The Secret to a Spy’s Heart: A Steamy Victorian Historical Spy Series (Romancing Intrigue Book 4)

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The Secret to a Spy’s Heart: A Steamy Victorian Historical Spy Series (Romancing Intrigue Book 4) Page 12

by Laura Shipley

  Louis had her pinned between himself and the table. He lifted her ample derriere and sat Colette on the table. Her legs opened in invitation, and he stepped in between them. Now his hard staff was right up against her thighs. The only thing between him and his greatest desire was Colette’s nightdress. Even with the material in place, he felt the fever of passion burning a trail that pooled in his groin.


  Never in her life had Colette imagined a kiss could be so earth-shattering. When Louis’s lips had crushed against hers, a firestorm of lust had overtaken her. His mouth ravaged hers, and she readily accepted. She thrilled when his tongue plunged into her hot mouth. The feel of his tongue gliding in and out made her wonder what it would feel like to have his cock inside her.

  A part of her mind knew it was foolish to give in, but she wanted him. To have Louis’s masculine body possess her. When he had lifted her onto the table, her legs had parted on their own. When the tip of his erection had pressed against her thigh, it had caused a surge of moisture to pool between her legs. She had been with a man before but had never known need this raw. Colette wanted to be claimed by Louis. It was a wonderful sensation, and she was a slave to it, willing to do anything to have more of him.

  As their lips and tongues explored, Louis cupped her breast. He gripped the supple mound of flesh. The friction between her nightdress and his hand made her moan into his mouth. He teased her nipple between his fingers. The harder he rubbed, the more aroused she became, arching her hips toward his manhood.

  She must have hit his sensitive staff because his embrace turned savage, more desperate as he claimed her mouth. Colette cupped his firm ass and drew him closer yet. At the contact of his cock with her entrance, she nearly came undone. This man made her feel wanton, willing to throw caution to the wind.

  Louis released her breast and blazed a trail down to her apex with his hand. No one had ever caressed her there, and at the unfamiliar sensation she cried out in a mix of surprise and bliss. It was loud enough to make Louis break their kiss.

  Colette peered at Louis. His intense gaze did not leave her face. She was breathless from their passionate interlude. Louis stepped back and cool air replaced the spot where he had stood. The emptiness made her shudder. He looked away and ran a hand through his hair. Did he regret what they had shared?

  Colette slid off the table. Should she say something? The encounter was still too fresh, her emotions too scattered to know what to think or say.

  “My apologies.” Louis’s words cut through her muddled thoughts. He scrubbed a hand down his face. “I should not have made advances. It will not happen again. All I can say is the exhaustion of the day and my injury made me lose my senses for a few moments. I know that does not make up for the liberties I just took, but I am sorry, Colette.”

  So, he did regret what they had done. Always the gentleman, he took all the blame. The pig-headed man would not even admit that she had been a willing participant. If his intimate caress had not shocked her, would they have made love? She would never know since he had just promised to never touch her again. The only problem was she wanted him to do it again—and so much more.


  The perfect end to a bloody disastrous day, Louis chided himself. Once he returned to the solitude of his room, he replayed the entire scene in his mind. Lord knew what had possessed him to act so impulsively. He was not fooling himself; he knew exactly why he had kissed Colette, because it had been the only thing on his mind for days. At times, since they had begun this charade, she had looked lost and frightened. Louis had wanted to calm her doubts, to let her know she was safe and cherished. Little had he known that with one kiss he would ignite a yearning to explore all the secrets of Colette’s body.

  Even now, it was like the entire interlude had been a dream. It had been a long time since he had a beautiful woman in his arms, one he was so attracted to both physically and intellectually.

  Colette had been just as ardent with her embrace. When her hands had skimmed down his back, it had sent electric shocks straight to his cock. The damn thing was still erect, but he refused to sully what they had just shared by taking himself in hand. No, the next time he released his seed, he wanted it to be inside Colette. Imagining himself sheathed to the hilt, her arms and legs wrapped around his body, only made the thundering in his groin intensify. There had to be some way to get her out of his head. Although it was not the ideal time, Louis went for a walk. He put on the first clothes he found and went out the servant's door, not caring which way his feet carried him.

  The Paris streets were empty. It was that golden period of peace. It was late enough that most people had gone to sleep, but early enough that a brave few had already begun their day. Louis found his way to a park and found a bench. He did not fear being attacked. The way he was feeling, a good fight might be what he needed to get his frustrations out. If nothing else, the early morning air had cooled his lust. He could think clearly now. There was much to do in the coming day.

  As dawn broke on the horizon, Louis dragged himself home to bed. He was too tired to call his valet and fell into bed fully clothed. He did not know how long he slept. When he opened his eyes, sunlight filled his room. Louis rang for his valet. Once he was bathed, shaved, and dressed, he went downstairs. The butler informed him that Colette had left after receiving a letter during breakfast.

  Louis went on alert. “Did she say where she was going?” he asked the butler.

  “I am sorry, sir. All she said was to tell you not to worry, and she would be back later.”

  There was nothing he could do since he had no idea where she had gone. He should have asked where Jacques’s headquarters were located. There was nothing to be done but wait. After an hour, Louis had worn a path on the carpet in the study. Colette had taken care of herself for years, he reminded himself. His hands were tied.

  If he stayed at home, he would drive his servants to distraction. So, Louis decided to go on with the normal business of the day. He went to his private office in the hope of finding Henri. There were questions that needed to be answered. When he arrived, Louis was told that Henri was out at the docks overseeing the loading of some ships. Louis sent a courier with a message for Henri to return at his earliest convenience.

  While he waited, Louis went over the daily business reports. An hour later there was a knock on his door.

  “Good morning,” Henri said cheerfully. “How was your night?”

  “Most eventful.”

  “That does not sound good.”

  “No, it does not.” Louis leaned back and gave his old friend a pointed stare. “Colette and I were attacked twice last night.”


  “Colette was searching Fronsac’s study when two armed men stormed in on her. Luckily, I intervened in time. Then on the way home we had another set of unwanted visitors try to rob us. Is this an unlikely coincidence or something else?” He raised a brow in question.

  Henri’s mouth fell open. “Are you insinuating that I had something to do with it? I thought you knew me better than that, Louis.”

  “Who gave you the tip about Fronsac?”

  “It was anonymous. A courier delivered me a message. It stated exactly what I told you regarding Fronsac.”

  Louis was still leery. Since working with Colette, more dilemmas had occurred. He must be on the right track, or someone close to him was trying to sabotage his efforts. He would have to be careful who he trusted from here on out. It pained him to have accused Henri of treachery, but at this point, anything might be possible. The stakes were getting higher.


  He looked at Henri. “We both received letters yesterday giving us information that proved to be fruitless. Perhaps we are both being duped, for whatever reason, by a third party.”

  “Do you still have the letter?” Henri asked.

  “Yes, back in my study.”

  “We should compare the notes, see if the handwriting is the sam
e. We need to question the couriers who delivered the messages as well.”

  “Good idea.”

  Henri’s shoulders slumped in relief. Even though Louis still had nagging doubts about Henri, he would continue to work through the facts and put the pieces together.

  The two men returned to Louis’s home and reviewed the messages, but the handwriting was different on each letter. A dead end. Louis wanted to punch something. Was the Fox playing with him or worse, was Colette apart of this? Was she leading him astray? Louis asked the butler if Colette had returned yet, but she had not.

  It was difficult to believe that she had a hand in the recent turmoil. Her reaction to the attack in the study last night had seemed genuine. Would she have allowed herself to be struck if she were involved? Last night, when they had spoken, he had sensed the sincerity in her words. When he had held her in his arms and kissed her sweet lips, she was either the greatest actress or she had yearned just as much to be with him. His heart was getting involved, and that could be costly.

  Louis tasked Henri with finding and questioning the couriers who had delivered the messages to them. The boys worked for Louis, so they would be easy to find. Henri would report back his findings.

  By the time they finished, it was midday. Louis decided to have lunch at his club, so he called for his horse and was off a minute later. A few glasses of port and a hearty meal might calm his ravaged nerves. When he entered, he took note of the members seated around the room. He chose an oversized leather chair and listened to their conversations. The dominant topic was the war. There were varying opinions of the leaders and tactics. Louis rolled his eyes. They had no idea how difficult it was to organize a full-scale war on the continent, thousands of miles away.

  André walked into the club and took a seat next to Louis. They exchanged pleasantries. André had a worried expression on his face, and his forehead was wrinkled. “Is something wrong, Uncle?”

  The older man blinked his eyes and focused on his godson. “I’m sorry, Louis. I am just upset. A cargo ship of mine was robbed and sunk early this morning.”

  “Good God! What happened?” He exclaimed.

  “It was a shipment of goods from Spain. They were a few miles from the coast when another ship overtook them. The assailing vessel was smaller so it was able to maneuver around the cargo ship and get close before anyone noticed.”

  “What happened to the crew?”

  André took a sip of his drink. “Thankfully, they spared the crew that survived the skirmish. The attackers took the goods, put the crew on another boat, and sank the ship.”

  It sounded like a move the Fox would make. There were not many who would be so daring, so close to the shoreline. Up to this point, Louis had not told his godfather much about his work with the government. André knew that Louis assisted in minor ways with the war effort, but he had no idea of the grand scale on which Louis operated on.

  “I think I know who might be responsible.” Louis leaned toward André.


  “I have heard rumors from friends in the Ministry that there is a large criminal gang in Paris stealing goods, both here and abroad. It’s possible they might be responsible for stealing your goods.”

  André sank back in his chair. “I don’t suppose you know how to get the cargo back, do you? It was cloth and other mercantile worth quite a bit.”

  “Unfortunately, no. But tell your crews to keep their eyes and ears open. If they notice anything suspicious, contact me. I have colleagues in the government who can help.”

  “Louis, you have made me feel better. Thank you. I will tell my men to be on the lookout. Anything we can do to help.” The older man sipped his drink. “Colette was quite charming last night. I enjoyed meeting her.”

  “I am glad you were able to make her acquaintance.”

  “She is a lovely woman, intelligent, and well-spoken.”

  “Yes, quite a catch.”

  “You don’t sound too sure of yourself. The other day you seemed happier when you mentioned the young lady. Has something happened?”

  The answer was difficult and not something Louis wanted to discuss. “I think it’s best left unsaid at this point.”

  “I hope things are not going sour already.”

  “No, it’s just complicated.” That was an understatement, but Louis needed to figure out how best to proceed with Colette. After having a sample of her sinful lips and luscious body, he wanted all of her. He would be the worst type of scoundrel, going back on his word to not make advances. He was a gentleman and would do nothing to make Colette uncomfortable. He still required her help with finding the Fox, and he did not want to scare her away. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the desire he felt for her was more than simple lust. It went deeper.


  The only reason Colette had gotten out of bed was to prepare for the visitors expected later that afternoon. She had invited a handful of the wives from the ball to Louis’s house for tea. Surprisingly, many had accepted the invitation.

  If not for the afternoon engagement, Colette would have spent the day in her room, replaying the previous night's events. She could still feel Louis’s hands and lips on her. The mere remembrance made her tingle from head to toe. After last night, Colette wanted nothing more than to have Louis make love to her. After all, was she not entitled to some pleasure in life? With all she had endured over the last several years, why shouldn’t she do something to make herself happy? Even if it would end in heartache, Colette was willing to take the risk.

  Colette went downstairs for breakfast where she was informed a letter had arrived for her. It was a summons from Jacques—the last thing she needed. He wanted her to come the moment she received the note. If she left now, she would be back in plenty of time for the afternoon tea. Without eating, she asked for her cloak and told the butler to notify Louis that she had gone out and not to worry. He was still asleep, and she did not wish to disturb him.

  She did not use the carriage, knowing the coachman might later tell Louis where she had gone. The walk to Jacques’s took longer than expected, and when she arrived, he was out. She waited almost an hour for her boss to return. As she paced the room, contemplating whether to leave, she went over to the only window in the room. Colette glanced out and saw Jacques talking to someone. It took her a moment to realize he was speaking with Victor, the man she had seen at the theater.

  So, Victor was doing work for Jacques. She would have to keep a sharp eye out for anyone following her. Colette knew Jacques had multiple operations running for the Fox, but this was the second time she had seen Victor in two days.

  At last Jacques opened the door. She gave him a steeled look. “About time you showed up. I have been waiting for an hour.”

  “You are not my only concern, poppet. I have other business to conduct today.”

  Colette put her hands on her hips. “I saw. What is Victor doing here?”

  “That does not concern you.”

  “Are you certain?”

  Her employer furrowed his brow. “What are you getting at?”

  “Is Victor following me? Are you having him check up on me?”

  Jacques showed his toothless grin. “Are you getting paranoid?”

  “Just answer my question.”

  “No, I am not having you watched. You have never given me any reason to doubt you. In fact, I asked you here because the Fox is pleased with your work so far. The documents you delivered have proved fruitful. If possible, he wants more shipment manifests, but this time from England.”

  “England?” What the devil does the Fox want with English cargo?

  “He wants to broaden his reach. There is much profit to be made in wartime. He not only wants to make money, but he also wants to crush the allies. Promises have been made to our Russian friends that their victory would be imminent.”

  So, the Fox was conspiring with the Russians. He was the worst type of traitor. It was not enough that he wanted to weaken the
French forces and divert goods, but he was colluding with the enemy. Colette may be a thief, but she was a patriot. Now she was more determined than ever to thwart the Fox, not just to avenge Elle, but to save France.

  She kept her face a mask of indifference as she spoke. “I will see what I can do. Is there anything else?”

  “How is it coming along with a list of potential recruits?”

  “There are a few prospects. Of course, it is a delicate matter, so it will take some time. I actually have an appointment this afternoon that I must attend since I am the hostess.” She needed to return and prepare for her guests.

  “Getting some airs about you, aren’t you? Well, don’t forget where you came from, my pet. I brought you into the fold, gave you a purpose. You wouldn’t be standing there in that fine dress if it weren’t for me.” Jacques became irritated the more he spoke.

  “I will not forget. You can count on it.” Colette was out the door before he could respond.

  She stormed down the street toward Louis’s house. Periodically, Jacques would take the time to remind her that he was the reason she had gained her elevated status within their ring of criminals. He failed to point out that if not for her own resourcefulness and fortitude, she would have crumbled years ago. Really, the old crook could be so egotistical.

  Right now, she had to focus on the afternoon ahead. Colette had to have her wits about her. Contrary to what men might believe, women could be devious and vicious creatures. Today was an opportunity to see if any of the wives were as treacherous as their husbands.

  When she returned home, the butler informed her that Louis was not at home. Was he avoiding her? Was he ashamed of how he had acted last night, or was he also fighting the growing attraction? She hoped it was the latter.

  Marguerite helped her freshen up and dress just as the first guest arrived. There would be five ladies joining her today. The parlor was set with an array of sweet and savory finger foods. The tea set was placed by Colette’s chair.


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