing toward the perfectly pressed suit she’d laid out on the foot of his large bed. “Do you not find them appropriate?”

  “I’m not sure what fucking century you’re from, but I’m sixteen, and I’m not wearing that fucking suit.” Fifteen and three quarters. Permanently.

  “Watch your tone with me, Liam. My name is Fiona. I’m your maker, and I’m here to help you. Now, if you don’t like this suit, I’ll bring you something else. I just thought you’d want to be dressed when I brought you your lunch.” She imagined the boy was a virgin and probably had been a bit shy around girls in his former life. She would have shown him many things, especially how to turn on his charm. But first, she’d see how he took to feeding.

  “Can I eat?” He wasn’t sure how things worked, but he was starving. Unfortunately, nothing sounded good, but he hoped once something was put in front of him, he’d be able to eat.

  “I’ve got your dinner just outside, Liam.” She walked over to the door, which she’d left open a crack, and curled her finger to whoever was out waiting in the hall.

  Liam expected some old maid, someone like Lulu, to walk in and offer him a sandwich. Instead, the pretty blonde walked into the room in a haze and took Fiona’s hand. He suddenly wished he’d put on his pants. He felt like an idiot standing around in his underwear.

  Fiona turned the girl toward him, and she whispered in her ear. Then the girl stepped forward. Her chest stuck out, so her perky tits were practically touching her chin. “For your service,” she said with a robotic tone as she tilted her head and brushed back her long hair.

  Liam’s body was on fire as it responded to her beauty and willingness. But then the horror of his family dying made him recoil. “Wait, you want me to feed on her?”

  “Just her blood, silly.” Fiona walked over and brushed he girl’s hair back farther. “Here.” She stroked her neck with one long finger. “This is where you want to bite.”

  “I can’t. It will hurt her. I’ve been fed from. I know what it does to them. I’m not going to feed.” The euphoric feeling was fleeting, and then you were left with sheer pain.

  “She’ll get as much pleasure from it as you will. Trust me. And besides, I can assure you she’s willing. She’s one of our best girls.”

  “I can’t hurt her.” He shook his head. “I hate this. I didn’t ask for this. The Huntress did this to me, and I hate her for it.”

  “You’ve every right to hate her.”

  “I hate everything. I hate you too!” Liam broke down in tears.

  Fiona was about to lose her patience. She wanted to love the boy and guide him like the child she’d never had, but he needed to get in line so she could. She took a deep breath and tried to speak to him in the tone of a mother. “Your incredibly hungry, or your fangs wouldn’t be protruding the way they are. Plus, you have to feed at least once every three days to stay healthy.”

  “I’d rather die.”

  Fiona narrowed her eyes. “Do not ever say that again,” she snapped. “Do you have any idea how special you are to me?” Not knowing what Kayne had agreed to in order to save the foolish child made her wonder why he’d even bothered. But she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially when his gifts came so seldomly.

  “I can’t do it. Vampires took my family from me.” He closed his eyes and felt as if he might cry. He didn’t want to do that in front of the girl.

  Fiona knew it was time for tough love. “You’re going to feed from this girl, Liam. I’m not going to leave until you’ve fed and put on that suit!” Fiona pointed at the bed. “You need to realize your power over them. She’s not like you anymore.” She could tell that he was about to protest, and she readied her hand to strike him if necessary. “You are a far superior being now. The world is yours for the taking. She is yours for the taking, Liam. Look at her.”

  He hadn’t taken his eyes off of the girl. “I don’t want to kill her.” She was so pretty. Her long, blonde hair hung down to her ass, and the tight blouse she wore hugged her breasts. He could think of a million things he wanted to do to and with her, but killing her and feeding on her blood weren’t on the list.

  “You don’t have to kill her. Just have a little taste.” She took her fingernail and scored the girl’s flesh.

  The minute the fresh blood hit his nose, he stepped forward and tried desperately to fight the urge. “No.”

  “Do it, Liam!” She raked her finger through the dripping blood, and then before he could do anything to stop her, she smeared it across his lips.

  Liam wanted to protest and jerked away, but as soon as the blood hit his tongue, he felt his body respond, and his bloodthirst was so intense, he couldn’t help what happened next. He was on her neck in a blink, and while he drank, Fiona smiled.

  “That’s a good boy. Feel that? It’s the most intense pleasure you’ve ever felt in your life, isn’t it?” She held the girl, who was already starting to sway on her feet. “Hold her.” She let the girl sag against him, and while the girl was used to being used, she hadn’t ever been anyone’s first feed. Fiona had a feeling Liam was going to need an intervention.

  “That’s quite enough, darling.” She pulled the girl away, and Liam’s face, which was covered in blood, contorted into a scowl.

  “I want more!” His opinions had changed with one drop of her blood. He had never felt more alive. The transformation was officially complete, and there was no looking back.

  Fiona shook her head. “I’m afraid you’ll need to pace yourself. You will want her again later, will you not? Perhaps there are other pleasures you desire?”

  His body was screaming for more, so he gave her a pleading look. “Please? More blood.”

  Fiona could tell that he had given in to her authority, and to her, he was no more than a child pleading for a second helping of dinner.

  She smiled sweetly. “Oh, okay. Just a little more.” She pushed th
e girl toward him, and as soon as he saw she was going to give in, he snatched the girl and sank his teeth into her neck.

  Fiona laughed. “You may as well get your fill.” She hadn’t planned on giving her best girl to him, but as she watched him plead, she knew she couldn’t deny him anything. She could see their entire future stretching out in front of her. He’d be the child she’d so longed for. The child that Kayne had never been able to give her before. She felt complete for the first time in ages. The empty hole in her heart filled.

  A small yelp, followed by a long moan, broke from the blonde’s throat as he continued to drink, and soon, she was limp in his arms. He could hear her heart pumping slower and slower. He pulled away, horrified that she was dying. “Fiona!”

  The woman was back in a flash and realized that the girl was in trouble. “You’ve drank too much, darling.” She looked at the girl like it was a shame.

  “Is she going to die?”

  “I’m afraid so. You should finish her off.” She encouraged him to take her vein again, and with little hesitation, he did. Once the deed was done, he let go, and she sank from his lap to the floor.

  “I’m a murderer.” His inner struggle told him he was evil, and another part of him didn’t care.

  “No, darling. You’re a vampire. Violet knew what she was stepping up for.” She sat on the bed with him, and with her long thumb, she wiped the blood from his lips.

  “Violet?” He hadn’t wanted to know her name, and Fiona hadn’t meant to let it slip out.

  “You’ll get used to that, and you’ll learn control. You’ll also be a lot neater about it. Before long, you will not spill a drop.”

  “Will you teach me?” he asked, his sweet voice like music to her ears.

  Fiona’s chest swelled with pride. She hadn’t been needed in ages. “Oh, yes, sweetheart. We’re family now. I’m going to take the best care of you.” She stroked his hair. “Just like you were my own child.”


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