Divine Blood

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Divine Blood Page 41

by Beck Michaels

  “What do you mean?”

  His wings flexed, reflecting his urge to fly away from her again, but if he didn’t confess now, he may never say the words. “I must tell you something. Something unfortunate, but you must know. You have a right to know.”

  Her alarm coming through the bond shackled around his throat.

  “I made a mistake,” he rushed out. “Please know it was never my intention. I had only meant to heal you. You will most likely despise me, and rightly so, but—”

  “Nothing you say would ever make me despise you. You’re important to me.”

  That shocked Cassiel enough to meet her gaze.

  It was another foreign concept, but he sensed she meant it. The bond hummed with affection. She shouldn’t feel that way toward him, and she wouldn’t after he confessed. Whether or not she hated him, everything would once again change.

  “You do not know who I am,” he said. “You do not know what I’ve done. I should tell you so you would understand why I am unworthy of such regard.”

  “You are worthy.”

  He scoffed. “I’m a half-breed, Dyna.”

  She frowned. “So?”

  “That is all I’ll ever be. That is all my people see.”

  “That is not what I see. I see a grumpy, ludicrous Celestial who is musically talented, intelligent, and unique. Someone courteous when he cares to be, even if it makes him uncomfortable.” Dyna laughed when he cringed. She leaned forward on her knees and took his face in her hands. “I see someone who is trying to find his place in the world when he’s been convinced he doesn’t have one. Someone who is so much more than he believes. I see you, Cassiel.”

  Her words had done something to the rock inside of his chest, where his heart used to be. She’d chipped away a piece, leaving him a little lighter. A little less angry. He truly didn’t understand this human, but he didn’t care anymore.

  By the connection of her touch, his second sight unveiled Dyna’s soul. His eyes drifted closed, easing all tension out of him.

  “What does it look like?” she asked, realizing what was happening.

  “It is difficult to describe. It is as though all the constellations of the cosmos have gathered in one place.”

  It was both a beautiful and captivating sight.

  But her soul appeared different since he had last seen it. Within the dancing storm of emerald light was the glowing white cord of their bond braided with the golden lifeline of his soul. It wove through hers, displaying how deeply tethered their fates were to each other. He may no longer have the sanctity to slay demons, but her heartbeat within him and his within her. That one indisputable fact could never be undone.

  When the bond first happened, he desperately wanted to be rid of it. But after coming to accept it, he found himself balanced and established. He had been sinking through life, never knowing which way was up or down.

  Until her.

  Unknowingly, unintentionally, Dynalya Astron had become his sun, and the incredulity of it faded all of his dread.

  Cassiel swept another red strand from her temple, letting his fingers stroke her cheek. He waited for her to recoil, to be sickened that someone such as him had the audacity to presume so much. When she didn’t shrink away, he slowly slid his hands up her arms, leaving goosebumps along her soft skin until he reached her shoulders.

  Every touch was a question, a request for permission. Her bright green eyes locked onto his giving the answer he didn’t know he wanted. The energy of their bond entwined them, the tendrils of her presence weaving through his every breath. His hand slid to the curve of her neck. Her soft skin rushed with warmth. He sunk his fingers through her locks and brushed his fingertips along her nape. Dyna’s pulse leaped, her heart racing with his own.

  He fixated on her full mouth. On those lips he wanted to touch. His head spun with uncertainty and desire. He swallowed once. Twice. Then trailed his other hand up her spine. She trembled, inhaling a quivering breath. He felt her excitement filter through the bond, mirroring his. He wrapped his wings around her, and with the slightest pressure, invited her to close the gap between them. She drew closer, and he leaned toward her gradually, a part of him waiting until the last moment for her to protest.

  She did not.

  Their noses met in idle hesitation. Could he kiss her? There were a thousand reasons why he shouldn’t.

  “What were you going to tell me?” she asked, her supple mouth caressing the corner of his. The sensation sent a tide of thrill through him. “At the inn, you said my eyes reminded you of something.”

  He laughed softly, still a bit embarrassed he had admitted it, and whispered, “They remind me of spring. The type of green that comes after a brutal winter has melted away.”

  Dyna smiled a small smile, her cheeks pinking. He grazed her mouth. Gentle and careful. Tentative. Could he steal a kiss after he had stolen so much from her?

  Gods, he desperately wanted to, but it wasn’t right. Not when he needed to tell her the truth first.

  “Whatever your secrets, it won’t change my mind,” she said, sensing his thoughts. “I’ll not turn my back on you.”

  It was a promise he felt seal over them both.

  Cassiel leaned back, holding her gaze. He took her hands in his and she stilled in anticipation. The world fell away, taking all of his doubts and fears. Leaving nothing but the silent autumn air between them and the hushed words on his lips.

  “We are Blood Bonded.”

  Note From The Author

  Thank you so much for reading Divine Blood. I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to know what happens next, Dyna’s story will continue in Bonded Fate, book two in the Guardians series. Which I plan to release in 2021. I share bonus content, giveaways and updates on future books through my newsletter at www.beckmichaels.com

  Not ready to leave Urn yet? Come join other fans in the Divine Blood Facebook Group. Everyone is welcome.

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  I love hearing from readers, so if you'd like to keep in touch, you can find me on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.

  Feedback: Did you find any errors? Or have other comments? Contact me at [email protected]


  There is something magical about creating worlds and characters in our imaginations. They become real in your mind and in your heart, at least that is true for me. Writing and reading whisk me off to other worlds, and sometimes it’s hard to come back. I have been working on The Guardians of the Maiden series for over fifteen years, so I’d like to believe my characters exist in some tangible dimension, even if it's just wishful thinking.

  When I first wrote this story, I had no idea the adventure it would take me on. I give great credit to all my friends and family who have supported my dream and cheered me on along the way.

  First and foremost, thank you to my husband, Michael, for putting up with the endless hours I spent writing and helping my dreams come true. You mean the world to me, love.

  How can I not thank my sister, Raquel Landell? She has been my number one fan from the beginning. You have been supporting me since this story began many years ago and it was your demand for a next chapter that kept me writing.

  Special shout out to Holly Black. If I had not discovered her books so long ago, I may not have developed my love for fantasy and storytelling.

  I’ll never forget the many beta readers who had the patience to read through my very rough drafts. I owe thanks to so many of you:

  To Chelsea Couch for setting my writing on the right path. To Lauren Lane, my lovely critique partner who always encouraged me. To Hina Babar, my editor who worked hard to whip this book into shape. To Amandine Elaye, and Noni Siziya for telling me how it is. To Lauren Voeltz, Katie Cunningham, and Jessica Scurlock for their unwavering praise. To Will Kerwick for instr
ucting me on how to wield a blade on the page. To all the amazing people in the Book Readers Anonymous Support Group, to my outstanding ARC Team and to everyone who helped spread the word about Divine Blood.

  Each one of you taught me so much and made me laugh along the way. I am forever grateful to all of you for believing I could do this. You helped make this fictional world real.

  Thank you.

  I am within your debt.

  Beck Michaels

  Pronounciation Guide


  Dynalya/Dyna: Die-nal-yah / Die-nah

  Cassiel: Cass-e-el

  Zev: Zeh-v

  Von: Vaughn

  Tarn: Tar-n

  Geon: Je-on

  Elon: Eh-lon

  Yavi: Ya-vee

  Rawn: Ron

  Lucenna: Lu-seh-na

  Azeran: Ah-zer-ran

  Lyra: Lie-ra

  Yoel: Yoh-el

  Malakel: Mah-la-kel

  Tzuriel: Zu-re-el

  Gareel: Gah-reel


  Ida: eye-dah

  Hilos: He-los

  Corron: Core-on

  Azure: Ah-z-her

  Magos: Mah-gos

  Argyle: Ar-guy-el

  Xian Jing: She-an-ging

  Harromag Modos: Ha-ro-mag Moh-dos

  Saxe: Sah-x


  Tellūs: Tah-lus

  Lūnam: Lu-nahm

  Sōlis: soh-lis

  Hyalus: Hi-ya-lus

  Essentia Dimensio: Eh-sen-see-ah De-men-see-o

  Esh Zayin: Eh-sh Zah-yin

  Kados Lezayen: Ca-dosh Leh-za-yen

  About the Author

  BECK MICHAELS is the American author of the enchanting young adult novel Divine Blood, the first book in the epic fantasy series The Guardians of the Maiden and King’s Oath. Beck lives in Indiana with her husband and two children, where she spends her time reading and daydreaming of stories in faraway lands.





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