Brooks (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Gold Team Book 1)

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Brooks (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Gold Team Book 1) Page 20

by Riley Edwards

  Tex disconnected and silence ensued. What was I going to do if Tatiana didn’t make it? It was hard to believe I’d only met her the month before. It was like my life before had never mattered. I was happy, going through the motions, but I’d never known love. What it was to love and be loved. I wouldn’t survive if she didn’t make it.

  “She’s gonna—”

  “Don’t say it.” I cut off Kyle. “You heard the doctor. She’s lost too much blood. He said to be prepared for the worst case.”

  “Yeah, the man had no bedside manner whatsoever. He also said he’d seen worse and had been successful. You, me, and Thad gave blood, she has enough. You can’t give up.”

  Giving up wasn’t in my DNA. It wasn’t who I was. I’d never quit anything in my life. The last thing I would ever do was quit Tatiana. But I was fast running out of hope.

  Chapter 35

  “You look damn good for a woman who died three different times.”

  Before I could volley a comeback to Zane, Brooks growled.

  “Too soon?” Zane laughed.

  “Yeah, too soon,” he answered.

  “It’s been like three months,” Zane reminded him.

  “It could be three years or thirty years and it’d still be too soon.”

  I closed my eyes and tilted my head up, relishing the warm Southern California rays. I’d never thought I’d step foot back into San Diego. I’d left embarrassed, with my tail tucked between my legs. Actually, I didn’t leave so much as I fled. As soon as my divorce was final, I packed my stuff into a storage unit and got out of Dodge.

  Now I was back, even if only for a few days. Commander Storm North had requested a meeting with the team. NCIS and the FBI had already closed the case on now-deceased Captain Isaac Chambers, the man the Bitoo brothers had been working with. We had been correct, the Bitoos had doubled-crossed Lucre and gone out of the auction. The mistake had cost them their lives. They’d thought they’d keep the holding fee Al Issa had paid them and they’d get a cut from Captain Chambers once the tablets were sold.

  “Zane,” Ivy, Zane’s wife, scolded. “It’s not funny.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be funny. I was giving her a compliment. Everyone’s so sensitive.”

  Before Brooks could defend himself, I jumped in. “Thanks, boss, glad you noticed.”

  Zane smirked and I knew he was getting ready to piss me off, or Brooks. He only got that gleam in his eyes when he was gearing up to be a sarcastic asshole. “You ready to start earning your keep? After months on my payroll, I’ve yet to get my money’s worth out of you.”

  God, he was a jerk. Or at least that’s what he wanted everyone to think. When I woke up after my surgery, he’d been sitting by my bed with the rest of the team. As soon as I was stable enough to move, he demanded I be taken to Germany for recovery. My team never left my side. Then there was Brooks. My guardian. He’d stood watch over me like a sentry. He’d been loving and patient.

  Zane had put the Omni case on hold, I guess this was his way of telling us we had work to do. “I’ve been ready. You’re the one who ordered me on bedrest. Not that I’ve minded.” I wagged my eyebrows for emphasis and Ivy laughed.

  “She’s not—”

  “I am, Brooks. And you know I’m right. I was cleared two weeks ago. We have a mission to carry out. And I need to get back into the fight.”


  “Wasn’t it you who reminded me how strong I was? You who told me I was brave? Don’t take that away from me. So what, I have two new scars. A wise man told me to wear them proudly. I’m ready.”

  “You’re right.” He pulled me close and tucked me under his arm. God, I loved when he did that.

  “Great. We done with the touchy feely shit? We got work to do.”

  Ivy rolled her eyes at her husband. “He likes touchy feely shit. He just pretends he doesn’t.”

  “Ghost’s team hit pay dirt when they found Al Issa’s laptop.” Brooks went solid at Zane’s reminder. He was still struggling with what he called a failed mission.

  In the beginning, when I woke up and was told a Delta team had been sent in to take out the man whom I felt was supposed to be mine, I’d felt cheated. I wanted to be the one who ended his miserable life. Brooks had thought I’d be disappointed in him that he hadn’t exacted revenge. Why he’d thought that, I had no clue. He chose me. Instead of leaving and completing the op he stayed by my side and had been there when I came out of surgery. He was the first thing I saw when I’d opened my eyes after my heart had stopped beating three times.

  I was grateful Ghost and his team were able to finish what we’d started. The first step in the destruction of Omni was complete. And with the intel they’d found at the prince’s palace, Tex and Garrett had been able to piece together more of the puzzle. Militrix and Lucre were both dismantled. Zane had decided to leave Falcon Holdings untouched. We’d all agreed they held the answers we needed.

  “You’re headed to Mexico,” Zane told us. “But before you head out, I was hoping you could talk to your friend, Faith, at the animal rescue. See if she can give you any insight into how these dogfighting rings work.”

  “I can’t believe we’re looking into dogfighting.” Kyle shook his head. “I would’ve never believed there're millions of dollars running through underground fights.”

  “And where there’s illegal money, there are men who don’t want to lose their piece of the pie. These men aren’t to be underestimated,” Zane warned.

  “Is that Rocco?” Max cut into the conversation.

  We all turned to look. A man was walking across the parking lot with a woman tucked close to his side. Much like how Brooks held me.

  “Yeah, that’s him.” Brooks belted out a loud whistle and I cringed.

  “Damn. Warn a woman, would you?”

  “Sorry, Doll.” Brooks kissed the top of my head just as I knew he would. He was predictable if nothing else.

  Rocco glanced up, but not before he stepped protectively in front of the woman, hiding her from our view. The men chuckled as if they weren’t the same kind of men. I’d never seen Ivy more than a foot away from Zane, he was always near her, ready to jump in front of her if the need were to arise. And Brooks? He was as caveman as they came. His attentiveness went beyond societal politeness, it knew no bounds. And I was all right with that.

  “I heard you guys were in town. I was hoping we’d run into you. This is my girlfriend, Caite McCallan,” he proudly introduced.

  This was the famous Caite. The woman who had single-handedly rescued three SEALs and had started the domino effect that had caused Captain Chambers’ plan to unravel. Good for her. And by the looks of it, she’d caught herself a good man out of the ordeal.

  More introductions were made and pleasantries exchanged when Rocco spoke again. “If you guys aren’t busy, there’s a barbeque down at the beach tonight. Every couple of months—”

  “Yeah, I know what happens every couple of months. I just got done reading the SITREP from your last beach party. While I think that a little shootout at what’s equivalent to a company party is perfectly acceptable fun, even I’m not—”

  “Goddammit, Zane. You’re scaring her,” Ivy admonished. “I apologize on my husband’s behalf. He’s been hit in the head too many times.” She was talking to Caite but then looked at Rocco. “We would love to join you at the beach. Zane has promised me a vacation out of this trip. We’ll start tonight.”

  “I’m not scared of him.” Caite waved her hand in Zane’s direction.

  What had started out as a few chuckles from the guys turned into an all-out roar of laughter.

  “Great. Just perfect. I’m losing my edge. Baby, you have got to stop telling people not to be afraid of me,” Zane grumbled.

  He was so full of shit.

  “Do I know you?” Caite asked me. “You look familiar.”

  “We actually met in Bahrain.”

  “Yes. When I was arranging the job fair.” She was correct. I’d gon
e to check out the museums that would be attending, hoping to find new leads on artifacts.

  “Good memory.”

  “So, we’ll see you tonight?” she asked.


  A picnic on the beach sounded awesome. Tomorrow we had a full day planned sorting through the contents of my old life. It was time to junk the past.

  “Come on, ma petite fée. Time to go home.”

  Rocco smiled down at Caite as a pretty blush graced her cheeks.

  “I think it’s time we go home, too,” Brooks whispered.

  Damn, I loved the sound of that. Home with Brooks. Even if home was a hotel room.

  Chapter 36

  “The sunset is beautiful,” Tatiana said from beside me.

  We’d broken away from the crowd and had walked down by the water. I had something I wanted to talk to her about, but now that I had her alone, I wasn’t sure how to start.

  “It is,” I agreed. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  She turned in my arms, looked up, and her beautiful smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Why would anything be wrong?”

  “I don’t know. You sound so serious, and your face…”

  “What’s wrong with my face?”

  “Nothing. I mean, you just look thoughtful.”

  “Thoughtful?” Damn. I was fucking this up. She’d gone from smiling and relaxed to on guard. Not the way I’d wanted this to go. “Tatiana…”

  “Are you…breaking up with me?” she whispered.

  “Fuck, no. I’m trying to ask you to marry me.”

  “Marry you?”

  I was such a dumbass. I’d ruined everything I had planned. I’d spent hours silently rehearsing what I wanted to say. I wanted this to be perfect for her.

  “Yeah, I want—”



  “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “I had this whole speech prepared. I was going to get down on my knee and everything.”

  “I don’t need you to get down on one knee. I don’t need a speech. I already know. I don’t need words from you, Brooks. You show me every day how much you love me. So, yes, I want to marry you.”

  My lips twitched at the vehemence of her statement. I was happy she knew how much I loved her. I’d spend the rest of my life making sure she never forgot. “Would you even like the ring? Or is that not necessary, either?”

  “Oh, I want the ring.” She smiled.

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out the jewelry box. The guys had helped me pick it out. When I opened the box, I heard her swift intake of breath.

  “Oh my God, Brooks, it’s perfect.”

  I contemplated going bigger, but knowing Tatiana, this was pushing what she’d wear.

  “The guys helped,” I admitted, pulling the ring from the box. I reached for her left hand and started to slide it down her finger. “The center diamond is us, me and you. But there are four sapphires surrounding us. Our team. They’ve promised to have our back. Through thick and thin, they’ll be there. Always watching.”

  “I love it. All of it.”

  I heard the clapping and shook my head. They just couldn’t stay away. I should’ve known better.

  “Congrats,” Declan started.

  “Damn, lucky man,” Max said.

  Kyle patted my back and Thad pulled Tatiana in for a hug. I should’ve been irritated I hadn’t even had the chance to kiss my soon-to-be-wife before the guys interrupted. But I wasn’t. These were my brothers. They’d been there for every important event in my life. It was only fitting they were here for this, too.

  “Do you like your ring? I picked it out,” Thad told her.

  “No, you didn’t, asshole. I found it,” Max corrected.

  “It was my idea in the first place,” Kyle put in.

  I gave zero fucks the guys were all taking credit for what was my idea. Not when she was standing in the middle of four men who had taken her in and loved her damn near as much as I did. I knew how they all felt about her. Declan had breathed life into her. Thad and Kyle had all given their blood to save her. She was a part of all of us.

  “I thought that was you.” I heard a male voice from behind me.

  I didn’t bother to turn, Tatiana’s face said it all. She was red-hot pissed. I debated whether or not I should pull her behind me and tell the dickwad to get lost or if I should let her. She squared her shoulders and set her jaw.

  Alrighty then, she’d handle it.

  “James. How nice to see you.” The sarcasm couldn’t be missed.

  I finally turned and there was James Monroe. He had a pretty blonde girl who had on far too much makeup standing next to him. He was holding her hand and smiling like he’d won some sort of prize.

  “I didn’t know you moved back.”

  “I haven’t. Listen, Monroe, great of you to come over and say hello but we’re a little busy if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “I see you’re the same bitch you’ve always been.”

  “The fuck you just say?” I growled.

  The rest of the team closed ranks. Tatiana put her hand up and shook her head.

  “Baby, he’s so not worth it. For years, I stupidly put up with him taking his insecurities and failures out on me. It took him a long time and a good amount of verbal abuse and cheating to convince me I was the person he’d said I was. A stupid, good-for-nothing bitch who didn’t know how to please her husband. But it took you only minutes to remind me I am none of those things.”

  I took in her words and let them soak deep. Minutes. That was all it had taken.

  “Verbal abuse? Sorry if your sensitive panties bunched when I told you the truth about yourself.”

  “Right. Well, I’d love to say it was nice seeing you, but that’d be a lie. You should probably take your woman and be on your way. There’s only so much I’m going to be able to do for you before Brooks decides he’s had enough of breathin’ your filth. I’d advise you to go now before you’re embarrassed.”

  I’d already decided I’d had enough of her breathing the same air as her ex. She was putting on a good game, but I knew it still hurt seeing him.

  “Brooks? Is that your new victim? Sweet as apple pie until you nail her down. But once she’s in your bed, you’ll learn you better look elsewhere, you wanna get off.”

  Before I could beat the holy fuck out of this douchebag for disrespecting my woman, a new voice boomed.


  It was comical the way James dropped the girl’s hand and snapped to attention. The icing on the cake was watching all the blood drain from his face as Commander North stepped in front of him.

  “Sir. I was—”

  “I heard what you were doing. And believe me, nothing would make me happier than turning my back and allowing these five men to teach you some respect. The only reason why I’m not is because I don’t believe the lesson would stick. You’re a pompous prick and a disgrace not only to the uniform but the Budweiser. I’m going to rectify both of those immediately.”

  “I haven’t—”

  “Listen up, boy. There are a lot of things that can be overlooked. A man disrespecting a woman, no. A man cheating on his wife, never. A man belittling his wife, absolutely not. You’ve done all three. I proudly command the finest group of men the United States Navy has to offer. You are not a man, you are a cowardly pissant. I don’t command those. I will not allow you in my ranks. Consider yourself court martialed. I’ll have your article 15 drawn up this evening. The only choice I’m giving you is to turn and leave. You don’t, you’ll spend the night in the brig.”

  Unfortunately, Monroe decided to leave without the lesson I was hoping to dole out.

  “I’m sorry, Tatiana,” Commander North said. “I wish you would’ve gone to the chain of command so we could’ve taken care of this.”

  “I don’t believe in meddling in a man’s career, sir. I just wanted out, so I left.”

e me when I tell you, you would’ve been doing the Training Command a favor. They’ve been looking for a way to chapter him out for a long time. It is men, and I use that word loosely as I am in polite company, like him, that can ruin a platoon. Real men don’t like liars and cheats. And if he can stab his family in the back, he can sink one into a teammate. You’re a lovely woman, you’ve found yourself a real man.”

  It was a little funny listening to Commander Storm North trying to check his vocabulary in front of Tatiana. I knew what he really wanted to call James Monroe. But he was old school. A gentleman. A great commander. He would never use coarse words in front of a lady.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  The commander left, and before I could speak, Tatiana did. “That felt great.” She beamed. “Nothing like taking out the trash. Thanks for letting me handle it. Though I admit, I was hoping he was going to disobey Commander North. I really wanted to watch you beat him up, baby. I was gonna cheer you on from the sidelines and everything.”

  Well, I had been wrong. Just when I thought there was nothing Tatiana could say that would surprise me, she went and did it. I’d thought there would be some residual hurt, but there was nothing. Not my woman. She was strong, and tough, and courageous, and so damn beautiful I couldn’t wait to get her home. But that would have to wait. There was a party going on and I wanted to show off my future wife.

  “How long you gonna make me wait before I get to slip my wedding band over that engagement ring?” I asked as we walked back to the party.

  “A few years, at least,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Years?” I pulled us to a stop.

  The mask of innocence she was wearing started to slip and a wicked smile tugged at her lips. “Damn, you’re easy to rile up. I’d marry you tonight, baby.”

  “Is that so?” A plan was forming. “When are we leaving for Mexico?”

  “Forty-eight hours,” Declan answered.

  “Righteous. Who’s up for a road trip?”

  “Vegas?” Kyle asked.


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