Moon Fever

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by Ileandra Young

  Moon Fever


  Danika Karson, recently promoted team leader within the Supernatural Prohibition, Extermination, and Arrest Regiment (SPEAR), is tasked with containing a new pack of werewolves who have entered Angbec and staked their claim with violence and brutality. Their ferocious rampage not only endangers humans but falsely implicates Wensleydale Gordan, dear friend and alpha of the smaller, more vulnerable Dire Wolf pack.

  With such powerful adversaries, Danika must again enlist the help of Rayne: girlfriend, fellow agent, and powerful vampire. Unfortunately, Rayne has more personal matters on her mind. The full moon approaches, and with it, supernatural compulsions that threaten to consume Rayne and Danika in a wave of passion and blood.

  Wolves fight for supremacy, Rayne struggles for control, and Danika wants nothing more than to save them all. But when the full moon rises, can she win against the moon fever?

  Moon Fever

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  Moon Fever

  © 2020 By Ileandra Young. All Rights Reserved.

  ISBN 13: 978-1-63555-604-9

  This Electronic Original Is Published By

  Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

  P.O. Box 249

  Valley Falls, NY 12185

  First Edition: August 2020

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


  Editor: Cindy Cresap

  Production Design: Susan Ramundo

  Cover Design By Jeanine Henning

  eBook Design by Toni Whitaker

  By the Author

  SPEAR Mission Files

  Both Ways

  Moon Fever


  To Mum and Dad, for always believing.

  Chapter One

  “Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacey.”

  The soft voice draws me out of sleep, a nudge on the edge of my senses I’d prefer to ignore. With it comes a hand on my forehead, fingers soft and gentle, brushing hair off my face.

  I groan and turn toward the wall. “Five more minutes.”

  “You said that half an hour ago.”

  “I did?”

  “And half an hour before that.”

  I claw for the duvet, struggling to bring it back toward my face. “Then come back in thirty minutes.”

  “Danika Karson, you get up right this second.”

  My eyes pop open.

  Above me, expression stern, eyes bright, is the cheekiest, fun loving face I’ve ever seen.

  “Morning, sleepyhead.” Pip plops her butt on the edge of my bed, dumps a stack of papers in my lap, and shoves a mug of coffee at my face. “Oof, that’s some intense morning breath, sis.”

  “Wow.” I sit up, rub my eyes, and reach for the mug. “Okay, first of all—rude. And second, don’t get jealous because you have no choice but to get up with your alarm clock.”

  “Ooo, grumpy.” She ruffles her hair a little. “And I just wanted to ask if you needed a lift today? I can drop you off if you’re quick.”

  “No, I’ll manage. I won’t be going in until about six thirty anyway.”

  She pouts. “After bedtime then.”


  Pippa waves her hand in airy dismissal. “It’s fine. Just thought I’d offer.” Pause, and then, “You read all those reports yet?”

  “The werewolf ones? No. There’s pages and pages of it, and I really don’t see how my time is best spent reading those when—hold on.” I sit straight. “How do you know about those?”

  She gives a sheepish little grin. “Rayne asked me to pass them back to you, and we got talking. Plus, y’know…” She shuffles the dropped papers into a neater pile in my lap. “I can read pretty quickly now.”

  “Show-off. I skim-read them yesterday and it all seems pretty weird. Increased sightings and infection activity? Why? There’s no super moon due, it’s not mating or battle season.”

  “There have been increased sightings of wolves in their hybrid and changed forms too. Even outside pack territory.”

  My chest tightens a little. “That’s not good.”

  Pippa frowns. “Rayne told me that some of these witness accounts even talk of a new power.”

  “Pack power?”

  A nod.

  “Impossible. How can there be a new pack outside of battle season? Besides, I’ve not heard anything about that.”

  Shrug. “Read the notes. It’s all in there. I’ll let you know when breakfast is ready. By the way, you know Rayne is out there cooking you a three-course breakfast, right?”

  I press my thighs together. “Really?”

  “If I could still eat solids, I’d be all over it, but I guess all that bacon’s just for you. All ten rashers of it.”

  My stomach flutters.

  Rayne is so adorable and domestic. She always has something good ready for me if she’s up first and always makes sure I have a good meal when she goes down before I’m back. Gestures like this, small though they may be, remind me of my mother and the way she would treat my father.

  Just like Rayne, Mum would have food ready for Dad to enjoy before or after work. Sometimes, she’d even go as far as packing a lunch for him, so he wouldn’t have to worry about what to eat during his workday.

  A moment later, I realize that my fingers have come to rest on the face of the fat, black watch on my left wrist.

  Eagle-eyed as ever, Pippa gives a little sigh. “I tried calling again a couple of days ago. She still won’t answer.”

  “Stubborn bitch.”

  “At least we know where you get it from.”

  “Ha-bloody-ha, Pip.”

  She plays with a corner of my briefing notes. “You could try, maybe? You were always her favourite.”

  I snort halfway through the last gulps of my coffee. “Me? Oh, no. No, no, no, you were always the golden child. Me? I got into fights, ruined my best clothes, and watched kung fu movies instead of dating all the cute, wholesome church boys.”

  “Will you try, at least? Please?”

  Ugh, that look. Just like when we were younger. I can barely count the amount of trouble she managed to land me in by looking at me that way.

  “Fine, I’ll try. But no promises, okay? Like you said, we both know where I got my stubborn streak. Mum has ignored us for weeks now, why should today be any different?”

  “We have to keep trying.”

  She’s right. But I don’t have to like it.

  “After work, okay? When I’m done with the meeting and everything else.”

  Pippa smiles. The gesture is so bright and sunny that I can almost forget my irritation at her little manipulation. Almost.

  “Thanks.” She bounds up from the bed and back toward the door.

  Still strange to see her move so fast, the smooth, slick glide of an extra mundane creature.

  She stops in the doorway. “I’m working here for the rest of the night. I’ll be in my lab if you need anything.”

  “Stop bringing work home with you.”

  “Like you?”

  “That’s different.”

  Another laugh, this one brighter still, with a hidden edge of excitement. “I had to bring this one home. The
experiment is time sensitive and won’t last until tomorrow. I have some data to correlate and samples to mark off before the human team arrives for their shift, and—”

  “Okay, I get it. You’re working on something big. Like usual.”

  “But this is really big. I’m not allowed to tell you about it now, but I haven’t been this excited for months.”

  “So I see.”

  Pippa rolls her eyes. “Just because your job is boring. And please, please open a window.”

  “It’s not boring. I just don’t like paperwork.” The last of my rebuttal falls on an empty door frame as Pippa swans away, giggling as she goes.

  I stare at the scattered papers and pick one up to read.

  “Ugh.” I attempt another sip of coffee and frown when I remember the mug is empty. “I’m going to need a hell of a lot more of this.”

  * * *

  My eyes hurt. My back hurts. My arse hurts.

  In fact everything hurts.

  I lower the papers and stretch beneath my duvet, tallying the various clicks, creaks, and groans my body gives as I move. How can I sound like an old, decrepit grandma when I’m not even thirty?

  You won’t be this young and fit forever…

  Ugh. Now, more than ever, it’s frustrating that my mother was right.

  Yes, perhaps, my body is a little sore and tired these days, but not like this. I’m not enjoying the sensations at all, but without stopping to see a doctor I have no idea what’s going on. I briefly consider visiting Clear Blood for a check-up, but another glance at the pile of paperwork convinces me not to.

  Again I sit. Again I pull the notes to reading height and again I begin to read.

  Item Twenty-four: multiple reports of increased lupine activity. Location: Misona and lower West Side. Action: investigate and survey. No direct intervention at this time.

  Weird. Very weird.

  While Misona is known for being home to huge chunks of Angbec’s werewolf population, the West Side is not. If anything, the West Side is a soft, human-heavy, tourist trap. Especially recently. Why would wolves be hanging out there?

  I pull out a few more sheets of item twenty-four.

  “Twelve pages? Are you kidding me?”

  Pages and pages of it. All filled with werewolf descriptions, witness accounts, and more reports from SPEAR agents in the field.

  Why? What on earth is happening?

  Current suspects’ wolf form: large, black shaggy fur, yellow eyes, white left front paw. Small, white and tan, yellow eyes. Small, brown, green eyes, tufted tail. Extremely large, pure white, red eyes.

  My door creaks open. “Hey. How are you getting on?”

  I smile, an automatic reaction to the sight of Rayne no matter where I am or what I’m doing. “Good morning, sexy butt.”

  She always looks so good first thing in the morning, even if morning is more like the middle of the night. Today is no exception.

  “Calling names again, are you?” She cocks her head at me, gaze sweeping me up and down. I can feel it, a warm prickle that starts at my head and washes right down to my toes before traveling up again. “Did you sleep okay?”

  “Yeah, pretty good.” My fingers, wrists, and ankles creak and click when I stretch my body beneath the duvet again. Then cool air rushes in as I lift one corner, a silent invitation for Rayne to join me.

  Despite being fully clothed, she does so at once, frown giving way to a grin.

  Her body is soft against mine—warm, strong, and firm. Both arms curl around me, drawing me in, a strength I couldn’t fight, even if I wanted to. When her lips touch mine, the prickle in my body intensifies, flaring from gentle warmth to crackling fire.

  “I missed you last night,” Rayne whispers against my mouth as if afraid to break lip contact.

  I speak right back, straight into her mouth with a groaning purr. “Sorry. But you could stay in once in a while y’know.”

  “I have…extra work. You know that.”

  “Blow it off, then. One night won’t hurt. Then we could be here.”

  “Mmm. Maybe I will.” She kisses me again. Then again. And again. Her grip tightens on my sides while her mouth opens, allowing the firm press of her tongue to brush against my teeth.

  Of course I let her in, and just like that, the kiss is deep and needy.

  She feels so good against me. Smells so good. Tastes so, so good.

  Rayne seems to have similar thoughts, because one of her hands snakes up to the back of my head, holding me in place. The other drifts down, sliding beneath the fabric of my nightshirt to touch my breasts.

  Wow. This is forward.

  Before I can assess the thought, she’s moved on. Down my stomach, pausing at my belly button before diving beneath the waistband of my shorts. My breathing hitches, but still she has my mouth, her lips hot and moist against mine, trapping my words. Not that I have any sensible ones to say right now. I can’t see straight. Can’t think. Can barely move.

  When her fingertips touch the first curls of my pubic hair, a long moan slides out of me.

  “What are you doing, Rayne?”

  Her fingers continue their achingly slow path along the top of my pubic bone. “Hmm?”

  “I thought…don’t we have work?”

  “It can wait.”

  Sure it can. Of course it can. Hell, on any other day I might have dragged the duvet over my head and slept another half hour, but there’s that stupid cross-team meeting today. I need to prepare.

  “I don’t think it can.”

  Another soft growl against my lips. “You work too hard. I didn’t see you all of yesterday and I won’t see you most of tonight. And you just encouraged me to blow off Clear Blood work. Can’t you give me this time, now?”


  Rayne plugs my answer with another kiss, and this time my tongue catches the points of her fangs.

  My body stiffens as if doused in starch.

  Her hand stops dead.

  * * *


  In it, I catch the rasp of my breathing, the only sound in the sudden still.

  Rayne is so quiet, so unmoving that without her skin against mine I’d never know she was there. No breathing. No discernible heartbeat. Not even the rustle of clothing.

  I lick my lips. “Rayne?”

  She yanks her hands away so fast that my hips try to travel with her. As my head flops back against the pillow she’s already standing, facing the far wall, arms folded.


  “I’m sorry—”

  She lifts a hand, a sharp, angry gesture. “Don’t be. I understand. You’re still nervous of me.”

  “What? No.”

  “Then why do you flinch whenever I touch you?”

  “That’s crazy, of course I don’t.”

  Her left eyebrow arches into a smooth, delicate curve.

  I shove the duvet off the bed. It pools on the floor. The fabric is soft beneath my feet as I walk over it and curl my arms around Rayne’s waist. She links her arms around the back of my neck.

  She’s so small. So dainty.

  I have half a foot over her, but I know, better than anyone, that she could haul me into her arms and sprint the minute-mile with no effort.

  Fuck it.

  I kiss her. I kiss her hard and shove my body against hers, driving her into the edge of my bed.

  She yelps, momentarily taken aback. Her hands flutter impotently for brief seconds before she fists them in my nightshirt, yanking me closer with a long, deep growl.

  “I want you.” Rayne shoves me onto the bed, hard enough that I bounce twice before settling. Then she’s on me, hands roaming, lips searching, breath hot against my cheeks.


  I know she’s worked up now. To be breathing like this, to be showing signs of her old human nature, she must be on the verge of losing control.

  A silver rim hems her eyes then swells to encompass that autumnal brown as a low, heated growl slides through her lips. “

  “Y-yeah?” Surely it’s not my voice trembling like that. “Yeah?” I try again, stronger this time, with less of the deer-in-headlights edge to it.

  Rayne grins. “I’m going to strip you now.”

  When I shift to grab my nightshirt, she grabs my wrists in an iron-like grip, and shoves both hands above my head.

  “I said, I’m going to strip you now.”

  I nod, not trusting myself to speak.

  When Rayne releases my wrists, they stay in place. I’m not even sure that I can move them.

  She trails her hands down my arms and across my shoulders. They linger briefly at my breasts before continuing the journey down, down, down to the hem of my T-shirt. She grips it.

  My breath hitches.

  The fabric tears easily as she pulls her hands in opposite directions, and the rush of cold air that follows makes me gasp and writhe.

  Rayne’s grin widens. “Remember the last time I did this?”

  I can’t remember anything right now. My brain is mush.

  “Outside Club Starshine?”


  “Mm-hmm.” She shreds the last scraps of cotton away from my neck and arms. The pieces flutter to the floor. “I told you then that I wanted to strip you properly. And, after all this time…I’m going to make good on that promise.” Her index finger circles then flicks my right nipple.

  Fuck. Oh, fuck.

  Lips next, so soft and warm. Her tongue performs a sweet little dance around the small nub of flesh, and I can’t help but moan and arch my back.

  She presses me down, one hand on my stomach, the other sweeping lower, lower, lower like before.

  “I like the little sounds you make.” A growl lives in her voice, a hint of the dangerous creature lurking beneath such a sweet exterior.

  Again my body bucks. “Rayne—”

  “Shh.” Her fingers work the button on my jeans. “It’s okay.”

  Is it though? Is it?

  Again her lips fasten on my nipple, and again my brain checks out.


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