Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8) Page 5

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Cast spells without verbal components

  Physical damage reduction 25%

  Magical damage reduction 10%

  Influence emotions

  Fire resistance 125%

  Reputation gains at tenth value

  All stats increase by 4 points per level

  Can use any weapon regardless of strength required

  Double movement speed when minion present

  Maxed reputation with all Infernals and Worshippers of the Dark Lord

  All Debuffs last half as long

  Immune to movement impairing effects

  Immune to mind altering effects

  Chapter Six

  Alburet was the last one to arrive at the Portal Guild. “Sorry about the delay. I picked up a stat boost for my minions.”

  “We knew you’d take the longest with having to go out to the Keep,” Gerald shrugged. “Shall we go hit the dungeon and test out our new Abilities?”

  “I picked up Throwing, which copies any throwing knife on me and allows me to throw it fifty yards. I knew this was coming and picked some up at Grimgar’s. Next time we have a lot of flying enemies, I can at least help out now,” Karen said, touching the three throwing knives she had strapped to her thigh.

  “Mine isn’t glamorous, but should be very useful. It gives my target a five percent resistance to harmful dark magic,” Marysue told them. “I can only have it on one target at a time, though, and it lasts for a minute.”

  “If we face a lot of Necros, that will be pretty useful,” Alburet nodded.

  “I got Unclotting Wounds,” Fluff said. “It reduces the size of the stack of bleeds I can put on a target by half, but now they don’t go away unless the target is fully healed.”

  “Damn,” Karen whistled. “Considering your Whirlwind, that can really stack up and keep the damage on.”

  “Yes,” Fluff smiled.

  “What about the stat boost, Al? What does it do?” Gerald asked.

  “Doubles minion’s stats for five minutes,” Alburet replied. “Stewart suggests I do an Imp Storm when I use it.”

  “That would be quite a combo,” Gerald nodded. “A lot more Fire Bursts or Blasts from that many Imps?”

  “You never said what you picked up,” Alburet said.

  “Challenging Shout Twinned,” Gerald shrugged. “It just lets me target two mobs when using my single taunt. It’ll help when we’re dividing mobs up between me and Tiny. It’s the next few Abilities that will help me survive more.”

  “The last few are always the best ones,” Karen nodded. “We’re going back to hit the lowest level dungeons on the other continents, right?”

  “Yes,” Gerald said, leading the way to the stairs.

  “We going to go until dinner and see about getting another level or two?” Marysue asked.

  “That is the plan,” Gerald nodded. “We need to level as quickly as we can. We can probably expect to see max level mobs when we go visit Skippy.”

  “I don’t know,” Alburet said. “If they had more of those ready, why didn’t they use them in the city?”

  “If not for us and the other groups, the city would have been heavily damaged,” Gerald said. “It could be that they underestimated what the Two-souled could do.”

  “Wildwood first?” Marysue asked.

  “That would be good,” Fluff nodded.

  The three dungeons they hit were simple and straightforward. The first was clearing a den of Lunine, which had Shadowdancers, Berserkers, and Shamans as the mobs. The second was a graveyard where four Shaman Lunine were raising Malignant Spirits. It was easier than they expected with Marysue using her Divine Favor to heal Gerald and hurt his target at the same time. The last one was another standard dungeon, but the last boss was a Great Spirit. The trick was to stop the waves of Lunine fodder from getting to it and absorbing its power.

  By the time they were finished for the day, they had leveled twice by turning down the coin rewards for even more experience. As they separated for the night, they all promised to meet back up at the Portal Guild after breakfast the next day.

  Walking home, Alburet could feel a sense of emptiness around them. The streets, which normally had a number of people on them, were barren of life. Karen’s head turned slightly just before she vanished, disengaging herself from Fluff’s arm. The moment she did, everyone else got ready for an impending attack.

  “Easy, easy,” Vetenarie said, coming out of stealth. “I’m not here on a contract.”

  Karen appeared behind him, “Good thing for you.”

  Chuckling, Vetenarie nodded. “You’d give me a right run for my money by yourself at this point. But I’m here to discuss the contract that Lord Darkhand took out for Lord Gilden.”

  “Walk with us,” Alburet said.

  “Sure,” Vetenarie said, then saw that he was being hemmed in by Tiny, TJ, Fluff, and Karen. “Feels like I’m the Lord this way,” he smirked before becoming serious. “Lord Gilden is no longer in the city, and seems to be outside of the Empire itself. I cannot complete the contract, and the King has asked my Guild to carry out our secondary task for the Crown. I’m here to see if you wish to cancel the contract or set it aside until after the current crisis is past.”

  Alburet stopped, his anger boiling to the surface. Taking a deep breath as the fires leapt from his eyes, Alburet managed to temper his rage when Stacia touched his shoulder. “I can’t stand in front of the King,” Alburet said through gritted teeth. “However, I wish the contract to remain. If you get the chance, then take it.”

  “Righto. I have a question, if you don’t mind?”


  “I’ve been asked by Master Kato if you would allow one of us to trail you tomorrow. It would be easier, and make your wife less jumpy.”

  “Huh? Why would you—”

  “Information gathering,” Karen cut Alburet off. “The Guild’s secondary task to the Crown is spying. The King has likely tasked them with following anyone going after the nobles so he can have an account from an unbiased source.”

  “You,” Alburet said bluntly. “If it’s you, I’ll be fine with it. We’re going to be checking Gilden’s country estate.”

  Vetenarie laughed, “I see. Maybe I’ll be able to complete two items at once. I’ll let her know, and I’ll be sure to identify myself to make it easier on you, Lady Darkhand,” he said, addressing Karen. “That way, you’ll know it’s me and not another Assassin.”

  “Good,” Karen nodded.

  “Until tomorrow,” Vetenarie smiled, slipping past the Destroyers and walking into an alley before vanishing.

  “Why would they even ask us?” Fluff murmured.

  “Because of my cloak,” Karen said. “They have to know what it can do, and that anyone they sent after us would be seen.”

  “Makes sense. Otherwise, we might turn on their watcher like we almost did to Vetenarie,” Alburet said.

  Taking Alburet’s arm again, Stacia got them moving toward home. “Dinner be waitin’ for us, and tomorrow be a busy day.”

  When they finally got back home, they dropped their gear off and took a quick rinse, then made their way to the dining room. Lilith, Dennis, and Emily were already seated when they arrived.

  “Evening to you all,” Lilith greeted them with a smile. “We’ll be moving out tomorrow.”

  Everyone looked at her with varying degrees of shock. “Everything is in place for Dennis?” Fluff asked.

  “Yes. Gerald has to sign some paperwork, which should already be waiting for him. Once that’s dropped off at city hall tomorrow, it will go into effect. I have left word that we would be ready to move tomorrow.”

  “Well then, I guess we’re having a feast tonight to celebrate the engagement between Dennis and Emily,” Alburet said, a smile touching his lips.

  “Indeed,” Loralee said as she wheeled her cart into the room. “We shall be having a five-course feast. The first course is mushroom caps stuffed with rice and cheese.”

nbsp; Rachel had come to help with serving, making sure that glasses were kept full and clearing away dishes as they finished. The second course was a simple salad with raspberry vinaigrette, and was followed by cream of Langistor soup. Fluff giggled as they dug into the soup, recalling Marysue’s reaction to Langistors.

  The main course was Dragon steak, much to Alburet’s surprise. “When did we get these?” The three-inch-thick cut of red meat took up most of the plate.

  “Ambassador Hammerhand gifted us some, along with the wine that goes with it,” Loralee replied as she poured each of them some Dragon-blood wine. The dark red wine had the same thick consistency Alburet recalled from the meal he had shared with Ioaniss.

  “Oh, this will be good. I can still recall me first bite of it,” Stacia said as she gave Alburet a wink.

  Fluff and Karen watched the byplay with curiosity, though Fluff was sniffing her steak with eager anticipation. Once everyone had their plate, they cut into the steaks. The first bite earned a number of very happy sounds from around the table.

  “It’s really tender for being so thick,” Karen commented as she cut her next bite.

  Stacia snickered, “Aye. It do be tha’.”

  Fluff shook her head, declining to join in the banter. Instead, she picked up her glass and sipped the wine. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment as the extra flavor hit her. “That is different. I wasn’t expecting the smoky quality, but it adds a new dynamic to the steak.”

  Karen took a sip of her own wine before taking her second bite, letting the two combine. A wide smile crossed her face as she took her time with the second bite. When she finally cleared her mouth, she spoke up. “Wow. This is a delicacy of the Dwarves, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Lilith said. “It is very rare for it to be found outside of their nobility.”

  “Cor, this is good,” Dennis added while he was devouring his.

  “Eat slower,” Emily told him. “We have to be learnin’ proper manners now.”

  Dennis glanced at her, then put his knife and fork down on the edges of his plate. “Right. I’ll do better.”

  “I know ya will. I be helpin’ ya, as I be learnin’ too,” Emily said, cutting a dainty slice off her steak.

  They lingered over the steaks, no one wanting to finish too fast. Once everyone was done with their steak, Loralee reappeared with dessert. “This is a specialty from the Dark Lord’s kitchen,” she said as she placed a small two-ounce cup in front of each of them. “I hope you enjoy.”

  There was a small spoon beside each cup. The dessert itself looked like tar, but smelled of chocolate. “What’s it called?” Alburet asked as he picked up the spoon.

  “Darkness Incarnate,” Loralee smiled as she stepped back from the table.

  Lilith looked at it with melancholy, clearly lost in a memory. She shook her head when she noticed them all looking at her. “It is delicious.” Picking up her spoon, she took her first bite. Her eyes unfocused again as she appeared to savor the taste.

  Alburet followed her lead; the spoon accounted for a fourth of the dessert. When the dark chocolate hit his tongue, a brief moment of memory washed over him. Easter Sunday as a child, his father laughing and his mother watching him as he took his first bite of the dark chocolate bunnies they favored giving him. The happiness and warmth of pleasant memories suffused his chest as he savored the bite.

  Blinking when the memory faded, he looked around to see the others all with distant looks, lost in their own memories. Setting his spoon across the cup, Alburet reflected that all he felt was the happiness of the memory, but not any sadness about his parents being gone.

  Fluff and Karen came out of their memory after a moment, both of them wearing small smiles. “I’d forgotten that,” Fluff murmured as she looked at her dessert.

  “What did you remember?” Alburet asked.

  “The first time my mother gave me a piece of chocolate,” Fluff replied. “It’s a happy memory. No sadness.”

  “Same with me,” Karen nodded. “Dad wasn’t big on sweets, so any time I got them, it was a happy moment.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” Loralee said.

  “It is a very rare thing for this dessert to be made at all, much less shared outside the Dark Lord’s halls,” Lilith told them. “It’s usually used to help ease moments of great emotional pain.”

  “I can see why,” Alburet said as he picked his spoon back up. “I take it that one of the ingredients has to come from him or Mother?”

  “Yes,” Loralee said simply.

  “Let’s not waste their gift to us, then. Happy engagement, Dennis and Emily,” Alburet said, giving the two children a broad smile. “I hope you will only know happiness as you grow together.”

  “To a strong marriage,” Karen said.

  “Love, in all of its forms,” Fluff added.

  “Strong bonds, and family to support ya,” Stacia nodded.

  “I will be there to help you,” Lilith finished.

  Pausing, Dennis looked at each of them, his hand taking Emily’s on the table. “We thank you. I want to make mum proud and to make Emily happy before we rejoin her in Delta World.”

  “I feel the same about me Da’ and ya,” Emily said, squeezing Dennis’ hand.

  Lilith ushered the children off to bed when they had all finished. Alburet watched them go, wondering if they would get to experience the happiness they deserved. Stacia and Fluff’s hands covered his on the table, making him smile.

  “They’ll be fine. We be makin’ sure they be havin’ the chance to have a good life,” Stacia said.

  “Young love deserves the chance to flourish,” Fluff added.

  “We should head to bed,” Karen said as she got to her feet. “Tomorrow is going to be a long day, and I’d like to cuddle some.”

  “I can get behind that,” Alburet said, giving Karen a wink.

  “Oh, you will in time,” Karen chuckled.


  Demon Lord Summoner

  Ambassador for the Dark Lord

  Level 88

  Strength: 357 (0)

  Agility: 357 (0)

  Constitution: 652 (270)

  Intelligence: 432 (50)

  Wisdom: 1,487 (820)

  Charisma: 387 (0)

  Health: 10,920

  Mana: 19,270


  Demon Skin-Rank 9

  Demonic Retribution- Rank 9

  Summon Greater Imp

  Fire Blast- Rank 8

  Sap Strength- Rank 8

  Demonic Haze- Rank 8

  Summon Greater Destroyer

  Demonic Vitality- Rank 8

  Fire Burst- Rank 8

  Summon Greater Succubus


  Personal Spells

  Flame Weapon


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Ally)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Big Boom)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Demonic Shell)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Comforting Touch)


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Essence Drain)

  Still Caster

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Burning Cleanse)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Savage Roar)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Bash)

  Imp Storm

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Infernal Flames)

  Demonic Inspiration

  Racial Abilities:

  Cast spells without verbal components

  Physical damage reduction 25%

  Magical damage reduction 10%

  Influence emotions

  Fire resistance 125%

  Reputation gains at tenth value

  All stats increase by 4 points per level

  Can use any weapon regardless of strength required

  Double movement speed when minion present

  Maxed reputation with all Infernals and Worshippers of the Dark Lord

  All Debuffs last half as long

to movement impairing effects

  Immune to mind altering effects

  Chapter Seven

  Tiny and Bob were chatting with Bezzle outside. Alburet and his wives said their goodbyes to Dennis, Emily, and Lilith, watching them go before turning to the minions.

  “Ready for an assault?” Alburet asked the two Infernals.

  “I shall lead the way, master,” Tiny rumbled.

  “I’ve been hoping to hit Skippy at least once,” Bob said as he took to the air.

  “We all have,” Karen chuckled.

  “Let’s go,” Alburet said. “Gerald and Marysue are probably waiting for us already.”

  “This way, ladies,” Astov said, holding the carriage door open for them.

  “Not used to taking the carriage just to go to the Portal Guild,” Fluff said and let the Imp help her up.


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