Broken: Enemies to Lovers Romance (City Slickers Book 1)

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Broken: Enemies to Lovers Romance (City Slickers Book 1) Page 18

by P Mulholland

  I wanted to slam her against my door and fuck her right there. In fact, I might just do that. The filing cabinet sticks out, blocking the view enough from that angle. Back to the contracts. “They’re your basic gag contracts. One is to stop you from talking to media and the public about your time living with me. And the other is relinquishing the Austin Empire from holding any responsibility for your assault and injuries.”

  “Wow! They know how to cover their backs.”

  “They…we have a lot to protect.”

  Her phone beeped and when she read the message, she choked up. “It’s Isaac. My accounts have been unfrozen. Do you want to get something to eat? My shout now I can afford it.”

  “No. I want to bend you over my desk. Now.”

  She smirked. “Dir-ty. We have an audience.”

  “Fuck ‘em. I don’t have much time with you.”

  “Is there somewhere else we can go?”

  I thought about it for a second. “Yes.” I stood up and so did she, and I followed behind her. Then when she grabbed the door handle, I slammed her against the door and unzipped her jeans from behind, sliding my hand down to play with her clit. She moaned. “You dirty scoundrel.”

  “That’s me, Chucky,” I whispered into her ear, while pressing my crotch into her ass. “Your dirty, rotten scoundrel. See what you’re going to miss out on.”

  “They’ll hear.”

  “I don’t care.” I kissed her neck and nibbled her ear, then when her panties were soaked, I pulled her jeans down and entered her from behind without a condom, sorry. I had imagined having sex with Brydes in my office a hundred times, no, a thousand times. And here we were on our last leg. Likely, the first and last time we get to do this. Tick that bucket list, you bastards.

  She covered her mouth with her good hand, so she wouldn’t cry out, but she couldn’t do much about the banging sounds against the door. Any fool and their dog would know what was going on in here. I didn’t care. I was on probation for excess alcohol, not office sex. Besides, it’s not like I was banging someone on the payroll.

  She came quick and so did I. Then I kissed her on the cheek, wrapping my arms around her. I didn’t want to let her go. She relaxed back into me and sighed. We stood there for several minutes with our pants down in a tight embrace.

  We did leave eventually together, remembering to pull our pants up before opening the door. Trent waved me into his office as I cruised past. I left Brydie outside in the hall.

  “The apartment. If you’re going to stay in it, you’ll have to start paying rent now the babysitting job is over.”

  Cutting to the chase was Trent. Typical.

  “How much time do I have?”

  “I think it’s fair you start paying rent from next week.”


  “Does that mean you’ll stay in it, or leave?” He barely looked at me when he spoke, preferring to stare at the computer screen. What did he have on there anyway? Porn or something?

  “I’ll let you know.”

  “By tomorrow would be good, so I can let the marketing team know to advertise it.”

  I nodded. I wondered what his hurry was. It’s not like AGI was hard up for cash.

  He stopped talking, so I’m guessing the conversation had ended. I turned my back and his voice, smooth as silk asked, “Are you in love with her?”

  I turned back, wondering if I misheard. His eyes hadn’t shifted from his computer screen. Man, I really wanted to know what captivated him so much on there. It had to be porn, maybe big ass chicks.

  “I don’t care,’ he said. “I’m just curious.’

  “I think so.”

  “Shame she’s leaving then.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Still his eyes remained glued to that screen. “I heard about the deal Malone struck.”

  “Do you know what the deal consisted of?” I asked. I was glad Malone struck the deal with the perv, but I’d rather the perv was dead. Not just dead, but cut into tiny pieces dead. Instead, by not hurting Brydes the perv gained something and that annoyed me. It’s like giving your kids candy so they’ll stop torturing the cat. It taught the wrong lesson.

  He shook his head.

  “It could’ve had a much different outcome for Brydie if he didn’t do it. But he’s still a piece of shit for leaving her up there.’

  He pulled his eyes away from the screen when someone in his peripheral vision caught his attention. I turned behind me to find Brydie standing there. Her emerald eyes hardened. “What’s this about a deal?”

  “Nothing.” I took her hand. “Let’s get something to eat. You’re shouting me remember, and I’m hungry as a bobcat.”

  I didn’t care that everyone saw me pulling her along by her hand, like two playful lovers eager to get somewhere. I also didn’t care when we turned the corner and walked past the sea of secretaries. They stared with their painted mouths open.

  I did not intend to let her go until we got home. Then I’d throw her onto the bed and slowly undress her. I’d become very good at undressing her.

  I wanted this moment to last forever. However, ‘forever’ was just a stupid romantic notion, for stupid romantics that had no business doing Cupid’s business.

  ‘Forever’ applied to the air, and the planets, and the sun. Not to love, and certainly not to me and Brydie O’Neal.

  Chapter Thirty Three


  Jake decided to sign the lease for the apartment, just because he couldn’t be bothered finding somewhere else to live.

  Croyden offered him a room at his place but he declined, wanting space to himself to study in the evenings. He was working full-time in a good paying job so it’s not like he couldn’t afford the rent on his own.

  I handed my notice in at Underwater Safaris and contacted Lani who had sub-rented my apartment to let her know I’ll be coming home soon. She was disappointed to have to find a new place to live. But she had way more time living there than we originally planned, since I was imprisoned, then caged in Chicago. Fair’s fair.

  Jake said that the day I leave, he’ll burn my sheets and anything else that smelt like me or reminded him of me. I said he was being ridiculous and he pinched my butt cheek and said, “Your choice.”

  I reached out to all of my contacts in the underwater adventures industry, looking for a job in the Californian region. It was easy for me to get work as I had accumulated such a high amount of dive hours and had traveled the world doing so. Except Antarctica, I hadn’t been there yet.

  Even though I was making plans for my future back home, the one thing I really struggled to do was actually book a flight. Every time I jumped onto the travel website I felt overwhelming fatigue and failed to make a decision. As soon as that flight is booked, that’s it. It’s all over. A date would be set and off I would go.

  “I’m going to Antarctica in four and half weeks,” I said to Jake at the dinner table. We were eating homemade fries with a salad, Jake had crumbed fish and I had a frittata for the protein. We made a great foodie team, Jake and I.

  “Take a sweater,” he said, shooting me a little black glare.

  “Wouldn’t you be interested to hear about my adventures?”

  “No. You won’t exist, so I’d hear nothing but white noise.”

  “I think you’re being immature.”

  “I think you’re being selfish.”

  “Selfish? Why is it the women are expected to sacrifice everything? And besides, it’s risky.”


  “Because of your age.”

  “I have everything you need. And stop using my age as an excuse for you not to fall in love with me.”

  I stalled. My heart did a triple flip in my chest. “Are you in love with me, Jake?”

  “Eat your food.”

  I tried to get off the subject of me leaving, but it was like a black cloud hovering over us all the time.

  “So, what was the deal Leon made?” I hadn’t asked the question s
ince the day I overheard Jake and Trent talking about it.


  “Was it to do with me?”


  “Yes, it was. I heard my name mentioned.”

  “You heard wrong. And you shouldn’t eavesdrop. Have you booked your flight back home yet?”


  “Why not?”

  “I’ve been trying to.”

  A little smile flashed before me. “You’ve been like that from day one. Half in, half out. It would be nice if you stopped fucking me around.”

  “I made it clear from day one that I was going back,” I fumed.

  “And yet, here you are. Can’t book a single damn flight.”

  “Fine, I’ll do it now.” I abruptly pushed back my chair to step over to the coffee table to get my phone, only he grabbed me from behind and dragged me back just before I could reach it. We fell to the floor giggling and wrestling each other, smacking each other’s backsides, and tickling each other’s ribs. Except my ribs complained along with my arm, but I managed to ignore them.

  He got to my phone before I did and proceeded to run down the hall with it. By the time I had dragged my aching body off the floor, he’d hidden it somewhere. I rummaged through his bedroom, then my bedroom, the bathroom and the spare bedroom, coming up empty.

  “Jake, where is it?”

  “I’m sorry, Chucky, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He did eventually give it back to me when I threatened to slice his balls off while he slept, then cook them up in a stew with tomato sauce.

  Once I got my phone back, I still couldn’t go through with it. It wasn’t just that it spelt an end to my time with Jake, but the only job offers I had received included deep sea diving and my ribs weren’t up to it yet. Besides, I’d be leaving for Antarctica not long after starting the job, so it seemed futile. My ribs would be healed nicely by the time I left for Ocean Warrior, but I’d have to practice breathing techniques in the coming weeks, since I hadn’t been underwater for a while.

  As the days passed, I finished my job off at Underwater Safaris and lived life as a normal functioning adult. Jake would come home ten past six every evening looking gorgeous in his fancy suit, kiss me on the lips like a husband kissed his wife, then ask if I’d booked a flight yet.

  The answer was no for several days. He’d shoot me a little smirk and I’d ask him if he wanted me to contribute to the rent.

  “Just in sex,” he said.


  Days turned into weeks and finally Sarah informed me where Ocean Warrior would be docked; Punta Arenas, Chile. It was now time to book my flight. My elbow was healed, I’d been doing strengthening and straightening exercises and my ribs were feeling good. I had prepared for this moment for weeks, it was finally time to go.

  When Jake came home I told him I was leaving in three days for Chile. He fell silent. This was it. The end.

  It was only Jake’s unreasonable stubbornness that made our relationship come to an end. I’d love for us to stay in contact, maybe meet up now and again, but he was adamant that he needed to move on. I get it. I understood why he was doing it, but I failed to stop myself from feeling hurt by his decision.

  The last few days we spent together holding each other tightly and making love intensely, avoiding the inevitable. What was lacking from our little household was laughter. There was nothing for Jake to laugh about and although I was excited and buzzing about my next adventure, I tried to suppress it in Jake’s presence.

  I had coffee with Farrah at The Garage the day before I left. She was just as depressed as Jake about me leaving. Once my venture was over with Ocean Warrior, I’d be heading back to San Diego. So I may not see her again for years.

  “How’s Isaac?” I asked her, as I scooped the frothy milk off my cappuccino with a teaspoon and licked it off.



  “He feels guilty about what happened to you. It wasn’t supposed to backfire like that.”

  I hadn’t seen Isaac since before the assault and I had no intention of seeing him. Yes, I know he did me a huge favor, but sending heavies to harass a foreign minister was pure stupidity. It would’ve been smarter to let me serve my time. The Costa Rican government weren’t unreasonable people, they probably would’ve let us out earlier on good behavior, anyway. Jeez! It’s not like we were drug smugglers or murderers. But Farrah put pressure on Isaac and the Austin family had a grand plan to take advantage of the situation and there we go, my life took a drastic turn, into the arms of a 21 year old.

  “What’s this deal that Leon made with one of the goons that Estrada hired?”

  Her black eyes narrowed and she looked away, avoiding eye contact. “I don’t know.”


  “Are you going to see him before you leave?”

  “Yes. I was going to drop in on him tonight to say my goodbyes.”

  “He’d like that. Even though he doesn’t show it outwardly, Leon does care very much for you and Abbie.”

  “I know.”

  “How’s Jake?”

  “Coming to terms with me leaving.”

  “That boy is in love with you. I saw it in his eyes the day after you were attacked. I don’t even think he identified the feelings as love. But I saw it there bubbling away like a witch’s cauldron. Probably thought it was stress or anxiety, but no, it was love.”

  “You’re the expert,” I said sarcastically.

  “Yes, I am,” she said, slapping my hand. “And once again, you’re leaving love behind you.”

  I was about to argue that point when she shot me down. “Have you noticed Brydie, that your big loves are all in Chicago?”

  “Big loves?”

  “Yes. Aaron, me and the Malone clan and now Jake.”

  I was about to argue that flimsy notion, when she shot me down again. “Haven’t you noticed that you never meet anyone deep and meaningful in California or those other places you like to go to?”

  “Are you saying Californians are shallow?”

  “No, I’m saying you don’t drop your guard in California to let love slip in, yet you do it here. Do you want to know why?”


  “I’m going to tell you why. Because deep down inside you want to stay here close to us, your only family. Yet you rebel against your own instincts.”

  I sighed.

  “Admit it.”

  “I can’t admit what’s not true. Besides, I’m still stuck on the fact you refer to Jake as being a “big love”.”

  “He is a big love. Any fool can see that except you. And don’t give me any of that bull-crap about him being twenty one. He won’t stay twenty one forever.” An impish smile appeared on her face as she leaned in and said, “He’s very handsome. I hadn’t seen him in a while and didn’t realize how scrumptious he is.” She pursed her lips, running her hand down her arm. “Nice, toned body. Like Aaron.”

  “Scrumptious?” I laughed. I’ll miss Farrah. I always miss Farrah. “He wants to cold turkey me when I leave.”

  “So, he won’t stay in contact?”

  “No. An all or nothing guy.”

  “Oh! You’ve kept that little secret to yourself.”


  “That he wants a relationship with you.”

  “I guess so.”

  “And once again you break another perfectly good heart.”

  I knocked on the door of my half nephew. Jake drove me to his apartment and decided to wait in the car since he can’t stand the guy. We were going out for dinner for our farewell, a fancy affair in a Michelin five star restaurant where tiny amounts of food are served on large white plates for several hundred dollars. Not my idea of a good night out, but Jake wanted to do something special for the girl he’s never going to see again, ever.

  Leon swung the door open and reluctantly signaled for me to step inside. “Looks like my address has become common knowledge,” he g
rumbled under his breath.

  “Is that a problem?”

  “It is when you’re in a job like mine.”

  I knew he was referring to the underbelly of his work. The jobs that were performed only after dark, then brushed under the carpet during the day. The jobs that required him to have an alibi at all times in case of a backlash, and a personal life that’s fiercely secure and private.

  An episode of Westworld was playing on the large screen TV and fried sausages, eggs and chips were piled up on a plate on his coffee table.

  “I didn’t know you could cook,” I said, trying to make small talk. Why do I constantly do that with Leon? Never, ever, ever does he do small talk. When will I learn?

  He didn’t respond, instead he stared at the TV screen watching a techie person open up one of those Westworld robots. The robot happened to be a female and she was lying on a medical examiner’s table, naked. That’s why the program was more interesting than listening to me talk.

  “I’ve come to say goodbye.” Once again, he barely flinched. “I’m not sure when I’ll see you again…”

  I sat down next to him on the couch, fully aware that Jake was waiting downstairs. I did not want to take too long.

  “So, are you going to tell me?’ I asked.

  He frowned, still staring at the naked actress.

  I continued, “What the deal was.”

  “What deal?”

  “You made a deal with one of those heavies that broke into Elite.”

  “Who told you that?” He was still staring at the TV.

  “I overheard a conversation.”

  “I don’t know anything about a deal.” He dropped his head to plunge a fork into a sausage, then sliced it quick with the knife. Then he began munching on it. “You got anything else to accuse me of, or are you just going to sit there and watch me eat?”

  I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Maybe I was wrong about this secret little deal. Farrah denied it as did Jake, although I felt at the time both of them were lying. I got up to leave, but turned to address him just before I walked out for good.


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