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Resurrection Page 19

by Evelyn Montgomery

  I laugh slightly before noticing the motion of it is waking Olivia and try and quite myself a little. She begins to cry so I put the pacifier in her mouth to soothe her, and it works beautifully. Looking up, I admire the way the man before me watches over us. The way he has since the moment he came bursting through my front door. God how I love him. Always have. Always will. And as I feel everything thought, every emotion, begin to flood through me, I can’t help but start to cry.

  Justin looks at me from where he stands watch and a concerned look crosses his face. He turns and kneels at my side. “Sunshine, it’s OK. You didn’t embarrass him that bad, and hell I’m sure it won’t be the last time in his life. He’ll get over it.”

  I shake my head as I begin to laugh through my tears. He frames my face with his palms and wipes the wetness coating my cheeks away. I take a few deep breaths and try and settle myself down as Olivia continues to wake up in my arms. “Thank you,” I whisper, as I smile and lean my forehead against his. “Thank you, for everything.”

  He cups my chin in his hands and forces me to look up. Even with Olivia crying, even with the sound of the engine and the mountains rushing by outside, I feel nothing but peace as I stare into his eyes. “I love you,” he whispers before placing a tender kiss on my lips. “Don’t thank me, Rose. I’d do anything for the one I love. Without thinking. Without any regrets.” He says as a smile spreads across his lips.

  I smirk at him and kiss him back. “No regrets.”

  Olivia fusses in my arms and breaks up the moment, leaning back I attempt to find her pacifier but see it has fallen to the floor. Justin grabs it and places it in his pocket before opening the diaper bag and handing me a clean one. Our fingers brush and I lock eyes with him, addicted to the sensation that rushes through me whenever his skin touches mine, and smile.

  He stands back at the door and continues to watch down the hallway. Olivia takes the pacifier as she sits up in my arms and fuses momentarily before calming down. “I was thinking about what Liam asked earlier,” I begin to say with a slightly shaky voice embarrassed to even look over at him as I address what I am about to.

  “Yeah, what’s that?” I hear Justin ask nonchalantly and know he has to still be looking out the doorway for my son.

  “About you staying over more, staying the night…” I reach into the diaper bag as Olivia starts to fuss more in my arms. Grabbing out a bottle I premixed, I shake it a few times as nerves begin to build inside me the longer he is silent. “I mean, I know last night was a first, a first for many things but, I dunno…” I trail off as I slip the pacifier out of her mouth and replace it with the bottle. She cries a little before she starts to drink and a little milk dribbles down her chin. I reach back into the diaper bag and pull out a wipe and try and juggle the bottle she is still drinking while I wipe her face. He still hasn’t answered and I don’t have the guts to look up and see his possibly heart breaking expression that I am pushing things way to quickly, so I just continue because hell, I am already this deep might as well dive in headfirst. “It’s just, the kids like having you around. And well, I mean I like it too,” I blush as I look down at my daughter and my stomach turns in knots at his silence. “I know my place isn’t great, and I don’t expect for you to invite us into your home,” butterflies, so many damn butterflies, as I stare down at my daughter and my hands begin to shake. “But having you around more would be nice, you know.” I stutter as my gaze finally lifts and I realize he isn’t listening.

  “Justin?” I say, as a concern look etches across his features. “Justin,” I repeat, a little more sternly to catch his attention. He holds up his hand to silence me as he takes one step out into the hall. Worried for, well shit I have no clue what, I stand and follow. Once I reach the doorway the train stops abruptly and the jolt sends me and Olivia crashing forward, but he turns and catches us both, steadying me on my feet and asking quickly if we are OK.

  I nod as my gaze lifts up to his and I see fear. Terror. Horror flash across his face. “What is it?” I quickly ask, as goosebumps spread across my body.

  Pushing me back into the private car he sternly grabs my arms. “Stay right fucking here, Rose! Don’t move from this car, do you understand me?”

  My eyes search his as I realize this isn’t a damn joke. The train stopped, 20 minutes before we were supposed to make it back to the station and that isn’t fucking normal. “Liam!” I shout, as my mother’s instinct kicks in and I clutch Olivia to me tighter.

  “Stay here!” He sternly insists one last time before darting out the door, shutting it quickly and dashing down the hallway towards the bathrooms.

  “Like fucking hell I will!” I yell to myself as I grab Olivia’s harness, fling it over my body and quickly secure her inside. She cries as my hands grip her harder than usual in an attempt to hurry. To see what the hell is going on. To make sure my son is OK, and to know what the hell Justin took off after.

  When I have her fastened to me, I push open the doors to the car and look to my right. Nothing. A quick look to my left and I see someone dash around the corner. With unsteady feet and my heart hammering out of my damn chest, I quickly begin to walk after them. My palms sweat. Olivia’s cry echos through my ears as I near the turn and I feel sick from the anxiety rushing through my body at the thought of what might be around the corner.

  “Mommy!” I hear Liam yell as my breathing stalls, my heart suddenly stops, and I round the damn corner determined to get to my son.

  I bump into Justin’s back as I run towards my son’s voice and quickly look up to see just what has Justin stopped in his tracks in front of me. A figure, wearing a mask, holding a gun, to Liam’s head.

  “You don’t want to do this,” I hear Justin whisper as fear steals every thought, every feeling from my body and I stand there staring, speechless. “Please, just lower the gun, give me the boy and you can have whatever the hell it is you want.”

  I go to push around Justin but he holds me steady behind him as the man moves towards the door of the engine. “Liam!” I yell before hearing my son whimper and try and fight to break free. The person holding him shoves the gun against his temple harder and my cry matches my son’s as we both hold each other’s eyes and I feel him slipping away from me. Feel the worst creeping in with every second the person in front of us holds him hostage. I attempt again to break past Justin but he blocks me once more.

  A noise sounds in the next car over as the person in the mask looks to their left and quickly notices their time is up. Whoever is coming makes them snap as they tighten their grip on my son and take a step back before flinging open the door.

  “Please,” I beg as a sob breaks free from deep inside me and thunders through the small hallway. “Not my son. You can have anything. Anything you want. Just please don’t take my son!”

  The person looks to their left again quickly before jumping out of the car and hauling Liam off with them.

  “No!” I yell, but Justin bolts forward and barely misses catching either one of them. He falls to the floor in his attempt before quickly jumping up and racing the rest of the way to the door. Jumping out, he starts to run towards the person hauling my screaming boy off in his arms.

  I race forward as I take the steps out of the car two at a time. Olivia cries next to my chest as I hold her while I run after the three of them. I look down to try and shush her but I fail as I cry myself and race after the worst nightmare I have ever fucking had now come to life. Glancing back up, I see Justin has almost caught up to them and the heaviness on my heart lifts a little at the realization that we just may be able to make it out of this. He will be OK. My son will come home with us today, and soon, if I am lucky, this will all be some bad dream.

  But a truck dashes out of the woods to our right out of nowhere. And I watch as it quickly races towards Liam and his kidnapper. I suddenly feel my feet slow as I come to a stop and watch as Justin pushes himself, running faster, harder than before in an attempt to reach them. Liam’s screams as
he reaches out for Justin, stretching, grabbing with all his little boy strength in any attempt to reach his grasp, but it is no use. The person grabs ahold of the tailgate and jumps on the back of the vehicle with Liam in his arms before whoever is driving accelerates and takes off faster than Justin’s feet can carry him.

  “Mother fucker!” I hear the man in front of me yell as he attempts one last time to reach him. To reach my son. To get him back and make it right. My world spins out of control as I watch him chase after the vehicle, as people behind us begin to yell, scream, demand answers as to why the train stopped, what is going on and where the truck in front of us is going that now holds my world, my life, my first born in it.

  My hands shake as my head feels dizzy. I look around frantic and catch the eyes of people standing, staring, judging.

  You failed!

  I hear the voice say inside me.

  I look up as anxiety sets in and see Justin slowly stop running once the car puts too much distance between them and I hear myself cry even harder knowing that it’s over. He’s gone. And who took him, what they want, and how we are going to get him back are all answers I don’t fucking have!

  The man in front of me turns and stares in my eyes. Sweat drips down his brow. Panic like I have never seen before stares back at me in his eyes. He walks back towards me and I let out a horror filled scream as reality sets in.

  “No,” I cry as I shift on my feet and clutch a sobbing Olivia tighter against me. “No!” I yell as he reaches my side and pulls me into his arms. “NO!” My strangled sob thunders around us as he pulls me into his arms and wraps them around me tight.

  “I’m sorry,” his voice breaks as my world falls apart and I push at his chest needing to be free. From this. From what happened. From the hell that has come back to swallow me whole.

  “I’m sorry, Sunshine,” he whispers once more as he pulls me tighter against him and tries to shush Olivia who is screaming with me. “I tried.” He says as his fingers grip my shoulders and he backs away to stare me in the eyes. “And I failed, again. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  Chapter 26


  “And you say they were holding a gun?” I hear an officer say as I look to the floor in front of me and feel numb. “Did you get a better look at them?” He asks again, making my irritation skyrocket with all the questions. The concrete stool I am sitting on at the station feels cold and a shiver runs up my spine as he continues. “Was it a man, or a woman? Did they speak? Did you see any distinguishing marks that could help us?”

  My head, dizzy and dazed to the world around me, spins as I shake it a few times and try and focus. “Whoever it was, they were dressed in all black,” I hear Justin answer for me as I look up when I hear Olivia cry. Erica bounces her in her arms and I blink a few times as my head wobbles and I try and not feel it. The dread. The panic. The horror as I remember the way my son’s face looked. Hear his screams. See him fight, all while a stranger, someone with some sick vendetta held a gun up to his head and took him away from me. From us.

  I begin to cry as the visions come flooding back and feel Justin quickly sit beside me. “No, Rose. Don’t. Please Sunshine, don’t. I promise you, I fucking pledge my last fucking breathe, my life, on the fact that I will bring him home. Safe and unharmed. I promise you Rose!”

  “How?” I sob as I look up in his eyes. “How are you going to do that Justin! He’s gone. He’s gone!”

  “I know, I know Sunshine, and I’m sorry, but…”

  “No!” I shout as my temper flares and I stare in his eyes with a hatred for everything that just happened. “My little boy is gone! Gone! He might never be coming back, and you’re fucking sorry!”

  Hurt flashes across his face. He leans back and swallows hard before nodding and rising to speak again with the officer.

  “Did we give you anything, anything at all to go off of and maybe get us some answers,” I hear him plead, but my gaze finds Erica’s across the way and I watch as she tries to comfort a fussy Oliva. Dead. Worthless. Comatose. I stare at the two of them and realize I am no use. No help to any of them. I couldn’t even protect what was mine and now I can’t even help who I have left as Oliva fusses across the way from me.

  I scream as I push up out of my seat and start to pace. The officer stops what he was saying and backs away before Justin comes to my side and tries to stop me.

  “Rose,” he sternly says, “Look at me Rose.” But I can’t. Not now. Not when I feel so hopeless and I know the truth, that all of this is fucking pointless. We didn’t get a good look at whoever it was. We both don’t know anyone that would want to hurt us. Justin couldn’t save him, and neither could I. Looking in his eyes now would only do one thing, bring me peace. Make me believe. In hope. In faith that we will be OK. That Liam will be OK. And I am not sure I can do that, not yet. Not when I don’t fucking believe it.

  “Rose!” He demands and I stop pacing. But I still don’t look at him. I can’t. I keep my gaze connected with something across the yard as my teeth clench and more tears fall. “We will find him!” I hear him promise, but I shake my head violently as I close my eyes because I know the truth. “We will Rose, you have to trust me!”

  “How?” I yell again as I finally look in his tormented eyes. “How, huh Justin? We have nothing to go off of! No one to point the officers to! Hell, we don’t even know the license plate of the vehicle. My son is gone! Fucking gone! And we have no one to turn to for help! Why the fuck would I trust you?”

  His jaw sets firmly as I watch him glare into my eyes. My pulse is racing and I know I shouldn’t be taking my anger out on him like this but shit, I can’t help myself.

  “If I can do anything?” I hear Erica say behind him as I look in her direction and see the officer has walked off. And God, I silently thank her for the interruption as my shoulders sag and a slight relief fills me.

  “Take Rose to the car,” I hear Justin say before my eyes dart back frantically to his.

  “No, I am not leaving! We’re not leaving. If he is still here, somewhere around here, out there…”

  “Take her to the car, Erica,” Justin sternly repeats cutting me off as my eyes grow wide and stare back into his.

  “Justin, I..”

  “Rose,” he cuts me off as he takes a step forward. “Trust me.”

  I war with myself as the mother in me can’t leave. Not yet. But the woman, my wiser half, knows that I need to do what the man in front of me is asking.

  “Please,” I whisper as a tear falls. “My son. Justin… Liam, my baby… I can’t…”

  He shakes his head and takes a step closer closing his eyes. Reaching out and steadying my shoulders, he takes a deep breath and then looks up. “Trust me, Rose.”

  Chills sweep across my arms as I stand and look back at him. Confidence stares back at me and I know he has this. I have to trust him. I nod and look at Erica over his shoulder.

  “Do you want me to carry her?” I ask as Justin’s grip slips from my shoulders and we begin to make our way to the parking lot.

  “I got her,” I hear Erica say, “Unless you need to hold her right now? And then I’ll hold you as we walk.” I smile at her before more tears fall and she pulls me in to her side for a hug and we begin to make our way towards the car.

  Whatever happens. Whatever doesn’t. Leaving it now in the hands of the man behind me, I have to have faith, I have to believe, I have to trust that it will all be OK.


  Rose and Erica walked to the car almost 30 minutes ago but I can’t force myself to move. I can’t force myself to leave as the shadows grow longer and all but just a few employees are left as they scurry around the place and occasionally steal a sorry glance in my direction.

  Shoving my hands through my hair, I let out a sigh as I look up and see the night quickly setting in. How the fuck did we get here?

  I blame myself for taking us here today. I blame myself for letting him walk to the restroom alone. I blame myself for tak
ing my eye off him for one damn quick second and falling more in love with his mother when my fucking job at that time was to watch over him, protect him.

  “Fuck!” I yell, and then watch as a few teenagers cleaning up nearby flinch. I shake my head, raise my hand apologizing and give them a sad smile before turning and starting to walk away.

  The irony of the fucking situation sets in and I find myself laughing. How in the hell does someone get to be as unlucky in life as my sorry ass. Rolling dice. Hitting the table hot. I curse Troy who isn’t even fucking here before I come to a halt in the middle of the parking lot.


  My mind quickly puts together a plan that I should have thought of a fucking hour ago and I find myself pulling out my phone in a hurry and shooting off a text. I look up and see Erica and Rose, both of them looking at me perplexed as I refuse to move. As I stand motionless and wait for my phone to alert me I’ve got the answer. What we want. What we need. The way out of all this bullshit.

  My text tone snaps me out of my trance and I quickly look back down. Fucking perfect. He gave me exactly what I wanted. Followed up with a text that my ass better explain later.

  I laugh knowingly before hitting the number he sent me and waiting impatiently for the call to go through. I don’t care what time it is he better fucking pick up or my ass will be on the next flight and I’ll make him help me.

  “Salve, come posso aiutarla,” I hear a woman say on the other side of the line. My Italian is broken and the little I know I have mostly forgotten from my time overseas, but I quickly pick my brain and try and find a way to get a message across to the woman.

  “Ciao,” I respond. “Is Leonardo Lombardi nel?” If he isn’t in, I pray this woman knows where I can find him because I will stop at nothing to bring justice to whoever took Liam.

  “Uh Leonardo, si uno momento,” she responds before I hear the rustling of the phone line followed by a woman’s laugh and the sound of a man’s voice I knew well when I was stationed in Italy. The woman’s voice takes me by surprise though and I wonder if maybe the notorious playboy settled down, but then shake my head because that can’t fucking be true, hell would freeze over first.


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