Diving in Deep (A Bay State University Novel Book 2)

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Diving in Deep (A Bay State University Novel Book 2) Page 10

by Katie Holland

  I stormed out of the coffee shop and went straight to the dorm. I slammed the door when I got there.

  “Karma,” Kayleigh said, “what’s wrong?”


  “You’ll have to explain that.”

  “Bodie just basically accused me of being with Anthony because he has money. Can you fucking believe that?” I ranted. “I just want to punch him right in his face. Bodie, not Anthony. Anthony found me at the club that night. He was hot and sex worthy, I thought that’s all it was going to be. But I ended up liking him enough to go on a date with him. Who does Bodie think he is? Just because he’s got money doesn’t give him the right to be a fucking asshole. It’s a good thing he’s not here right now or I’d kick him in the balls.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Karma, I want you to take a deep breath.” I glared at her, but she only smiled. “Please?”

  Fuck, she was giving me those eyes. She knew I would do what she wanted.

  “Fine,” I huffed and took a breath.

  “A deep breath Karma. From your diaphragm.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “Now, four more,” she insisted.

  A minute later, I actually felt a little bit calmer.

  “Thanks,” I told her.

  “You’re welcome. That’s what I’m here for. So, do you want to talk about it now?”

  “Why the fuck would he ask me something like that Kayleigh?”

  “You have to remember that he and Major grew up very differently than we did. Money can do strange things to people. I bet they had girls trying to get to them just because of their money. Can you imagine what it’d be like to not know if someone liked you for you or because you’re rich?”

  “I guess,” I reluctantly admitted. “But he still didn’t have the right to ask me that. It’s not like he’s my brother or something.”

  “I’ll agree with that,” she said. “So, are done being mad at Bodie?”

  “No, but I don’t want to kill him now.”

  “That’s progress,” she said with a smile. “How about we watch something on Netflix until we have to go to practice? I’ll let you pick out anything you want.”

  “Deal,” I said, and got comfy on the couch with Kayleigh.



  I knew that question would make Karma mad, but I had to do it and I really hated myself right now. Not only did I insult her, but now I was listening to a private conversation between her and Kayleigh. Major was the only other person on campus that knew the girl’s dorm was bugged. Fuck, I was the world’s biggest asshole.

  As much as I hated that I was eavesdropping, I was really pleased with what Karma was saying when she thought she was having a private conversation. I emailed dad the recording of the conversation, trusting it was going to be what he was looking for. I know I needed more, but I hoped it was a start.

  “You look both pissed off and happy at the same time,” Major said, when he saw me sitting on the couch. “I didn’t think that was even possible.”

  “I guess I am both of those things right now. I’m pissed off at myself and Antonio Pagano but happy that I got something useful on Karma.”

  “Good,” he said. “Do I want to know?”

  “Probably not,” I told him.

  “Okay, I’ll leave it alone then. But you know I’m here for you man.”

  “I know and I appreciate it.”

  I looked at the time. It was only 2:00 in the afternoon. I knew dad was busy and it might take him a while to get to my email. I needed a distraction, so I texted Tiffany. I didn’t know her schedule today, but I hoped she could hang out for a while.

  Me: Hey, are you busy?

  Tiffany: Just studying. What’s up?

  Me: I need a break. Want to do a movie or dinner or something?

  Tiffany: I have a stupid assignment I have to turn in tomorrow

  Me: What class? Maybe I can help.

  Tiffany: Computers.

  Me: I’m a computer expert. Want some help?

  Tiffany: Really????

  Me: Yes. I can prove it to you if you like.

  Tiffany: How?

  Me: Are you at your computer?

  Tiffany: I’m working on my laptop if that’s what you mean.

  Me: Yes. Give me a minute.

  Me: Your last internet search was for noise cancelling headphones (I can hook you up with a pair if you want). You have five internet tabs open and you’re currently trying to create a programming code.

  Tiffany: What the fuck Bodie?????????

  Me: I told you I’m good with computers.

  Tiffany: Not what I meant

  Me: You’re the second girl today to say what the fuck to me. Are you mad?

  Tiffany: I’m not sure. Do you creep on people all the time?

  Me: No. I only use it when I have to. Usually when someone is in trouble or something.

  Tiffany: Good to know

  Me: So, do you want my help?

  Tiffany: Sure. Come over any time.

  I grabbed my bag and headed over to Tiffany’s apartment. I hadn’t been inside, but I knew which one was hers. I knocked on the door. A girl I didn’t know answered it.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  “I’m here to see Tiffany,” I told her.

  “Just a sec. Tiffany, the door is for you,” she yelled into the apartment.

  I watched Tiffany come out of what I assumed was her bedroom.

  “I didn’t think you’d be here this soon,” she said.

  “Is that a problem?” I asked.

  “No, just unexpected. Come in.” She closed the door behind me. “Do you want a drink or something?”

  “Nah, I’m fine,” I said.

  “Okay. Let’s go to my room.”

  I followed her to the room she came out of. I was right to assume that it was her bedroom. It was very tidy, as in nothing looked out of place.

  “Does your room always look like this?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I’m kind of a neat freak,” she said with a shrug. “So, are you going to tell me how you knew what was on my computer?”

  “I hacked it,” I told her. “My dad owns a security company, so I grew up around him doing all sorts of stuff. That was one of things I picked up on and I found out I was really good at it.”

  “Okay, I really don’t know what to say to that,” she said.

  “That’s fine. It’s not something I tell a lot of people. And I really don’t use it just for fun and stuff like that. Last time I used, it was to help Kayleigh. Someone was stalking her, and I was trying to help get him kicked out of school.”

  “Really? Did it work? What happened to the guy?”

  “Uh, he ended up kidnapping her and was killed by the police. My computer skills actually helped in her rescue.”

  “Wow. That’s like something from a movie or a book.”

  “Yep. So anyway,” I said. “Am I qualified to help you?”

  She kind of laughed. “Yeah, I think you can help me.”

  “Okay, let’s get started,” I said.

  What I helped Tiffany with was super easy for me, but complicated if you were just a normal computer user. In less than an hour we were finished.

  “I never would have gotten that without your help,” Tiffany told me.

  “Why are you taking this course anyway?”

  “I just thought it would look good when I finish my degree.”

  “What are you majoring in?”

  “Business. I’d love to be able to run my own company one day,” she said.

  “What kind of company?”

  “I have no idea,” she laughed. “I just know I’m not cut out to work for someone else my whole life.

  “I’m taking business, too,” I told her. “One day I’ll take over my parent’s company.”

  “You said your dad had a security company. Do you mean like installing alarm systems?”

  That made me laugh. “No. West Security and Rec
overy specializes in high end clients. We keep both them and their homes safe.”

  “Gotcha. So, like bodyguards and shit.”

  “Yeah, that’s part of it.”

  “What’s the recovery part all about?” she asked.

  “If wealthy people go missing, we help find them.”

  “Wow, I didn’t even know such a thing existed.”

  “Most people don’t. So, do you have any other homework that you have to do?”

  “Yeah, actually I do.”

  “Me too,” I said holding up my bag. “Mind if I work on mine here?”

  “Not at all,” she said, “as long as you’re okay working on the bed.”

  “That’s fine with me.”

  I got out my books and stretched out on Tiffany’s bed. A few hours later, my stomach was growling.

  “Enough homework. It’s time to eat,” I announced, closing my books.

  “Ugh, I agree. I can’t take another minute of homework. Do you want me to cook you dinner?” she asked.

  “You can cook?”

  “Yeah,” she said with a laugh. “Most people don’t eat out all the time Bodie.”

  “I know. But the majority of people our age can’t even boil water without burning it.”

  “You’re hanging out with the wrong people then.”

  “Probably,” I said with a smile.

  I watched as Tiffany made us homemade mac and cheese and burgers.

  “Maybe you should open a restaurant or café,” I told her halfway through the meal. “This shit is excellent.”

  “I never thought about that.”

  “You could use your business degree to get you started,” I suggested.

  “It’s a thought, but I still have two years to go until I graduate, so who knows what’ll happen before then.”

  I helped Tiffany clean up.

  “And he knows how to clean,” she said when we were finished.

  “Of course, I do. I had chores when I was a kid.”

  “So, not so spoiled after all. Nice to know,” she joked.

  “Funny. Thanks for dinner,” I told her.

  “And thanks for the help with my assignment. I’ll let you know my grade.”

  “You’ll get an A. I guarantee it.”

  By the time I got back to the dorm, it was after 8:00. I’d managed to distract myself for almost six hours. I knew I had to apologize to Karma, and I hoped enough time had passed that she’d cooled down some so I texted her.

  Me: Karma, I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have asked you that and I don’t know why I did. Are you still mad at me?

  I had no idea if she would respond or not. All I could do was wait.

  Chapter 16


  When I heard my phone ding, I assumed it was Anthony, but it turned out to be Bodie. I stared at the text not sure what to do. Was I still a little pissed? Yes. But he was apologizing and in my book that counted for something. After a while, I finally decided to answer him.

  Me: Apology accepted

  Bodie: Thank you. I hated that you were mad at me.

  Bodie: You left your Spanish book at the coffee place. Do you need it?

  Crap. I didn’t even realize I’d left it there.

  Me: Not right now since we don’t have that class again until Tuesday. I’ll get it from you tomorrow.

  Bodie: Ok. See you in class.

  I flopped back on my bed. People always thought it was women that caused all the drama, but in my experience, lately it was the guys. My phone dinged again and this time I was positive it was going to be Anthony. I smiled when I saw a text from him.

  Anthony: Do you have plans tomorrow night? Better yet, what are your plans for the whole weekend?

  Me: Nothing planned for tomorrow, but I have practice Saturday morning. What did you have in mind?

  Anthony: Could you be persuaded to spend the entire weekend with me?

  Me: YES! But I absolutely have to be at practice.

  Anthony: That can be arranged. I’ll pick you up after your last class tomorrow.

  Me: Sounds perfect!

  I left my room and found Kayleigh and Major in the living room studying.

  “I won’t be home all weekend,” I told Kayleigh.

  “Okay,” she said. “Anthony?”

  “Yep. He just asked me to spend the whole weekend with him. And before you say anything, I told him I have to be at practice Saturday morning.”

  “You seem really into this guy,” Major said. “Since I’ve known you, I’ve seen you hop from guy to guy to guy. Are you actually dating someone?”

  “I don’t know if we’re dating or not, but it’s fun and the sex is hot.”

  “I don’t want to know Karma,” Major warned.

  I just laughed at him.

  “Is there something different about this guy?” he asked.

  “He makes me feel special,” I said honestly.

  Major smirked.

  “Whatever,” I said. “Anyway, you’re one to talk. You went from player to lovesick puppy in the blink of an eye.”

  “Yep, and proud of it,” he said, and pulled Kayleigh closer to him.

  I couldn’t even say anything back to that. Kayleigh deserved to be happy. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed back to my room. I got together an overnight bag since I knew I wouldn’t have time to do it tomorrow.

  Thinking of spending the weekend with Anthony made me smile. I was hoping for lots of hot sex and maybe he would cook for me again. I grinned when I had a thought and picked up my phone to text Anthony.

  Me: I’m going to send you a preview of the weekend. Give me ten minutes.

  Anthony: I’m intrigued

  I stripped from the waist down and set up my phone so that I could film myself masturbating. I started playing with my clit. Between that and my vivid imagination I was wet in no time. When I was ready, I hit a record. I used my fingers to spread the wetness around then rubbed my clit until I came. I ended the recording and sent it to Anthony. I couldn’t keep the grin off my face.

  I waited a few minutes, but he didn’t respond. I hoped he was watching it until he got hard. Finally, I got a text back, but it was from Bodie.

  Bodie: Two can play that game

  I didn’t get what he meant and then I saw the attachment. I opened it and my mouth dropped open. It was a video of him stroking his dick until he came.

  “Fuck,” I said, and looked back at my texts. Sure enough, I sent the video to Bodie instead of Anthony. “Way to go Karma,” I said to myself. “A few hours ago, you were going to kill the guy then you accidentally send him a pussy video. Just great.”

  Me: Um … … …

  Bodie: You started it

  Me: Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?

  Bodie: I don’t know. First a tit pic then a pussy video. You tell me.

  Me: It’s just a clip I found online I was going to send to Anthony to get him in the mood for the weekend.

  I was such a liar, but I hoped he bought it.

  Bodie: I see. Well good night then, nimble fingers.

  Fuck, I don’t think he believed me. Since there was nothing, I could do about it I let it go. I needed to shower, but first, I was going to watch the video of Bodie playing with his dick. He had a nice cock and I remembered he knew how to use it. I grinned when I opened it again. I wasn’t one to waste an opportunity. I’d delete it tomorrow.



  I must be a sucker for punishment. I should have ignored the video Karma sent, but I didn’t. I knew she sent it by accident, but I thought it would be funny to get her back. As soon as I opened it and saw her fingers on her pussy, I had to watch the rest of it. She tried to lie and say it wasn’t her, but I’d recognize the combination of her fingers and pussy anywhere. The sight got me hard instantly, so I took a video of myself getting off and sent it back to her. Now I had the image of her watching my video and playing with her pussy again.

k me,” I muttered to myself.

  I needed a cold shower. I was just about to go take one when my phone rang.

  “Hey, dad,” I said, when I answered.

  “Bodie, I sent the recordings and messages to Antonio. He believes that Karma isn’t who he thought she was. Good work, son, you did it.”

  It took a minute for that to register. “Really?”

  Dad chuckled. “Yes really, son. I told him that recordings were done without her knowledge and that her texts were also read without her knowing about it. Since he’s been a long-time client, my word on that was good enough for him.”

  “Good, because I hated what I was doing. You know I’m dead if she ever learns about this,” I told him.

  “If that happens send her to me. I’ll tell her everything.”

  “Thanks, dad, but I know how stubborn she can be. I just hope to hell she never finds out.”

  “You like this girl, don’t you?”

  “It doesn’t matter if I do or not, because she’s not interested in me. We’re just friends.”

  “Okay, son.”

  “Oh hey, dad, next time mom makes that enchilada casserole again let me know. If I don’t bring some to Karma, she might punch me in the nuts.”

  That made him laugh. “Will do. Can’t have my son walking around with a bag of ice on his balls.”

  “I’m hanging up now, dad.”

  “Bye, son,” dad said, still laughing.

  I pressed end on my phone and felt a huge sense of relief. The first thing I did was delete the program that allowed me to get in Karma’s phone. Then I texted Major.

  Me: I did it. She’s in the clear.

  Major: Congrats dude!

  Me: Are you at the girl’s dorm?

  Major: Yes

  Me: The thing is under the table next to the couch. Flush it. Then delete these texts.

  Major: No problem

  I was so glad I’d told Major what was going on with Karma. It had been hard enough sneaking into their dorm without anyone seeing me the first time. I really didn’t want to do it again. I was grateful Major was there and he wasn’t giving me any shit about taking care of the bug.


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