Murdering Her Light

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Murdering Her Light Page 9

by Michael Clement

  I hadn’t expected any of this, but Tori was right, love shouldn’t be wasted or scorned because both people were the same sex.

  We lay in the tub for about fifteen minutes, just enjoying each others’ company, before a loud knock on the door vibrated through the room.

  Without waiting for a reply, the door opened and three women entered. They were carrying food platters, blankets, baskets, and several jugs of liquid.

  When they saw us, all three women smiled and looked away.

  My face burned.

  It wasn’t because I was holding Tori.

  Shit, I could have been naked with a man, and I would still have been embarrassed.

  Tori giggled.

  I looked down at my tattooed woman.

  “You’re blushing,” she said, as she reached up and touched my cheeks.

  “We’re naked,” I whispered, as the women set the refreshments onto the table.

  Before we could discuss my embarrassment further, one of the women said, “Are you ready for your massages, Milady?”

  “Yes,” Tori announced, before I could stop her.

  Unashamedly, she stood up and spread her arms wide.

  Two of the women stepped forward and began washing the bubbles off of her.

  I wanted to die.

  Especially when she reached down and offered me her hand.

  Everyone looked at me.

  “Take my hand,” Tori urged. “You will enjoy this.”

  Blushing even worse, so that the redness spread down to my chest, I stood up and mimicked my new lover.

  With shy smiles, the women washed the bubbles off of me as well. Then, they helped the two of us get out of the deep tub and dried us off.

  I had never had anyone dry me before, not since I was little.

  And, they weren’t shy. Everything was dried thoroughly and professionally. They even raised my large breasts and dried them as well, which made me blush even more.

  Then, they led us to massage tables that I hadn’t noticed before.

  Following Tori’s lead, I lay down, with my ass uncovered.

  I still wanted to die.

  “Ma F leur ,” Tori murmured. “Enjoy yourself.”

  “Did you just call me your flower?” I asked, as one of the women poured oil on my back and began rubbing it in.

  I groaned, it felt so good that it derailed the flower comment all together.

  Tori laughed. Then, she reached out and took my hand.

  Her hand was warm, and I enjoyed the familiarity and security of our new relationship, even if she was supposed to be my Master.

  Or, should I call her Mistress?

  The oil smelled pretty, and the masseuse didn’t mind that I was female. She rubbed it into my shoulders and back with a vengeance, removing knots in my muscles that I didn’t even know existed.

  I had to admit that I was enjoying myself, until she began working on my ass and lower legs.

  I was positive that she could still smell my arousal from just a few precious minutes ago.

  If she did, it didn’t stop her. She rubbed, pounded on, and caressed me, making my face red all over again.

  When she started on my feet, I thought that I would explode. I gripped Tori’s fingers tightly, while she giggled happily.

  “Turn over,” the Masseuse commanded.

  My body felt like jelly, but somehow, I followed her commands.

  She started on my feet again, but, then I noticed that she was working her way upwards.

  “Relax,” Tori instructed, as the woman neared my crotch.

  I looked up into the air and prayed that she wouldn’t stop and inspect it. After Tori’s fingers had pounded away at it, I was sure that it was red and puffy.

  I felt the woman’s fingers stop -- for a second -- when she noticed my piercing.

  But, thankfully, she kept going, caressing my thighs and muscles.

  Then, she was rubbing oil onto my breasts.

  This time, she didn’t stutter when she noticed that each of my nipples was pierced. Gamely, she just worked around them.

  Except... when she massaged me, she kept tweaking both studs.

  Fuck, I almost cursed out loud, as both of my girls became hard and stood at attention. I grew wet again. I couldn’t help it. My body felt so good, and I just wasn't used to all this attention.

  She moved to my upper chest and then began massaging my neck.

  That felt nice, so I shut my eyes.

  The oil was warm on my skin and it felt tingly.

  After washing off her hands, she began massaging my scalp.

  That felt really nice.

  “Would you like me to stay tonight?” the girl whispered to me.

  I sat straight up in shock.

  Tori began laughing.

  I looked from her to the woman and back again.

  “We have to bless seven residents of the city,” Tori reminded me.

  “We?” I sputtered, as the woman’s hands began massaging my lower back again.

  Then, to change the subject, I said, “I need those tattoos tonight.”

  “Exactly,” Tori said, sitting up and shifting so that she faced me. “After I inscribe them onto your back, you are going to need a release.”

  “I thought you…” I said, but then the woman’s fingers slyly grazed the top of my ass, where my skin had always been tender.

  “Oh,” I said in shock.

  “Ma Fleur,” Tori said, and I could hear sadness in her voice. “We aren’t a monogamous couple. One of our duties is to protect humanity from the monsters. We can only do that if we share each other with… others.”

  The woman’s hands stopped moving, after hearing what Tori said.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Turning my head, I studied her for the first time. I had been avoiding her gaze and body the whole time, nervous at how intimately she was touching me.

  The woman had long brown hair, a sharp face and brown eyes. Crows feet dotted the corners of her eyes. She was wearing a white dress that showed off her figure nicely now that it was partially wet.

  “I didn’t know that you were an apprentice,” she began.

  I took a deep breath. “It’s alright,” I said. “I’m just not used to women touching me like that, or being so open about… sex.”

  “My name is Lilly,” she said. “I have three young daughters and a husband who works in the mines.”

  “You’re married?” I spouted, before thinking about what I was saying.

  Lilly nodded without shame.

  “By blessing me, I can pass your blessing onto my husband,” she told me. “It will protect him when he works, while I keep our children safe.”

  Taking a deep breath, she said, “Please, My Lady, protect my children and my husband. I will try hard to make you happy.”

  Tori stood up and said, “Let's inscribe your tattoo. It will help you feel better.”

  - 18 -

  She led me to the bed while the three women followed us.

  Tori said, “Lay face down on the sheets.”

  One of the women sat down on the bed on either side of me while I heard Tori rummaging in her backpack.

  Lilly began massaging my back, as she tried to help me relax. But, I was too far gone. I was deathly afraid of needles, and I was not looking forward to this.

  Tori walked back over to the bed with a long wooden box, about the size of a thick book.

  After opening it, she shuffled through dozens of papers, before selecting one.

  “I’m going to start now,” Tori said.

  “Will it hurt?” I asked, feeling very self-conscious and nervous.

  “No,” she replied, as she climbed onto the bed and sat on top of me, straddling my hips. Her weight pushed my chest into the soft bed. Thankfully, she was tiny.

  Moving my hair to the side, she set something warm on my neck. It felt funny, kind of tingly and leathery.

  “Hold still,” she ordered when I wiggled.

  I felt her gripping whatever was on my neck, as she held it tight.

  It was the paper that she had taken out of the box.

  Except, it felt more like leather.

  A warmth began to emanate from the page.

  A snap sent a shock into my spine, making me flutter involuntarily. Both women next to me grabbed my arms and helped me stay still, while Lilly grabbed both of my ankles.

  Another spark entered me. It traveled through my body and grazed my mind. Euphoria erupted and lust. I felt myself grow wet without any thoughts in my head.

  I could smell burning, as something… slipped beneath my skin. It felt like my flesh had turned to jello and a sharp knife was sliding through me... but, without pain.

  Tori began to chant.

  I didn’t recognize the words. They were flowing and pretty, and reminded me of trees, forests, and the wildness of my world.

  My mind opened up and a shock of sensation rolled through me.

  Sarah. The girl on my right was Sarah. She was young and had just had her first baby. Her husband had died in the mines, and she was afraid.

  Another flare of energy shook my body. Metal poured into me, as my flesh began to shiver and trill, as power flowed into me from Tori.

  It felt wild and untamed.

  Annah. The woman on my left’s name was Annah. She was thirty-three and had never had a female lover before. Except, she liked my piercings. Her mind wondered how they would feel in her mouth, and between her teeth. Would she enjoy it, her mind thought loudly.

  I could smell fire. Pain rolled through me and the tattoo flowed into my flesh.

  Lilly was growing wet, as she stared at my ass. I could feel my desire flowing to her, through her fingers on my ankles. She wanted to slip her fingers into me and run her tongue over my body, so that her husband would be safe. Lilly loved him more than anything.

  A thrumming began, and I realized that it was Tori’s voice. From a great distance away, I could hear her imploring and commanding the metal to form into a pattern that flowed and rolled under my skin.

  Thoomph .

  A wave of power flowed out of me in a splurt of energy. It instantly infected the other women in the room. They began to moan in unison to my groans.

  I was wet and my pussy throbbed. I needed a lover to release my tensions… Now!

  Tori pushed harder on the leather. Dimly, I realized that it was skin. She was transferring the tattoo to me, from someone else’s skin.

  I would have been horrified if my mind wasn’t so enraptured.

  “Touch me,” I moaned, not caring who answered my call.

  But, the women held me down.

  I couldn’t move.

  No matter how much I tried, I was held fast.

  The thought galvanized my lust. I liked being controlled, I remembered. With a loud snap, I smelt the leather burst into flames. Instead of burning me, or Tori, the power released sank down into my skin, coating me with power.

  I climaxed, loud and long into the sheets below my face. Waves of desired poured through my body and out into the other women.

  I felt Tori come on top of me.

  Annah and Sarah shrieked as my power roasted their control and sent them screaming into ecstasy. Lilly moaned from behind me, as one climax after another gripped her flesh.

  Tori’s hands slipped to my shoulders. Pushing down, she barely stopped herself from collapsing on top of me. Instead, she kept chanting, somehow, as waves of lust flowed through her.

  “Again,” my mind whispered.

  My companion thrummed happily, pouring magic into all the women touching me. Their shrieks of desire pounded back through my mind.

  Then, with a crashing explosion of thunder, the pattern on the back of my neck was finished.

  My mind closed.

  I couldn’t feel the other women anymore.

  Gasping, I lay on the bed, as each of them collapsed next to me.

  Lilly was groaning at my feet. Tori slid off of me and lay next to Sarah.

  “What was that?” I moaned.

  “Magic,” Tori gasped.

  -- M --

  I don’t remember falling asleep. But, I must have. The morning light peeked into my eyes, making me wake up. Tori was pressed into my side, snoring loudly. Sarah has squeezed up next to her, with her arm around us both.

  Anna was sleeping with her face on my tummy, as she held me tight. Drool was leaking down from her mouth, as tiny breaths escaped her mouth. Lilly’s head was on my shoulder, with her arms wrapped around Anna.

  Normally, I would have screamed in claustrophobia.

  But, something about all of their flesh felt right.

  I could feel a connection between us.

  Maybe it was the blessing that Tori had talked about.

  Whatever it was, it felt nice. I wasn’t alone anymore.

  But, I needed to pee.

  So, even though I didn’t want to, I slid myself out of their grip.

  I barely made it to the bathroom. Once I stood up, it was a mad race to pee before I wet myself and splattered the tiles.

  When I was finished, I went back into the room. Tori was smiling at me, as she held Sarah closely.

  “Is it always like this?” I asked.

  Tori nodded.

  “How does your neck feel?” she asked.

  I touched the new tattoo on the back of my neck. It didn’t hurt, but it felt larger than the others and it still tingled slightly.

  “It feels big,” I said, as Lilly opened her eyes.

  “That's because it is,” Tori answered. “It allows you to protect your mind from invasion, invade others minds, and to see what is hidden. It is a powerful pattern.”

  “You didn’t tell me that you were transferring a tattoo from someone else’s flesh to mine,” I pointed out.

  “You would have said no,” she murmured, as she drew Lilly to her mouth for a good morning kiss.

  “Whose was it?” I asked.

  “My teachers,” she responded between kisses.

  “What was their name?” I said.

  “Prudence,” she answered, as she rolled Lilly onto her back.

  “Sarah, take my apprentice to Zebulon, after feeding her breakfast,” my teacher ordered, as she began kissing Lilly’s breasts.

  “I want to stay,” Sarah murmured, running her hands up and down Tori’s back.

  “Go,” Tori commanded, swatting her ass. “Do as you’re told.”

  Sulking, Sarah climbed out of bed, as Annah giggled and pulled herself closer to Tori and Lilly.

  Sarah slipped into her white dress unhappily.

  Then, she helped me put on my gray cloth.

  “Follow me,” she said with a trace of Eeyore’s grumpiness.

  I could hear Lilly moaning in pleasure, as I followed Sarah out of the room.

  Part of me wanted to stay as well.

  When had I become such a lecherous lesbian?

  -- M --

  It was still early when we entered the busy kitchen.

  Women were flowing here and there. Sarah brought me pancakes, syrup and real butter. I wondered where their food supplies came from, as I filled my hungry stomach.

  When I was done, she brought me to a door that was painted red.

  “Behind this door are stairways that lead down into the caves below us,” she said. “A guard at the bottom will lead you to Zebulon.”

  “Aren’t you coming with me?” I asked.

  “I can’t she replied,” pointing at a ward over the door. “If I try, that will attack me.”

  “But, I can?” I asked.

  Sarah nodded, turned and left me standing before the Sorceror’s Crimson Door.

  - 19 -

  I followed the cold stone steps down into the earth. This was a different route than I had taken to talk to the three other Shadar and their books. It was not as well lit and there was black moss on the walls. I lost track of the number of stairs after three hundred.


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