The Virgins Double Bosses: A MFM Billionaire Menage Romance

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The Virgins Double Bosses: A MFM Billionaire Menage Romance Page 11

by Sullivan, Shae

I huffed. “You know how I feel.”

  “Well, you don't know how I feel because you haven't asked.”

  “When did you get this way? You've never been so emotional.”

  “Neither have you.”

  I glared. “Fine—we'll take her with us, but we're going to be careful. Understand?”

  “Yeah, okay—whatever.”

  As Arthur took off down the hall, I stared after him. This was a disaster. This woman—this delightful and incredible woman—was causing a rift to form between us. That didn't bode well with me. I didn't take kindly to people who attempted to get between Arthur and I. He was my brother, my best friend, and my closest family. There was nothing I wanted to do without him.

  “Hey, where did Artie disappear to?”

  I turned suddenly, having not heard the kitchen door swing open. “Oh...he went to the bathroom.”

  I felt my skin twitch when I glanced at Belle, completely disrupted by her appearance. Even though she was a little sweaty and had a lock of hair hanging out of her bun, she looked beautiful. She looked just as yummy as all the treats she made.

  "I just finished the pastries, and I know he likes those. I saved one for him," she said with a smile. "Do you want one?"

  “Oh, I...I think I ought to watch my diet.”

  “Please, you can't say no to these. They're low-sugar and low-carb.”

  She was too persuasive. I was getting sucked in. Before I could even deny her, she had me pulled into the kitchen and standing in front of the stove. She lifted a pastry, broke off a small piece, and fed it to me.

  I shuddered as I chewed. “Incredible.”

  “I told you they were great. You don't have to worry about a diet. I use all the freshest ingredients. Nothing in here is manufactured.”

  “That's why you're the best.”

  I felt as stiff and frozen as the statue from the party the other night. I could even see myself positioned like that nude male, exposed for the world to see. She must have noticed my face because she frowned and took a step towards me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, great.”

  “Are you sure? You look pale.” She pressed her wrist to my forehead. “You're burning up a bit. Maybe you've been in the kitchen too long.”

  “It is hot in here.”

  “I have that effect on people.”

  I chuckled nervously and started heading for the door, taking with me the embarrassment I felt. “Well, we're going on vacation soon. We'd like you to come along.”

  “Do you want me to host any events?”

  “Oh, no, darling—far from it. We want you to relax.”

  How did she have this effect on me? What was happening? I was saying shit without even thinking about it. My usually confident and calculated words were now streaming out of my lips without prior consideration.

  I hated it—and loved it.

  “A real, bonafide vacation? You guys must be impressed.”

  “You've impressed us since day one,” I blurted. “I mean, you've always impressed us.”

  She grinned. “That's good to know.”

  “I ought to get some air. It's stuffy in here.”

  “Please, do. I'll have everything set up in time for your guests.”

  “Perfect. Excellent work.”

  I retreated out into the hallway and zipped away, heading for the elevator that would take me to the penthouse. I had never in my life been that disturbed by a woman, that frozen and moved all at the same time. She was a sorceress, an ancient healer, or something ridiculous that I had no knowledge of.

  She was something.

  I turned the key for the penthouse and rode the elevator in silence, pensively studying my reflection in the mirrors around me. I frowned at a partial smudge against the glass and made a note to make a complaint to the cleaning staff. When I arrived at the penthouse, I found Arthur sitting in the living room with a glass of scotch.

  “I hate when you're right,” I growled as I walked past him. “But you're right.”

  Arthur didn't reply. He silently drank his scotch as I went to the bedroom where I sought a new suit to put on. I felt hot and sweaty like I had been running, but I hadn't done much walking at all.

  From the living room, I heard ice clink around in a glass. Within seconds, Arthur was at my side with a glass of scotch, and I tossed it back eagerly, not even trying to taste it. He poured me another, and I accepted it.

  “She's got a spell on you,” he teased. “I mean, she does on me as well.”

  “This is wild, Arthur. I can't handle it.”

  “Wow, wait a second—yes, you can. Come on, brother. How many nights have we spent with women who weren't as impressive as Belle?”

  “Too many.”

  “This vacation will do you good. You need to relax.”

  “I hate to say it, Arthur, but I'm actually frightened by her.”

  He smiled and patted my shoulder. “Get dressed. We have an event.”

  “Did you book the flight?”

  “Everything is handled. We're going to a countryside resort where it's nice and quiet—away from this noisy city. It'll clear your head.”

  I nodded. “Sure, it'll clear my head.”

  “Stop worrying. You're going to hurt yourself.”

  I set my glass of scotch down on the dresser and sighed deeply, digging through my closet for my best suit. I stripped my clothes and pulled on the new suit, brushing the fabric to straighten it. The cool fabric put me at ease, and I felt like myself again as I took a glance in the mirror.

  “I'm good,” I claimed. “I'm fine.”

  “Sure, you are.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Let's get downstairs. We have to talk to the cleaning staff about tidiness.”

  “There's my hard-headed brother at work.”

  I didn't acknowledge the comment, but I allowed a small smile to form. As we stepped into the elevator, I pressed the button for the basement and stood stiffly as we descended. In just a matter of moments, I was back to business.

  I just hoped I could keep it this way.

  Chapter 19


  The plane motor whirred as we drew closer to our destination, providing a gentle white noise that put me at ease. All the events from the weekend had been handled, and we were finally on our way to having some rest and relaxation. We definitely needed it. I felt comforted by the sound of the plane soaring through the air.

  Sitting next to me was Belle with a book in her hands, her eyes flitting across the page eagerly as she ate up the plot of whatever romance novel she was reading this week. Her features shifted, and she smiled, giggling softly.

  “Is something amusing?” I asked playfully.

  “Just got to the part where she finds the guy she's been dreaming of.”

  “Sounds corny.”

  She grinned. “It's cute.”

  “I don't know how you can read those,” Elijah said. “They never hold my attention for longer than a few minutes.”

  “Obviously, you haven't read far enough to get to a juicy sex scene,” she teased.

  I snatched up the book. “There's sex in here?”

  “What kind?” Elijah pressed. “Is it any good?”

  She shrugged. “I think it's hot.”

  I tittered as I shuffled through the pages. “You amaze us more every day, little princess.”

  “Is it surprising I enjoy reading about sex when I don't have sex?” she asked.

  I paused in the center of the book and started reading through the text, raising my eyebrows curiously. “I stand corrected. This isn't awful.”

  “I think it's natural for us to want to read about sex,” Elijah claimed. “We are a sexual species, after all.”

  “What about the people who want to wait?” she posed.

  “You mean, like you?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “Well...” Elijah trailed into thought, stroking his chin. “I don't really think it's natural, but I guess it's fine.”

  “You guess?” she teased. “How do you just guess?”

  “I think what my friend here means is that he can't imagine ever waiting for sex. He started in his teenage years,” I expressed.

  She nodded as her eyes lit up playfully, staring down Elijah who looked like a deer in headlights. “Would you have waited if that was an option?”

  “It was an option. I chose not to wait.”

  “I respect that,” she cooed.

  “And we respect you. We would never want to force you to...” I squinted at the words on the page in front of me. “...'arch your back as if cosmically propelled' without your permission.”

  She guffawed. “Okay, I think that's enough reading for today. When are we arriving at the resort?”

  “Should be within a few minutes, actually,” Elijah replied. “I'll go check.”

  She turned to me when Elijah left, a warm smile lingering on her lips. “I'm glad you two are respectful of my wishes.”

  “You don't think we're too hard on you, do you? I know it's fun to tease, but I don't like to be rude.”

  “No, you're fine. I like what we do.”

  “You don't think it breaks any of your rules?”

  “No—as long as there's no actual sex, it's fine.”

  I licked my lips curiously. “So, you've done surface stuff before?”

  “With one or two people in the past, sure. I never did much in my teen years. I was too busy working towards culinary school.”

  “I guess not having sex makes time for things, eh?”

  She giggled. “Precisely.”

  Elijah returned and handed us water bottles, cracking his open to take a sip. It wasn't hot on the plane, but the conversation was heated. Thinking about having sex with Belle was enough to make me break a sweat. I couldn't imagine what the real thing might do.

  “What were you two talking about?” Elijah inquired.

  “Sex,” Belle boldly replied.

  I laughed. “She's a keeper.”

  “Am I, really?” Her eyes were glowing when she looked at each of us in turn. “That makes me feel warm.”

  “Well, hydration is always the key to warmth,” Elijah joked.

  None of us chuckled. The joke seemed to have fallen flat, leaving my poor friend looking awkward as he lounged against his seat. He shifted one leg over the other and stared at Belle.

  “Maybe leave the jokes to Arthur,” she teased. “I like your seriousness.”

  “I can do that,” he offered.

  “I do like being the only joker in town,” I said with a grin. “Besides, who else will liven up the party?”

  “You both bring wonderful things to parties—and to me,” she complimented. “But I'll be honest, I'm very anxious to get out into the sun. I feel too pale.”

  “Oh, no. You're positively radiant,” Elijah corrected.

  “Whatever you need, we'll provide,” I assured.

  “You two are far too kind to me.”

  The seat belt light blinked on and we each strapped ourselves in, hanging on as the plane descended on the runway. Once we were safely landed, the seat belt light turned off, and our pilot came over the intercom to announce our destination. We rose from our seats and gathered our bags, heading out to the staircase that would lead us to our limo.

  Once we were tucked inside, I relaxed against the leather and inhaled the smell of Georgia, cringing. “Smells like the swamp.”

  “That's Georgia for you,” Belle chimed.

  "I hope there are no gators at the resort," I said.

  Elijah shuddered. “Don't get me started on animals.”

  “You guys are ridiculous. It ain't that bad here.”

  “Well, I reckon with your company it ain't gonna be too terrible,” I said with my best accent.

  She giggled and took my arm, resting her head against my shoulder. We rode the rest of the way to the hotel in a comfortable silence. It was the kind that didn't force me into manic conversation. Odd, really, to feel so comfortable around someone who I hardly knew. I think Elijah felt the same, but his stern demeanor indicated he was still thinking about our conversation from a few days ago.

  When the door opened, we filed out and headed inside the resort where we checked in. We filed into the elevator and stood close to each other, listening to the generic music playing over the speakers.

  “Not as good as our hotel,” Elijah muttered.

  “No, but trying new things is nice,” I retorted.

  “Hmm...I think I have an idea about that.”

  I turned with a grin to my friend who wore a mischievous smile as he traced Belle's exposed shoulder. She was wearing a white sundress, a pretty thing that fit her curves perfectly and remained short enough for easy entry. While his fingers dipped beneath the blouse of her dress, I sank down to the ground and scooted beneath her dress while pressing her against the wall.

  She squeaked when I licked the front of her panties and gushed instantly, soaking the white fabric. Smiling, I poked aside her panties with my tongue and began lapping rapidly, eating up the sounds of her cooing above. Her legs shuddered as I licked her clit, running my tongue along her pussy lips in long, feathery strokes. I pressed my nose in the dip between her thigh and hip, gaining a better angle.

  Another groan erupted from her, rising over the gentle hum of music filling the elevator. Her thighs tensed as I traced her pussy lips with my tongue and gripped her thighs, digging my nails ever so slightly into her skin. She bucked rhythmically into my mouth as I ate her and hummed long and loud when I dragged my tongue over her clit again. Her fingers tangled into my hair as her hips bucked harder, eagerly attempting to reach cloud nine.

  “Switch,” Elijah commanded.

  I stood up and moved to her breasts, plucking one out to place in my mouth. I suckled on her nipple as my free hand sought her other breast to massage. Her chest heaved as Elijah disappeared beneath her dress to take over her pussy, slurping loudly in the small elevator. I smiled as I gently tugged on her nipple.

  “This isn't fair,” she whimpered.

  I released her breast. “Why not?”

  “Because...I want you...both.”

  I hummed and went back to work, extending my tongue to trace her nipple. She bayed and cradled my head while leaning back. If it weren't for the mirrored wall, she might have crumbled to the ground beneath us. I wouldn't have minded that either—I desperately wanted to stretch her out on the ground and fuck her.

  When the elevator dinged, Elijah and I sprung into our previous positions and fixed our shirts. Poor Belle was hooked to the wall with a look of horror on her face as she quickly adjusted her dress and tousled her hair. The doors parted, and I chuckled as I watched her look of horror shift to one of relief.

  “Oh...” she whispered.

  “Yeah, we booked the penthouse,” I said with a snicker. “There's no one else up here except us.”

  “I was a little worried,” she claimed. “I thought we might get caught.”

  “That's okay...we can continue.”

  But Belle hadn't heard my comment. She stepped off the elevator in favor of gawking at every single inch of our penthouse suite. It was understandable considering she had never been in such a place. I put my feelings of rejection on a shelf and joined her in the main room, watching as she shimmied from one side of the room to the other in pure awe.

  She hummed with delight. “There's a tub—oh, this view—how much coffee do we really need—oh, God, that television—I could die in that bedroom!”

  “We thought you would like it,” Elijah said while wiping his lips with a handkerchief. “Do you?”

  “I love it,” she whispered as she went to the window. She placed her hand on the glass while looking out at the countryside. “God, it's just beautiful.”

  “Do you want to go horseback riding? Golfing? Swimming?” I asked.

  “Horses? Really?!” She spun around with her hands to her lips. “There's so much to do. How are we going to fit thi
s into a few days?”

  “Let's eat first and then get to it,” I suggested.

  “What are you hungry for?” she asked.

  Elijah and I exchanged glances and grinned when we turned back to Belle. In unison, we replied, “You.”

  Chapter 20


  I stared with a false look of shock, acting like I was surprised. “Me?”

  Arthur nodded. “We have business to finish.”

  He approached me with a grin while Elijah lingered behind, watching with curious eyes as he turned me around to face the grand window. He ran his fingers down my chest and lingered around my breasts, teasing my nipples through the fabric.

  I shivered. “What do you want?”

  “I want you on your knees,” he whispered. “Keep your eyes forward.”

  Shuddering, I knelt down to the ground and kept my hands on the window, not daring to move a muscle out of place. I felt him shift and his hands grabbed my ass, playing with it. I wanted to look down to see what he was doing, but Elijah came to my side and grabbed my chin.

  “Do as your told,” he demanded.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Take off your panties.”

  Painfully slow, I moved my hands from the window and removed my panties, holding them firmly in my right hand while returning my palms to the glass. Elijah plucked my panties from my hand and forced them into my mouth.

  He leaned close to my ear. “Not a sound.”

  I closed my eyes while Arthur slid between my legs, immediately pressing his lips to my clit. I bit down on my panties while focusing on the sensation. It was too difficult not to move or moan. What were they thinking making me do something like this?

  Elijah tapped my chin. “Eyes open.”

  I looked out into the great, expansive countryside, studying the way the hills rose and fell like waves. There were shades of emerald, forest, and fern green stretching out as far as the eye could see, past the golf course and forever on into infinity. The pairing of this view with the way Arthur's lips massaged my pussy made me shudder.

  I didn't think I could be quiet.

  While Arthur licked me, Elijah gently nudged my chin to the side. He withdrew my panties and tossed them to the ground. As he pressed his erect cock to my lips and coaxed me to part them, I hummed.


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