Book Read Free

Take It

Page 20

by Francesca Penn

  Nick rolled off the bed after a quick nod of his head.

  “I’ll be back.”

  He shot over his shoulder right before he disappeared into the bathroom. The running water on the other side of the door was too loud to be from one of his sinks. A shower?

  Kalilah got off the bed and noticed her soiled bandana. He must have something against her clothing. She shook her head in route to the guest bedroom. She took a quick shower. Nick was hard to read before he disappeared into the bathroom. She wanted to be prepared if he was through with her.

  She did only promise to take his virginity and nothing much past that. Nor did he ask for anything beyond this moment. The last thing she wanted to do was get comfortable when he didn’t want her there. If anything, she would at least prefer not to smell like sex if she had to go to her sister’s couch.

  Slight melancholy settled as she opened her overnight bag. What to wear? She wanted to be ready for either outcome. If he wanted her to stay, she didn’t want to look like she was trying to sneak out on him. If he didn’t want her to stay, she wanted to be able to move on quickly. Black spaghetti strap nightgown and nothing else. It was cotton and not see-through, so if she needed to slip on her sandals, she would not be revealing much since it was long enough to fully cover her ass. It was also simple enough to look like she was just getting comfortable for bed. She zipped up her bag and pulled it on over her head.

  She padded into the kitchen to get some juice since Nick was still in the bathroom.

  Nick had felt his nerves getting the best of him, so he retreated to the shower to buy thinking time. He looked at himself in the foggy mirror. He didn’t look any different; not that he expected it. Hearing her laughter after losing his virginity was the epitome of his worst fears. Or, at least that is what he’d initially thought.

  The explanation of her amusement made perfect sense, but it still didn’t make him feel like he pleased her. He knew her body well enough to know that it was all over before she could have an orgasm. It was irrational and maybe a little insane, but her admittance to not expecting “marathon sex” stung a little.

  Nick started to dry his body and fought against the nerves settling in his belly. He knew that their tentative arrangement was fulfilled, but his plan wasn’t complete. He’d almost made things between them awkward when he practically accused her of laughing at his performance.

  He’d watched, fascinated, as her expressive eyes shifted from what he hoped was desire, to hurt, and then anger. Luckily, he used her advice and didn’t jump to conclusions. She said she wasn’t laughing at him, and he told her that he’d believed her. He wanted to believe her, but some of his old insecurities reared their ugly heads, and he hightailed it to the bathroom to keep the peace.

  It was time for a come to Jesus moment with himself. He catalogued the things that he knew. She was the only woman, that wasn’t his mother or sister, he’d ever allowed in his home. Now, she was the only woman that he’d ever had in his bed and heart. He loved her. That love swelled in his chest, and it scared the shit out of him. Not for the reasons other men were scared. His main fear was that she wouldn’t return the sentiment. That he would go through life a shell of himself because the one person he’d wanted most was unattainable.

  He was willing to do anything in his power to keep her; he just needed to give her a reason to stay. Not only in his bed, but in his life. He looked at the door that separated them. She may not love him, but she was still a willing participant in his bed. Hopefully.

  Determined gray eyes met him in the mirror. His insecurities seeped out of his pores like sweat in a sauna. The realization dawned that Kalilah did not judge him; she continually encouraged him. Nick held onto the faith Kalilah had in him and made a decision. He’d do everything he could to make her his, even if that meant fucking her into submission.

  “Kalilah!” She heard Nick yell like a caveman. Quick feet guided her to his room lest he be injured or something. Her nerves were on edge the whole time he was in the bathroom, but she was relieved to know he was still there. Her brain bounced between several different possibilities, the next one worse than the first. Her last fear before he resurfaced was that he’d sneaked out of the window to avoid her until she left. She rounded the corner to be confronted by stern gray eyes.

  “Where were you?” he questioned while searching her face and taking in her state of dress.

  She held up the cup in her hand. “Juice.”

  He nodded. “I thought maybe you were trying to sneak off.” He looked pointedly at her attire.

  “How? My car keys and purse are both on your dresser behind you.” His eyes followed her statement for confirmation. Once he matched the evidence to her testimony, he turned his eyes back on her.

  “What’s with the wardrobe change?” He scanned her body as if he had x-ray vision. His lips quirked. “Are you sure you are not trying to escape? You know, since you laughed at me.”

  Kalilah rolled her eyes and smacked his chest. “I didn’t know if my other clothes suffered the same fate as my bandana. I didn’t laugh at you!”

  She was so caught up in his eyes that the sound of her hand connecting with naked skin slightly surprised her. Her palm remained flat against his chest, but her eyes were explorers. So much so, they missed the smile on his lips because they were already moving lower and lower until they confirmed that he was still fully naked, partially hard, and completely unashamed. Kalilah was so sure she heard the Halleluiah Chorus that she looked around for the source.

  His hand was on her cheek, and his warm lips were against her ear.

  “Either finish your juice or put it down.” Oh, the intent in his voice was clear to her lady parts; her brain was a little slow on the uptake.


  Nick made the decision for her. Their eyes locked. She couldn’t look away. His right hand was still on her cheek, and the left one took the cup out of her hand. Nick placed it on the dresser while still completely engrossed in her eyes.

  “I’m. Not. Finished. With. You.” He enunciated each word with precision making sure she understood.


  What the fuck brain? She’d spent all that time in college and these were the best responses she could muster. Why did attention from Nick have the ability to short circuit her brain?

  Her mind raced for the answer and clicked when she found it. The look on his face, his posture, his directness and demands…Nick’s metamorphosis was complete. He wasn’t questioning anything or looking for approval. He knew what he wanted and was going after it. He’d asked for it earlier, but now he was taking it. And it was thrilling.

  He guided her to a sitting position at the foot of the bed. The heat from his fingertips seeped into her skin on her shoulders and warmed the rest of her body. Anticipation flowed through her. Nick took a step back moving his heat and body out of her reach.

  His hot gaze traveled over her body.

  “Open your legs.”

  His flint gray eyes held a predatory gleam like he’d just cornered his prey and was preparing to feast. Kalilah complied with his request.


  Kalilah leaned back on her palms and opened her legs wider. The fabric of her gown caressed her as it rode up her thighs. The cool air touching her moist center did nothing to cool her heated skin.

  “Good. Now touch yourself,” he whispered.

  Touch yourself? Nick’s bold request caught Kalilah off guard. Well, more off guard than she already was. This was the second time he’d come out of his bathroom…different. Kalilah studied the now closed door and wondered if something mythical or magical lay hidden beyond the threshold. In the months that they’d been messing around, he’d never requested to watch, but now he wanted to. Her body said, “Okay,” but her brain said “Why?” She wasn’t opposed to touching herself for him, but his intensity made her a little nervous.

  “Nick...” Kalilah tried to stall, but Nick saw it for what it was. He shook his head
to silence her.

  “Shut up and finger your pussy. Show me what you like.”

  The aforementioned body part started to throb at his demand. She wasn’t sure if she should be hot or offended. Kalilah’s shocked eyes watched as he palmed the moisture from the tip of his cock and slowly rubbed himself while eyeing her exposed flesh hungrily.

  Well, that was hot. Her right hand moved at its own volition to do Nick’s bidding. Her fingers glided over her sensitive flesh while Nick watched. She shuddered slightly when she pushed her fingers inside her slick center; her senses were still heightened due to not having an orgasm and Nick’s new dominant personality.

  She watched Nick watch her. His hooded eyes were full of desire. His hair fell on his forehead, his naked chest rising and falling with each breath. His hard cock rested in his hand while he stroked it leisurely. His eyes followed her fingers as he moved closer and kneeled between her legs. Not touching, just watching. Her insides quivered. She was on the edge until Nick moved her hand.

  “Not yet, baby. Not like this.” His intense gaze made her think of hot sex. “I still owe you one.”


  She mentally smacked herself and made a note to read a damn book soon. Kalilah found herself on her back looking at the ceiling before she could finish berating herself. The sudden shift of her axis left her feeling slightly disoriented. By the time she found her bearings, Nick had her legs on his shoulders, his hands cupping her ass cheeks, and his thumbs spreading her lips apart.

  He studied her so intently, Kalilah was sure he knew her as intimately as her gynecologist. His attention was strangely erotic. Who wouldn’t want a man to look at their vag like it was a piece of art that needed to be carefully studied? Kalilah pushed up on her elbows to watch him. He glanced at her briefly before wrapping his mouth around her in the hottest open-mouthed kiss she’d ever experienced.

  His bottom lip and tongue moved up her slit while his top lip came down. His lips met at her clit, and he sucked a little for good measure. Every sensation from every cell congregated on her tiny little nub. The intensity momentarily knocked the breath out of her. Kalilah didn’t remember to breathe until her lungs begun to burn.

  “Fuuuuck!” Was all her addled brain could produce when Nick’s tongue dipped further into her center and started to lap up her juices. His tongue was mimicking what she’d done with her fingers moments before. Her head rolled back and her eyes fluttered closed.

  “No. Watch me,” he growled.

  The vibrations doubled her pleasure. She forced her eyes open and the vindication that shone through in his eyes reminded her of something he’d once said. I’m a virgin, not a saint. Damn, he did know what he was doing. She knew she hadn’t listened, but he didn’t say he was the motherfucking Picasso of oral sex either.

  He sucked on her clit then attacked it with the tip of his talented tongue before sucking it again. A surprise orgasm ripped through her body with so much force that she would tell anyone who asked that she’d seen stars. Her nails dug into the sheets, and she moaned while she rode out the waves. Nick tightened his grip and did not release her until she had her last tremor.

  “So good,” he whispered as he climbed up Kalilah’s body. He yanked her gown off and tossed it. Then he hovered above her like he did on their last Lazy Friday.

  “Now. I want you to taste yourself on my tongue.”

  He licked her partially open lips before dipping his tongue in her mouth. He kissed her thoroughly. Then nipped at her lips. Kalilah moaned into his mouth; they tasted wonderful together. His excitement dripped on her thigh, warm and slightly sticky. He stopped her when she tried to wrap her legs around his waist. He pushed back and grabbed one of the packets on the bed. When did those get there?

  He ripped it open with his teeth and Kalilah was mesmerized as he rolled the latex down his length. He smiled at her, his dimples prominent on his face.

  “Training wheels,” he said before settling between her bent knees.

  Nick grabbed her bent knees and pushed himself into her body. Her body stretched to accommodate his head. He pulled back and pushed back in; slowly pushing himself further inside with each tentative thrust.

  Kalilah knew he was testing the waters, so to speak, and not intentionally teasing her, but his body constantly rubbing against the sensitive flesh at her opening had her body on fire. At this rate, she’d be done before he got started; she wasn’t complaining. She just wanted him along for the ride. Kalilah arched her back and met his next thrust. His hips slapped against her as he sunk all the way in.

  “Damn Baby, you feel so good,” he whispered before teasing the shell of her ear with his hot, wet tongue.

  Kalilah wiggled, enjoying the feeling of his heated skin rubbing against her. This is what she’s been wanting and imagining since he’d asked her. Nick moaned in appreciation as her nails gently ran up and down his back.

  He pushed up on his elbows to put space between them unknowingly giving her free range of his chest and torso. Her hands were like heat-seeking missiles, stroking and caressing every dip and line of his body, groping his taunt flesh unabashedly.

  “You’re so fucking hot, Nick.” His intense gray eyes softened and glowed from the compliment.

  “You think so?” It was an honest question. He wasn’t fishing for compliments or trying to stroke his ego.

  Kalilah didn’t hesitate. “Hell, yes! And sexy as hell.” Kalilah was treated to both dimples.

  “Really?” Slight confusion laced his voice.

  Kalilah’s eyebrows knitted together. How could he not know this? She positioned herself on her elbows so she could look him in the eye better.

  “I have a question for you.” She continued when he raised his eyebrows. “Are you currently balls-deep inside of me?”

  Nick’s face was a mixture of pleasure and pain. Kalilah felt his cock twitch inside of her. Her walls slightly contracted in response.

  “Oh. You’re killing my Zen-like calm.” His voice was rough with desire. “I’ve been doing my best impersonation of a statue to let my body cool down.”

  He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment then roamed her body. Kalilah didn’t think it was possible, but his body hardened more.

  “I’ve tried to reign in my desire.”

  Kalilah leaned in and nipped at his bottom lip. “Nick…” She teased the seam of his lips with the tip of her tongue. “Who told you to do that? After months of trying, I finally have you exactly where I want you.”

  She didn’t mean to say the last part. It was as if his cock was truth serum. It was her turn to ask.

  “Fuck me, Nick.”

  Nick distracted Kalilah with a bone melting kiss. His skilled tongue made love to her mouth while his retreating cock made her body ache for more. Nick tested his options with a few cursory strokes before finding his rhythm.

  Kalilah’s body hummed with the appreciation of each stroke, each nerve awakened by his hand sliding down her hip to her outer thigh, and each squeeze of her ass cheek, each rub of his hard body against hers. And each of his sighs of pleasure.

  Kalilah was high on Nick. Intoxicated by his scent and lost in his eyes. She felt herself falling deeper into the abyss of her feelings. She would need a rope to pull herself out the emotional quicksand. Her hands followed the taut skin of his back until they landed on his toned ass cheeks. He let out a soft, surprised gasp when she grabbed them. Nick nipped her neck.

  “I’ve been reading…” It seemed like a strange changed of subject until he slightly shifted his position. His shallow thrusts were slow and deliberate like he was searching. “…that if I just do this…”

  Electric bolts of sensation flooded her body when he found a spot that apparently, no one else had. His face broke into a sexy smile he noticed the shock on her face.

  “It does exist,” he whispered before hitting that spot continuously until it felt like Kalilah’s soul jumped out of her body. Her toes curled, her damp skin tightened, and her fingers
grabbed for a pillow.

  Nick thwarted her efforts. “I want to hear you.”

  He emphasized his demand by trapping her hands above her head before thrusting into her one last time. A hoarse scream ripped out of her, and her body convulsed around Nick. Nick’s control shattered. His cock jerked inside of her as it spilled his seed. He moaned her name on repeat.

  Nick rolled off her, and they both fought to catch their breaths. Kalilah stared at the ceiling in amazement. She was spent. Her long day came crashing down on her. Nick kissed her then wandered into the bathroom. The Sandman lulled her into a deep, much needed sleep.

  Chapter 19

  N ick sighed as his body transitioned from sleep to light consciousness. The early morning sun bounced off his closed eyelids, reminding him that they’d failed to close his blinds. He smiled to himself. Too bad he didn’t have any close neighbors that could have seen what he did last night. Did he do anything last night? A small part of him feared it was all an entirely too vivid dream. His eyes flew open and collided with his ceiling. Nothing different there. He touched his naked body. Not out of the ordinary; he slept naked regularly now.

  The rest of his senses woke up, and he heard soft snoring. Nick grinned as he rolled onto his side to set eyes on the source. His soft, warm, reddish-brown, and very sexy guest slept on her stomach with one leg bent and the other leg straight. She was still gloriously naked with the sheets gathered at her feet. It was the confirmation he needed. He wasn’t dreaming. A montage of the night before replayed in his head making his dick instantly hard.

  Happy birthday to me. Nick’s body convinced him that he should experience morning sex, and his brain happily agreed. He ran his hand along the soft, smooth skin of her ass until his fingers reached the slit beneath.

  “Mmm,” Nick murmured when he slipped a finger in her slick core.

  Her sleeping body accepted his second finger, and her juices coated them. She squirmed but didn’t awaken. He positioned himself between her legs from behind. His excited head rubbed against her moist slit. He bit his bottom lip to keep from groaning out loud. Wet, hot flesh engulfed his dick automatically gripping him in the best kind of hug.


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