Brick: Blacktop Renegades (BRMC Book 2)

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Brick: Blacktop Renegades (BRMC Book 2) Page 1

by Chelsea Handcock


  Blacktop Renegades

  BRMC – Book 2

  Author: Chelsea Handcock

  Copyright © 2020, Chelsea Handcock

  First electronic publication: September 2020

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted works is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.

  Note from the Author: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale, or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

  Published in the United States of America.

  Editor – Sandy Ebel, Personal Touch Editing

  Cover Designer – Michelle RLS Sewell

  Baden “Brick” Wahl, lives his life fast and loose, the only thing he’s committed to the Blacktop Renegades MC. His loyalty, honor, and respect encompass the men of the BRMC, but no one else has been able to break down that wall. Until one gorgeous hacker takes him on a ride that changes everything.

  Ryan Lowe is on a mission to find her brother. She will do anything to make that happen, including walk into the Blacktop Renegades clubhouse and play a part she never thought she would. In all her planning, she never counted on the effect one man would have on her. Brick is a complication she doesn’t need but wants desperately.

  Can Brick and Ryan get over their own roadblocks so, one day, they can be together? Or will they crash and burn? Join Brick and Ryan on the adventure of a lifetime.

  Welcome to the Blacktop Renegades. This book can be read as a standalone, although many of the characters featured have been mentioned in the Ruthless Bastards MC series. To get full enjoyment, it is suggested you read in series order, starting with Whiskey: RBMC Book 1.

  Content Warning: Explicit love scenes and naughty language. Intended for mature audiences.

  Table of Contents

  Blacktop Renegades

  BRMC – Book 2

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Chapter One

  Baden “Brick” Wahl was enjoying his night off. Things had been tense with the Blacktop Renegades since they hung up their nomad status and put down roots in Hazard, Kentucky. He understood why Caine Masters, the President of their club, made the decision. Miguel Perez, a psychotic cartel boss, was gunning hard for Caine and using anything and anyone to accomplish his goals. The fucker had already caused havoc and destruction with Tuck Masterson’s club, Caine’s brother, and the President of Ruthless Bastards. Caine had decided to draw the fucker out, and it was much easier to hit a standing still target than one that moves. Brick got it, understood the concept, and welcomed the fight to bring the asshole down, but he, like the other guys, wasn’t adapting to this new life as easily. The asshole had hurt many people and needed to die, no question. Even the sweet woman sitting in front of him, cutely trying to play his wingman, had been caught up in this fucked-up situation. What bugged him the most was there wasn’t any sign of this shit stopping anytime soon. They couldn’t go at Perez directly, and they couldn’t use legal means to bring him down, so they were stuck waiting until the right piece of information or person fell into their laps, and they could put an end to it. In his heart, he knew more people like London were going to get hurt because shady bastards always took the coward’s way out and hurt the ones least likely to be able to protect themselves. It was their job to anticipate and counter, but that shit was almost impossible when you were dealing with a mad man. That was why Brick was relishing his night off, letting go of it all, taking a break for the night. Tomorrow would come soon enough. Taking a healthy swig of his drink, Brick smiled at London as she bounced up and down on the barstool, a little tipsy herself.

  “Oh, come on! What about that one?” London asked, pointing to a woman in Daisy Duke’s and a green halter top.

  “Nope, had her last month, great boobs, but she could do a couple of those female exercises to tighten up the ground floor, if you know what I mean. Considered strapping a two by four to my ass just to make sure I didn’t get lost in there. It was kind of like throwing a hot dog down a hallway, and my hot dog is pretty impressive, so that is saying something.”

  “First off, eww!” London laughed. “And second, maybe you should warn Junior. Looks like he’s about to make his move.”

  “Nah, that’s an experience every man should have, just to remind him to appreciate good pussy when it comes along.”

  “What about that one, purple dress, sparkly shoes?” London pointed to the woman in question.

  “Fuck, no! You’ve heard of psycho chicks? Grade A example right there!” Brick shivered exaggeratedly, making London laugh out loud, complete with a snort. “Hey, speaking of psycho chicks, why are you sitting here at the bar with me instead of screaming down the rafters with your old man?”

  “Hardee har har, asshole,” London said, glaring at him. This time it was his turn to laugh. “If you must know, I had to give Caine some papers, and Axel is packing up some clothes. We’re going to start staying at the cabin.”

  “As in, for the night?”

  “As in, from now until our house gets built. I’m sick of living in the biker version of a frat house, and the wise man who likes sharing my bed nightly agreed.”

  Brick put his drink down, balanced his forearms on the bar, getting right up in London’s face.

  “So, who’s going to do my laundry and make dinner?”

  “I don’t know, and I don’t care!” London sing-songed.

  “Oh, come on, London, you know you like helping out the club. It’s your job as an auxiliary member to make sure—”

  “Bullshit. You guys make up a new auxiliary member rule every time you fart, which is often and disgusting. I swear you need a house mother or something. I think all those years on the road with room service and valet have spoiled you guys.” London lifted up off her seat, almost touching noses with Brick. “You’re supposed to be badass bikers. Act like it! And do your own laundry.”

  Brick wasn’t going to even try to explain the places where he and the guys stayed on the road were fleabag motels, not five stars. He actually didn’t expect her to do his laundry, it was just fun to mess with her. Although he would miss her cooking. Eating out all the time got old, and you could only eat so many sandwiches. He could scramble an egg or grill a steak with the best of them, but London’s skill far e
xceeded his or any of the other guys. She had been spoiling them all. Hell, most of them were spending extra time in the gym, just to burn off one of the meals she made them.

  “I got three words for you… Prada, Gucci, and Jimmy Choo.”

  London cocked her head to the side and just looked at him.

  “For a dude who only wears Levi’s, leather, t-shirts, and anything that can be bought from a bike shop, I’m pretty impressed you even know those names, but I hate to break it to you, I’m not into purses, hate shoes, and although I could go for a good pair of sunglasses, all I have to do is bat my eyelashes at—”

  “Who are you batting your eyelashes at?” Brick smiled at the shocked look on London’s face when Axel came up behind her. “Get your own damn woman to do your laundry and cook for your ass. London is taken.”

  London did exactly as she’d said, looking at Axel, batting her eyelashes, adding in a little pouty lip action. Brick watched as the badass Vice President turned into a pussy-whipped wimp in seconds flat.

  Brick narrowed his eyes, looking straight at her, and the little bitch just smiled, placing her hand on Axel’s cheek, petting him.

  “No one, babe. I’m helping Brick learn the ways of women.” Axel busted out laughing, bending over.

  “You do realize he gets more pussy than most of the guys here, right?”

  London leaned back on the barstool, glaring at Axel.

  “You do realize getting pussy and learning women are not the same thing, right?” London countered, sobering up Axel right quick.

  Damn!! Brick was doing his best not to laugh, but he had to cover his mouth and turn away. London had just played Axel like a fiddle. The woman was good. Maybe he should learn about women from her, not to get one, but to figure out how to not step in it like Axel just did.

  “Oh, Oh, Oh, we have a winner!! Denim miniskirt, purple cami, and LOOK!! No bra and nippleage is on point!!” London stood up on the barstool rung, slapping him on the chest, “Just your type, Brick, but you better hurry. Roo is already scoping out the goods. Looks like you might be the lone Renegade out tonight or doing sloppy seconds,” London cackled and plopped her ass back down.

  “Fuck, now you have my woman playing your wingman!”

  But Brick was already on the move. He scaled the bar as if it was a training hurdle. The chick London pointed out was banging—long strawberry-blonde hair, boobs on point, just like London mentioned, and an ass to die for. She wasn’t one of those skinny chicks, he always felt like he was going to break with a good fucking. She had enough meat on her bones to take what he had to give and then some. Plus, long-assed tan legs that would wrap around him while he did it. Brick was a little past buzzed. It was his night off, and he had been enjoying it. Now, he was about to enjoy something a little more satisfying than the twelve-year-old scotch he had been sipping all night.

  She was playing pool with a wannabe prospect. Brick thought the guy’s name was Dave or Douche. He couldn’t remember. Until they made the cut, they were all the same to him. When he walked up, he motioned for the guy to get lost, and good old douche boy did exactly as he was told. Brick walked up behind the woman, caged her body from behind, making her bend over the pool table and grinding his hips into her ass.

  “Sweets, I’m sorry to say, you’ve broken the house rules. I’m going to have to ask you to leave the premises or take a punishment,” Brick whispered in her ear. He leaned back enough for the chick to lift up and look at him, and damn, the view from the back was smokin’, but he almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of her head-on—she was a knockout. She brushed her hand down his chest, giving him those fuck me eyes.

  “Oh sugar, I’m not a naughty girl.” Licking her lips, she continued down to his belt, running her fingers across the top. “I promise I’m a very good girl if I know the rules. How about giving me another chance?”

  Brick picked her up, resting that luscious ass on the pool table, and wedged himself between her spread knees.

  “It is simple, sweets. Any chick who comes to party with the Blacktop Renegades on Friday night becomes our property. Do you know what that means?” She was fucking perfect, giving him coy eyes, acting all innocent, shaking her head with her lip pouted out. “It means your mouth,”—Brick bit the protruding lip, then pulled her closer and squeezed her ass—“this ass…” Grinding himself into her again, this time, with a little more bulk in his jeans. This chick was turning him on, but he wasn’t done playing, not even close yet. “And this pussy is mine to do whatever I want to with it. You game?”

  “Now, sugar, like I said, I’m not a naughty girl.” Licking her lips, she gave his body the once over with her eyes, ending at his crotch and staying there while her little white teeth bit her lip. “Mmhmm, but I am what they call one of those high maintenance women. I like my men to buy me a drink, maybe dance a little, so we can get nice and horny, rubbing up against each other, swaying to the music before we get to the good stuff, and believe me, it will be good stuff.” Licking his neck, she said, “I like it rough, hard, and dirty, and you seem like just the kind of man who can handle that.” She bit down on the tendon running to his shoulder.

  Typically, Brick wasn’t into aggressive women, but she was just the right mix of sweet, sexy, and demanding to make him willing to give her the extra mile before he bent her back over the pool table, lifted her skirt up, and did what they both wanted, but the lady wanted drinks first. Brick had some plans about that. Lifting her up until she was on her feet, he waited long enough to make sure she was steady before taking her hand and leading her to the bar. Instead of guiding her to a stool, he picked her up and laid her right down on the bar. She looked at him, startled.

  “Sweets, if we are going to drink,”—he used his finger to run down between her breasts to the hem of her shirt, then up again, taking the fabric with his finger exposing her belly—“you’re going to be my glass. You game?”

  The chick played into his game perfectly, lifting up her shirt to just under her perfect tits.

  “Oh, yeah, Sugar, put that mouth on me, everywhere.”

  Chapter Two

  Ryan Baker was in a shit ton of trouble. This man could kiss like nobody’s business and apparently had the constitution of a damn elephant. They had drunk so many shots, both on and off her body, she was buzzed, sticky, and wet—not all due to the booze. Brick was every erotic fantasy she could have ever imagined and then some. She almost hated slipping him the sedative she had smuggled in with her—almost.

  It should have knocked his ass out almost forty-five minutes ago, not that she was complaining because damn, this man was so good with his hands, his mouth—hell, his mouth had her nearly dry humping herself to an orgasm. And bonus, the man was like the energizer bunny, just as attentive as when he came up to her at the pool table, not giving her a second to calm down or cool off. Damn, it was like he was a drug all by himself. They had stumbled into his room only seconds ago.

  When he leaned down and took her mouth fast and hard, his tongue sliding along hers, she melted. Ryan could have dealt with that—she was all for Baden’s kisses, craved every one he was willing to give—but when he pulled back and did that guy thing, reaching behind his back and pulling his t-shirt up and off, her knees almost buckled from the sight of his chiseled chest, the nice sprinkling of curly hair dusting the sculpted abs. He seriously took her breath away, but she pulled up her nonexistent big girl panties and was just going to have to woman up because when in Rome and all that shit. She was going to take advantage of this moment in time because Ryan was pretty sure it would never happen again. Running her hands over his chest, she lightly scraped her nails down his belly, following that happy trail all the way to his belt, making quick work of unbuckling it, snapping the button on his jeans, and pulling down the zipper, then letting the denim fall to the floor with a clunk. Holy Mother of God, the sight of him in nothing but a pair of tight black boxer briefs, his erection so large the material couldn’t contain his excitement, had h
er drooling. The Prince Albert piercing topping it had her pussy clenching, begging to be filled.

  Pushing him back, Ryan watched as he hit the bed. Walking between his spread legs, Ryan bent down and stroked his dick lovingly, keeping up her part of the slutty Southern belle out for a good time.

  “Oh, Sugar, this is going to be fun.”

  Brick pushed his boxer briefs down, giving her that cocky little smirk when she groaned. “I’ve shown you mine, your turn, sweets.”

  Ryan didn’t need to be asked twice. Taking her cami off, she let the girls bounce free, loving the hungry look they provoked. Ryan didn’t have the first clue on how to do a sexy striptease, but apparently, she didn’t need all the bells and whistles to get Brick going. Shimmying out of her miniskirt, leaving her only in her tiny lace and satin panties, his massive dick jumped. Crawling onto the bed, she straddled that bad boy—wiggling, grinding, and panting against his deliciously hard body like the wanton woman he made her. Bending over, her lips sipped and teased his body as his fingers bit into her hips, guiding her up and down his length. Ryan could feel an orgasm building, the tingling getting stronger, so close she begged for more.

  “Baden, please!”

  His huge hands cupped her ass and squeezed, bringing her down harder, then pulling her up and back in a see-saw motion slowly, torturously.

  Her breath caught, then… nothing.

  His hands dropped away. Ryan looked up and whimpered, regretting ever coming up with this stupid plan.

  He was still hard beneath her, but that was fading fast. One little bump and grind, and she would be flying—just one. Biting her lip, she debated, fought with herself, but in the end, she got up. It wouldn’t be right. She would never take something from this man that wasn’t offered freely. Damn it!

  Ryan looked back at him, lying on that bed, and groaned again. This sucked! But she had work to do. Smacking her face a couple times to get back to reality and not fantasyland, she looked around his room. It was pretty sparse, surprisingly immaculate. She would have expected bikers to be more like frat boys. She could probably eat off the floor in here, not that she would, but she could, and that was saying something. Her apartment was always a mess, clean, but cluttered. Picking up her cami and skirt, she put them on, just in case. One could never be too prepared when committing a crime against an MC, even a friendly one. Ryan put her hands on her hips and looked around. She needed Brick’s laptop, but it was nowhere in sight.


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