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A Magical Trip

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by Masters, Derek

  A Magical Trip

  Derek Masters

  Copyright © 2018 by Derek Masters

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  May all your Christmases be “white”.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  Derek’s Dark Desires

  Start The Owned Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 1

  About the Author

  Also by Derek Masters


  “Tara, wake the fuck up!” Chad yelled at me as he kicked the side of the couch I was sleeping on.

  “Huh? What? What’s going on?” I asked, confused as I rubbed my eyes and tried to pull myself together.

  “I said wake the fuck up! What are you doing sleeping anyway? It’s 3:30 in the afternoon.”

  “So what? I’m tired. Why are you waking me up?”

  “I’m waking you up because you’re always fucking tired. When you’re home, all you ever do is sleep.”

  “Well excuse me for being exhausted. I work 12-hour days and have to drive an hour each way to get there and back. That would be bad enough as it is, but the fact that my job has swing shifts means I can never get into a sleeping pattern.”

  “It’s always some excuse with you. You’re forever telling me how tired you are. You sure make plenty of time for sleep, but not any time for me.”

  “Are you being serious right now? Are you listening to yourself? I’m working my ass off and have a very demanding job. I’m sorry that me paying the bills is such an inconvenience to you.”

  “Oh, here we go with that shit again,” he groaned sarcastically. “You always have to bring up that you have all these bills to pay. Excuse the fuck out of me for getting into that car accident. You weren’t bitching when you knew there was a settlement check coming.”

  “You’re right, I wasn’t bitching then. I thought the settlement money was going to be used to catch up on the bills and pay the credit cards off. Instead, you chose to blow the money on stupid video game systems and every game under the sun. And stop acting like you don’t have a job because of the accident. You were given a clean bill of health months ago. You just don’t want to put the controller down long enough to be a responsible adult.”

  “You know what, Tara? I don’t have to sit here and listen to this.”

  “You’re right. You’re more than welcome to leave at any time.”

  “Fuck this, I’m out here and I’m not coming back,” he threatened.

  “Yeah, okay,” I said, rolling my eyes as I tried to close them again. All I wanted to do was take a nap because I am always so tired. Working and supporting both of us is hard and the job I have is physically taxing, especially after working twelve hours. But my days of work aren’t just 12 hours. No, they’re more like 15 because I have to get up to get ready for work, drive there, work my shift, and then drive home.

  “I mean it. We’re fucking through,” Chad walked back into the bedroom and filled a duffle bag with some clothes. “I’ll be back to get the rest of my shit later. I can’t stand to look at your face for one more second.”

  He slammed the door as he left, shaking one of the pictures off the wall, shattering the glass in the process. In what was an ominous sign, I realized, was that it was the picture we had taken together after our first date.

  Stunned, I sat on the couch, trying to figure out exactly what had just happened.

  * * *

  “Fuck men!” I yelled into the phone just as the line stopped ringing.

  “Well hello to you too, Tara,” the male voice replied from the other end of the line.

  “Oh, hi Matt. Is Erin around? I kind of need to talk to her.”

  “Sure, give me just a second.”

  I could hear what sounded like Matt stomping around the house like a mad man, the sounds of a blaring television and a kid screaming in the background filling my ears, making me want to stab out my eyeballs. I guess one good thing about Chad and me is that we never had any kids—although, taking care of him felt like I did.

  “Erin, it’s that crazy friend of yours again,” Matt joked as he handed her the phone. At least, I hoped he was joking.

  “Hey Tara, what’s up?”

  “Hey Tara? Your husband just said it’s your crazy friend and you reply with Hey Tara? What the fuck?” I joked.

  “Oh shut up, you know I have caller ID. Besides, we are all a little crazy, you know that!”

  “Yeah, that’s true. Anyway, fuck men!”

  “Oh no, what happened?” She asked.

  “What happened? Chad happened! That piece of shit!”

  “I figured, but what did he do this time?”

  Erin sounded annoyed and I couldn’t blame her. This wasn’t the first time I’d called her to vent about my boyfriend, but this was the first time things had gone so horribly wrong.

  “He broke up with me! Can you believe it? The asshole actually broke up with me!”

  “What? He broke up with you? That’s impossible. You were easily the best thing that has ever happened to him.”

  “I don’t know if I’d go that far.”

  “Are you crazy? Look at you and look at him. You’re gorgeous. You work your ass off to make sure you’re successful and he can’t even get his shit together. I’ll never understand how he ended up with you.”

  “You’re right,” I sighed. “I don’t know what I see in him. The sex isn’t even that good.”

  “See? He has no job, he has no game, and he’s a financial burden on you. I’m sorry to say, but if he’s gone, I’m glad. You deserve so much better than him.”

  “You know what really irks me?” I asked her but didn’t wait for a response. “The fact that he’s always put me down. He always told me that nobody else would want me.”

  “What?” She gasped. “You’re kidding, right? Why would he say that?”

  “Beats the fuck out of me,” I said, sitting up on the couch. “He said that my ass is too big and that I’m not very attractive.”

  “Fuck that,” she said. “Don’t listen him.”

  “You know, now that I’m thinking about it, maybe my ass is too big. I could stand to lose some weight. It’d probably do me good.”

  “No!” She yelled into the phone. “You’re perfect just the way you are. First of all, I don’t think your ass is big and even if it were, I know a lot of men who love a little extra cushion. Second, his dick was too small. I’ll never get over how little you said he was. Tell me, why were you wasting your time again? You should go out and find someone new.”

  I thought about what she said for a minute and agreed. “You’re right! I should show him—and prove to myself—that other men do find me attractive and want me.”

  “That a girl,” she exclaimed. “That’s exactly what you need to do. Put yourself back out there and find someone better.”

  “Hmm,” I thought. “Would you want to go out with me tonight? We could go to a bar or club or something.

  “Oh, Tara, I’d love to but you know that I never have a sitter for Maddie.”

  “What about Matt? Couldn’t he keep her while we go out?”

  “I’m sure he would but he’s been working a lot of overtime. Christmas, taxes, bills, they all add up. He’s only had one day off in the last two weeks and won’t get another day off until next Wednesday.”

  “Erin,” I whined into the phone as I played with m
y hair. How in the fuck do I get so many split ends? “Please, this is really important. Can’t you get someone to watch her? A neighbor, a friend, or one of her grandparents?”

  She huffed into the phone. “You know what? Let me see what I can do because as much as you need to get back on the market, momma needs a night off! I’ll text you in a bit but I’m pretty sure I can get Melissa—the teenager across the hall—to babysit fairly cheap.”

  “Oh, thank you, that’d be awesome. I’ll go ahead and start getting ready. I haven’t been out on a Saturday night in ages so I’m ready to go!”

  “No problem, babe. Get yourself all made up and I’ll start doing the same.”

  When we ended the call, I decided to lie back down on the couch for a minute before getting ready. Finding a sitter on quick notice for a four-year-old is no easy task, especially when it’s so late in the afternoon. I figured I could get ready in half the time it takes her anyway since I don’t also have to get a kid ready and a bag packed.


  I waited for almost three hours for Erin to call me back before I finally said fuck it. It was time for me to put on my big girl panties and go out, even if it meant going alone. I’ve always been a social butterfly so I was sure I’d find or meet someone to hang out with once I got there.

  I dug through my closet to find a sexy outfit and opted for a black leather mini skirt to show off my legs and ass, and a beaded corset with rhinestones around the cups. Yeah, it was cold outside but I didn’t care. I just wanted to show off my body because Chad always told me how hideous I was. Surely, there had to be some men who’d be attracted to me—and I was going to prove that to both of us.

  After I showered and put on my makeup, I blow dried my hair and straightened it before I added my hot pink hair extensions. Satisfied with my appearance, I stepped into my black stilettos and grabbed a small, studded handbag that matched my top and filled it with my ID, lipstick, cash, and a condom—just in case I got lucky.

  As I exited my apartment complex, I got stares and whistles—just what I needed to help boost my confidence before I got to the bar. Smiling, I drove to the Power and Lights District, found a parking space and headed for the bars.

  God, they’ve added so many new ones, I thought to myself as I walked down the street. I had no clue where to start but I heard a bar playing some of my favorite music and headed straight for it. The bouncer eyed me up and down before asking for my identification. Grinning, I handed to him and after checking my ID, he handed it back and said, “Have fun, Tara,” as he held the door for me.

  The atmosphere was upbeat and energetic. I could feel the base of the music thumping as I walked straight to the bar and snagged an empty barstool. The bartender was fucking hot! He was a tall blonde with spiked hair and thick, muscular arms. His shirt clung to his torso, showing off his abs and chest. There was no doubt about it that this guy worked out on a regular basis.

  “I’ll be with you in just a minute,” he yelled over the music.

  I nodded at him as I looked at the chalkboard of drinks and specials they were currently running. Out of my element, I had no idea what I should order. I’ve never really been the drinking type so I was glad that he didn’t flock right to me because I needed a few minutes to decide what I wanted.

  None of the drinks sounded good, at least the ones that I knew what was in them. For the most part, I was clueless as to what many of them were. Maybe coming to the bar was a bad idea.

  “What will it be?” He asked as he approached me, holding a white bar towel.

  “Umm, I have no clue,” I nervously laughed.

  He looked around and said, “Are you here alone?”

  “Yeah,” I replied. “Just got over a bad break up. Truthfully, it should’ve ended a long time ago but it’s all water under the bridge now.”

  “How about a hurricane or sex on the beach?” He suggested. “Those are fun drinks. Or do you want something stronger? Maybe three wisemen or something along those lines?”

  “Oh god, no,” I shook my head. “The problem is, I’m not really a drinker. Honestly, I hate the taste of liquor. It makes me want to vomit just thinking about drinking hard stuff. Do you have anything you’d recommend that’s not got anything strong in it?”

  He smiled at me. “You don’t drink? I think you came to the wrong place. What are you doing here, especially if you’re alone?”

  I shrugged. “My ex told me that nobody would be interested in me and I’m here to prove him wrong.”

  “I see,” he nodded, understanding where I was coming from. “Well, since you don’t drink, I can make you a hot cocoa special.” He leaned down so that our faces were only a few inches apart and, God, his cologne smelled so good. “This is a house special that I invented so you can’t get it anywhere else and nobody besides me has the recipe.”

  “It’s not milk-based, is it? I hate milk.”

  He winked at me. “I got you covered, so don’t worry about it.”

  I reached for my handbag to take out a few dollars to pay for my drink when he slid it over to me but he shook his head. “This one’s on the house. And for what it’s worth, your ex is dead wrong about you. You’re fucking beautiful!”

  My cheeks heated up as I blushed every shade of red imaginable. I’d only just gotten to the bar and the first person I encountered was already hitting on me—and he was so damn sexy! “Thanks,” I mumbled, not sure what to say. “And yes, I think I will try your hot cocoa special. Is it very strong?”

  “You won’t be able to taste any liquor, it’ll taste like a regular hot chocolate,” he said as he turned to get a glass and got busy making my drink.

  Sliding my money back into my purse, I left out a few dollars for a tip and put it in his tip jar when he returned with my drink. “Thank you,” I said again.

  “Cheers,” he said, handing me the glass. “I hope you like it.”

  “Cheers,” I replied, sipping the drink.

  Holy shit! It really tastes like hot cocoa—and it’s so good!

  Gulping it down, I can feel it warming me up but he was right, I couldn’t taste any alcohol in it whatsoever.

  “Wait!” He said, returning to me. “You need this candy cane to go with it. I almost forgot!” He hands me a peppermint candy cane. “You should stir it with this, it makes it taste even better.”

  I stopped drinking it and stirred what was left with the candy cane before I took another drink. Oh, my god! It does taste better!

  I think I just found my new favorite bar!

  Deciding to be a little tease, I took the candy cane out of the glass and seductively sucked and licked it every time he made eye contact with me.

  “You’d better be careful with that,” he warned. “It doesn’t taste like it’ll get you drunk but that drink will fuck you up.” He leaned over the counter, getting near me again. “And with the way your tongue works magic, you might get more than a few men to take you home tonight,” he winked at me as he pointed to his chest.

  My stomach dropped and butterflies started to stir. “That’s just a prelude as to what my little tongue can do,” I said, slowly pushing the candy cane inside my mouth as I tightly wrapped my lips around it, slowly sucking it as I pulled it back out. “Besides, I think I like the thought of a few men taking me home.”

  “Well, you’re well on your way,” he said. “I can promise you that much.”

  After I polished off the hot cocoa special, I started feeling very dizzy and lightheaded. He was right, this drink was fucking me up.

  Good, I thought. Chad would be pissed if I fucked a few guys tonight.

  Scanning the bar with my blurred vision, more than a few looked like someone I could see myself going home with. I stood up to ask the bartender for another but could slowly feel myself beginning to slip away. I was already getting so sleepy, which I thought was odd since I’d just taken a nap before I came to the bar. Whatever was in my drink was really strong but I couldn’t taste it.


/>   “Ho, ho, ho!” I heard a man chuckling.

  His voice sounded distant and so incredibly sexy. Slowly, I opened my eyes and tried to focus on my surroundings. I wasn’t at the bar anymore, but I wasn’t at my house either.

  Where the hell am I?

  Looking around, I couldn’t believe my surroundings. I was in the North Pole! Or, at least, what appeared to be the North Pole.

  No, this can’t be, I thought. The North Pole isn’t real, it’s only for children’s stories.

  Yet, here I was, sitting near a huge Christmas tree with stockings that lined a fireplace and….Santa Claus!

  “Where am I?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.

  “You’re in the North Pole, Tara.” Santa leaned down and got eye level with me. “Now, the question is: have you been naughty or nice?”

  “What?” I asked, baffled by his question. Was he for real?

  “I always thought you were a good girl, Tara, but judging by what you’re wearing, I’d say you’ve been a very naughty girl. Do you know what we do to naughty girls around here?”

  “What?!?” I asked, confused as to what the hell he was talking about. “Who are you and where am I at?”

  “Ho, ho, ho! I’m Santa Claus! Don’t you recognize me, Tara? And you’re in the North Pole.”

  “This is unbelievable,” I said, sitting up.

  “Levi, Elvin, Dior, Phil, Asher, and Ivan!” He shouted. Rubbing his beard, a thunderous laugh roars from his throat. “I’ll make you believe, Tara. You’re wish is my command. My helpers will show you what we do with naughty girls when they arrive in the North Pole.”

  My mouth opened to speak, but words wouldn’t form as six tanned, muscular men all wearing Santa hats entered the room. Looking at each of them, I was unable to close my mouth. They were all so fucking hot! My eyes focused on their ripped six-packs, bulging biceps, and insanely white teeth as they smiled at me.


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